Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 118 The Catastrophe Comes Again, the Pearl of the Sea

The sound of the flute ended, and the sky was already dark. After another promotion and breakthrough in the Shura field, the bloody vortex in the sky gradually dissipated, revealing a pale red sky, waiting for the next life-and-death duel. www.dyzwwm (first, first, Chinese, Chinese, web)

Li Qingshan was about to leave the Asura Field, to practice in seclusion and break through the Golden Core Realm. Suddenly there was a fiery gaze, looking at him from a distance below.

Ye Mingzhu looked for a suitable dìfāng to stabilize her cultivation, while Ye Liusu directed everyone to rebuild their homes. Everyone had their own jobs, but they would raise their heads from time to time to look deep into the tree canopy.

Only Ye Liubo sat on the top of the tree with his knees hugged, looking at him for a moment, listening to the sound of the flute, like listening to the sound of a fairy. It's not so much the love between men and women, it's better to say it's looking up to the gods.

Li Qingshan smiled slightly, and leaped down from the big banyan tree. The phoenix's wings flapped gently, drawing a beautiful arc, passing over the rainforest, holding her in his arms, and flew to the distant mountains.

"It seems shíhòu has fulfilled my promise." Li Qingshan lowered his head and smiled at her in his arms.

"Master!" Ye Liubo said in surprise, hugging him tightly.

"Call me by my name!"

"But I like to call you master."

"That's up to you."

Ye Liusu looked up at them flying away from the big banyan tree and the rainforest, feeling a little sour in his heart, and happy for Ye Liubo. In the end, they were relieved. Just now when they heard him play the flute, they felt more and more how far the distance between each other was, and it would get farther and farther away. He would never belong to a certain woman.

The sound of the wind whizzed past the ears, and the Yeliu Bo knew that Fang Si was weird, but in his arms, there was an unprecedented tranquility, and there was an indescribable joy. Before anything happened, his eyes were a little blurred.

Flying over the dusty desert, those Asuras are fighting. Several Shura generals were fighting for each other's position. When they saw Li Qingshan flying across the sky, they all stopped their weapons. Stand in awe. That battle has made them confused who is the well-deserved master here.

Li Qingshan saluted them with a smile, and seeing those Asuras returning the same salute one after another, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, and continued to fly forward. It didn't stop until it came to the front of the snow-capped mountain, and it landed gently at the foot of the mountain, where it was possible to look at the great lake in the distance.

"Do you like it here?"


"Ye Liubo bit his lip. His breathing was a little short, and his body began to feel hot.

Li Qingshan placed her on the pure white snow, gently stroked her face with his fingers, and then slid down, the armor was silently disintegrated, and the plump breasts jumped out, slightly fluctuating. As it continued to slide, the skirt armor also split.

Her beautiful ketone body is fully displayed in front of her eyes, only a pair of boots are left, and the unique beautiful pattern of the night traveler is stretched out, and the dark blue skin and the white snow form a very sharp reflection.

Ye Liubo looked at him expectantly and helplessly like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Muttered: "Master."

For this cute "pet" who unreservedly dedicated everything to him, Li Qingshan didn't show much anxiety, and patiently teased her with fun, his index finger passed between the breasts to the delicate belly button, gently stamp.

Ye Liubo trembled all over and let out a pleasant low moan. His round thighs overlapped and rubbed slightly. Li Qingshan didn't expect her to be so emotional, he teased and said: "It's really lewd!"

Ye Liubo frowned and said aggrievedly, "It's all about you, the master..."

"Don't talk back!"

Li Qingshan smiled and pointed his index finger on her pursed lips, and immediately fell into warmth. She raised her head and held her fingers, her silky tongue wrapped around her, licking and sucking fǎngfó as she savored shíme delicacies, her eyes were blurred and full of joy, enthusiastic and cautious, the most fanatical believers of fǎngfó were pleasing their own gods.

Li Qingshan felt a wave of desire burning up, and the caress became fierce. He played hard with the lump of softness, and put his hand under her body, and found that it was already more moist than her sandal mouth. He only heard a high-pitched moan from her mouth. : "Master!" Full of longing.

So Li Qingshan leaned forward without hesitation.


The joy of love has not completely dissipated, and has returned to the dark mountain belly. Li Qingshan shook his head, took a deep breath, and then burned incense, bathed, changed clothes, and meditated to make the best preparations.

Sitting cross-legged, closing eyes, this rape experience, from the martial arts performance in Jiufu to killing the evil pill, everything that happened during this period, fighting, words, hatred, gratitude, hostility, kindness... Scenes after scenes The scene flashes across the eyes, including all the people and things.

Fènnù and joy, helplessness and longing stirred his heart at the same time, his eyes gradually calmed down like water, allowing all these to settle, perhaps because of taking the fruit of wisdom, his mind became extraordinarily clear.

In the end, all the people and things faded away, only the aura in the sea of ​​dantian qi floated up and down, which was just a short distance away, but it was as deep and vast as the sea.

The time is ripe, it is shíhòu to take this step.

He took out a Yuanling Pill, swallowed it, and refined it.

