Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 125 Returning Home (Part 2)

The flying horseshoes splashed yellow muddy water. The yellow puma galloped through the rain curtain and came to the Iron Fist Gate. The knight on the horse suddenly pulled the reins, "Herod" neighed, and the horseshoes were raised high.

"Old sect master!" The disciples waiting outside the gate saw who was coming, and one after another stepped forward to salute and lead their horses.

Liu Hong dismounted from his horse. His stature was as strong as before. He flicked the rein, strode into the door, and came to the main hall. When he saw Li Long, he was shocked: "I'm really back!"

"Master!" Li Long also rushed outside the hall, and knelt down on the rainy ground with a plop. He had been practicing martial arts with Liu Hong since he was a child.

"Okay, okay, it's good to be back!" Liu Hong was full of excitement, he lifted Li Long up with both hands, and put his arms into the hall to sit separately. The master and apprentice looked excited, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

"In life, death is inevitable. Unless you practice like you, you can transcend life and death. Your father is at such an age, it is a happy funeral, so don't be too sad. I am afraid that you will come back to attend my funeral in a short time!"

Speaking of Li Long's father, Liu Hong couldn't help feeling very emotional. At his current age, he increasingly felt the threat of death, and he was very envious of practitioners who could prolong their lives.

"What did the master say, you are old and strong, and you will live a long life."

Li Long said sincerely, after not seeing him for more than ten years, Liu Hong seemed to have aged a lot, his face was full of wrinkles, and most of his hair had turned white. Only by refining qi can delay aging, no matter how strong a warrior is, he can't stand against the invasion of time, longevity "hundred years old" is the ultimate.

"Yes, master, it's not so easy to transcend life and death. At most, you can live a few more years. As long as you live comfortably for a lifetime, it's not bad for these few years."

Wang Lei is in his prime. With a strong physique, he doesn't take the word "death" very seriously. Hearing Liu Hong say how good it is to be a practitioner makes him feel uncomfortable. He doesn't want to envy his younger brother whose martial arts were not as good as his back then.

Liu Hong glared at Wang Lei: "I've been licking blood for so many years, and I still need you to teach me? It's not because of my father and Li Qingshan that you have been able to live in peace and stability for so many years."

Wang Lei was not happy, he was also the head of the sect after all, and Liu Hong trained him like he was training a child. But in the rivers and lakes. The master's status is higher than that of his own father. Regardless of the two ways of righteousness and evil, bullying the master and destroying the ancestors is the first-class crime. He got everything from Liu Hong, and there was no way to refute it.

"Senior brother is right. The most important thing in life is to be happy. There are also difficulties in practice. I almost lost my life a while ago. To be honest, it may not be as good as living a peaceful life in Qingyang City.


Li Long persuaded that although he had dealt more with the land and less with people over the years, he also felt some of Wang Lei's thoughts. But there is no meaning of comparison with it, and they already live in completely different worlds. I don't want to make Wang Lei feel dissatisfied because of himself, after all, Liu Hong will rely on him to provide for the elderly in the future.

Hearing that Li Long agreed with him, Wang Lei became happy again: "Junior brother went out for a walk. He really understood a lot of truths. As the old saying goes, no matter how nice it is outside, it is not as comfortable as at home!"

Liu Hong said in surprise: "Will there be any danger in the School of the Hundred Schools? I heard that it is like a fairy cave, with basic necessities of life. It is beyond the reach of ordinary people!"

Only then did he notice Li Long's attire, which looked very down and out. But at the same time, he also noticed that he had just walked out the door and knelt in the rain, and there was no trace of wetness on his body, and he was still dry and rustic.

Li Long talked about the experience of the martial arts performance in Jiufu, and sighed heavily: "In this battle, thousands of practitioners survived, but only a hundred survived. Many people who have higher cultivation bases and stronger spells than me have lost their lives." I was in it, and I still feel lingering fear when I think about it now.”

"I didn't expect this path of practice to be more dangerous than the rivers and lakes. I really want to thank that Li Qingshan!"

Liu Hong was amazed. A fight of this scale was beyond imagination, and it was even more dangerous than fighting in the rivers and lakes. What is even more unimaginable is that the country boy back then has such a penetrating means.

"Li Qingshan, I heard that he has become a big shot now!"

Wang Lei was at a loss for a while as if he was listening to a heavenly scripture, imagining how mighty it would be to calm down the fight with his own strength on the battlefield where spells were criss-crossed and swords were flying.

"Yes, he is now the commander of Chiying in Qinghe Mansion, his cultivation is about to break through the second catastrophe, and he is going to marry the daughter of General Han."

Wang Lei was amazed: "That's really amazing, master, you beat him at that time!"

"It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning!" Liu Hong laughed. At that time, Li Qingshan's ten taels of silver was exchanged for his punch, but he was very angry. Now that I think about it, I have hit such a big man. face.

When Li Long thought of the past, he couldn't help but smile, and talked for a while, and the sky gradually darkened.

