Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 128 Burning Out

Brother Li and Sister Li hugged each other on the bed and shivered, and the whole house trembled with them, as smoke, dust and dust kept falling down.

Countless horrifying sounds that ordinary people could not understand pierced through the walls and filled the entire room, making them even lack the courage to take a look at what happened.

In the cowshed next door, the lowing of cattle was heard continuously, full of fear and despair.

A **-year-old child got out from under the quilt and ran towards the door.

"Stone! What are you doing!" Mrs. Li was shocked when she suddenly found that the child beside her was gone.

"Old Huang is still outside! I'll bring him in!"

Shitou turned around and responded, opened the door and rushed out, not daring to look around, and rushed to the cowshed. A scalper was shaking his head anxiously and pulling the rope, dripping with blood.

"Don't be afraid, Lao Huang, let's go back to the house!"

Shi Shi untied the rope, jumped onto the bull's back, and hugged the bull's head, and the cow calmed down a little, and the cow's hooves had just stepped out of the cowshed. With a loud bang, several zombies broke through the courtyard wall and broke in.

Under the light of the moonlight, the ferocious appearance stunned the stone. The cattle immediately turned around and fled to the other side of the village. Shouted: "Father, mother!"

The last scene I saw was that my house collapsed, bricks and rubble flew around, and smoke and dust were everywhere. There was no time to worry or sorrow. Several zombies rushed out of the smoke and dust, chasing after them. They seemed to be moving stiffly, but they were faster than cattle running wildly. I do not know how many times.

At first, a zombie pounced violently, its ten pointed long and curved nails almost reached Shi Shi's buttocks, smashing the back half of the scalper's body to pieces.


The scalper screamed and fell to the ground. The stone rushed out and hit a wall of earth. Seeing that it was the end of his brain bursting, he closed his eyes tightly, but he felt light all over his body, surrounded by a soft and strong wind. When he opened his eyes, a strange man held him in his hand, and he was holding a handful of bare hands. Shooting hoes.

This seemed to be just a hoe for a farm tool, and it easily smashed into the zombie's head, dancing into a round of silver light. Another dozen or so rushing zombies were knocked into the air.

Li Long didn't dare to love to fight, and immediately soared into the sky. Stone didn't know whether he was naturally bold, or he was petrified. He opened his eyes wide and looked away from the ground, seeing countless terrifying zombies. And my own house was completely crushed and turned into ruins, and I couldn't find it anyway.

And beneath them,

The trees grew wildly, because the planting distance was extremely close, they squeezed each other to form a tree wall, and the root systems below were tightly entangled.

After the consumption of iron-blooded thorns and mine melons. The loss of the zombie army was also huge, with less than a thousand heads left, but most of the losses were weak walking corpses, and the refined zombies suffered much less damage. And the armored corpse was not damaged at all.

Bang bang bang!

The torrent of corpses hit the tree wall fiercely, sawdust flying, and the trees shaking.

Li Long frowned, these trees were not for fighting. Offensive plants, although there are some seeds of offensive plants in his hands. But the number was much smaller, and they couldn't resist the torrent of corpses at all. He held a handful of seeds tightly, his palms were covered with sweat, but he was not in a hurry to throw them out, but continued to plant the kind of trees that formed a tree wall.

Under the crazily impact of the zombies, the sawdust flew and the juice dripped down. However, despite the zombie's strong monster power, it couldn't break through the solid wall formed by hundreds of big trees for a while.

Surrounded by a group of corpses, Xiong Batian came to the tree wall with a fierce look in his eyes. He didn't expect that the other party could stop him to such an extent, relying on these strange plants to continuously consume the zombies he controlled.

This tree wall is several feet high, and the branches and leaves are luxuriant. It is difficult for ordinary zombies to climb over, unless it is a more dexterous iron armored corpse. But once the iron armored corpse climbs over, it will be separated from the main force. Although it would take a lot of energy for the warriors to kill these armored corpses, it would not be difficult.

And the most fearful thing is that the other party took the opportunity to sneak up on him. These armored corpses were used by him as personal guards. It was difficult for ordinary zombies to entangle the other party. If they scattered some seeds casually, they might really risk their lives.

Although it is also possible to go around, the surrounding area of ​​the village is filled with paddy fields, and after the continuous autumn rain, it is even more like a swamp, where zombies enter, and actions will be affected.

"Hmph, do you think I'll fall into your trap? It's just some wood, since it can't be pushed down, then rush over!"

Xiong Batian shook the same age, the zombies separated a path, Xiong Batian personally led dozens of iron-armored corpses to the tree wall, the copper bell rang suddenly, and the few iron-armored corpses at the head waved their claws ferociously.

The solid wood was pulled apart like mud, and a big hole was dug out in a blink of an eye, and then continued to extend inward. After a while, a tunnel was opened in the tree wall.

