Legend of the Great Sage

Various testimonials

After a glance, the last testimonial was more than two months ago, and I couldn't help but feel a little sad, I really missed a lot of opportunities to ask for a monthly ticket!

Counting with my fingers, asking for votes at the beginning of the month, summarizing at the end of the month, ending the old volume and starting the new volume, by the way, breaking through 2 million words, etc., I have accumulated a lot of emotions! I have to make up for it today, you guys, return the monthly pass you owe me!


I thought there would be a thousand words to say, but when I took a look in my heart, I found that it was empty, as if there was an invisible hole, and all the sentimentality and joy flowed away unconsciously, so I didn’t know what to say. what to say!

"When I am silent, I feel full; when I speak, I feel empty."

It's like when a person is alone, he always has inexplicable hopes, waiting for someone to confide his heart and believe in the tenderness between human beings.

But if you really go deep into the crowd, face your relatives or friends, and open your mouth, you will have no way to speak. Even if you force yourself to speak, even you feel tasteless, who is really willing to listen? I have to admit that life is lonely!

It seems to be a bit far away, but since there is no road or main line, it doesn't matter how far it is, so let's just believe in it!

Suddenly, I remembered the original speech, which seemed to be called "taking dreams as horses", a word from Haizi, and I still remember that poem:

"Like all poets who use dreams as horses, I use this fire to spend the night of my life!"

Thinking because of pain, dreaming because of emptiness, don't be hypocritical, all the greatness and nobility shine brightly, and tracing the source is nothing but the ordinary troubles of ordinary human beings. Writing a novel, reading a novel, are all In order to relieve this little annoyance, few people would really be so annoyed as to lie on the rails!

Well, it seems to say a lot of meaningless words, if you can't understand, that's normal, in fact, I don't know what I'm talking about!

Yesterday I sat on the toilet and read an ancient fable. I have been reading this book since junior high school, and I especially like reading it in the toilet. Every story is rich in philosophy. I tried to sum up a set of effective ways of being a human being from it, but found that they always contradicted themselves and insisted on their own words, so I quickly closed the book and came out. After gaining wisdom, I got hemorrhoids instead. Fortunately, after so many years of watching, I didn't get any of them.

Huh, ok ok, that's the end of the nonsense, if you still don't understand, then let me explain.

"You open the webpage and check. This testimonial has no age. The words "empty, lonely and cold" are written crookedly on each page. Come on, there are three words written all over the article, "Ask for a monthly ticket"!"

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