Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 55 The North Moon Comes (Congratulations to the new lord of '?

Qiu Haitang felt very nervous at first, but as she watched the lights in the distance, her mind gradually settled down. I have seen this scene countless times since I was a child, but this is the second time I think it is so beautiful. //【The latest chapter read ny.】

I remember the first time, she was still a little girl in common clothes, lying on the edge of the roof, with a look of amazement, her eyes glowing, she couldn't believe that there was such a prosperous and beautiful scenery in the world.

Today is probably the eternal farewell!

In an instant, the memories of the past flooded into my mind, and drifted away with the night wind, the little girl grew up like a willow branch, until now.

She smiled faintly, let go of life and death, but calmed down, and stood upright.

The smirk on Evil Feng's face gradually intensified, and finally he couldn't help but burst out laughing. The wanton laughter was like howling a jackal. He opened his arms and spun around:

"Ha, tell me, where is that evildoer? Didn't you say that he will come to rescue you in a short while? Why has it been so long, and he still hasn't been seen!" He leaned in front of Qiu Haitang again: "Don't you It might be a lie to deceive us, come on, admit it quickly! Hey, little beast, how does it feel to be cheated by a woman?"

Everyone also relaxed, and they all talked a lot, "How could Beiyue come, she was just trying to hold the scene." "Forget it, the matter of the door has nothing to do with us!" "But Commander Li is embarrassed!"

Grandma You was even more displeased: "Children are really capable of mischief, Commander Li, this is our own business, please get out of the way!"

Li Qingshan suddenly pointed behind the evil wind and shouted: "Beiyue!"

Evil Feng was stunned for a moment, narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you think I'm a child? Still want to use this trick..."

Suddenly, it became extremely quiet on the rooftop. Everyone's eyes followed the direction Li Qingshan was pointing at, and then they all fixed there as if they had been cast in a fixed spell, but the expressions on their faces were distorted and changed. Panic, fear, trembling...

Grandma You looked more like a frightened old hen, she shrank and looked even shorter.

The evil wind slowly turned his head...

Under the crescent moon, a handsome man with red hair and red eyes. Standing on the edge of the roof, the moonlight seems to be dyed red. Behind him is a bright sea of ​​lights, long and dark.

Quietly and silently?

The evil wind felt the blood rushing all over his body.

But his heart became cold in an instant, and he couldn't make a sound with his mouth open.

"Hey, woman, what can I do?"

Beiyue scanned the rooftop with her red eyes. Finally, it fell on Qiu Haitang.

When all the practitioners met those red eyes, they couldn't help shrinking back, and with a bang, they retreated in a big circle, as if Beiyue's eyes contained some invisible sorcery.


Qiu Haitang could not help but take a step forward. She didn't know how to answer, she had already made up her mind to die, but the savior who talked nonsense suddenly fell from the sky, making her mind in a trance, and even suspected that there was something wrong with her memory a few years ago.

In the eyes of others, it is naturally the performance of a woman who is excited and unable to contain herself when she meets the lover of her dreams.

The black-clothed monks all had horrified expressions on their faces, and cold sweat was streaming down their backs. Forcing himself to calm down, this battle must be outsmarted, not invincible, Qiu Haitang must be restrained as soon as possible, and let that monstrous evildoer attack the mouse!

I glanced away from the corner of my eye. It's really God helping me, Li Qingshan didn't know when, he backed away. The begonia stood there alone, as delicate as a begonia flower. Quickly spread the message to several companions, only one move. can restrain her!

Gathering momentum, a gust of hot wind blew across his face, and the evil wind widened his eyes, feeling as if the time around him had stopped, only one person was unaffected, Beiyue passed by him like a leisurely stroll, and came to Qiu Haitang beside.

"Can't win! Absolutely can't win! It's impossible to even escape!" Evil Feng moaned in his heart.

Beiyue naturally embraced Qiu Haitang's extra-slender waist: "Why don't you talk?" She glanced at the pile of gold, silver and jewels: "What's going on with these things?"

Qiu Haitang's tender body froze, her cherry lips parted slightly, and she looked at Beiyue. The memory of a few years ago became extremely vivid. He seemed to jump out of his memory, but in those red eyes, there was something Can't read it.

But at this point, the scene has to be played, and he simply leaned on him and said in a coquettish tone: "These people want to force me to marry Evil Pill, and these gold and silver are my betrothal gifts... ..."

Xu Xu talked about the cause and effect of the incident, and especially focused on depicting the scene where the evil wind scolded Beiyue as an evildoer. The words "I am not afraid of that evildoer when it comes" and "I will run away from the wind when I see my master" are all vividly said, although they have never Lying, but it is inevitable to add embellishments, making Evil Feng and others look even more hateful.

Every time Qiu Haitang said something, the evil wind and the others trembled all over, it was almost a sentence of hatred, the pleasure of revenge flashed in Qiu Haitang's eyes, no matter what Beiyue came here for, after hearing these words, these people could not escape die!

After Beiyue listened silently, she couldn't help laughing: "Oh, this is very interesting!" Half-jokingly, she stretched out her hand to caress Qiu Haitang's plump cheeks, and said softly, "I've made you wronged."

