Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 24 Meet the father-in-law (Part 2)

\u003e Li Qingshan saw the urn city under his feet rapidly shrinking and moving away, and was covered by a cloud of arrows in a blink of an eye. The cloud was torn and collapsed in an instant. m

Cao Gan smiled leisurely, as if he had expected this scene.

"Be careful!" Han Qiongzhi was surprised instead of happy.

In an instant, the blazing white light illuminated the night and dazzled Li Qingshan's eyes, only to hear a loud bang. Li Qingshan was hit by a lightning bolt and fell from the sky.

The children of the Han family are not allowed to fly in the general's mansion, because the entire mansion is covered by a magic circle. Once it is officially activated, even the foundation-building monks will not be able to come and go freely. Neither Li Qingshan nor Han Qiongzhi thought that they would encounter such obstacles this time.

As soon as Cao Gan raised his hand, the rain of arrows stopped. Chapter 24 Meet Your Father-in-law (Part 2), "After this thunderstorm, don't lie down for ten and a half months. Don't think about it. The general mobilized so many troops, it is really a great general." This kid is serious."

"Aoyama, Aoyama!"

Li Qingshan fell into Han Qiongzhi's arms, seeing her concerned and angry face: "I don't care, it seems that I can't be serious."

Standing up, compared to Thunder Tribulation, this kind of lightning strike is like scratching an itch.

"Are you still obsessed with your obsession? You can't pass the Wengcheng, and you don't even have a one-tenth chance. If you continue, it will only increase your injuries." Cao Gan frowned slightly. The thunder caused by it can be withstood.

"Let's go, we don't need my father's consent!"

"I'm a man, I don't need a woman to teach me how to do it!" Li Qingshan said proudly. Leaving Han Qiongzhi a tall and broad back, looking back with a smile: "It's not for you, it's for us!"

The smile was as bright as the sun, and Han Qiongzhi couldn't speak for a while, stood up, gritted his teeth and said, "What big talk, where do you want to go. I'll just accompany you."

Li Qingshan smiled slightly, and pointed at the top of the wall: "Cao, I was careless just now. I made you proud, and I will beat you up right now! Chapter Twenty-Four Seeing Father-in-Law (Part 2)"

"Ru Zi Xiaoer, spit out wild words. Shoot arrows!"

"Leave it to me for a while, stinky man, let you see how powerful women are!"

Li Qingshan was about to step forward,

Han Qiongzhi passed by him, and he stood still with a smile.

Twelve war crossbows locked Han Qiongzhi together, but five of them lost her figure immediately. It turned out that she didn't go straight to Cao Gan, but followed the dead angle of the crossbow's attack and flew towards the nearby city wall.

Whoosh, whoosh, the giant arrows came, but Han Qiong didn't even look back. Turning and jumping on the city wall, like walking on the ground. The giant arrow passed by and nailed deeply into the city wall. As the eldest lady of the Han family, she is very familiar with the judgment and attack methods of these crossbows.

She leaped up the wall and dashed into an arrow tower. Looking up, she saw a war crossbow in front of her. The jeweled dragon's eyes flashed, and she fell on her back like a weak willow facing the wind. A huge arrow whizzed past the tip of her nose, and her figure turned around. When he came to the side of the crossbow and slapped it casually, the dragon's eyes immediately dimmed and stopped working.

On both sides of the arrow tower, the soldiers rushed bravely, the tower door suddenly opened, and the heat wave rushed in. I saw Han Qiongzhi's whole body, his true energy turned into raging fire, and it was all red, and he scolded: "Get out of the way!"

Like a ball of jumping fire, dragging a long fire tail, roaring towards another arrow tower, leaving a trail of flames on the top of the city.

In a blink of an eye, she was aggressive like fire, circled the city for a circle, turned off all the crossbows, and landed in front of Cao Gan. She panted slightly, and the fire on her body weakened. Although Binghuo's true energy is very destructive, it is consumed extremely quickly.

"Miss, you've grown up." Cao Gan sighed, moving his fingers rapidly, the piano sound was chaotic, and the sound waves turned into sharp blades.

There was a loud jingle, Han Qiongzhi took a step back, and the long knife swam around his body, blocking the sound waves, but there was a thin bloodstain on his cheek. She knew very well that Cao Qian's cultivation was profound and far ahead of her, and she waited for work with ease, and took the lead. If she continued to delay like this, it would be impossible to win. before.

Cao Gan was slightly startled, seeing Li Qingshan covered with a thin layer of water curtain, he felt disdainful, with mere water curtain technique, he also wanted to block my piano sound? The subordinates plucked the strings more urgently, as if a basin full of pearls fell into a jade plate.

But the water curtain on Li Qingshan's body was unexpectedly tough, the sound waves caused countless ripples, but they couldn't penetrate them all at once. After attaining the third level of Spirit Turtle, the effects of Li Qingshan's various water spells became extremely strong. Facing the sound waves, he strode forward.

"Tianyin Luanwu!" Cao Gan pressed and buckled the buttons, and the seven strings stretched to the extreme together, clanging and releasing violent extreme sound waves, piercing through and tearing the water curtain.


Before Cao Gan could be happy, a black shadow enveloped him, Li Qingshan squinted down, and two red lights flickered.


Without further ado, Li Qingshan grabbed the guqin and slapped Cao Gan with a round circle.

"Have you played enough?"

