Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 103 Fisherman

All the Jindan monks changed their faces drastically, and each of them grabbed the skirt of the monk's clothes, "What, tell me clearly, what's going on?"

The other monks looked at Li Qingshan and others, and they all became extremely unfriendly. They had expected that this competition would be damaged, but they didn't expect that it would end in annihilation.

The Foundation Establishment cultivator tremblingly narrated what had happened, and all the Golden Core cultivators were furious. Some of these dead disciples were as close as their heirs, and some were directly descendants. It is extremely deep, and it is also the foundation of the sect. They were all used as Asura refining sacrifices, and they all died, and their eyes were tearing from hatred.

"Si Qing, I will never die with you!"

On the Feiyun Terrace, Si Bao put up the awning with his hands, and saw more than a dozen rays of light flying towards the sky, and said, "It's really fast, this Beiyue is really brave, but how can he escape Mo Yu?" Chase and kill!" I didn't expect that a competition would be over as soon as it was said to be over.

Gu Yanying shook her folding fan lightly, and smiled: "It's just a clone, even if it's killed, it doesn't matter, but if he succeeds, then Si Qing and the others will cry!"

Si Bao said in admiration: "Sister, you have already expected it!"

"Where, that guy is hard to calculate."


Pieces of pitch-black feathers streaked across the pitch-black tracks and flew towards them.

Beiyue didn't dare to underestimate the prince of the monster race. With a mere mirror image, she was definitely not Mo Yu's opponent. If she was dragged by him for a while, Si Qing and the others would kill him immediately, and it would be difficult to escape.

He turned around. Turning over his hand, he raised the Shura field, which was shrunk into the size of a bowl, and a suction force broke out in it, and all the black feathers were sucked into it, like a stone sinking into the sea.

He smiled slightly. Apart from being able to summon Asura, this thing is also very good as a shield. Any powerful moves that are introduced into the Asura field with a radius of hundreds of miles will hardly cause damage.

In the sky. The two monsters advanced and retreated like the speed of the wind.

Mo Yu couldn't make a single blow, stretched out a pale as dead hand, and grabbed Li Qingshan's throat like lightning.


Li Qingshan made a backhand palm, and met Mo Yu's palm, wanting to use his strength to escape, Mo Yu's palm exuded a strong suction force, sucking him tightly, and at the same time, there was a deadly and cold death force,

Constantly eroding his body, wherever it touched, his body immediately became stiff and paralyzed.

In an instant, the entire arm lost feeling. The color of the skin also turned gray. Relying on the power of a mere avatar. It is far from being able to fight against a powerful demon commander like Mo Yu, and he can't even support a single move.


Mo Yu suddenly opened a pair of pitch-black wings, wrapped Li Qingshan in it, formed a black ball, and then began to twist and collapse.

Jia Xu waved his feather fan. A blazing thunder shot at Mo Yu, and the evil pill blasted out with a fist, which turned into a ferocious wolf.

But at this moment, the black ball has shrunk to the size of a fist. Disappearing with Beiyue and Shura Field, Lei Guang and Evil Wolf were left blank.

"No!" Si Qing let out a hysterical cry.

Thousands of miles away, a black dot appeared out of thin air, turned into a black sphere, a pair of black wings spread out, the black feathers stuck to Beiyue's neck, and said eeriely: "You will die!"

"Everyone dies, but not today!"

Beiyue's face also turned dead gray, but she raised a very bright smile.

Mo Yu suddenly felt something was wrong, and seeing that Bei Yue's hands were empty, the Shura field had disappeared. Then his figure also fluctuated, gradually becoming nothingness.

It was as if someone set off a round of water waves on the smooth mirror-like lake. In an instant, all kinds of scenery reflected on the lake surface were rippling along with it. As the water waves calmed down, Beiyue had disappeared.

Mo Yu was stunned for a moment, his deadly face suddenly convulsed and twisted violently. It took several days of effort to invade the Shura field, not to hesitate to form an enmity with Si Qing, but in the end the dead enemy Beiyue gave the fisherman the benefit, a smoldering fire burned in his chest, he suddenly raised his head and let out a crow cry, All the humans and beasts who heard the crowing died immediately.

Si Qing watched the cultivated Shura field disappear before her eyes, as if she had been hit in the head, depressed and almost vomiting blood, the murderous intent came from behind, and when she turned around, she saw the dozen or so furious Golden Core cultivators chasing after him, and shot It is the strongest ultimate move, and there is no room for half a point.

"Thief, die!"


Under the Feiyun Terrace, Li Qingshan smiled at Han Qiongzhi: "Don't worry, I'm fine, and Tie Yi is fine!" In his right hand, which was caged under his sleeve, a wave of water rippled, forming a water mirror.

The light and shadow of the water mirror distorted, and the palm-sized Shura field came through, and he immediately suppressed its breath with the spirit turtle.

This is the most varied gifted supernatural power--Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the Water.

At first, it was possible to create a mirror image clone, but later it was discovered that it could be used to reflect attacks, and later it was discovered that no matter how far away it was, the mirror image could be used to directly summon the clone, and the things carried by the clone were naturally no exception.

In the past, he never thought that this tactic would have any great effect, but it was just convenient to call the clone to help at a critical moment. Perhaps when the clone was under siege, he could recall the clone in time to avoid some losses.

