Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 31 Until Death Do Us Part

The so-called facing the wall is not only a way of Buddhist practice, but also a way of punishment. If you face the wall for three years, you will be imprisoned for three years. In the past three years, not being able to communicate with others, not being able to move around at will, and not being able to have any entertainment is more terrifying than being in prison. The boring level is enough to drive an ordinary person crazy. For Buddhist disciples, it is also a great test of mind.

This talented but impetuous disciple has always been Master Yi Nian's favorite disciple. If in the past, he would have offered to face the cliff and grottoes, he would have been very happy, but at this time, I'm afraid he might give up on himself Ideas, the more geniuses, once hit, are more likely to be decadent and depressed than ordinary people.

"Have you really thought it through?"

"Yes!" Juexin knocked his head deeply on the ground, looking back on his so many years in Wulou Temple, all his pride and status disappeared with this word, endless loss, sadness came from it, tears fell like rain, and he wailed loudly cry.

Master Yi Nian stroked his head and said, "Don't cry, don't cry, this may be a good thing for you."

"Master, I'm embarrassing you!" Juexin hugged Master Yi Nian's leg, like a wronged child, returning to the situation when he first entered Wulou Temple and he was still a little novice.

"No, you have always been the best disciple of the master, you must cheer up!" Master Yi Nian couldn't help but have red eyes.

The monks in the monastery were also weeping, although the eldest brother had many problems, he took good care of them, now he has to face the wall for three years, and he feels sad.

Li Qingshan rubbed his nose, thought: Why does it feel like Xiao An and I are bad people.

After Juexin cried, she seemed to feel a lot more relaxed. She said goodbye to her master and all her juniors, and went to face the cliff and grottoes to practice. From the beginning to the end, he never looked at Xiao An again. That child made him feel terrified. This kind of fear did not come from Xiao An's sword that almost killed him. It's to cut off King Kong to shovel that sword.

Although it was only for a short moment, he felt a bone-chilling chill, restraining his strength and thoughts. His indestructible vajra shovel broke under that force or thought.

Master Yi Nian watched Juexin leave and turned his head. Looking at Xiaoan, he opened his mouth but didn't know what to say, should he be reprimanded? Should it be praised? But no matter which one, it seems wrong, only one thing is certain. He won't be this child's master for too long, "Have you mastered the first level of the "Vajra Subduing Demon Art"?"

"Yes, master."

There was an uproar all around, and the monks looked at each other, and they all saw their current appearance from each other's faces. (M_pao\u0026book\u0026bar) can be regarded as a powerful technique that cannot be disclosed.

If you cultivate to the highest point, you can form a vajra relic, just like the golden elixir realm of Taoism.

Xiao An suddenly asked: "Master, are you afraid?"

The corner of Master Yi Nian's eyes twitched, he chanted the Buddha's name again and again, stopped for a long time, and took the waist card of the chief disciple. Put it in Xiaoan's palm, "From today onwards, you will be the chief disciple of my Buddhist family. Take this position. It is not enough to rely on force alone, but also requires profound Buddhist teachings and can withstand the doubts of the younger brothers and sisters."

Xiao An said: "Yes, Master."

Master Yi Nian wanted to teach a few more words, but turned into a soft sigh, "Don't forget to uphold the Buddha's will and love fellow students, your sword should not be used against fellow disciples."

He doesn't want Xiaoan to be the chief now, but in Wulou Temple, who has the ability to replace Juexin? Even if he can, how long can he sit in that position? moon.

As a result, Xiao An became the youngest chief disciple in the history of Qinghe Mansion Hundred Schools of Classics, if not for the existence of Li Qingshan, he would still be the chief disciple with the lowest cultivation level in history.

Xiao An wanted to refute, but Li Qingshan pressed her shoulder and winked, "Master Yi Nian is right, I still don't thank you, Master."

Xiao An said obediently: "Thank you, Master."

Master Yi Nian frowned, and said sternly: "Li Qingshan, Xiao An should not be disturbed by anyone until he has completed the first level of the "Vajra Subduing Demon Art". It is my order, why are you entangled?"

The beloved disciple lost his status as the chief disciple and went to face the wall to go to prison, he was not a little annoyed, he couldn't attack Xiaoan, so he naturally found Li Qingshan, the "troublesome".

"Master Yi Nian, disciples of hundreds of families, share the same spirit, share weal and woe, can't he come to Wu Leu Island to find someone?"

Before Li Qingshan opened his mouth, a voice sounded from the direction of Talin, and when he turned his head, he saw Liu Chuanfeng riding a huge white crane, riding against the wind. Had a few drinks. After getting the news, he was shocked and rushed here. Now Li Qingshan is his golden bump. If he bumps into it, the novelist will inevitably be deposed, and he can't even find a place to cry.

"Master, Jue Xin humiliates me as a novelist in public, damages the friendship between my families, and hurts people even if there is a disagreement. Why do you blame us?" Liu Chuanfeng jumped down from Baihe Mountain and landed in front of Li Qingshan. , an arched hand.

Li Qingshan saw that his sleeves were facing the wind and his blue clothes were floating, he really showed a bit of unrestrained demeanor, for the first time he changed his opinion of him.

