Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 77 The Battle of Novelists (Part 2)

Zeng Aniu is majestic and majestic, with sword energy like a rainbow. Wherever he goes, the seven monks run away one after another. No one dares to block his edge, and they also activate the Dayan talisman one after another, transforming into various powerful beasts to block, But he was struck by the sword one by one, and those who slashed and killed were turned on their backs.

"These guys are really surprisingly weak!"

Li Qingshan felt very clearly that in the Zeng Aniu he had transformed, no matter the swordsmanship or the way of fighting, there were obviously traces of him, and he had some understanding.

Although words are unrestricted, you can write about how strong and smart a certain person is, but the person who really transforms is subject to two points, one is the amount of will power, and the other is It is the author himself.

No matter how wonderful and mysterious the imagination is, it cannot be separated from the limit of one's thinking. If a novelist doesn't understand swordsmanship at all, even if he writes about a peerless swordsman, he will be a swordsmanship idiot if he actually develops it. However real they may seem, they are not real life after all, but projections of the novelist's own imagination.

Just as the omnipotent god cannot create a rock that he cannot lift, the novelist cannot write something beyond his own thinking, which can still be lifelike in the book, but once it is actually evolved with the Da Yan talisman, it will be revealed.

The seven monks faced such a problem. They were really inexperienced in combat, and although all of the objects they transformed had a foundation-building level of cultivation, their combat effectiveness was abysmal. Therefore, under the same situation of activating the Dayan Divine Talisman, the Zeng Niu transformed by Li Qingshan has the upper hand with one against seven.

Li Qingshan didn't want to waste any more time, so he flew high into the sky, and after a turning point, he jumped down. The remaining seven people can't even cooperate at the most basic level, let alone tacit understanding. In Li Qingshan's view, they were completely flawed by Zeng A Niu, and it was not much different from challenging him one by one. Three punches and two kicks, and another five into a coma and out.

"Five!" Li Qingshan stretched out a slap, just about to go all out and clean up the remaining two.

"I won't fight, I won't fight anymore, even if you are good!" The remaining two surrendered, and directly exited the martial arts arena amidst boos.

With a wave of Li Qingshan's hand, Zeng A Niu dissipated like a mist, because he had never been killed, the consumption of wish power was not too much.

"Novelist performs martial arts, Qinghe Mansion Li Qingshan wins!"

"It's done!" Liu Chuanfeng swung his fist fiercely. In this way, Yunxu Society can expand to the entire Ruyi County. Sun Fubai stroked his beard and smiled.

There was a burst of admiration from around, although Wang Luocheng's performance was a bit unbearable under Li Qingshan's offensive, but after all, they were eight foundation-building monks! Instead of eight cabbages,

Moreover, they were defeated without using any magic tools, and it was so easy, it was inconceivable.

Gu Yanying said to Si Qing: "It seems that his goal has not been achieved! Did you expect this result?"

"Because the opponent is too weak. Although they are all based on foundation building, they are not at the same level at all. Even if the number is doubled, the result will not change. Even if the tiger pulls out its minions, it is not the sheep that can If he wins, he is indeed a young talent worthy of attention!"

Si Qingjing expressed sincere appreciation to Li Qingshan.

Gu Yanying's brows frowned slightly, and then relaxed. It seemed that Si Qing was determined to get rid of him. If he wasn't Beiyue, things would be really tricky. In this battle between dragons and tigers, who will win in the end?

She is not optimistic about Si Qing, but she also does not think that Li Qingshan can settle Si Qing. At their level, it is easy to win or lose, but it is difficult to decide between life and death. I am afraid that the status quo will be maintained for a long time. Until Beiyue showed his flaws and was killed, or had the power to not fear the revenge of the Great Xia Dynasty.

On the edge of the martial arts arena, Wang Luocheng also woke up under the treatment of doctors, sat on the sidelines to adjust his breath, looked up and saw Liu Chuanfeng walking over with square steps, pointing at them, and said brazenly:

"Hmph, even though you old boys are as deceitful as ghosts, under the power of our Patriarch, you still have to bow your head and bow your head. You are really asking for trouble! From today on, I will be the president of Dayunxu Society, Which of you dare not accept it?"

Although Li Qingshan won, he felt a bit ashamed for no reason at this time, Youdao said that he couldn't beat his head, you forced him so hard, if these people got annoyed and broke up with you, wouldn't it be nothing.

But to his surprise, Wang Luocheng stood up immediately, and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, we are like a car, and we are overestimated. Such a small skill, of course, can't help Senior Brother Li, and Senior Brother Liu, who will take charge of the Yunxu Society in the future." , I hope Senior Brother Liu will take care of you!"

Other defeated novelist owners also joined together to congratulate Liu Chuanfeng, the president.

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, these guys who wrote novels really have no integrity at all. He didn't know, it was mainly due to his contribution, Wang Luocheng still had lingering fears after the fight just now, so how could he dare to be tough again. It belongs to not accepting a fight, but accepting a fight.

