Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 109 The night of the rainstorm, the battle of the water gods

In Ruyi County, when Liu Changqing and others boarded the Flying Dragon Ship again and bid farewell to Li Qingshan, Ruxin quietly told Li Qingshan that she "asked for one thing", that is, she wanted to use the Water God Seal to practice for a period of time. m

This requirement couldn't be easier for Li Qingshan, the water god seal originally came from her, and she couldn't even use one tenth, or even one percent, of the water spirit power stored in the previous water god seal.

Li Qingshan readily agreed, and after parting with Han Qiongzhi, he found a small lake in the mountains, performed Mirror Flower and Water Moon again, created a mirror image clone, and rushed to Yueting Lake.

Unexpectedly, just in time for this heavy rain, there are Jia Zhen and Edan, and the Water God Seal is in danger of being lost.

So he deliberately told some lies to confuse the two of them. Presumably, Mo Yu would not tell them specifically that he didn't get the Shura Field!

As one of the people being tricked, Mo Yu did not publicize his failure, and Si Qing never had the chance to confront him.

Jia Zhen and Edan looked at each other, and they really couldn't be sure that the Shura Field was in Beiyue's hands. If it was normal deduction, it was very likely that it wasn't in his hands!

As the prince of the Qingzhou monster tribe, Mo Yu's strength and reputation are above Beiyue's. In a one-on-one situation, he naturally has a better chance of winning. At that time, it was also Mo Yu who controlled Beiyue and moved to another place on his own initiative, obviously he had the chance to win.

Jia Zhen suddenly asked: "How do you know that the Dragon Arena has become the Shura Arena?"

"I have been guarding for a long time. If I don't even know what that thing is, how could I go to grab it! Alas, I didn't expect that the bamboo basket fetched water in vain. Mo Yu is Ah Qing's enemy and also my enemy. We should join forces to deal with him and take back the Shura field. If we get into trouble again, wouldn't it be a joke for others?"

The more Li Qingshan talked, the more he felt that he was really fucking eloquent, and at the same time approached the two of them, expressing that he had no malicious intentions.

"It makes sense!"

Jia Zhen nodded, but suddenly turned around and galloped towards the depths of Yueting Lake. At the same time, Edan punched out, and the strength of the fist turned into a ferocious black wolf head, howling terribly. He opened his mouth full of fangs, and bit Li Qingshan fiercely.

No matter whether Shura Field is in Beiyue's hands or not, this water god seal is determined to be obtained!

Li Qingshan's reaction was even faster, before the two made a move, he had a faint premonition through the spirit turtle. Spread the wings directly, soar into the sky, and rush towards Yueting Lake.

But together with the howling of wolves,

Immediately, the sound of magic pierced through his head, his body froze, the wolf head followed him like a shadow, and he punched back. Booming on the wolf's head, it displayed the innate supernatural power of "Bull Demon Shock".


The two forces collided fiercely, and a thatched hut and several boats in Yedu were instantly destroyed, leaving a huge crater. The rainwater within a radius of ten miles was swept away, and it shot in all directions like bullets, piercing through countless trees.

in an instant. Li Qingshan's body was severely injured, and half of his evil spirit was gone. This evil pill was a bit more ferocious than he expected, and it was by no means incomparable to ordinary Golden Core cultivators. As long as he made another move, his avatar would be in danger of being defeated.

Hastily running the "Mirror Flower, Water Moon" to inject streams of monster energy into the avatar through the deity, and the injuries and loss of monster energy quickly recovered.

However, in this instant, Jia Zhen was already flying several miles away, wanting to win the Water God Seal first, and then team up with Evil Dan to attack Beiyue.

With a wave of Li Qingshan's right hand, a purple talisman flew away, and he shouted: "Definitely!"

Jia Zhen's figure froze suddenly, like a bug stuck in the void, unable to move: "Fixed body talisman! Evil pills stop him!" He quickly circulated his mana, although he didn't expect that Beiyue's shot would be precious Purple Talisman, but this Immobilizing Body Talisman can't hold him for long, but at this moment he is relieved, because he is sure, this is definitely not Beiyue himself.

When Jia Zhen reminded him, Edan made a contribution with one punch, followed by another punch, and half of the wolf's body was condensed, and the howling of the wolf even covered the thunderstorm and thunder.

If it was hit directly, I am afraid that it would be too late to recover, and it would be directly defeated. Li Qingshan could only wave his wind and fire wings desperately, and the giant wolf behind him rushed forward, and waved his backhand without looking back: "Spirit Turtle Xuanjia!"

Pieces of translucent hexagons interweave into a thin light curtain, blocking behind, clearly reflecting the posture of the giant wolf.

Evil Dan didn't pay attention to this small obstacle at all. The giant wolf hit the light curtain and tore it into pieces easily, but a small part of the force was bounced back. The giant wolf twisted for a while, collapsed and exploded.

Only affected by the aftermath, Li Qingshan felt a pain in his back, but he couldn't care less about it. Now he wants to race against Jia Zhen, get the water god seal first, and then immediately use "Mirror Flower and Water Moon" to hand over the water god seal to the deity In your hand, you win.

Flying forward again, I saw Jia Zhen looking at him gloomyly, his body was trembling slightly, his body was flickering with aura, and he would break free from the shackles of the fixed body amulet at any time. The nearly ten-foot giant, with his clothes torn to reveal a lifelike black wolf tattoo on his chest, roared and strode after him, his speed was not much slower than him waving his wings. It was true that there were wolves before and tigers behind.

