Legend of the Great Saint

Chapter 24: Looking for ginseng

Huang Shouhu’s own attack is not enough. He further said: “Your knife and boxing method is wide open, and it should be a pulse of external work. This kind of martial arts is relatively quick, but if there is no kind of superior internal power assistance, From the outside to the inside, to achieve a situation of both internal and external repair, I am afraid that it is difficult to become a first-class master, and the innate master is hopeless."

"First-class master? Then I am a few streams? What is the innate master?"

Li Qingshan has a series of questions, but Huang Danghu believes that some people believe in the words of the high school. If there is a teacher who is a good teacher, how can you not know this: "You can't reach the third-rate in Qingshan."

"So it is not a rogue!"

"You can put down those who are picking up tourists. It is already called a 'good hand'. You are still young and don't have to be too discouraged. If you practice well and become a third-rate master, you can go all the way. With Qingshan, your qualifications, this There is absolutely no problem."

Huang disease tiger is afraid of hitting too much, and frustrated his sharpness, and he will be comforted. But I know that the goal of Qingniu to Li Qingshan has been rampant since the beginning. The so-called internal power is even more funny.

"Congenital masters are even more mysterious. First, they must get through the body meridians, break through the life and death porch, transform the internal forces into true gas, and can flow freely in the body, and then unhindered. The true gas is strong to a certain extent, and even can be wounded in vitro. ”

Wait, it seems that now, the gas in my body, I can freely flow, but can not be released from the outside, presumably the amount is too small.

Li Qingshan suddenly realized that from the very beginning, he and the mortal stood on different starting lines. The path he took was unimaginable for ordinary martial arts people.

"He headhunting, I will definitely become a master."

Huang disease tiger praised "good ambition", but his face is undecided, congenital master? When he first heard these things, did he have such ambitions, but how easy it is.

It seems to have seen the original self: "If you really become an innate master, I will give you this headhunter." This is not a voluntary commitment. When he wants to come, Li Qingshan can become a congenital master, even after decades. I know that this is what he called "congenital master".

Li Qingshan’s heart is moving: “He heads, your body doesn’t look too good?”

"I was weak when I was born. Lang Zhongyuan said that he couldn't live, but my mother didn't believe it. It was hard to pull me. I don't believe that I am better than other children in the village. I just practiced a martial art, but the foundation is still weak. The pain has been mixed over the years, and I am afraid that it will not be a good time."

Li Qingshan really admire this man in front of him, even if there is no great magical magic, but this willpower is enough to be his role model.

"The headhunter doesn't have to worry, as long as you find the spiritual ginseng, you will be able to cure you."

"Well, although it is an ethereal thing, it is always alive, and it is a big injury to the Wangzhuang. Today, we will start to go to the mountains to search for mountains. You have to go with you?"

"I have not recovered from my injuries. I am afraid I can't help the headhunters." Li Qingshan certainly won't agree. The other party just said that, it is impossible to believe him.

"Okay, then wait for your injury, we will fight again, I will arrange for people to teach you archery." Huang disease tiger patted his shoulder.

After Huang Shouhu left, Li Qingshan immediately asked the green cow.

Qingniu dismissed the road: "What is the first-class second-rate, is the ant ants also to distinguish between strong and weak? It is the ginseng, if you can get it, it will be of great help to your practice."

Li Qingshan can only look at it with an eye.

"You can learn to hunt, no longer rely on me, I am very pleased, and finally I can rest. From now on, you will be self-sufficient!"

Unsurprisingly, Qingniu has always implemented the idea and will never help. Li Qingshan didn't really want to rely on it. As for the tigers in the two villages, he didn't have this self-confidence. Most of them were smothered. He sighed a few times, and ended this thought and chewed a ginseng. Meditate on the work until the night before the night falls.

A smoky ghost rose from the 槐木牌, turned into a handsome child, looked at Li Qingshan, determined, and flew into the mountains with the night wind, no **** lips.

If someone who is proficient in reading lips sees it, he knows that the word in his mouth is "spirituality."

The green cow opened his eyes and glanced at it, and then closed his eyes and went to sleep. Xiao An flew out of Le Ma Zhuang, flew into the rolling hills, and passed through the heavy forests freely, but he also avoided the violent mountain wind from time to time. He saw a light from afar, and he was close to seeing Lema. Zhuang's hunters took their weapons and rested by the campfire. Huang disease tiger is whispering with several hunters to discuss tactics. Xiaoan hovered for a few laps. After listening for a while, he flew on the white peak and carefully examined each stream and every rock. Of course, occasionally, the little beast passing by will attract attention and forget his original purpose, but he will always return to God and continue to search. There is only one thought in my heart: I must find the spiritual ginseng so that I can help him. At the fourth time, the visitors took part in a night attack, but they were retired by the yellow tiger who had been prepared, but neither of them found the ginseng. Xiao An is also the same. Before the sun came out, he returned to Zhuangzi, his face was exhausted and almost tired. The child's mind is always not so easy to last, and this work is too lonely for him, he has already tasted the loneliness. But looking at the face of Li Qingshan, who was still asleep, suddenly there was a new impetus in his heart. He clenched his fist and went into the coffin to sleep.

In the early morning, a grim old hunter called Li Qingshan: "The headhunter asked me to teach you archery!"

Li Qingshan noticed that his left foot was awkward, but in order not to be rude, he just glanced at it. He did not expect the old hunter to have noticed it. The plain road said: "By the wolf, come with me!"

On the west side of Zhuangzi, a group of half-size sons have been waiting there. The big one is about the same age as Li Qingshan. The younger ones still hang their noses, but everyone has a hunting bow on them, and they look at Li Qingshan’s eyes. And not good.

"Tibetan, he wants to be with us?"

The Tibetan monk slightly decapitated, and did not explain much. He said directly: "Open the bow!"

The group of children immediately stopped talking, opened the hunting bow, and aimed at the target in the distance. The Tibetans corrected their posture one by one, explained the essentials of archery, and left Li Qingshan on the side~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Qingshan didn't feel bored, but listened attentively. After half an hour, the Tibetans ordered a rest and finally opened up to Li Qingshan: "Practice strength first!" refers to the stone lock on the side.

Li Qingshan went to grab the stone lock. Compared with the teacher who did not take your life seriously, this level of neglect is still within his acceptance.

The Tibetan man showed some unexpected looks. He didn't like Li Qingshan, but he couldn't disobey the instructions of Huang Xinghu. So he deliberately gave him some cold reception. He also honed his heart. He didn't expect him to be completely angry, and started with him. Imagine a completely different mind, saying: "No wonder the headhunter values ​​him so much!"

"Boy, where did you come from?" The group of children couldn't help but come forward, and their faces were full of provocations.

"Wo Niu Village."

"Oh, it’s just a kind of land. It’s a little bit of strength. I heard that you brought a cow. We don’t need cows here, kill meat!”

Li Qingshan can't generally see with them, shouting and killing, but they will not let them insult them at will, their arms are violently forced, and two dozens of pounds of stone locks are thrown into the air.

"Mom!" The group of boys rushed to the face and panic, and the stone locks of a few pounds smashed down, not to smash the brains of people.

The stone locks fell heavily. Li Qingshan did not blink and did not hide. Instead, he concentrated on the opportunity. He seized the stone lock and grasped the impact of the body and smiled at them.

The group of stunned eyes stunned and gave a sound of swallowing and spitting. It took a lot of effort to lift the two stone locks. Most of them can do it, but it is impossible to throw it into such a high air, let alone Then catch the stone lock.

Li Qingshan did not care about them, only smiled and said: "Tibetan, do I have to work hard?"

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