Legend of the Great Saint

Chapter 33: Peak matchup

If it is one-on-one, Li Qingshan is confident now. Within ten strokes, Yang Jun will be defeated and even killed.

"Hey, toasting, don't eat and drink fine wine!" Yang Jun is about to make a decree, and Li Qingshan will be taken, even if Le Mazhuang is not easy to provoke, in this deep mountain, it is not afraid to leave a ruin.

Li Qingshan is also tight all over the body, intending to swear the thief first to smash the king, fight to get a sword, take this Yang Jun and say.

Suddenly someone said: "Less Lord, he seems to be a cracked stone bow on his back!"

"What, cracked stone bow!" Yang Jun stopped the action and looked at the big bow on the back of Li Qingshan. He knew everything about the famous weapon of the famous person near Qingyang City: "Where did you come from?" ?"

"Nature is the headhunter." Li Qingshan said.

Yang Jun’s face was uncertain for a while. He was smothered in the middle of the martial art. He knew that he could get this weapon. Most of them were the successors of Huang Shouhu, the next head of Le Mazhuang. .

If such a person dies, Le Ma Zhuang will never give up. It will take no effort to know their activities in this area. If they try their best to retaliate, those dark arrows and traps will not be easy to deal with. He can't provoke such troubles for a moment. He slams his hand: "Kid, don't let me meet you again."

In the blink of an eye, there is only one person left, and Li Qingshan is left alone on the mountain road. Although he will not read the mind, he also guessed that the other party is the power of the taboo.

When a stranger sees you, it is never yours, but your power, strength, and wealth. Although Li Qingshan has reached the level of a third-rate master, it is the bow that is off the danger.

He filled his anger and secretly said: "I don't avenge this hate, I don't want to be a human being. I don't want to let Li Qingshan do anything, and I will never live by the reputation of others."

He did not quite agree with the statement that Qingniu’s "revenge must be reported". He felt that men should have a broad mind. Now that they know a lot of life and death, they will be settled between them and become endless.

After a lapse of more than a month, Li Qingshan once again returned to Wo Niu Village. In his own home, he had not yet started to listen to the movement: "Is there a thief? It is also the place where I live. I have to look at which one." The thief, dare to steal my body." His heart was angry, stepping forward, grabbed the man, and the man turned his head and turned his head.

The four eyes are opposite, but both people are holding back.

"Li Fugui!"


"What are you doing at my house?"

"Jiro, are you not dead?"

When Li Qingshan looked at the room, although he had been away for more than a month, he was still spotless. He knew that Li Fugui was not stealing things, but was helping him clean up the room.

"Of course I am not dead, why do you say that?"

After some inquiries, I realized that Li Qingshan had no news from Baixi Town. Some people in the village saw him in a conflict with Le Mazhuang. He was a fierce person.

Li Fugui also helped him burn some paper money and cried.

Li Qingshan couldn’t smile: “I’m not living well, Le Mazhuang’s yellow headhunter, please go to Zhuangzi as a guest, and stay for a while.”

Li Fugui did not expect him to enter the Longtan Tiger Cave like Le Ma Zhuang, but he was still alive. As for Huang’s headhunting and asking him to be a guest, he is not very convinced. In his eyes, Li Qingshan is very powerful, but compared with people like Huang’s tiger, it’s still far worse. I don’t know what to say, just Nian Yan: "That's good! That's good!" But Li Qingshan was somewhat moved, and did not help the wrong person.

But Li Fugui’s face suddenly became anxious: “Let’s go, don’t let the villagers know?”

"what happened again?"

"The size of the village chief's family is back, saying that you are looking for trouble!"

"Li Long!"

The eldest son of Mr. Li, the eldest brother of Li Hu and Li Bao, Li Qingshan is not strange to this name. Instead, he was heard by the villagers.

Li Longyuan is a little older than him, but he is said to be playing outside the door when he was a child. He was taken by a noble person and took to the Qingyang City Middle School. He only came home after the holiday, and he had several faces with Li Qingshan. But I didn't even talk about it.

In the eyes of the villagers, it was the big man who walked out of Wo Niu Village and arrived in Qingyang City. He had a prostitute. He was looking forward to being able to give him, and Liu Xiaoguan, the son of Liu Guanshi, and called "Wo Niu Shuangjie". .

Of course, now there is a sudden rise of Li Qingshan, perhaps called "Wo Niu Sanjie", but Li Qingshan has not seen the world, did not enter Qingyang City, this "third Jie" is a bit reluctant.

Li Qingshan said: "I am still afraid of him!" Not only is he not afraid, but he has to go and see it. He disregarded Li Fugui's dissuasion and pulled out to go to the village of Li.

At the home of Mr. Li’s family, a short-headed young man is teaching Li’s head: “Which people dare to bully us, it’s really alive and more.” He pointed to Li Hu and Li Baobao: “You two Grandpa, let people bully to the door,"

He grew up almost in Qingyang City, and his experience in the eyes is extremely rich. He has already been a Qingyang person. Now he is looking at the things in the village with the eyes of "the city people." There is a natural contempt, not just for Li Qingshan~ Www.wuxiaspot.com~ is everything in Wo Niu Village.

He is not young, but he has never been dear, and his family has been anxious to help him find objects. He refused all of them. Now he is not worthy of the village girl.

In the village, the village chief Li, this time is just a promise: "I don't want to be annoyed, anyway, his kid is dead."

"He got into Lema Zhuang that he was looking for a dead end, but I didn't have to bother to teach him."

Li Hu shrinks his neck and only promises Nono. Li Bao said: "Big brother, you will not let us join the iron fist to learn Wu, of course, people will be bullied in the village."

Li Long blinked his eyes: "That is your qualifications are not enough!"

"Li Qingshan is not dead, Li Qingshan is back!" At this time, someone suddenly shouted outside the door.

Li Long stood up fiercely.

If the news is only in the calm village, then "Li Qingshan went to the village of Li Cun!" The squatting is the arrogance, which led the whole village to be dispatched again to see the first and third members of Wagiu Village. The peak between the showdown.

Under the sun, Li Qingshan and Li Long were opposite each other. The villagers held their breath, as if they were afraid of alarming them.

Li Hu and Li Bao stood next to Li Long, fueling his momentum. Li Long waved his hand and let them both retreat. "Li Erlang, who has not seen it for so long, has grown so big."

This is entirely the tone of the elders who spoke to the younger generations, but the villagers all think that he has such qualifications and whispered:

"This is a big trouble for the next Erlang."

"Yeah, Li Long is not the kind of Liu Wei who can be compared with the rogue."

Li Qingshan did not accept this statement. See Li Long Gao Dajian, his arm muscles bulging, his eyes are stunned, and there is power in that stop, but his instincts tell him that this person has no yellow disease.

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