With a jerk of his arm, Jia Zhen waved the feather fan lightly, pointing at Beiyue who was galloping towards him.

The Ben Lei in the sky seemed to have a direction and a target in an instant, and gathered into a blazing thunder snake, which swam across the sky at an incredible speed and hit Li Qingshan.


Li Qingshan's whole body was shaken, he didn't feel any pain, only a kind of deep paralysis, he couldn't move for a while. Only then did he feel the severe pain everywhere. If Jia Zhen hadn't been forced to cast spells under the influence of the immobilization talisman, this thunderbolt would have completely ended Li Qingshan's race.

Before he could recover, the evil wind came from behind him, and the gigantic Evil Pill stretched out five fingers to grab him. Just squeeze it hard, and the avatar will be shattered immediately.

Li Qingshan gritted his teeth and took out the second purple talisman, urging it!

A golden light flashed, forming a steel fortress around him. This was a defensive talisman.

Under the brute force of Evil Pill, the steel fortress distorted and deformed, making a piercing noise, but resisted it firmly. Li Qingshan took the opportunity to fly to the middle of Yueting Lake.

Jia Zhen waved the feather fan again, and a whirlwind whizzed up, engulfing Li Qingshan.

The fighting skills by the lake spread to the island in the middle of the lake. Ye Liubo said in surprise, "Sister, it's the master's evil spirit!"

"He is fighting with others, quickly gather people!"

Ye Liusu sent the order down, and under the watchtower, the Yeyou people suddenly agreed. As the leader of the Yeyou people identified by Beiyue, although Li Qingshan has not come for a long time, she has used her own means to stabilize her power. Slowly restore the glory of the night traveler.

"But with us, how can we help the master?"

Although Ye Liubo did not hesitate to die for him, he also understood that his battle was not something they could participate in with their strength.

"Did you forget? Let everyone go to the altar and let the mother preside over the ceremony!"

"Yes. I almost forgot, what about you, sister?"

"I go out for a while!"

"Get out!?" Ye Liubo looked in the direction of the lake, where there were only waves of aftermath of battles, which made people feel terrified.

"I'm not going to join the war, but to get the Water God Seal! By the way, send someone to invite the Rose Spider Queen."

Before Ye Liubo could answer, Ye Liusu jumped down from the watchtower. The figure melted into the darkness. Although she is not very clear about the specific situation, she can tell that this Water God Seal is the key.

With his strength, he can escape even if he cannot fight. It is unlikely to be directly killed by someone. But if this Water God Seal is lost, it will be an irreparable loss.

The pitch black rainstorm whizzed down, Li Qingshan was out of breath, just in this moment. He was almost killed several times, and he had already used all the purple talismans on his body. It only slightly stopped the footsteps of Jia Zhen and Edan, but could not cause any damage to them.

These two people showed a terrifying strength far exceeding that of ordinary Golden Core cultivators, and any one of them has the power to fight against his true self. Being able to sustain this moment is thanks to the rare purple talisman at the beginning, which prevented Jia Zhen from exerting his full strength.

However, the power of this talisman ends here.

Jia Zhen was shocked and broke free, with a gloomy smile on his face, but he felt a little regretful in his heart.

"At first I was worried that it was the deity, but it turned out to be just a mere avatar. It would be better to join forces with Evil Pill and kill him at the beginning, so that he won't even be able to use those purple talismans."

His thoughts turned, and he waved the feather fan in his hand. This time, it was Li Qingshan's turn to be unable to move. In the blink of an eye, he was enveloped by the giant wolf. He didn't even have time to recall the clone. The clone was directly defeated and disappeared between heaven and earth.

With such an absolute power gap, to be able to struggle to such a degree is already considered his best effort.

After Jia Zhen swung this fan, he galloped towards the place where the thunder intersected without looking at the result.

Ye Liubo finished Ye Liusu's orders, and waited by the lakeside, anxiously watching the stormy sky, suddenly felt a shock in his heart, "Master's evil spirit has disappeared! No, it's just the master's avatar, maybe Concentrate your breath and run away, the master will not die!"

"What are you talking about?"

Ye Liusu came out of the dark lake water, and the flowing water slipped down her body smoothly. She carried a naked child in her right hand. She looked only four or five years old, and she was constantly swinging her legs and struggling. Like human action.

"this is?"

"That fish!"

Ye Liusu threw the child on the ground, and the child wanted to go back to the lake, she said coldly:

"Your name is Xiaohong! There are people outside who want to seize the Water God Seal, Master Beiyue entrusted the Water God Seal to you for safekeeping, if you lose it, what will happen, I don't need to tell you!"

Li Qingshan procrastinated for a while, Xiaohong finally passed the catastrophe and became a demon general, but she was exhausted after the catastrophe, and was restrained by Ye Liusu, and she didn't waste any words, and took her directly to the water mansion in the middle of the lake , to explain. Hearing this, Xiaohong immediately dared not walk towards the lake again.


A surge of force slammed into the magic circle covering the water mansion, and the outermost layer of the magic circle was on the verge of breaking.

A giant came to the lakeside, with a scribe standing on his shoulder, he saw Xiaohong at a glance, and pointed at the feather fan: "Hand over the water god seal, and I will spare you!"

ps: Hahahaha, success against the sky! It’s the last few days of this month, your tickets are my motivation, please read the legend of the dreamer against the sky!

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