Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 117 Looking into the distance

Watching Gu Yanying disappear into the sky, Li Qingshan thought for a while, and returned to the Qingxiao Cave Mansion. After several years of gathering of the eight-door Golden Lock Formation, the aura in the cave mansion has also become very strong, perhaps not as good as the first-class one. It is not a small practice cave, but it is also a good place for practice.

After deploying the "Small Five Elements Reversal" formation, the secrets of the sky became upside down and chaotic, Li Qingshan was relieved, and then entered the Shura Field, what appeared in front of his eyes was still the dense rainforest with a towering tree.

"Master." Night travelers were busy in the rainforest, and when they saw Li Qingshan, they all saluted.

As soon as the shadow floated, Ye Mingzhu appeared in front of him, wearing the traditional black armor of Ye Youren, which couldn't hide her mature and charming body, but her existence was thin and vague like a silhouette, exuding a dark and unclear atmosphere, It seems that it will melt into the darkness at any time.

"Congratulations." Li Qingshan smiled slightly.

In the depths of the dense forest, there are more night visitors and monsters. Ye Liusu and Ye Liubo sensed his breath and rushed over together. Malu is climbing on a big tree, while Xiaohong and Xiaolan are soaking in the pond in the forest...

When the tortoise foreshadowed that the doom was coming, all the night walkers in Li Qingshan gathered and sent them to the Shura field, leaving behind a mirror image, and the deity returned to the ground, trying to kill every night walker and monster they encountered Into the Shura Field, leave before the Beastmaster arrives.

With the Shura field covering hundreds of miles, it is not a problem to accommodate them. The only problem is the killing intent of Shura Dao, which cannot be resisted by ordinary night wanderers and monsters, and it is easy to fall into frenzy.

Even if Li Qingshan is the master of the Asura Field, he cannot eliminate this influence. In that case, the Asura Field will no longer be the Asura Field. But there is still a piece of pure land, that is the area covered by the crown of the big banyan tree king. Under the power of the big banyan tree king, even the power of Shura Dao cannot invade it, and its crown like a green cloud is huge enough.

All night visitors and monsters are gathered under the tree. But at the same time, he didn't dare to get too close to the tree. Some reckless monsters have tried the power of the sun vine.

"It's all a gift from the master!"

Ye Mingzhu said respectfully, although she successfully survived the second catastrophe, she still dared not show any negligence in front of him, even though she had successfully overcome the catastrophe before. and cast him out. The idea of ​​re-in charge of the power of the night tour human race by himself, but after the battle on Yueting Lake, he gave up this idea.

His power is stronger than she expected. It is not an opponent that can be defeated by assassination at all. Coupled with the fact that he has no interest in ruling Ye Youren, now that Ye Liusu is in power, she, as a mother, is also in power, so there is no need to take this risk.

Ye Liusu said: "Master, I want to entrust Ye Youren's affairs to my mother. Concentrate on practicing for a while."

"Okay, I said earlier that you shouldn't spend too much energy on trivial matters, and it's only natural that the strongest should rule, Ye Mingzhu, from today onwards you will continue to be your mistress and rule the Night Travelers!"

"Thank you, master." Ye Mingzhu was overjoyed, the desire for power had penetrated into her bone marrow.

"What do you think of this place?" Li Qingshan asked.

"Very good. According to the ancient records, before entering the ground, night travelers live in such forests!"

Li Qingshan looked up and saw that the dense forest, covered by the canopy of the big banyan tree, looked more and more gloomy, like the night. It seems that it is really suitable for the life of night tourists, so I asked the big banyan tree king Yaoyao:

"Fellow Daoist, are there night visitors in Wuzhou?"

"Many, many, and more than half of them live under my shade."

The big banyan tree made the sound of vicissitudes and old age. It surprised many night tourists. At first they saw such a huge tree. She was already speechless in astonishment, she didn't expect that this big tree turned out to be a monster with will, even Ye Mingzhu's eyes widened.

Li Qingshan said: "This is the Big Banyan Tree King, one of the demon kings of the ten directions. Of course, this is just a clone of him."

"Big Banyan Tree King!"

Ye Mingzhu's famous demon king of ten directions, no one knows, Mohai Dragon King who ruled Qingzhou, has always been a legendary figure in her eyes, she never expected to see one with her own eyes today, and she felt a little more reverence in her heart.

Li Qingshan asked again: "I want to get rid of these sun vines, so that they can live safely under your shade, would you be willing?"

"I'm just a tree, don't ask me what I think, but its roots are intertwined with the roots of the tree, and it's not easy to get rid of the roots."

"Then I'll try it!"

Li Qingshan smiled confidently, and stepped forward, his body turned into a height of more than twenty feet, with sun vines winding up crazily. He remained motionless and let himself be entangled, and was completely submerged by the golden sun vines in a blink of an eye, each of which was desperately absorbing the evil spirit in his body.

Spirit Turtle Township!

Li Qingshan instantly restrained and suppressed all the monster energy, just like freezing the sea, and the sun vine couldn't absorb it for a while.

Bull demon shock!

Li Qingshan transformed the monster energy into the shocking power of the bull demon, and released it from the whole body, and the sun vine instinctively absorbed all the shocking power without a trace left.

Li Qingshan remained unmoved, and the power of the shock continued to be released continuously. Gradually, the sun vine undulated, as if it had reached a certain limit, and suddenly burst open and turned into shattered pieces. The light yellow juice contained in it splashed in all directions, like a rainstorm.

The aura contained in the juice was extremely rich, Li Qingshan let out a long breath, as if he had undergone a baptism, the exhaustion after the battle was gone, and his whole body was completely renewed.

And the surrounding rainforest grew wildly after being watered by this spiritual rain, and night walkers and monsters also jumped to the canopy one after another to enjoy the bath that fell from the sky.

And because of the sun vine's absorbing instinct, even the tiniest root hairs in the deep buried soil were shattered and removed by the roots. Perhaps one day, it will be able to grow again, but it may take a long time.

Under the auspices of Ye Mingzhu, night tourists built houses and dwellings under the big banyan tree in the intertwined root system.

Standing on the big banyan tree, Li Qingshan overlooked the busy night tourists below, and looked towards the border of the Shura field. He couldn't help feeling a little bit, how cramped he was when he could only sleep in the cowshed, but now he has a few square meters Baili's private land really seemed like a world away.

However, the difficulties in the past are not worth lamenting. Because until now he has not been able to clearly see how huge the green bull that has been with him for more than ten years is.

"I'm waiting for you above the nine heavens, when you're with me!"

He looks up to the sky, is Shura Dao considered lofty? Above the nine heavens, I am afraid it is in an even higher place!

"Don't bow to anyone or anything, because you were on my back!"

These words are engraved in my heart.

He took out the long-lost bamboo flute, put it to his lips, and played it a little strangely, the not-so-pleasant sound of the flute fluttering in the wind.

The Big Banyan Tree King listened silently. He had heard countless melodious and beautiful music, but he had never heard such a flute sound.

That is the ambition to climb out of the well and see the world, it is to turn into stars, a dream! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian () to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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