Unexpectedly, this time it would have a miraculous effect. Although the avatar could not be pulled over directly, through this water mirror, the "stolen goods" were quietly transferred back to the deity's hands, leaving the avatar there.

Li Qingshan was overjoyed to play Si Qing and Mo Yu to win the Asura Field, and looking at the distant sky, Si Qing, who was fighting with a group of Jindan monks, was even more happy, double happiness.

"Hey, dear grandson Ah Qing, after all your painstaking efforts, you finally took advantage of your grandpa Beiyue!"

If you think about this matter carefully, there are actually many doubts, that is how Beiyue can seize the best time to intervene, and how can she immediately find the core of the Shura Field and gain control of the Shura Field as soon as she intervenes, even Mo Yu It took several days to erode to the core of the Shura field little by little.

But no one could have imagined that the real Beiyue had been trapped in the Shura field all along, and it was only possible to succeed in one fell swoop by deducing and analyzing the entire Shura field with the spirit tortoise.

Suddenly feeling a sharp gaze, he turned his head, rushed to Gu Yanying who was flying on the platform with a bright smile, and said to Han Qiongzhi: "I'll go and explain to Commander Gu." He greeted Hua Chengzan.

Hua Chengzan hurriedly followed, and the two came to Feiyun Terrace, cupped their hands and said, "My subordinate Li Qingshan (Hua Chengzan) see Commander Gu and Commander Si!"

Si Bao said impatiently: "Li Qingshan, tell me what happened, what happened inside!"

Li Qingshan then told the story of the incident, he didn't say any lies, he just passed over all the secrets related to him.

When Si Bao heard that Li Qingshan had obtained the fruit of wisdom from the Big Banyan Tree King, his eyes widened. When he heard that he defeated Si Qing's minions with one against eighteen, he showed an expression of disbelief.

"The king of the big banyan tree will give you the fruit of wisdom? How can you defeat so many foundation-building monks by yourself? Don't bully others, be careful that I will beat you!"

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "It's up to you!"

"What did you say!?" Si Bao wondered if he heard it wrong, this kid was really crazy.

"Ahem, nothing? Hehe, I overreacted. I've been irritated too much recently."

Gu Yanying grabbed Si Bao, who was about to lose her temper, and said with a smile, "Okay, let's continue!"

"Then I went to various arenas to quell all the wars, and killed all Si Qing's subordinates. However, when the Shura field came, it was still chaotic. In the end, there were only some of us left, but luckily, finally It came out alive."

Except for Li Qingshan, everyone has a feeling of surviving a catastrophe, but he is probably the only one who can be happy. Even Qinghe Mansion's Hundred Schools of Classics, which had the largest number of survivors, lost most of its disciples, but Li Qingshan didn't know these people, and there was nothing sad about them.

"The subordinates can testify that what Commander Li said is true!"

Hua Chengzan also said, his eyes flickered between Gu Yanying and Li Qingshan, and he couldn't help but wonder, "Does she know his other identity? Oh, I'm such a fool, if I didn't know, how could I look so differently?" treat!"

Two people who are also between the human world and the demon world naturally have a natural tacit understanding, the same willful behavior, and the same deep and unpredictable. In the past, outside Qingyang City, under the cedar, it was a fateful encounter, and he was just an insignificant foil.

He couldn't help thinking that Li Qingshan had said to himself at the beginning, either to pursue it with all his strength, or to let it go gently, and he also said that he didn't understand how far the distance between them and Gu Yanying was. Years passed in a daze, and he was able to stand side by side with her.

Thinking of this, I suddenly made up my mind, it's time to make a decision!

Si Bao clapped his hands and laughed, "Ha, Si Qing is in serious trouble now, most likely he won't even be able to keep the position of Ruyihou. I really want to thank that Beiyue!"

If practitioners were only used as sacrifices to refine the Shura field, as long as there was a reasonable reason, the imperial court would probably not do anything to Si Qing, and there might be some people who appreciated Si Qing's generosity. But if the Shura field is lost, the situation will be different.

The Dragon Arena was made by the royal family at a huge expense. It is equivalent to an imperial gift. Once it is lost, it is a serious crime. If this happens, the act of using practitioners as sacrifices seems cruel and stupid.

In short, evil can be sheltered, but incompetence cannot be forgiven, and the imperial court will definitely punish it.

Si Qing also understands this truth, a painstaking sacrifice ended in such a way that the whole person fell into a rage, turned into a black dragon roaring, spit out billowing black smoke, formed a black cloud, shuttled through it, and the dragon's claws grabbed a Golden Core cultivator , will put it to death.

Jia Zhen hurriedly said: "Your Highness, no!"

Si Qing barely suppressed his anger, and asked the Golden Core cultivator, "Do you want me to spare your life?"

The Golden Core cultivator was also extremely tough, and said: "I, Peng Shizong, have been practicing for a lifetime, and An Neng has been humiliated repeatedly!" Immediately, he blew up the Golden Core, and with a loud bang, the dragon's claws were broken, and the black dragon's body was crushed. A huge wound was blown out, and blood scales were scattered one after another, like a heavy rain, making an angry and shrill dragon roar.

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