A strangeness spread out in the body, the originally peaceful sea of ​​dantian Qi suddenly became unsteady, and the sea of ​​consciousness also churned accordingly, fǎngfó would diffuse and expand bigger and farther, and fǎngfó would shrink, condensing the sea into one beads.

The two gǎào are completely contradictory, yet extremely harmonious, allowing Li Qingshan to see the existence of that heavy door.

He silently operated the "Immeasurable Sea Art", but he was not in a hurry to break through, silently comprehending the medicinal properties of the Yuanling Pill and the true meaning of the sea.

After a while, the properties of the medicine dissipated, and the first Yuanling Pill was wasted in vain. Even a Jindan cultivator would feel it was a luxury, but he just calmly took out the second Yuanling Pill, but did not take it immediately , just sitting quietly, letting time pass by in a hurry.

All of a sudden, the small five-element upside-down array was stirred up by an inexplicable force, and it started to work at full capacity. However, even this miraculous formation couldn't stop the exploration of that force, passing through the chaotic maze-like destiny bit by bit, and pointing directly at himself.

He waited with bated breath, let the spirit turtle dive deep, hide in the abyss, shrunk under the tortoise shell, and formed a unity of its own. After the force passed through the magic circle, it was also a little weak. After exploring for a long time, it failed to catch the slightest flaw and had to return in vain.

In Longzhou, the Qin Tiantai is glowing with twilight, and the sun, moon and stars are painted and engraved on all sides, and the weather changes. And at the top is a huge gossip map, in the center sits an old man with a plumage and a star crown and a childlike face with white hair.

After a while, the old man opened his eyes, which were pitch black, without pupils, but as clear as a deep pool, with the sky full of stars reflected in it, he said to himself: "People who are difficult to know, um, the little five elements are reversed."

If you have to do divination, it's not impossible, at least you can determine its location. But that would have to pay a considerable price, the disciple of the beast king is not qualified enough to let him do this, it would be more or less the same if Si Qing committed suicide.

"However, I can't figure you out, can't I figure out this little Five Elements Reversal Array?"

The stars in the old man's eyes shone together. The small five-element upside-down array is a magic circle that is specially used to deal with divination, and it does not have any ability to defend against trapped enemies. It is not a common magic circle, but its value is quite high. People who own it Not many.

For a big yin and yang family like him, such a protective method is also a clue and a loophole.

A moment later, a figure appeared in his eyes, from blurred to clear, it was Gu Yanying, who smiled at him and bowed his hands.

"This girl." The old man shook his head, stood up and walked down the rooftop. The moment he left the rooftop, his tall figure suddenly hunched down, his clear eyes became cloudy, and even his rosy face dimmed. Many folds and ravines were born out of thin air, and he walked slowly with his hands behind his back, just like a mortal.

Beast King, Si Qing, and Jia Zhen were waiting under the Qintiantai. When the old man came down, the Beast King also lowered his head and saluted: "Master Jianzheng, what's the result?"

"It doesn't count." The old man raised his head and glanced at them, suddenly a flash of surprise, at this moment, the power of Qin Tiantai has not completely dissipated. But his face remained calm, he turned around and walked away, but he walked very slowly, the beast king caught up with him in one step, "I can figure out where he is, I don't want anything else, just ask where is his real body hidden?"

"If it doesn't count, it doesn't count." The old man waved his hand.

The three of them were greatly surprised. They all knew the old man's ability, not to mention using the magic weapon such as Qin Tiantai. Logically speaking, even Beiyue's birth date and identity could be clearly calculated. Will not even be able to calculate wèizhì.

The Beast King spent a lot of money for the fortune teller, but only got such a result. How could he be reconciled in his heart? He frowned, and his majestic face became more aggressive, but facing this old man, his violent temper But it can't happen at all.

The old man stopped and turned his head, his cloudy eyes became so clear, "By the way, I have one more message to the three of you."

The three of them did not dare to neglect and listened intently.

What the old man said was not shíme's mysterious prophecy, "The world's affairs are still unfinished, so it's better to let them go."


At this moment, Li Qingshan took the second Yuanling Pill, and still did not use it to break through, he quietly visualized, then the third, fourth, and when he took out the fifth Yuanling Pill, shíhòu, shí More than a month has passed since the rape.

He looked at the fifth Yuanling Pill in his hand, put it away again, and then continued to meditate until the medicinal properties of the first four Yuanling Pills were completely gone, and then he worked the "Boundless Sea Art" wholeheartedly. The heavy kung fu method was perfect, and there was no more stagnation. It took another two months to do it.

He used the Yuanling Pill to peek at the doorway, but he didn't intend to use the Yuanling Pill to make a breakthrough. In the end, he still had to rely on his own strength to take that step, which was naturally much more difficult.

But he was not in a hurry, and sat patiently for four months. It was a very long period of rape, but during the practice, it seemed like a moment, immersed in a dream, until one day at dawn, he opened his eyes. Open your eyes, wake up from the big dream, in the sea of ​​qi in the dantian, the billowing spiritual energy begins to gather, to condense into that sea pearl.

At the same time, thunder roared in his ears.

Li Qingshan smiled slightly. (to be continued)

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