The ground cracked, and a huge boulder protruded out of the ground. An invisible and intangible force swept across the entire Jiaping City in an instant. In the eyes of everyone, the sky turned blood red. [WWw.YZUU dot m] It is not the sky that is dyed red, but their eyes. No matter men, women, old or young, their pupils were all glowing red due to bloodshot eyes.

In the downtown area, everyone went berserk, screaming and rushing towards the people beside them, their eyes were tearing apart, and they were gnashing their teeth, as if they were facing a mortal enemy.

"Oh no, it's the stone demon slaughtering the city!" Sun Yi's face changed drastically, and he swung his sword to kill several people who rushed forward. It was rumored that wherever the stone demon went, people would fight wildly, and it was possible to slaughter a city without the stone demon doing anything.

"Let's go!" Hua Chenglu also felt impetuous, and said anxiously after taking the next reassurance pill.

Before the words fell, I heard a voice from under my feet: "Where are you going?"

The ground was like the surface of water, rippling away at once, and Qiang Shi floated up from it, staring at them with a grinning face, like staring at a group of dolls, without any intention of making a move. It was easy to kill them, but after Qiang Shi aroused the killing intent in their hearts, he would kill them as food.

Sun Yi was full of fear, but under Qiang Shi's gaze, the fear quickly turned into hysterical hatred and killing intent, and he rushed towards Qiang Shi.

Qiangshi punched lightly, and with a bang, Sun Yi's head was smashed like a watermelon, red and white, dyed on Qiangshi's body, he laughed. The remaining two qi refiners couldn't stand it anymore and rushed over. Torn apart by the strong stone like a doll, the greasy viscera spilled all over the floor.

Qiang Shi licked the blood from his hands. Appreciating the fighting that can be seen everywhere, but in an instant, tens of thousands of people killed each other.

In an instant, Jiaping City turned into a bloody Shura field, with evil spirits soaring into the sky. Qiang Shi took a deep breath, inhaled this evil spirit into his body, and transformed it into the evil spirit, the power of the killing stone became stronger.

Qiang Shi suddenly felt something. Looking in the direction of the county government, there are other Qi refiners! The arm grew rapidly, inserted into the ground, and a crack spread far away.


How could Li Qingshan fail to recognize this familiar evil aura, and said to Zhou Wenbin: "Run away!" He dodged and flew in the direction of the evil aura, just after flying not far away, a crack came from far to near. [] Going deep into the county government office, there is a giant hand of earth and stone several feet long. Suddenly protruded from the ground. Grabbing Zhou Wenbin who was about to escape just now, he called out to Li Qingshan for help between his fingers: "Help..."

But before he finished speaking, the giant hands closed together, and with a gentle pinch, Zhou Wenbin was crushed into fine powder. With a successful blow, the earth-rock giant hand collapsed and shattered, leaving only a blurred mass of flesh and blood.

Li Qingshan felt very tricky.

Not afraid of the power of the strong stone, but under this power. It is easier said than done to protect two Qi refiners. Even if you show your demon body, it may not be easy, let alone in this situation.

But don't think too much, the street buildings retreated sharply, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the busy city. The bustling city has become no longer noisy, but a dead silence, blood flowed like a river, and corpses were scattered all over the ground, which was shocking.

Seeing that Yu Zijian and Hua Chenglu were still alive, Li Qingshan heaved a sigh of relief, more carefully concealed his breath, and approached slowly.

Relying on the power of reassurance, Hua Chenglu was still struggling to hold on, resisting the invasion of killing intent, but she knew in her heart that this time, it was probably more ominous than good. She had heard the ominous name of the Stone Demon so many times, even if the Foundation Establishment cultivator encountered him, he might not be able to survive. Zijian, it seems that we are really going to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day.

Looking at Yu Zijian again, he seemed to be stunned by the scene in front of him, and remained motionless like a sculpture.

Qiang Shi let out a soft "Huh", and cast his eyes on Yu Zijian's face. She was not infected by the power of the killing stone, and turned into a bloodthirsty lunatic, without the slightest murderous aura coming from her body.

"Why!" Yu Zijian's voice was dry, and the memories of three years ago rushed forward, and the scene in front of him seemed to be a copy of that moment, with countless living people dying tragically in front of him.

The indescribable pain filled her chest and overwhelmed the hatred and anger. When she said this, she was already in tears, as if she was speaking to Qiang Shi, and also as if she was questioning herself. [WWw.YZUU point m]

"No reason, hate? Come and kill me if you hate!" Qiang Shi was a little surprised that a mere Qi refiner was completely unaffected by the killing stone. Yu Zijian was released.

Her heart beat violently, urging her master to kill.

Yu Zijian moved, but he didn't go madly like Sun Yi and others. Instead, he stood up straight, wiped away the tears, and pulled out the Nine Suns Sword. The midday sun was flowing on the blade of the sword like water, and the tip of the sword was aimed at the impossible enemy. Her eyes were painful and firm, without any trace of madness or fear.

"It's very interesting! It will be more interesting when I kill you!" Qiang Shi laughed.

With a flash of white light, the Nine Suns Sword slashed at Qiang Shi's indestructible body, Hua Chenglu's eyes widened, the end of the sword breaking people to death was already foreseeable.

Qiang Shi simply opened his arms, not paying attention to the sword at all. Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and he raised his arms, as if he wanted to resist, but it was too late, and the Nine Suns Sword slashed at him. His huge body flew out like a spinning top, crashing into dozens of residential buildings one after another.