Master Yi Nian was a little bit angry, seeing Liu Chuanfeng who used to be timid and timid, he dared to come and shout in front of him, his eyes were opened, he didn't need to show the vajra face, he felt a great majesty, and he was heavily suppressed.

Liu Chuanfeng bowed deeply: "I'm sorry, all my mistakes are my novelist's fault, please forgive me, master, traitor, why don't you make amends to master?"

Li Qingshan grinned, resisting the urge to slap him, with such a patriarch, why not be a novelist?

In the end, nothing happened.

Li Qingshan took Xiao An back to Yunxu Island for a visit. On the way, Liu Chuanfeng wanted to join him several times, but he avoided them, thinking that Xiao An would be influenced by such a guy.

Back on Yunxu Island, in the bamboo forest courtyard, there were already people waiting there.

Confucian Patriarch Liu Changqing, he stood with his hands behind his back, closed his eyes and listened to Lin Haitao's voice, opened his eyes after a while and said: "I haven't been here for many years, the scenery here is still so beautiful, but it's a pity."

Liu Chuanfeng naturally knew what he meant by pity, but he could only salute with a dry smile, "Master Liu, long time no see."

But Liu Changqing didn't seem to see him, and said to Li Qingshan openly: "Li Qingshan, what conditions do you want before you are willing to quit being a novelist, let's hear it."

He didn't regard Liu Chuanfeng as a person at all, Liu Chuanfeng's smile froze, but he didn't dare to be dissatisfied in the slightest, looking at Li Qingshan for help, his expression was almost pleading.

But Li Qingshan didn't look at him, and said to Liu Changqing neither humble nor overbearing: "Master Liu, if you quit being a novelist, can you still enter another house?"

Liu Chuanfeng's face was ashen.

Liu Changqing shook his head: "No, you can only quit as a novelist's disciple, but I can recommend you a very good school of practice, Tianhu Mountain Songtao Academy, which is well-known throughout Qingzhou, and its head has already spent a lot of time. A gold elixir master who has been tribulated twice has a better future than those in the Hundred Schools of Classics in Qinghe Mansion."

Liu Chuanfeng was already desperate, and no one could refuse such a good thing.

Li Qingshan said: "Sorry, thank you Patriarch for your kindness, but please forgive me for not being able to accept it."

Liu Changqing frowned and said, "If you have any conditions, feel free to tell me."

Li Qingshan smiled at Xiao An, shook her hand, "No matter what the conditions are, I will not accept them, we cannot be separated."

Liu Changqing said: "Do you know that there is a saying that it is better to forget each other than to be in love with each other. There is always a banquet in the world, and separation is only a matter of time. If you stay here, with her practice speed, she will soon leave you behind. How should you deal with yourself at that time? You go to Songtao Academy, maybe see you again in the future, or do you want to use her to gain benefits for yourself?"

Whether persuasive or persuasive, or clever words to provoke each other, every word of Liu Changqing hits the key point.

The smile on Li Qingshan's face could not be maintained, and finally he sighed softly, "Perhaps you are right,

Xiaoan's heart tightened, and Liu Changqing smiled.

"However, I have heard too much of the great principles in this world. Now, I just want to act with my heart. My heart tells me that I want to be with her. To be honest, I don't believe in forever, but, The longer the better."

He shrugged easily, "Until death do us part."

The wind is rustling, the bamboo forest is surging, and the light and shadow are flickering.

Liu Changqing had already left. He thought he knew people well, but when such a man said such words, it meant that his belief was as firm as a rock and unshakable.

Liu Chuanfeng excitedly said repeatedly: "Thank you, thank you!" The novelist escaped.

Li Qingshan said: "I am not for you."

Liu Chuanfeng said: "Thank you, too. I'll prepare lunch to celebrate your official joining of the novelist."

Li Qingshan said: "Now is the time!" But Liu Chuanfeng had already floated to the bamboo building humming a song, and saw tears rolling in Xiao'an's big eyes.

"Why are you so moved? I'm doing it for myself. Didn't you hear someone say it? I'm using you, idiot!" Li Qingshan rubbed her little head and said.

With tears in her eyes, Xiao An took out a golden elixir from her treasure bag and handed it to Li Qingshan. This is the Buddhist elixir given to Xiaoan by Master Yi Nian. Judging by its aura, even if it is not as good as a panacea like Daoxing Pill, it is not too bad.

Li Qingshan smiled wryly, "I'm just talking, you should keep it for yourself!"

Xiaoan insisted, with an expression that if you don't accept it, I will cry.

Li Qingshan rubbed his nose and had no choice but to accept it, feeling weird, put aside these thoughts, "Let's go, I'll take you to a good place."

In the depths of the courtyard, there are pavilions and corridors on the lake.

The rocking chair swayed gently, Li Qingshan embraced her, smelled the faint sandalwood on her body, stroked her silky hair, and looked at the lake.

She closed her eyes as if she was asleep.

"I'm for myself." He didn't lie in this sentence, what he had in his heart was not just the noble thought of taking care of her and protecting her. With her by his side, he could finally no longer be alone.

PS: Quietly write books, quietly ask for monthly tickets. (To be continued..)

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