Just as the first armored corpse broke through the tree wall, it was bitten by a big mouth full of sharp teeth. This big mouth turned out to be a gorgeous dark purple flower, and the flower stem connected to the flower was swinging like a snake. The flower stems are connected to thicker branches.

And there are nine such flower stems, and nine flowers grow on the top of each one, like the legendary Hydra, which is called "Hydra Flower", and the buds are like pythons rushing to eat. Each bit an armored corpse.

The iron-armored corpse struggled hard, and the soft flower stems entwined like snakes, entangled them immobilized, and at the same time secreted a strong acidic digestive juice, which even the refined iron-armored corpse couldn't resist, and was quickly melted.

A total of eight such hydra flowers blocked the tunnel, plus Li Long himself, it was really one man guarding the gate and ten thousand people not being able to open it.

Xiong Batian felt a little regretful, and it would be better to take a detour, but he suddenly had an idea, ordered all the zombies to retreat into the tunnel, and then ordered the armored corpses to dig to both sides to avoid those blocking plants.

No matter how aggressive the plants were, they couldn't move casually. Li Long had to keep replanting plants for defense.

"Let me see how many seeds you have to plant!" Xiong Batian sneered.

The seeds of aggressive plants accumulated in Li Long's hands were indeed almost exhausted. Moreover, although it was not expensive to urge these seeds, the accumulation of these seeds also made his dantian almost exhausted, and he held a spirit stone in his hand to recover.

But there was a sense of relief on his face, and a magic talisman flew out of his hand. It was just an ordinary fire talisman, and if he was lucky, it could only kill an armored corpse. The fire talisman exploded into a ball of flames in the air, but it flew towards not any zombie, but the neatly arranged trees.


The flames spread rapidly, and the big trees burned violently like torches, especially the fruits on the tips, as long as they were lightly licked by the fire snake, they would immediately explode into a ball of flames.

For farm disciples, there are only two kinds of valuable plants, one is aggressive plants, and this only accounts for a small part. Most of them are practical plants, such as fruits and vegetables, food and medicinal materials.

Most of these trees are specially cultivated tung trees, and even the resin contains oil. Once ignited, even heavy rain cannot extinguish it.

In a short while, the tree wall was burned into a wall of fire, reflecting the sky red.

Xiong Batian led the armored corpses to open a tunnel under the tree, and the army of zombies meandered behind him. Almost all of them came to the underground of the tree wall, and suddenly found that the surroundings were already covered in a sea of ​​flames!

Almost every zombie was stained with tree sap, and their withered bodies were quickly ignited. Even the invulnerable iron armored corpses, the layer of iron armor covering their bodies began to distort and deform under the scorching fire.

Xiong Batian's complexion changed drastically, and he let out his true energy to block the attack of the flames. He no longer cared about ordinary zombies, and led the armored corpses, turned around and rushed out of the sea of ​​flames, only to see a figure descending from the sky and land on the edge of the sea of ​​flames.

Li Long stepped on the solid ground with his bare feet, his eyes were shining brightly in the light of the fire, his rough hands held the hoe tightly, and sprinkled the last seeds in his hands in front of him, breaking through the ground one by one, growing, Dance and fight with him.

A large plume of smoke rushed into the sky, and after a short period of clearing, cloudy clouds intertwined again, covering the sky and blocking the moonlight, and the autumn rain fell.

At the intersection of rain and fire, vibrant plants and lifeless zombies are entangled crazily.

Li Long's eyes were fixed on Xiong Batian all the time, and the hoe in his hand was raised high and fell hard.

When the flames were burnt to ashes, the sky had already brightened, a drizzle of rain fell on the gray charcoal, and with a chirping sound, a wisp of smoke like fog and ashes rose up.

Amidst the smog, Li Long lay on the scorching ground, gasping for breath, holding the hoe tightly in his hand, looking at the hazy sky.

He supported himself and stood up. Looking around, the whole Woniu Village has been turned into ruins, with the wood wall that was burnt into piles of charcoal as the junction in the middle, and the broken bricks and tiles trampled by zombies on one side, and the other on the other. On one side was charred charcoal that had been burned by the flames.

Although it rained later, the fire inevitably spread.

A look of bewilderment appeared on Li Long's face. He fought hard all night. Although he killed the enemy, the village was not saved. He didn't have the determination of Li Qingshan, this is the hometown where he was born and raised after all, countless familiar people and things disappeared overnight, and there was no joy of victory in his heart, it was heavy and heavy.

"Father! Mother! Father!"

Cries came from behind, and Li Long turned around, only to see a child pawing hard at the ruins, but he couldn't even move a larger stone, with tears and snot running down his face.

Li Long felt relieved inexplicably, "What's your name?"

The child turned around and said, "I...my name is Li Qingshi, I beg you god, please save my father and my mother!"

ps: sorry for keeping you waiting

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