The battle on the ground has long since ended, and the few foundation-building monks who came to the rescue were wiped out. The other foundation-building monks who came to the rescue from the Monster Killing League, seeing this situation, did not dare to come closer, and flew in the sky in, looking from afar

At this time, the east was faint, and the nocturnal travelers did not dare to disperse any more, they just stayed at the foot of Tongding Mountain, looking up at the sky, the decisive battle in the illusion of Qingxu

The world seems to have become a stage, and everyone else hides under the stage to act as the audience. Li Qingshan and Fu Qingjin are in the center of the stage, attracting everyone's attention. Their victory or defeat determines the situation of Qinghe Mansion, and even life and death of countless people

Some spectators, sitting in the VIP seats in the dark, quietly hid their existence, watching with their own thoughts

Seeing that the illusion of Qingxu turned into a sea of ​​sword energy, it penetrated every hole and penetrated everywhere, wrapping Li Qingshan layer by layer

Ye Liubo's heart suddenly rose, and he muttered to himself: "Master is invincible." Ye Liusu patted her on the shoulder, "That's right, trust him"

Li Qingshan's tiger tail rolled the blood knife, turning into layers of bloody light, fighting fiercely with the sword energy and melting him. He punched and stomped like a madman, bombarding the void, blasting out cracks, and the shocking force rushed to the sky. Rolling in all directions, the destructive heavy sword qi screamed wildly, and the sound wave pierced through this sea of ​​sword qi, and the dark blue sky at dawn could be seen

But before he had time to appreciate it, he was shocked suddenly, and a murderous intent came from behind

Fu Qingjin leaped out of the ocean of sword energy, stepping heavily on the blue waves and blue waves of the Qingxu sword, like blue lightning piercing through the night, the ocean of sword energy diffused with this sword, and all gathered on the sword body, piercing through the air with one blow

Pieces of tortoises and mysterious armors gathered into a mirror wall, clearly reflecting Fu Qingjin's figure Fu Qingjin was not as obtuse as Qiang Shi, and immediately felt that the figure in the mirror had the same aura as him

Fu Qingjin's eyes turned cold, no matter how powerful you are, how can you stop the Qingxu sword's sharp edge, "Broken"

When the sword points met, circles of ripples rippled on the mirror surface. Fu Qingjin in the mirror also distorted and disappeared. With a click, the crack spread and shattered

There was no trace of joy on Fu Qingjin's face, and his heart sank

Li Qingshan laughed openly, showing his fangs, spit out a bloody knife ten feet long, and slashed at Fu Qingjin: "Surrender!"

Even with Li Qingshan's fine-grained mind control, the Linggui Xuanjia is still unable to block the full-strength attack of such a powerful weapon as the Qingxu Sword, but it is enough. No longer fierce competition between masters, only on the front line

There is a clang of metal and iron,

Three-foot Qingfeng falling from the sky

Li Qingshan didn't hit Fu Qingjin with a single blow, instead he slashed on the Qingxu sword. At the last moment, Fu Qingjin merged with his sword and hid himself in the Qingxu sword. He escaped, but was also seriously injured.

Li Qingshan cursed shamelessly, and roared: "Stop him!" However, in Fu Qingjin's eyes, his supernatural powers are also extremely shameless

Yeyouren reacted quickly and flew up without waiting for his order, but the Qingxu sword was fast, twisting and turning in mid-air, shuttled through the barriers of Yeyouren like lightning, and flew towards the southeast

The strength is not enough, if it is not for the assassination and ambush, it is difficult to stop the strong from escaping with the advantage of numbers alone

Li Qingshan scolded: "Blood Shadow, you should have seen enough of the fucking theater"

With a cold snort, the blood shadow flew out. With his speed, he would have arrived a long time ago, but he wished that Li Qingshan would be killed by Fu Qingjin and reap the benefits of a fisherman. How could he join forces with Li Qingshan? Let Fu Qingjin go for nothing

With a flash of blood, it intercepted the Qingxu sword, and a cloak behind it turned into a blood-colored sky, enveloping the Qingxu sword. The Qingxu sword broke everything, but when it met the bloody light, it hesitated, rushing from left to right , looking for gaps

Fu Qingjin and Xue Ying have also fought against each other several times, and he knows that this blood curtain can stain people's weapons. Once an ordinary spiritual weapon touches it, it will lose all spirituality and become a piece of ordinary iron, which is more terrible than any damage

If in the past, Fu Qingjin didn't take it seriously, he was protected by the aura of the sword, and he would go back to practice for a few days at worst. But today, the Qingxu sword has been injured repeatedly, and the aura of the sword has been dimmed to the extreme. really gone

"Fu Qingjin, you have today too." The blood shadow sneered, closing the blood curtain, Fu Qingjin had become a turtle in a urn, showing his figure, in a desperate situation, he regained his composure, and flew towards the blood shadow,

How could the blood shadow be afraid of the injured Fu Qingjin, and responded with a grinning grin, this is the perfect opportunity to kill the enemy and take revenge

Li Qingshan returned to his original form, waving Fengshen's wings and swooped down, Fu Qingjin's treasure bag must not be cheap. At this moment, a warning wave came to his heart, he forcibly stopped his figure, and flew back

The blood shadow was unknown, so it approached Fu Qingjin in an instant. Fu Qingjin was holding a red talisman in his sleeve, and the talisman on it suddenly lit up.

The light shone brightly, and the thick and thin white lightning in the water tank snaked for hundreds of feet, like a dragon. In an instant, the smirk on Xue Ying's face turned into fear, and when he came back to his senses, the thunder dragon had pierced through his chest

Fu Qingjin brushed past the blood shadow, and he didn't even waste a bit of energy to swing his sword

It seems that after a long time, I heard the rumbling rumble, and there was a thunder out of thin air, shaking the world,

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, this is not only a red talisman, but probably a middle-grade or even a high-grade one. If Fu Qingjin used it from the beginning, the outcome would be unpredictable. The joy of victory in his heart disappeared and became prudent. Palace" three words

Fu Qingjin escaped without escaping, and stood in the air with an indescribable sigh, and even a trace of annoyance. After seeing the power of the Thunder Dragon Talisman, no one dared to step forward easily.

After a while, Fu Qingjin made a move that no one expected, and bowed deeply to Li Qingshan in the distance: "Bei Yue, I apologize to you for my past contempt."

Li Qingshan was slightly surprised: "Is this begging for mercy?"

Fu Qingjin said: "No, this is a letter of war"

"Then take out your talisman and fight with me for another 300 rounds." Li Qingshan was fearless and his blood boiled

Fu Qingjin said: "As a sword cultivator, you are not allowed to rely on foreign objects until the moment of life and death. This is the unwritten rule of the Hidden Sword Palace."

Li Qingshan Panshou sneered: "Then this rule is useless to you, don't put on a show, what kind of guy, even if it is not enough, you can still ask Hidden Sword Palace to give it to you."

"I, Fu Qingjin, swear that I will use this sword to defeat you without relying on the power of external objects or others." Fu Qingjin held up the long sword, and his green shirt fluttered. , all disappeared, and regained the figure of a swordsman (to be continued)

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