Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 88 The Temptation of Gifts

The Big Banyan Tree King said with a smile: "If you can live up to your entrustment, I will give you a small gift."

Li Qingshan's eyes lit up, the "little gift" of the Big Banyan Tree King must not be something useless, although he knew it was unlikely, it would be great if he could get another phoenix feather.

"Then I'll thank you in advance, but those bugs are hiding in the tree trunks, how can I find them?"

The trunk of this banyan tree is a hundred times stronger than a stone, and it contains rich spiritual power, so it is difficult for spiritual thoughts to penetrate and sense it.

"Don't worry, I'll show you the way."

On the wall next to Li Qingshan's right hand, the wood suddenly twisted into a doorway, leading to the scabies.

"I've never seen a banyan tree do this!" Li Qingshan joked, responding to the big banyan tree king's words: "Have you ever seen a banyan tree catch insects by itself?"

"I am the King of the Big Banyan Tree!"

Li Qingshan smiled, it is true that one cannot survive without principles, but it is the same if one does not know how to be flexible. There is no fixed law, it is all for better survival.

"Can you make this hole bigger?" Li Qingshan saw that the hole was only a few feet in size, and ordinary people who couldn't fly would probably have to crawl forward.

"Young man, don't be too picky!" the big banyan tree said domineeringly, making a hole in his body was obviously not a pleasant thing.

Li Qingshan could only say to Hua Chenglu: "Chenglu, just stay here and wait for me for a while! I'll come back to pick you up after I've dealt with the bug, or I may go outside directly, and Senior Tree King will notify you at that time .”

"Brother Li...I think we can squeeze." Hua Chenglu pouted her pink lips, she didn't want to stay here alone.

"Alright then! Don't say Brother Li is taking advantage of you." Li Qingshan smiled and opened his arms. Hua Chenglu blushed, so she threw herself into her arms. Wrapping his arms around his waist, he muttered comfortingly: "Anyway, it's not bad this time."

The tip of Li Qingshan's nose was filled with a faint fragrance, as if it was mixed with the fragrance of hundreds of flowers. He had smelled this kind of smell from Hua Chengzan before, presumably it was related to the exercises he practiced.

Just now during the battle, she had no time to savor it carefully, but at this moment, she felt her waist was slender and tender, but her breasts were plump and firm. , It is indeed a flower in full bloom, but it can be folded, and he lowered his head and smiled: "It's really good."

"Let's go!" Hua Chenglu's face was burning red,

Not daring to look up at him, only urged.


Seeing her overwhelmed by embarrassment, Li Qingshan stopped teasing her. He conveniently stuffed those crucified scabies into the treasure bag. After all, this thing is also a monster general, and it has swallowed a lot of banyan trees. Its body is full of spiritual power. It would be a pity to lose it.

In other words, though it looks kind of gross. But it is rich in a lot of protein, which can provide us with a lot of nutrition, and even if it is not good, it can be used to feed millipedes.

Jumping into the long passage, the azure blue water surges around, not so much as speeding. It is more like sliding in a shuttle, the road is not a straight line. Sometimes it suddenly enters a worm path opened by an insect, and suddenly turns and changes direction.

Just now in the midst of the battle, Hua Chenglu didn't feel anything, but now he was on his way, with nothing else to distract him, a masculine aura kept getting into his nose, and the hands he pressed on his waist and vest , as if gradually becoming hot, through the thin clothes, there is a burning feeling.

Involuntarily wanting to put some distance away from him, but when she galloped around, she involuntarily clings to his body, as if he was constantly rubbing her breasts, but not with hands, her face turned red as if to dripping blood.

In a blink of an eye, he came to another cave.

A white scabies bigger than the scabies just now, is gnawing big mouthfuls.

Li Qingshan swung the Demon Rebel Sword, and the evil light emitted from the evil heart on the hilt of the sword, the sword light flashed away, and the scabies was cut open with a huge scar, before the scabies could react, Li Qingshan rushed into the wound following the sword light In the middle, he stretched out his hand to grab it, jumped out again, squeezed another demon pill in his hand, and directly suppressed it with the power of the spirit turtle.