... Time flies by, and the martial arts performances of the Nine Houses are compared one after another. The institutions of the Mohist School, the Dharma of the Buddhist School, the divination of the Yinyang School, etc., all opened the eyes of the people, and let the monks of the school see the essence of the School of the Hundred Schools background and strength.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed, and the last match was a grand martial arts performance by the military strategists. Although each of them tried their best, it was more like a friendly match than a life-and-death fight. In the end, Han Tieyi led the disciples of the strategist family to win, which was also considered a victory for this nine-time battle. Fu Yan Wu drew a complete stop.

Just waiting for Si Qing to make his final speech, this grand gathering of cultivating Taoism in Ruyi County came to an end. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Si Qing boarded the Feiyun Terrace again, and said in a loud voice: "This time, the martial arts performance of the Nine Houses has allowed me to see the unique skills of fellow Taoists from each house..."

After complimenting the monks from various provinces as a matter of routine, he told about the great significance of the martial arts performance of the Nine Provinces. Li Qingshan was bored listening to it, but Han Qiongzhi was reluctant to let it go. on stage:

"Beiyue seems to be gone!" While looking at Li Qingshan's expression, during this time, the various pasts and secrets that Li Qingshan revealed really made her have many associations.

"Probably go!"

Li Qingshan said, how could he spend so much time on Si Qing, he let the avatar leave long ago, and went back to refine the water veins. If it wasn't for the deity's rescue, he wouldn't have appeared at all.

But before leaving, Si Qing put forward a strange request, wanting him to send some Yaozu and Yeyou to participate in the Jiufu martial arts performance, saying that he wanted to increase exchanges and ease the relationship between the two parties, and promised many benefits.

Although Li Qingshan didn't know what kind of plan Si Qing was planning, but based on the principle of "if the enemy comes to support me, I will oppose it", he finally refused to agree. Anyway, he can get all the benefits from Gu Yanying, and he doesn't have to worry about it. Being raped, there's really no point in talking nonsense with Si Qing.

However, Li Qingshan faintly felt that this time the Nine Mansion Martial Arts Show would not end so easily.

Sure enough, while Si Qing was talking, he suddenly changed the subject: "The only pity is that fellow Taoists from various sects and sects can only be spectators and cannot participate in it. Even monks from various sects, most of them If I failed to participate, I lost a lot of excitement, so I want to add another event after the traditional martial arts performance, so that all practitioners can participate in it and get benefits!"

Si Qing opened his arms and announced vigorously with his jackal-like voice, with a hint of excitement on his face. Li Qingshan could feel it, his expression was very different from when he was talking nonsense just now, it was definitely not a fake, his heart sank slightly: "Here we come!"

All the monks in the audience were discussing, "Is there still a competition? Let everyone participate?" "With so many participants, how can we compare? If it is one-on-one, it will take until the year of the monkey!" "Whatever, as long as it is beneficial! "

Including the Jindan monks on the Feiyuntai, they all looked at each other, not knowing Si Qing's plan, and with various thoughts, waiting for Si Qing to announce the method of the last competition.

After exchanging glances with Edan and Jia Zhen who were beside him, Si Qing took out the Dragon Arena and threw it into the Martial Arts Arena below. First, he introduced the general situation of the Dragon Arena and announced the rules of the last competition.

Every practitioner who is willing to participate can receive a special medal. According to their different cultivation levels, the medals are also divided into various levels. Each medal symbolizes the record. All the practitioners have to do is Snatch as many medals as possible from him.

The competition time limit is ten days in total. After ten days, the dragon arena will reopen, and practitioners can exchange their medals for resources such as spirit stones.

A big fight!

Li Qingshan understood Si Qing's thoughts, it turned out that his purpose for letting Beiyue send in was this, what exactly was he thinking? Is it just to satisfy your perverted hobbies? I'm afraid things are not that simple!

Moreover, will practitioners from all schools and sects really follow his will and participate in this chaos?

Immediately, some Jindan monks raised objections: "Your Highness, I am afraid that such a competition is inconsistent with the peaceful exchange that Jiufu Yanwu has always advocated!" "A majestic cultivator, fighting like a Gu worm, how decent is it?"

The other monks didn't say a word, Gu Yanying looked at Si Bao, and vaguely guessed what Si Qing wanted to do - he wanted to turn the Dragon Arena into a "Sura Field!"

The Asura Field is similar to the Hungry Ghost Gate. It is a secret treasure that communicates with the Asura Dao in the Six Realms of Reincarnation. To open the Hungry Ghost Gate, one needs to choose a place where corpses are stored like a cemetery, and then carefully arrange the magic circle before it can be opened.

And to refine it into a Shura field, it is necessary to open up a large battlefield, where powerful practitioners can fight unrestrainedly. The violent killing intent and fighting intent are in line with the will of the Shura Dao, and the Shura field will come to the world.

During the process of the Holy Emperor's unification of Kyushu, some large and small Shura fields were formed. The original Dragon Arena was an imitation of the Shura field.

(to be continued)

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