Liu Hong said: "It's getting late, let's go back to Woniu Village overnight!"

Wang Lei said: "It's raining and the mountain road is difficult. Junior brother came all the way here. He hasn't even eaten a meal yet, so he's not in a hurry. Why don't you rest in Qingyang City for a night and wait for tomorrow! Let junior brother take a good wash tonight." Taking a bath and putting on decent clothes can be considered homecoming.”

"I have to change into filial piety clothes when I go back, what's the point of rectifying it!" Liu Hong glanced at Li Long again: "However, it's better to just make a filial piety dress here and put it on." .

The four words "returning to one's homeland with brocade of clothing" both mean "brocade of clothing", and the smaller the village, the more particular about this kind of decency.

Li Long only had a wry smile. His clothes were given by Huang Tuweng. Although they looked shabby after being passed down for many generations in the farmhouse, they were still a top-quality spiritual weapon, which would be of great help to his cultivation, so why is it so contemptible? !

"Master, let's go back after dinner!"

Wang Lei wanted to hold a big banquet on the Qingyang Tower to clean up Li Long, but he was reprimanded by Liu Hong, so he set up a table in the hall and invited some famous people from the Iron Fist family to accompany him. More than ten years of aging, the dishes are wild game and delicious delicacies.

Li Long only drank the wine and quilt, took a few mouthfuls, and stopped eating. Wang Lei said: "Brother, could it be that it is not to your liking? I will ask them to redo it!"

"I'm used to eating melons and fruits! I grow them myself. Let's all taste how they taste!" Li Long then took out some fruits from the treasure bag and distributed them to everyone on the table, as well as a jar of fruit wine he brewed himself.

Over the years, he has basically grown his own crops for three meals a day, which can basically replace the elixirs used in his daily practice, and sell the rest, and the sales have always been good. Therefore, as long as they have enough land and are willing to work hard, the disciples of the peasant family will be very rich.

"Then we want to try it." Wang Lei glanced enviously at the treasure bag on Li Long's waist, and laughed in his heart, how could this be like a poor relative coming from the countryside, with some native products.

Everyone couldn't stop once they tasted it, and there was no voice for a while, until they ate up the melons and fruits and drank the jar of wine, and then they breathed a sigh of relief, with endless aftertaste on their faces.

This ordinary melon and fruit is actually more delicious than any other delicacies on the table. The whole person feels refreshed, let alone the jar of wine. It is so strong that the internal organs feel hot, and the aroma of the wine lingers for a long time. All the fine wines I've drank in my life are as tasteless as plain water. For those who love wine, drinking this kind of wine every day can save ten or twenty years of life.

A leader said in surprise: "I feel that the internal strength has increased a lot!" Not only him, everyone noticed the changes in the body, not only the internal strength increased, but even some hidden injuries that had been accumulated for many years were healed.

Looking at Li Long, he was in awe, and the food he gave them casually was a rare treasure in the world! It's normal to cause a bloody fight. Back then, a single plant of spiritual ginseng could turn Qingyang City upside down.

As a genius disciple of the farm family, the melons and fruits grown by Li Long are not much worse than Lingshen. Although the spirit ginseng is older, it has not been carefully cultivated.

"Junior brother, these things are not easy to come by!" Wang Lei felt a little complicated. He didn't dare to underestimate the "farm disciples", and Li Long beside him suddenly became unpredictable.

"It was difficult at first, and it took me a long time to figure it out. The control of sunlight, rain and dew is very important, and the key is to use appropriate spells..." Li Long talked about the farming methods of the farm, but seeing everyone Confused, he stopped talking.

Liu Hong stroked his beard and smiled, feeling relieved. Li Long also prepared a jar of medicinal wine for Liu Hong, but considering its value, he didn't dare to take it out so directly, and had to wait for the right opportunity.

After eating these things, the feast becomes tasteless when eaten again. And although I don't feel full, I don't feel hungry anymore.

So a group of people set off overnight, and the disciples of the Iron Fist Sect almost came out in force, heading towards Woniu Village in a mighty way.

Woniu Village was also immersed in the night rain, only Liu Guanshi's house and Li Village Chief's house were still lit. In a dark house in the west of the village, a man and a woman are talking.

The woman said in a rough voice: "This old man Li is dead, Li Long will definitely come back to the village, he can talk to that Li Er, we have to ask him to send a letter to that boy Li Er, he is now well-off , can't forget us, we have taken care of him for so many years, without me cooking for him, he would have starved to death long ago!"

This was the voice that Li Qingshan hated the most, and this was his former home, or to be more precise, it was in the dilapidated cowshed next door. There is another cattle in the cowshed, and there will be children playing the reed flute and riding the cow's back to graze the cows, but they don't have to live in the cowshed, and their food and clothing are many times better than Li Qingshan's in the past. .

Brother Li turned over on the bed, and said in a muffled voice: "He has already severed all ties with us, and he hasn't seen each other for so many years, so what's the use of sending a letter!"

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