The scabies that lost the demon core directly changed from a demon general to an ordinary monster, its body shrunk sharply, and finally became the size of an adult man. Just as it was about to escape, a wave of blue light covered the scabies body, and it froze into ice. The white chill spread out.


Although Li Qingshan did not cultivate the ice aura like Bingli Palace, it is still not a problem to use this spell to deal with a monster. He tried to put one of them into the treasure bag, but failed.

It turned out that although the scabies were frozen, they did not die. Li Qingshan took out another exquisite insect sac and put it in. Although he doesn't know how to refine Gu, the value of such a live insect who has cultivated to the level of a demon general should be very valuable! At worst, you can feed millipedes.

Li Qingshan said loudly: "Next!"

"Your sword is very interesting."

The Big Banyan Tree King didn't expect him to kill a scabies so easily, and he also saw the unusualness of the Demon Rebel Sword.

"This is a demonic sword, but only the demonic people can activate the demonic sword. Could it be that he is a hidden demonic man? What is even more unusual is his ability to instantly suppress the demonic core."

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Without diamonds, how dare you take on this porcelain work."

If it was an ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator, how to kill the scabies would be a problem. Even if they worked hard to defeat them, it would be difficult to kill them if countless scabies scattered. With Li Qingshan's rebel sword in his hand, he could see through the location of his demon core at a glance, and then suppress it with the power of a spirit turtle, it seemed extremely easy.

But the Big Banyan Tree King understands very well that the demon core is not a "weakness" as a monster, it can even be said to be a "strength". , can be directly suppressed, but it will never be as easy as him.

"It's no wonder that when Si Qing dug me up in Wuzhou in the past, he felt a mysterious change in the dark. Sure enough, he met an interesting person. This son is definitely not an ordinary person, and he has a destiny with me."

The Big Banyan Tree King opened up another path after thinking about it.

"Are you okay! Do you want to stay here and rest?"

Li Qingshan felt that Hua Chenglu's breathing was a little disordered, and her heart beat a lot faster. The body temperature has risen several degrees. He is not an innocent boy who has never seen a woman, so he naturally guessed that it was because of himself. There was a faint smile on his face.

The clothes on her body are all made of precious silkworm silk. Although it looks tight, it is actually very light and thin. In such a close embrace, it is almost possible to outline the outline of her naked body in her mind.

Hua Chenglu bit her lip and shook her head slightly, not only because she didn't want to stay here alone, but also if she separated from him now. Doesn't it really admit that there are some strange feelings.

Li Qingshan smiled at this deceitful behavior, and embarked on the journey again. I have to say that the feeling of embracing her is really good, and he said again: "I don't blame me for squashing it!"

Hua Chenglu, who was already extremely ashamed, almost went crazy, the girl she promised to be a good friend should not play with! Men are all perverts! Not a single good thing. You don't need to worry about squashing it!

Staring at Li Qingshan with his teeth bared, like a cat with fried fur, Li Qingshan laughed out loud, killing all the way, really invincible, wherever he went. The worms give the head.

There are only seven monsters who have reached the level of monster generals, and there are hundreds of ordinary monsters, and there are even more weaker monsters, literally tens of thousands.

Although Li Qingshan didn't stop, he froze all these scabies and stuffed them into their sacs. It also took ** hours, count the time. It will be twelve o'clock soon, that is, the whole day, and this battlefield will soon disappear.

This trip can be regarded as very fruitful, and it has achieved the original goal. Although it did not stop for a moment, it mainly consumed the spirit and the energy of the devil heart in the sword of rebelling against the devil. The spiritual power has been slowly recovering, and now it has Completely fills the dantian.

The residual sword energy also became stronger, absorbing 70% of his spiritual power, but after exceeding 50%, the speed of absorption slowed down, and it was getting slower and slower. It may not be possible to raise the sword energy to 100% in three days or five days.

Also in this big banyan tree, the aura is as rich as any practice resort. No wonder seven of the slow-growing kun-like monsters become monster generals. Anyway, 70% is enough to kill people, so there is no need to ask for perfection.