Cao Gan spun and bumped into a group of armored soldiers who came to rescue him, and he was overwhelmed. His eyes were filled with disbelief. How could a mere eighth-level qi refiner resist his Tianyin Luanwu at such a close distance.

Li Qingshan was dressed in rags, he simply scratched and pulled, revealing his bronze-colored skin, unscathed. The guqin in his hand trembled, as if he wanted to return to his master, how could he defeat Li Qingshan's divine power? It is much weaker, how could it withstand Li Qingshan's strength, and immediately groaned in pain.

"My qin!" Cao Gan exclaimed. .

"Qingshan." Han Qiongzhi pressed Li Qingshan's arm and looked at his face: "Are you angry? Didn't I let you make a move?"

"I can't watch him hurt you!"

Han Qiongzhi touched her cheek. She was used to this kind of minor injury since she was a child. She didn't even take it seriously. She smiled slightly. It felt good to be cared about.

"Uncle Cao, we have won this round?"

"You've won, you've won, return the piano to me!" Cao Qian said repeatedly.

"Okay, I'll give it back to you."

Han Qiongzhi rubbed against Li Qingshan with his elbow. Li Qingshan leaned back and raised his arms, making a perfect throwing posture. The guqin instantly turned into a small black spot and flew far down the mountain.

"Boy!" Cao Gan hurriedly chased after him.

"You're too bad, that's Uncle Cao's lifeblood." Han Qiongzhi laughed.

"You are also my lifeline." Li Qingshan's hand caressed her cheek, and the scar disappeared.

"It's disgusting." Han Qiongzhi blushed, and his heart was slightly sweet.

"I really didn't mean that this time!" Li Qingshan said injustice.

The two of them passed through the Wengcheng, and went further, they found a flat plain, and they didn't encounter any obstacles, only in the buildings, there were many Han family members whispering.

"Look, that's Li Qingshan!" "I heard that the strength is very strong. I heard that the concierge army and the military adviser have all been defeated." "What, it's only the eighth level of Qi refining. It must have been helped by the lady. It's really a big girl who doesn't want to stay!"

Han Anjun built the entire General's Mansion like a military camp based on the way of running a family like an army. In front of the city gate, there is also a martial arts arena, which is usually used to practice the Han family's children. There were only 300 sergeants standing or lying down, some of them were talking in low voices, and their discipline was lax.

Only Han Tieyi, holding a spear, stood upright, like a statue, until he saw the figures of Li Qingshan and Han Qiongzhi, he suddenly said:

"Prepare to meet the enemy."

The three hundred sergeants just stood up and turned their heads to look. At first glance, it was a mess, with no formation at all. But there is an indescribable thing that connects them, three hundred people with completely different heights, shorts, fats and thins, they seem to be a whole.

"This is my father's personal guard, the elite of the elite, you must not be careless!" Han Qiongzhi saw it in his eyes, and felt bitter in his heart.

"That is to say, if you defeat them, you will be able to see your father, right?" Without Han Qiongzhi saying it, Li Qingshan would not be careless. The hidden and terrifying murderous aura on these soldiers even gave him a hint of crisis feeling.

"If we can't win, we must find a way to pass here quickly and reach the inner city!"

Li Qingshan stepped forward and laughed loudly: "Brother-in-law, seeing your future brother-in-law, why don't you hurry up and pay your respects?"

"No matter how much I try to persuade you, you won't turn around and go back, so let's do it! Guards, meet the enemy!" Han Tieyi gave an order, and three hundred soldiers came silently like a tide.

At this time, Li Qingshan and Han Qiongzhi shot together, preemptively. .

As soon as Han Qiongzhi made a move, the fire was raging and the heat wave was rolling. Li Qingshan walked on the waves, and the current swirled and turbulent.

The two colors of water and fire, you chase after each other, go hand in hand, merge into one, and fly away all the sergeants standing in front of you. But the other sergeants around didn't stop them, passing them by.

In an instant, the two penetrated the army formation.

With a loud bang, Han Tieyi shot out like a dragon, hitting each other with a knife and a fist. The infuriating light flickered to illuminate the night.

A huge force pressed down from his fist, Han Tieyi felt a little unable to hold on, and was shocked in his heart. It had been so long since he hadn't seen him, but Li Qingshan's strength became stronger and his speed became faster. The momentum is breathtaking. If he fights alone, he is afraid that he is no longer his opponent. This speed of progress is strange. Why does his father insist on obstructing it?

This thought was only fleeting, Li Qingshan and Han Qiongzhi roared in unison, pouring all their true energy into it.

Han Qiongzhi was forced to retreat step by step until he reached the city gate. There was no way to retreat. He suddenly let go of his spear, hit the chest of the two of them with both fists, and shouted at the same time: "Trap the enemy!"

Li Qingshan crossed his arm to block it, but his figure just swayed, but Han Qiongzhi flew out, and when he looked back, he saw three hundred sergeants. At some point, they had already formed a snake formation. A big snake with a coiled body was dragging Han Qiongzhi into the formation In the middle, he shouted: "Don't worry about me, you go! Go to see my father and tell him clearly!"

Li Qingshan turned around and entered the formation without hesitation, coming to Han Qiongzhi's side.

The two are back to back, enemies on all sides.

Han Qiongzhi said: "Fool, why are you back?"

"If I go alone, what's the point!" (To be continued) RQ

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