Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 86 Scabies

"Then let's go and have a look!" Hua Chenglu said curiously and excitedly. www.dyzww.com[First_First_Chinese_文_网]

"Why, aren't you afraid?" Li Qingshan asked strangely.

"Hey, aren't you here?" Hua Chenglu bared her teeth and smiled, her teeth were like shellfish, her nose was wrinkled, and she was a bit childish, making people want to pinch her.

Li Qingshan recalled the scene when he met him. At that time, she seemed to be only thirteen or fourteen years old, she jumped out of the house, and even used a large machine ship to flatten Xihua Island. She was quite adventurous, as if thinking of something, she suddenly smiled.

"Hey, what are you laughing at?" Hua Chenglu felt uncomfortable being looked at by him.

"When I think of the first time we met, compared to that time, you were much more serious." Li Qingshan smiled and waved his hand, and the cloud floated up from under his feet, supporting them up.

"I've always been like this, ah!"

With a whoosh, the cloud cluster broke through the air, dragging a long cloud tail.

Hua Chenglu let out a cry of surprise, and the strong wind rushed towards her face, she rushed into the darkness, grabbed Li Qingshan's hand, and quickly let go, the cry of surprise turned into a low cheer.

Not long after flying, the field of vision in front of him suddenly widened, and he came to a huge hollow, the evil spirit filled the whole cave, and there was that deafening scoffing sound, now Li Qingshan knew that it was the sound of chewing.

A huge white scabies was wriggling and gnawing on the banyan tree.

The huge demonic aura made Hua Chenglu feel a little breathless, and a light blue light curtain shrouded it, and just now he breathed a sigh of relief, and cast a thankful look to Li Qingshan:

"This tree is really unlucky. It was eaten by insects and entwined by vines."

"Yes, it's bad luck, but what can be done?"

Li Qingshan's pupils shrank and his whole body tensed up, because he didn't say this sentence. It's not from the strange insect in front of me. At the same time, it sounded from all directions, echoing in this space, the voice was vicissitudes and old.

Li Qingshan quickly calmed down. He cupped his hands and said: "My next Li Qingshan,

Who are you, why not come out and see! "

The scabies, who were devoting themselves to eating wood, were also alarmed. Turning around suddenly, in fact the head and tail look similar, only the ferocious mouthparts are the basis for judgment. It kept opening and closing, and transparent saliva flowed down.

A primitive and icy murderous aura hit Li Qingshan, and the body of the scabies shrank sharply, which was a precursor to an attack.

Li Qingshan had already made a judgment when he saw the scabies.

The monster general, and the more difficult kun-like monster general, didn't react until he heard him speak. It shows that the induction is very poor and the intelligence is very low. Although he has survived a catastrophe, he probably doesn't even know how to change form, so he doesn't pay much attention to it.

The shrunken figure of the scabies suddenly stretched. A thick green liquid shot out from the mouthparts.

A wall of water rises out of thin air, like a dam blocking the thick green liquid, but a big hole is corroded in the blink of an eye, but being blocked by this, the thick green liquid also becomes the last of its strength, and falls to the ground to form a cloud full of water. Sour white smoke.

Li Qingshan said: "No wonder you can eat such hard wood!"

Seeing that the acid was useless, the scabies rushed straight up, with an unknown number of legs running together, like a running train.

Hua Chenglu felt that in the blink of an eye, the giant worm rushed in front of him, and before he had time to react, he felt his waist tighten, leaped over the scabies' huge body, and then landed safely.

Li Qingshan rested the Demon Rebel Sword on his shoulder, looking back, he saw that Kun monsters were indeed very strong physically. In such a short distance, most of the Foundation Establishment cultivators would not be able to react to a simple dash.

The scabies flew into the air and stopped abruptly. A tiny crack appeared on the center line of its huge body, and it rapidly expanded from the beginning to the end.

Faced with such an attack full of flaws, Li Qingshan didn't use the evil eye at all, but just swung a sword casually, splitting it in two.

However, the monstrous aura of the scabies didn't disappear, and it didn't even detract much. No bodily fluid flowed out of the cut surface, but continued to grow until it healed, turning into two slightly smaller scabies, turning around and rushing up .

"What a strong vitality!" Hua Chenglu said in surprise.

"Interesting, this is its second innate supernatural power!" Li Qingshan bowed his head to Hua Chenglu in his arms and smiled: "Didn't you see clearly just now? Let you see clearly this time! I think it can distinguish How much will come out?"

Before Hua Chenglu could answer, her figure started to follow him, her eyes were dazzled for a while, she could only see the dancing of the sword light, leaving sharp sword marks in her vision, which would not disappear for a long time.

And the huge scabies were continuously divided into four, four into eight, and they surged up with their mouthparts open and closed. In a blink of an eye, there were already countless scabies around them, and it became a sea of ​​insects. It was the size of a wild boar, wriggling non-stop, and still rushed up tirelessly.

After Li Qingshan refined the new "San Jue Shu", he had a new understanding of the swordsmanship contained in it. Perhaps because of continuous practice, his comprehension was much better than before, so he just took advantage of this scabbard Worm, practice your sword skills. He was going to wait until he left here, and kill those lackeys of Si Qing.

Every time he swung his sword, there were countless changes hidden, some might be heavy, some light and elegant, but they all blended into one, concealed but not exposed, those scabies who didn't know how to dodge were the best targets.

Holding Hua Chenglu in his arms, he moved forward and backward in the surging sea of ​​insects, like a leisurely stroll in a garden, with ease, constantly dividing the sea of ​​insects. At this moment, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he saw a scab the size of a hedgehog quickly fleeing towards the cave.

"Insects know how to escape. It seems that survival is the instinct of all living things!"

Blue light surged from Li Qingshan's body, he rushed out of the sea of ​​insects, grabbed the scabies in his hands, and squeezed it hard, but it didn't explode, but scattered into more and smaller scabies.

The countless scabies behind him seemed to be alarmed at the same time, and they all rushed up one after another, bang bang bang bang, exploding into balls of acid in the air.

Li Qingshan put down Hua Chenglu and Demon Rebel Sword, pushed back with his left hand without looking back, at the same time grabbed a ping-pong ball-sized scab with his right hand, pinched it lightly, and revealed a milky white demon pill, continuously Trembling, wanting to fly away.

Li Qingshan used the power of the spirit turtle to suppress it in an instant, and threw it into the treasure bag. Thousands of scabies scattered away, and the old voice sounded again:

"Oh, don't let them escape, they're going to eat them forever!"

Li Qingshan's heart moved, and with a wave of his sleeve, a stream of water flew out, divided into thousands of water systems, and nailed all the scabies in place.

"Could fellow daoist be...the King of the Big Banyan Tree?!" (To be continued)

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