Li Qingshan stopped in his tracks, clasped his hands and said: "Fellow Daoist, it's almost time, I'm going to leave!" Then he said to Hua Chenglu in his arms:

"Cheng Lu, just wait here for a while, I'll lead those guys to another arena first! They've been guarding here for so long, there probably won't be any other practitioners in this arena. It is estimated that you will be alone at the time, so the danger is not great, but you must be prepared and don't begrudge the talisman."

"Ah good!"

Hua Chenglu was stunned for a moment before realizing it, and she agreed, her arms were still tightly wrapped around his waist, and she maintained this posture for almost a whole day, hanging on the wall like a koala bear. On his body, accompany him to fight up and down the banyan tree.

This process didn't look boring at all, she didn't even feel the passage of time, Li Qingshan joked a few words from time to time during the battle, and she gradually got used to this state, no longer feeling so nervous and shy, and regained some of her usual teeth With a sharp mouth, he fought back without showing any weakness, leaving Li Qingshan speechless several times.

But once he said it harshly, Li Qingshan casually slapped her on the buttocks, this is the habit left by getting along with Han Qiongzhi, Luo Sizhu Queen, Ye Liubo and other girls, and then felt a bit too much, hugging each other Hugs are forced by the situation, and teasing with words is considered a joke, but this slap is definitely a hooligan.

Hurrying to apologize, Hua Chenglu clutched her buttocks, as if struck by lightning, and then became completely angry, arguing and insisting on going down, Li Qingshan was wronged first, how could he let go at this time, a few apologies are useless , I don’t say anything anymore, anyway, I have already played.

Just at this time, the avatar rushed to Fucheng, and seeing the fierce battle in the sky, Li Qingshan was also taken aback. Si Qing had fought against so many Golden Core cultivators by himself, and he was indeed worthy of being the Eleventh Prince. His thoughts were all on the side of the avatar, and he concentrated on observing the methods of Si Qing, the great enemy.

Hua Chenglu also got angry and didn't speak, and she didn't hold him anymore, she let him hold him in her arms like a big baby, and after more than half an hour, she took the initiative to wrap her arms around his waist again, and put her head on his. chest.

But at this moment, the dust of the battle finally settled, Li Qingshan came back to his thoughts, felt that she was overwhelmed, and was about to say something to ease the atmosphere, Hua Chenglu sighed, and spoke first:

"Brother Li, I know you didn't do it on purpose. You helped me save me over and over again. I shouldn't be so self-willed. But you already have Sister Han. If you want to provoke me like this, I can't feel angry. Her reputation is very poor, but she is not a woman who allows others to be frivolous."

"If I didn't have a marriage contract with Qiongzhi, would she not be so angry? Hey, it's better not to be too sentimental!" Li Qingshan thought in his heart, and smiled: "It's good not to be angry. Youdao is an elder brother like a father .You just think that I am teaching you on behalf of your father."

"My father never hit me, and if you explain it's wrong, why do you teach me a lesson!" Hua Chenglu was furious, it was obviously you who were wrong, but you are right for me to make peace with you so reluctantly.

"It's okay to call you at the worst, women are really stingy."

"Bah. Who wants to beat you back? I'm not your mother!" Hua Chenglu pursed her lips and smiled, alas, why is my cultivation speed so slow? At that time, he was obviously about the same as me, and I was younger than him!

This clever and beautiful girl from a noble family has always been the envy of everyone. But when getting along with Li Qingshan, he felt a little inferior in his heart. Cultivation Tao has been respected by the strong, and cultivation is the most important evaluation standard, and in many cases it is even the only standard.

In order to urge the disciples to practice hard, the aristocratic sect has firmly imprinted this concept in their hearts. Starting from a Qi Refiner, one level up is the Senior Brothers and Sisters. Junior brothers and sisters would salute when they saw each other, not to mention Li Qingshan, who was at the peak of foundation building, a stunningly brilliant genius, shrouded in an invisible halo. Hua Chenglu was deeply influenced by it, and she didn't want to be underestimated by Li Qingshan.

