Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 34: Road 1 to the North

"I don't have this kind of leisure, so Commander Gu invites it!" Elder Feilong wanted to use his sword to leave.

Gu Yanying's figure flashed and stood in front of him again, the smile on his face disappeared: "Elder Feilong is so old, why do you have to kill a cat, after Lady You lost her child, it is all about this. A cat chatting and masturbating, is the Tibetan Sword Palace really going to fight the Xuanyin Sect?"

"Our Hidden Sword Palace has followed the purpose of eliminating demons and defending the way in all dynasties. Demons, ghosts and monsters, everyone can get them and kill them!"

Elder Feilong resolutely said that this time it is precisely to kill the cat demon and defeat the will of the ghost woman. Moreover, the cat demon should carry a large amount of spiritual pills and even magic weapons, which is a huge wealth, and he will not let it go.

Before he left, he had made a divination with the elders of Tianji, and the hexagram showed that the trip would be a success, and he could end a grudge by the way, with a near certainty of victory.

In the end, Lord Zhou Mu came out to mediate, and Xuanyin Sect might not have the decision to go to war with Tibetan Sword Palace. How could two human sects go to war for a cat demon.

Gu Yanying's expression changed, golden light flashed in his eyes, and he sneered: "Hidden Sword Palace is so amazing, why didn't you go to Mohai to slay the dragon and kill the first demon king in Qingzhou? It's just bullying the soft and fearing the hard."

Elder Feilong said, "Our Palace Master has his own calculations on this matter." Before he finished speaking, the human and sword were united, and a long rainbow was drawn, flying through the sky, as fast as lightning.

The golden light in Gu Yanying's eyes disappeared, she hesitated for a while, but she didn't make a move. With a slight sigh, the swordsmanship of the Tibetan Sword Palace pursues the ultimate in swordsmanship, does not fake foreign objects, and has extraordinary lethality, far beyond the ordinary Jindan cultivator, which can be matched.

She didn't want to fight with him unless it was a last resort. Now, the only way to find the cat before him is to hope that her Six-Yao Divination Technique can be a little better, and that fellow Mo Yu can help.

In the Cangmang Mountains, as long as any monster sees that cat, she will know as soon as possible that it should not be a problem to be one step ahead of the elder Feilong.

After an unknown time, when Li Qingshan opened his eyes again, the cave was dark, without the gorgeous carpets and delicate incense burners, it was empty. Everything that happened during the day seemed unreal.

The rushing sound of the waterfall is close at hand, deafening, revealing the moist water vapor and brilliance, and it looks strangely quiet.

He greeted Xiao An, walked out of the cave, walked through the water curtain hanging from the waterfall, a bright moon was in the sky, the crescent moon was sitting on a big rock, looking up at the moonlit night, his body was covered with a layer of moonlight, and the gouyue on his forehead was bright and dark. , suddenly looked back and smiled: "Da Hei, you are awake, it's time to go!"

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and then, her figure suddenly appeared on top of Li Qingshan's head, and the afterimage remained in the same place and did not dissipate for a long time.

"This is?" This is not something that can be done quickly.

"Transform, you idiot!"

The voice came from overhead, but Li Qingshan looked at the water, but she couldn't see her figure, "This is it again?"

"Moon Hidden Technique, you idiot!"

Li Qingshan suddenly understood, no wonder she was able to escape so far during the siege, teleportation and stealth, how many people could catch her with these two tricks alone: ​​"Can't you just go north in stealth?"

"Once you use your demon energy, you will be discovered. Otherwise, why would I take you with you? Are you going to leave?" Xianyue was impatient.

Li Qingshan jumped out of the pool, chose a direction, and headed north.

The Cangmang Mountains, like a giant dragon, spans thousands of miles from the southwest to the northeast. The mountains are deep, forests, steep cliffs and dangerous rocks are forbidden areas for human beings.

Li Qingshan has been looking at this mountain range for ten years, but it is the first time that he has penetrated so deeply into it. The moonlight fell, making it more and more quiet.

Because he was worried that the disturbance would be too big and would be discovered, which would affect his escape plan, Li Qingshan did not walk very fast, but after his body changed greatly,

Each step easily spans a distance of several meters, so it doesn't seem slow.

Although he was an otaku in his previous life, he often longed for the life of an ALICE friend. In this life, he finally realized this dream. Although the way of realizing it was a bit strange, he enjoyed the scenery of the deep mountains all the way, but he did not feel bored.

But he was not bored, but Xianyue was bored to death, and kept mumbling: "It's too meow, too meow!" Jumping from the top of his head to the left shoulder, then from the left shoulder to the right shoulder, huddled with Xiao An, tease Xiao An.

Xiao An didn't like her appearance very much, and fled around Li Qingshan. Although both of them were very light, Li Qingshan also felt like there were two more monkeys on her body.

"How dare you talk to the master like that?" Xianyue smacked Li Qingshan on the head.

Li Qingshan shouted violently, and suddenly rushed forward with a terrifying momentum.

"Silly big black, forget it, I won't bully you anymore." Xianyue touched Li Qingshan's head and laughed, the silver bell-like laughter scattered throughout the forest.

When she was bored, Xianyue rummaged up and down Li Qingshan, and soon found Li Qingshan's "Cao Zi Jian Shu" hidden in her thick red hair.

Li Qingshan didn't have time to stop it, or it was useless to stop it, he opened the painting scroll, a flash of inspiration appeared, and Xianyue was also startled by the sword intent, patted his chest, and turned the "Caozi Sword Book" in his hand. It looks exactly the same as when Li Qingshan got it, and he has an illiterate face: "You still have this kind of thing! This is a spiritual tool that can only be used by humans! I think you are quite amazing."

Li Qingshan said: "This is mine."

"What's yours is mine. Besides, who cares about your scumbag? I've seen a lot of magic weapons and magic weapons. It's just a piece of spiritual weapon." The edges have been scorched, and it doesn't look amazing: "What the hell is this, there is no spiritual energy at all? The carving is still so bad, Nanan, what does this mean?"

"When!" When Li Qingshan touched his waist, it turned out to be empty. Before he had time to say anything, Xiao An stretched out his hand to grab the wooden token. How could Xianyue let him succeed? Crescent Moon avoided several attacks from Xiao An in an instant.

"You're not in such a hurry with the spirit tool, tell me what it is for, and I'll give it back to you!"

Li Qingshan stopped Xiao An: "This is an agreement."

"What's the deal?" Although Li Qingshan was reluctant to say it, he knew that she was curious and would not give up until the goal was achieved, "I promised to send him home, his home is in the south."

Xianyue was taken aback for a while, "I can't tell, you're pretty good to your pet!"

"He's not my pet!"

"Give it back to you!" Xianyue threw the wooden sign to Xiao An, Xiao Anzhen put it away again, she jumped on his head again, her fingertips popped sharp claws, and carved on his horns,

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