Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 33 Course Selection and Tasks

\u003e Hao Pingyang said: "Even if you don't have this thought, listening to their music is an extremely rare enjoyment. [m me]"

"Of course I won't miss this. If I have the chance, I may not be able to do what you want." Li Qingshan licked his lips, and the two men looked at each other and smiled.

Zhang Lanqing said: "Farewell, there are still children here, hurry up and choose courses! Have you decided on the exercises you practice?"

Li Qingshan nodded: "Well, "Gueshui Condensing Qi Jue" will not change."

"That's good. Do you have any preferences, talismans, formations, or alchemy, which one do you want to learn?"

"I want to know all about it. Brother Zhang, do you have any recommendations?" Li Qingshan saw that there were more than a dozen kinds of subjects related to alchemy, and the names and professors of each lesson were different. He didn't know what to choose. ?

Hao Pingyang said: "You should ask the right person. Lan Qing has attended almost all of these courses. He is famous for being diligent and eager to learn."

Zhang Lanqing smiled humbly: "I am also a blogger but not a master, but I should understand everything. Although it is a heretic, it is good for practice, but it should not be too distracting. It is best to specialize in one, at most two. Once too much Too much is bad."

"If possible, I'd like to learn all of them, but I'm not in a hurry. Right now, I want to focus on alchemy, supplemented by magic circles or weapon refining." Li Qingshan said with a smile, he will have a long way to go, naturally Be well prepared.

Zhang Lanqing agreed: "Alchemy is indeed the best. Almost all schools teach alchemy, with different depths and different emphases, but the best ones are the professors of Taoism and medicine. Do you have any experience in Qingshan?" What foundation?"

Li Qingshan said honestly: "I have only practiced a furnace of condensing qi pills from others, and the effect is mediocre."

Zhang Lanqing said: "Then it seems that we should start learning from the basics. It just happened that the opening examination has just passed, and there are many new courses like this."

Then Zhang Lanqing recommended several courses related to alchemy to Li Qingshan, and introduced the advantages and disadvantages of them in detail. Even which professor has a quick temper. The teaching speed is extremely fast. If the brain is slow, it is easy to fail to keep up. Which professor has a slow temper, likes to procrastinate and so on.

Finally, a course for the doctor was finalized, the name was "Basic Alchemy", and it was held every few days for several months.

This is exactly what Li Qingshan wanted, he just had a falling out with that Taoist Patriarch. Going to attend class now, even if that sloppy Taoist can tolerate him, those disciples under him will probably cause trouble. 【|I||】He just wants to practice quietly in the School of the Hundred Schools,

Improve your self-cultivation instead of competing with others.

Zhang Lanqing helped Li Qingshan choose a few courses to learn about Talismans, Dharma Circles, and Artifact Refining. He simply learned about the history and common sense of these several courses, and then decided on his interest and direction. Among them, Hao Pingyang especially recommended a refining course from the Mo family. When the time comes, take Li Qingshan to visit the Mo Family's Shenji Island.

After choosing these core subjects. Li Qingshan found that the time is still very loose, he can choose some interesting subjects to fill in, such as going to the music house to listen to music or something.

"Apart from these, is there anything else I should pay attention to?"

Zhang Lanqing said: "Then choose the task."


Hao Pingyang said: "The last time we went to kill the zombie Taoist, it was a mission. After returning, we got a lot of spirit stone rewards."

It turns out that in the School of the Hundred Schools of Economics, of course, basic necessities of life are provided. The disciples have to figure out their own way, except for a few outstanding disciples, the pills used for cultivation have to figure out their own way, which is not as easy as in the sect. But it doesn't drive disciples arbitrarily like a sect to do this or that, but like in the Eagle Wolf Guard. The price is directly marked, and if you are willing to do it, you can earn money from the spirit stone pill.

"I don't really lack spirit stone pills right now." Li Qingshan only used a part of the resources he got underground, so there was no need to waste this time.

Zhang Lanqing shook his head and said, "These tasks are closely related to your practice, not just to earn spirit stones."


"For example, for the most common alchemy task, you can get it if you know how to refine Qi Ning Pills. The school will prepare materials for you. You only need to hand in a certain number of Qi Condensing Pills within the specified time to complete the task."

"So that's how it is." Li Qingshan immediately understood that for this kind of task, if the alchemy skills are good, he can earn an extra pill, but if the alchemy skills are poor, he will have to work for nothing, and even lose the spirit stones. A novice in alchemy obviously has a high chance of losing money.

But even if it is a compensation, he can quickly accumulate a lot of experience in alchemy, otherwise it would take a lot of effort just to collect those messy spirit herbs. I can't help but admire the thoughtfulness of those who set up these tasks, the means of exploitation are too clever.

Zhang Lanqing said: "For example, our last mission also provides practical experience. There are also some missions that test spell-casting skills. You should familiarize yourself with it in the school first, and then you can go to Zhengming Island's Hall of Governors to have a look."

The three laughed and chatted, time passed extremely quickly, and before they knew it, the sun had already reached the mid-heaven.