After going through this episode, Li Qingshan didn't dare to be so unscrupulous in his words and deeds anymore, he had to pass his brain before speaking. He is a casual person, and there is a saying that "the flowers bloom and the beards are broken", if he is really interested in him like Sister Yeliubo, he is unlikely to refuse.

But she will not spend her energy to actively hunt for beauty. Although Hua Chenglu is stunning, a man will be tempted when he sees it, but in terms of beauty and allure, he is not as good as Qiu's gate master. After arranging Qiu Haitang properly , He no longer misses looking back. It's just that the greatest pursuit in life is not between love.

There was only one woman who made him feel so impulsive, but that woman completely lost her mind after pouring a bucket of cold water.

Hua Chenglu noticed the change in his words, and was a little moved in his heart, it seemed that he really cared about my feelings.

Li Qingshan casually talked with her about Yinglangwei and Hua Chengzan, Hua Chenglu answered each one and asked him some questions. But the lives of each other are too far apart, and the way of thinking is also completely different, so there is not much common language.

Li Qingshan is not a person who can speak eloquently and make girls happy, he can barely tell dirty jokes and play hooligans. So all the topics can only be touched briefly, and the atmosphere is no longer as enthusiastic as before.

He didn't bother to talk to the avatar, he was more focused on the side of the avatar, paying attention to the changes outside the arena, to see if there was a chance to win the dragon arena, to break Ah Qing's stomach, thinking about Si Qing's loss of the dragon. He felt very pleased with the expression on the battlefield.

Hua Chenglu saw that Li Qingshan fell silent suddenly, lost in thought, and she was laughing there, so she asked: "Brother Li, what are you laughing at?"

"Ah, it's nothing!" Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, of course he couldn't say that I was trying to find a way to kill His Royal Highness Prince Siqing.

Hua Chenglu felt that the relationship between them seemed to be a lot more distant, and she felt a little sad again.

"You are perfunctory!"

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Where, I was afraid that you would be angry if I told you."

Hua Chenglu said: "Am I so angry?"

"I said it, I promise I won't be angry again!"

"I don't promise!"

"Then how dare I talk nonsense and offend Miss Hua."

"You don't come here to bury people. As long as you don't move your hands, I'm not such a stingy person."

Li Qingshan smiled: "It feels good, I don't know which man has this blessing."

The contemplation just now turned out to be reminiscing about the feeling of her buttocks, and her smile was also a naked lewd smile. Hua Chenglu gritted her teeth and said, "It's not you anyway!" The voice of hatred and Li Qingshan's laughter echoed in the deep cave reverberates.

When Hua Chenglu came back to her senses, the journey had come to an end. It was hard to tell whether it was long or short, but since she was young, she had never stayed with any man for such a long time, let alone in such an intimate manner. , they are so close to each other that they seem to form a whole, and when they are separated, there is a feeling of loss.

After hearing what he said, all I could think about was whether he would be in danger alone, and I couldn't help but think the worst, what if he missed and was killed? Then panicked at his own imagination, and said aloud:

"Senior Tree King, my elder brother Li helped you get rid of so many bugs, he is in danger now, how can you ignore it?"

The old voice of the Big Banyan Tree King resounded loudly: "Don't worry, Li Qingshan, you promised me three things, and now you only do one, do you want to leave?"

Li Qingshan said: "It's not that I didn't keep my word, but that the time is too late. Even if I don't leave now, if I wait a little longer, I will be forcibly teleported to other arenas. Then it will be troublesome."

"Although Si Qing is the master of the Dragon Arena, he is not in charge of everything in the Dragon Arena. If you want to stay, you can naturally."

Li Qingshan's eyes lit up, although he said it was only "a hair", but the king was still the king, so he laughed: "Really? Si Qing dug your old man here, so it seems like a wolf is in the house! But I really want to kill the old man." Bunch of guys!"

"You might as well reveal that the gift I want to give you, Si Qing specifically asked me for it, but I never agreed!"

"Okay, I'm moved." Li Qingshan understood that there are some precious things that cannot be exchanged with more spirit stones, "Chenglu, what do you think!"

Hua Chenglu nodded heavily, the journey is not over yet...to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.

ps: Five thousand words, five thousand words!

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