Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 80: A group of trash

"You want to rob?"

Hua Chenglu's brows frowned even tighter, the dark and moist dense forest suddenly became murderous, the intertwined root system, and the aerial roots hanging from the top of the head came alive like snakes.

This is a monk who cultivates wood spirits, he smiled: "Who knows if you have hidden the medal!"

"I just entered, where did I get the second medal!" Hua Chenglu was annoyed, and felt that something was wrong. If ordinary monks won the medal, they would not bother with it anymore.

"Just in case, I'll check it out. If you refuse to agree, I'll do it myself. Of course, it's on you." The monk in black licked his lips, showing a malicious smile.

"Go to hell!" Hua Chenglu took out a scarlet talisman, which turned into a rushing fire, and rushed towards the man in black. The vines and roots made scorching sounds, and retreated one after another.

Boom, a flame broke through the broad-leaved canopy, and a flower of flame bloomed in the continuous sea of ​​trees.


After Si Qing said those words, he waved his hand directly, and the pictures showing the situation in the Dragon Arena disappeared one after another, and the Dragon Arena completely became a closed black box.

"Your Highness, how can you talk like this? Isn't this trying to make our Ruyi County's practice path kill each other?"

On the Feiyun Terrace, an old man in purple showed a look of shock and anger, and questioned Si Qing loudly. The other Golden Core cultivators also changed their colors one after another, let alone understand, what is the benefit of Si Qing doing this?

Not only those ordinary monks, they didn't expect the crisis that might exist in the Dragon Arena, even these Jindan monks were a little unexpected. Such a fight will undoubtedly greatly damage the strength of Ruyi County's practice of Daoism, and it will make Si Qing's people lose hope, and it will cost a lot of resources, which will do a lot of harm but no benefit.

Without knowing the way of refining Shura field. No matter how smart a person is, he might not be able to guess Si Qing's thoughts, let alone imagine that he would be so cruel.

Originally, when they could see the changes in the Dragon Arena, the practitioners must be careful in their actions. Otherwise, even if the rules allow it, they will appear to be too vicious, and accidentally end up with a certain family sect. Enmity, endless troubles. The surveillance of these people is an invisible bondage to prevent the situation from getting out of control.

Once this monitoring is lost now. The competition between practitioners can easily turn into a bloody fight. It wasn't a situation anyone wanted to see, except for one.

Si Qing turned around slowly,

With a surprised smile on his face, "What a bunch of trash!" His patience had already been exhausted, and now that his goal was achieved, he immediately revealed his original hideous features.

From the beginning, he didn't intend to run Ruyi County well like Jiang Fu did, as a foundation that could be passed down to future generations. Instead, we should use all the resources of Ruyi County as much as possible to improve our own strength and fish in the dry lake. It is not hesitating to kill the chicken and take the eggs.

To put it bluntly, the world of practitioners is still respected by personal strength, the so-called "power". Although it has its value, absolute strength can completely ignore power.

If you kill all the Golden Core cultivators in front of you, you can guarantee that Si Qing will survive three catastrophes and reach the realm of king. He must do so without hesitation, as long as he can succeed. Not only will the imperial court not convict him, but he will try to cover it up for him.

"What are you talking about!" A monk who can cultivate to the Golden Core realm. It's nothing but extraordinary talent, and to come to this point amidst all kinds of praise, the word waste is simply too far away and strange.

Si Qing waved his hand: "I help you train your disciples, but you are so indecisive and nonsense, what is it if you are not trash!"

"Si Qing, you majestic prince, you insult us so much, do you still want to do well in this wishful time?"

"Open the Dragon Arena and release all our disciples!"

The Golden Core cultivator finally came to his senses, feeling deeply angry, a spiritual light appeared on his body, bursting out with astonishing aura, straight to the sky.

In the Battle of Tomb Hill, the Jindan cultivators who died in the battle were all from the School of Schools of the Hundred Schools, and the orthodox strength belonging to the Great Xia Dynasty was severely damaged. If Gu Yanying hadn't been in charge, the sect would have taken the opportunity to expand its power.

Therefore, most of the Jindan cultivators who were invited to Feiyuntai were members of the sect. The few Jindan cultivators of the Hundred Schools of Economics, all hindered by the status of Prince Si Qing, not only can't say more, if they really make a move, they can only stand on the side of "Ruyihou" and turn their eyes to Gu for help. Yan Ying.

As for the Jindan monks who came from sects, they didn't have so many worries about Si Qing's identity, but they were also quite afraid of Gu Yanying. Gu Yanying has stayed in Ruyi County for many years, and her power is much stronger than that of Si Qing who has just arrived.

If she wanted to stand on Si Qing's side, Si Bao would definitely not stand by, and those golden core monks from hundreds of scholastic schools would only follow her lead. In this way, there is not much difference in strength between each other, so this bitter fruit may have to be swallowed hard today.

For Si Qing, Gu Yanying's attitude was also extremely important, and all eyes were on Gu Yanying for a while.

"Ah Qing wants to go his own way, how can I stop it!" Gu Yanying paced out and came to the terrace, staying out of the matter. Si Bao naturally followed closely behind.

Although the title "Aqing" made Si Qing frown a little, but she didn't intervene in it, which made him feel a little relieved, the biggest trouble has been solved.

"The scenery here is beautiful, you might as well come and have a look!"

Gu Yanying turned her head to greet the Jindan monks from the School of Hundred Schools, and they all breathed a sigh of relief, saluted Si Qing indifferently and politely, and came to Gu Yanying's side. Although they had to admit Si Qing's identity, they disagreed with each other from the bottom of their hearts.

All the monks of the sect cheered up. Sure enough, Gu Yanying was not on the same side as him. In this way, there were only three opponents, but they were all from Longzhou.

"Hey, you two haven't come here yet!" Gu Yanying said again, but she was talking about Jia Zhen and Edan.

"Follow the commander's orders." Jia Zhen smiled slightly while waving a black feather fan, but also left Si Qing behind and walked out. Edan followed closely behind with his hands down, looked back at the monks of all sects, and grinned grimly.

In this way, only Si Qing was left. Facing the group of Golden Core cultivators, they looked at each other, not knowing what Si Qing meant!

"Those who know me, Yan Ying!" Si Qing praised loudly, his face darkening: "You have come to eat and drink for so many days, and you must feel tired of watching these boring competitions!"

"What do you mean? Do you want us to compete with you one by one? Don't think about it!" They are not fools. I'm afraid no one is an opponent.

"I don't have time to fight against the trash one by one, let's go together! Your opponent is only me! You are afraid of Beiyue because he defeated all the monster commanders. From today on, you will also be afraid of me!"

Si Qing's eyes revealed a frantic look. Watching any duel is never as satisfying as participating in it personally.

On the Feiyun Platform, a mysterious light shot up into the sky, followed by more than a dozen rays of light of different colors.

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