He Yishi didn't say a word, just sat aside, glanced at Li Qingshan from time to time, wondering what he was thinking.

Suddenly, Li Qingshan stopped talking, looked at the bamboo forest outside the courtyard, thought it was Liu Chuanfeng who had returned, but saw a handsome man in black clothes walking out of the bamboo forest and walking towards the courtyard.

Hao Pingyang looked solemn, it was another chief, and the person who came was Hua Chengzan, the chief of the Legal School.

"Why did he come here?" Zhang Lanqing thought: Suddenly remembered that Li Qingshan's identity was the Eagle Wolf Guard, could it be that he came to Xingshi to inquire about his crimes? After all, Li Qingshan is disgraced even if he is the chief.

He Yishi's dull face immediately filled with a smile.

For this influential figure, the three of them did not dare to neglect, and saluted: "I have met senior brother."

Hua Chengzan nodded slightly as a gift, and cast a glance at An who was beside Li Qingshan. He was well-informed, and he already knew about the incident on the island. With her cultivation of the sixth level of qi refining, she sighed in her heart, who dares to call herself a genius in front of her is simply shameless.

Straight to the point: "You rejected Governor Liu?"

Li Qingshan said: "Yes."

Hua Chengzan smiled and sighed: "That can't be helped, but Lao Wang asked me to pass a message to you."

"What words?"

Hua Chengzan looked back, Liu Chuanfeng was descending from the sky on a white crane with a food box in one hand, and said, "Wait later."

Li Qingshan immediately understood that these words obviously had something to do with Liu Chuanfeng, and it was obviously not a good word, but even in the face of Liu Chuanfeng who was like a street mouse, it was not easy to maintain such a demeanor.

"Qingshan, I'm back." The white crane disappeared as soon as it landed on the ground. Liu Chuanfeng stood still. Seeing so many people there, he was slightly startled. Piper radiates brilliance, and it is far away to welcome."

Although both of them are in the tenth level of Qi Refining and Liu Chuanfeng is still the head of the family, their status and status differ by more than a notch.

On the other hand, Hao Pingyang and the others saluted respectfully. Although the family is despised by others, tenth-level Qi refiners are not something they can despise.

Hua Chengzan returned the salute, neither showing contempt nor pretending to be respectful, looking around: "This place is so quiet, I want to move here."

Liu Chuanfeng said: "As long as the commander is willing, I will be there at any time. There are many rooms here."

The two exchanged a few words, and Liu Chuanfeng said: "It's getting late, and dinner is ready. Today, I invited Baiwei downstairs to make a table of banquets. Wait a minute, my senior brother will come over. Qingshan, you have seen it too." of."

Hua Cheng praised: "But Mr. Sun? Then I have to ask for a glass of wine." Looking at Li Qingshan: "It can be regarded as a congratulations to Qingshan for you to enter the house."

Li Qingshan smiled, as expected, Sun Fubai is also a disciple of the family, and Hua Cheng can praise Sun Lao, so it can be seen that as long as the conduct is good, no matter whether he is a disciple or not, he can be respected.

Liu Chuanfeng casually invited Hao Pingyang and the others to stay, and He Yishi was a little tempted. Not only would he be able to eat a big meal for nothing, but he could also get to know the head of the Legalist family. How could such a good thing be found.

Hao Pingyang refused, because the differences in their identities and cultivation bases were too great, and it was not easy to eat at the same table: "We still have some things to do, so I won't bother you, Qingshan, I'll treat you to a drink when I have time."

Li Qingshan walked a few steps quickly, chased after him, and handed a Qi Hai Pill to Zhang Lanqing: "I'm sorry, Brother Zhang, don't worry about it."

Zhang Lanqing quickly refused: "How can this happen?"

Hao Pingyang said: "If you give it to you, just keep it! What about mine?"

Li Qingshan said: "You don't want to condense the sea of ​​​​qi and drink some wine in the future, I invite you."

"Haha, laugh, I invite you, I invite you!"

Zhang Lanqing sincerely thanked him, now is the time when he needs the Qi Hai Pill the most, with this one more Qi Hai Pill, he will be more sure when condensing the Qi Sea, which is really a timely help.

He Yishi looked on with envy, he is also at the fifth level of Qi refining, why doesn't he want this Qi Haidan, it's a shame that Li Qingshan didn't even look at him.

After the few people left, Hua Chengzan asked, "Is that thin and tall man just now He Yishi?"

Li Qingshan said: "How do you know?"

"I'll see you later." Hua Chengzan couldn't do this kind of inquiry in person, but he knew that one of the Mohist disciples Li Qingshan knew was He Yishi, and he had bad intentions towards him, so he gave the three of them a quick look. Based on his temperament, he can guess which one is He Yishi.

Li Qingshan said: "The god is mysterious."

At this time, several women suddenly appeared in the courtyard out of thin air, each of them was a first-class beauty with exquisite appearance and excellent figure. They took out the food and wine from the food box and placed them on the table. The clothes are also very revealing, and during the action, there are happy moments from time to time.

"Family methods are easy to use." Hua Chengzan smiled, trying to hide the mockery in his eyes.

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