Yu Zijian was stunned for a moment by the power of his own sword. Hua Chenglu who was behind saw a tall figure disappearing in a flash. Before they came back to their senses, they all felt their waists tighten, and the scene in front of them retreated rapidly.

Li Qingshan no longer cared about concealing his figure, he wrapped his arms around their waists, and fled to the distance as fast as he could. Taking advantage of Qiang Shi's negligence just now, he gave him a sword, but it didn't hurt the root, the most urgent thing is to send them to a safe place first.

Hua Chenglu saw Li Qingshan's figure shimmering in the water, and said in surprise, "You've been following us?" Normally, the rescue would never come so fast, the only explanation is that he has been following them. In this way, it can be explained a few times to save the day.

After three years, seeing Li Qingshan again, what Yu Zijian thought for a moment was another thing on his mind, he is Niu Juxia! ?

Li Qingshan said: "Now is not the time to talk about this, he has come after me again."

Hua Chenglu turned her head to look, and there was a loud bang, like a cannonball, the strong stone broke through the rubble and shot towards the sky, and the circles of earth mist hadn't dissipated. He then fell like a meteor, falling from the sky and arriving through the sky.

Qiang Shi stared at Li Qingshan, extremely annoyed, he was conspired by human beings for a moment of carelessness, his murderous aura was like a killing star from heaven.

If it was another time, Li Qingshan would be willing to fight Qiang Shi to the death, but now the timing is not right. But relying on human cultivation alone, it is difficult to escape Qiangshi's pursuit.

Suddenly seeing the shimmering light in front of his eyes, and coming to the Qing River again, Li Qingshan thought about it and plunged into the water of the Qing River.

The big river surged suddenly, crashing against the current, turning into a giant dragon, opening its mouth wide, and roaring towards Qiangshi.

Qiang Shi didn't even care about it, the water dragon's bite landed on his body, and he couldn't even leave a trace. As soon as he let go of his demonic aura, he directly pierced the water dragon and smashed it into the Qinghe River.

The shock wave not only emptied the river, but also destroyed all the buildings on both sides of the river. In the empty river bottom, there were no traces of Li Qingshan and the others. The defeated water dragon turned into heavy rain and fell, and suddenly turned into a thick fog, covering it.

The fog is thick like a ball of cotton, and you can't see your fingers. It not only blocks the line of sight, but also affects the perception and detection of the breath.

"Small tricks!" Qiang Shi snorted coldly, his whole body rushed, the fog began to dissipate immediately, and he vaguely saw three figures running away into the distance, it was Li Qingshan who was leading Yu Zijian and Hua Chenglu.

Qiang Shi leaped up and slammed down on Li Qingshan's vest, but the moment he touched Li Qingshan, the figures of the three of them dissipated like a mist, and at the last moment, Qiang Shi clearly felt the vivid force from them. Breath of life.

With a bang, Qiang Shi smashed a huge sinkhole on the ground, and he was even more annoyed. He had seen and killed many foundation cultivators, but he was tricked twice like this without even showing his face. However, it never happened. Such a delay, I'm afraid they have fled far away.

The direct sunlight cast a shadow on Qiang Shi's face, Qiang Shi raised his head suddenly, and saw Li Qingshan's figure appeared, just standing on the edge of the tiankeng with his sword, looking at him, said: "Are you the stone demon?"

However, it was said that Li Qingshan successively used the spells of waterfall water dragon and fog lock Hengjiang, and used the Dayan magic talisman to turn the virtual into reality, and attracted Qiang Shi's idea in the opposite direction. Then use the invisibility technique to hide the figures of Yu Zijian and Hua Chenglu, and suppress their aura together, in an instant, they have fled thousands of feet away.

Hearing the shock coming from afar, Hua Chenglu felt relieved. Although the Stone Demon was terrifying, this man was also unusually powerful.

But at this moment, Li Qingshan's heart moved, he stopped suddenly, waved his hand to call out a cloud, put them on it, and then turned around.

Hua Chenglu said: "What are you going to do?"

"Of course to kill the Stone Demon." Li Qingshan said as a matter of course, it is better to meet him by chance than to invite him, regardless of whether the time comes or not, it is fate to meet him.

"Only you!?" Hua Chenglu said, the horror of the stone demon is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, even the master Yi Nian in the middle stage of foundation establishment has been murdered by him, and Li Qingshan is only in the early stage of foundation establishment, so this trip is not to die.

"Of course not." Li Qingshan pointed, and a blue slick crossed the sky.

Fu Qingjin finally couldn't help but want to make a move, Li Qingshan smelled something called opportunity, so he returned to the sinkhole again, Qiang Shi jumped out of the sinkhole, and went straight to Li Qingshan. Suddenly he felt a crisis, and a ray of blue light pierced the back of his head.

"Fu Qingjin!" Qiang Shi roared, he was very familiar with this sword energy, even if he didn't use his eyes to see it, he knew who it was. Not daring to treat the Qingxu Sword as an ordinary weapon, a layer of earth and stone armor suddenly appeared on the surface of the body, and the sword energy penetrated three inches into it, and then dissipated.

Qiang Shi's small murderous eyes only stared at Li Qingshan, and decided to be desperate and kill the person who made a trick to attack him first.

PS: I’m really uncomfortable today. Maybe it’s because I went back to the north all of a sudden, I’m not used to it, I feel a little bit cold... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. That's my biggest motivation.) RQ

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