"This is all a misunderstanding. We have no intention of becoming enemies with you. We are the master, the great general Edan, and also the name of Your Excellency Jiumu. I didn't expect that Qiu Daoyou really belonged to me. I thought she was bullying each other. Fellow Daoist Qiu, please forgive me if there is any offense!"

As soon as Eifeng changed his insolent attitude just now, he appeared to be polite, respecting Beiyue as Your Excellency, and finally bowed deeply to Qiu Haitang. He appeared to be very sincere, and he didn't have a half-spoken hooligan temperament.

"Yes, yes, it's all a misunderstanding. I'm about to pass on the position of sect master to Haitang, and I'm going to go back to the mountains to practice in seclusion!"

Grandma You rubbed her hands together with a smiling face. When Qiu Haitang told the story, she didn't forget to bring her with her. She didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction. She smiled like a flower on her old face. When she looked at Qiu Haitang, she was even more begging The color of color, silently and silently?

Qiu Haitang couldn't help but feel that Grandma You is already so old, how many more years can she live, she is also my senior after all, it's for the good of the family!

Snapped! A loud slap.

Beiyue Xin slapped Grandma You's face with a slap, a layer of body-protecting aura was instantly shattered under the power of his bull demon shock, her head turned to the side, an old face flew up, and ten thousand a few teeth.

"You're laughing so ugly, restrain yourself!" Beiyue said impatiently.

Grandma You was startled, angry and frightened, covering her swollen face, she dared not to make a move, nor did she dare to laugh anymore, and said in a loud voice, "Yes, yes!"

Snapped! Another loud slap.

Beiyue slapped Grandma You backhandedly, waved her hand and said, "Forget it, you'd better keep laughing, it's even uglier if you don't smile!"

Grandma You was so dizzy from the beating that she didn't have a single tooth left. She stood there awkwardly, neither crying nor smiling.

Qiu Haitang also came back to her senses, knowing that she had been enchanted again, she was very annoyed at first, seeing Grandma You's distressed appearance, she couldn't help bursting out laughing, remembering how she was showing off her power and forcing her repeatedly, she felt very happy.

Snapped! Another slap.

Clay figurines also have three elements of soil nature, and they are also dignified Jindan cultivators. Grandma You said angrily: "You...I..."

"If you like it, I'll call you back!"

Beiyue ignored Grandma You at all, and said softly to Qiu Haitang that she couldn't learn Zhou Youwang's Fenghuo drama, but it was still very simple to slap a few casually.


Qiu Haitang lowered her head and said softly, her cheeks were slightly red, knowing that he was venting for herself, she couldn't tell whether she was moved or what, she was a little light-headed and slightly dizzy.

At the last moment, she was persecuted by Grandma You, humiliated by the evil wind, and looked down upon by everyone, but only one Li Qingshan was willing to help her - after reading this, she couldn't help but look back, only to see Li Qingshan retreating far away, smiling at her nod.

Looking back, whoever looked at her was not full of panic, even if she pointed at herself with a single sentence, even if she survived by luck, a few slaps would be embarrassing. Especially the people of Evil Feng, their faces are ashen-colored, and they are panic-stricken like bereaved dogs.

Seeing that Hua Chengzan's expression was extremely complicated, she smiled brightly, without any worries, and found that she was a little proud in her heart, "Hmph, miss your Gu Yanying, it's not like no one wants me!"

Qiu Haitang bit her lip, pulled Beiyue's skirt, and pointed at Evil Feng and the others: "There are them!"

The evil wind and the others thought that they were bitches in their hearts, saying that Mu Gang was in a trance and became a fine man?

"If Your Excellency is determined not to let us go, neither Master Evil Alchemy nor Prince Si Qing will let you go. Why did you cause such trouble because of a misunderstanding?"

Beiyue waved her hand: "Since it's a misunderstanding, why don't you get out!"

Hearing this, Efeng and the others were overjoyed, as if they had received an amnesty, they said in their hearts: "Hmph, as expected, I still have some fears, this monster will die in the future!" He wanted to say a few tough words, but he didn't dare, so he bowed his head He turned around and left.

Qiu Haitang was a little bit unwilling, but she didn't forget that this is just an act, if she disagreed with him and offended him, then the gain would outweigh the loss.


Eifeng and the others had already reached the edge of the roof, and a few steps further was the dragon returning to the sea, and the tiger entering the deep mountains, but Beiyue's hateful voice came from behind him, swallowed a mouthful of foam, and turned around: "What else do you want to order?" ?”

"You forgot to bring the bride price!" Beiyue squinted at the gold, silver and jewels. Evil Feng and the others felt relieved, and walked back again, about to put the hill-like gold, silver and jewels into the treasure bag, when Beiyue said again: "Wait, you're just taking it like this?"

"What would you like us to bring?"

Beiyue raised her chin at the pile of gold, silver and jewels: "Eat it!"

"What!" Evil Feng was furious, how could these gold, silver and jewels be eaten.

Beiyue smiled and said, "You have to swallow what you say, and eat what you bring, even if you miss a piece of silver!"

p: Wow, Shenlong is so smart! Congratulations to the dragon envoy "??" for rewarding the three leaders and being promoted to the leader of the alliance, which made my wishes come true. Well, I can’t help expressing something. Outbreaks or something, you know, I’m not this type of material, but starting tomorrow I will resume the update rhythm of "8 to 6"!

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