Legend of the Great Saint

Vol 6 Chapter 21: Identity and doubt

Every word on the report has a cup size, and the calligraphy is very bad. It looks awkward, like a child’s handy work. As for the content, it seems to prove this.

"Monster killing is very bad... Qingteng Mountain is not without mistakes. Why do you have to do any drug collection ceremony... Of course, monsters are still murderous and must be punished..." It’s a few words that are upside down, vague and ambiguous.

"Teaching, I don't want to write, it is really the head of the vine, I don't want to cooperate. I don't know what to write. I can't make it all." Li Qingshan spread his hands and helpless.

"I don't care, you have to edit it for me. If you don't edit it, you have to edit it for me. Are you leading me?" Wang Pushi took out the authority of the commander and forced Li Qingshan to follow suit.

"You are too unreasonable."

"Hey, let your kid be mad, now know what is called the official level and crush the dead." Wang Puzhen sneered

Li Qingshan also gave birth to a three-pointed fire. He shot the table and said: "When it comes to the head, this task is simply Hu Lai. They are not dead, but I am not familiar with them. Ivy did not take me as a small refiner. In my eyes, I have so many feelings to give them."

The two men are glaring at each other, a breeze blowing, shaking their hair and they look back at the same time, I don’t know when, Gu Yanying is sitting on a bench in the corner of the room with his legs crossed.

"Gu Tongling" two people said in unison, Wang Pu really came out from behind the table and bowed to Gu Yanying.

Li Qingshan sighed with a sigh of relief at the official level and was stunned by Wang Pu.

“Is there any dissatisfaction with Qingshan’s younger brother about this task?” Gu Yanying flashed a figure and came to the table to pick up the thin report.

"Your...no, just think that there are too many 10,000 words." Li Qingshan completely did not grasp the trajectory of her actions. Compared with her degree, the blood image is crawling on the ground, even if the avatar will decide not her opponent. And in this strange degree, I am afraid I can’t escape even

"10,000 words?" Gu Yanying laughed: "Pharaoh, you can be regarded as a public feud."

"I don't dare to succumb to the task of commanding the confession. This is to complete 100% of this perfunctory thing, and to slap on the love of him." Wang Pu does not care about Li Qingshan's glare.

"After you met the old man, I came back?" Gu Yanying suddenly asked, his eyes became sharp like an eagle, which seemed to penetrate the hearts of the people.

"Yes," Li Qingshan bowed her head and did not dare to look at her, fearing to show flaws.

"That can be missed a good show, the monster went to Qingteng Mountain again. If it wasn’t for the shots, I almost smashed the old man." Gu Yanying leaned on the table and crossed his arms.

"Command, can the monster be killed?" Wang Puzhen asked

"No, it’s just a split."

"A avatar has such strength."

"If the deity is shot, I am afraid that it will not be eaten under the green." Gu Yanying smiled and glanced at Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan listened in silence, but he felt that Gu Yanying’s line of sight had never left his past geometry. This is his hope, but at this time, he only feels a lot of pressure.

Gu Yanying is another turn: "Qingshan younger brother, you said, what the monster is thinking?"

Li Qingshan said: "I want to die"

"is it?"

"He did this by dying to defy the alliance of the kings and breaking the peace now. Even if the monsters would not spare him," Li Qingshan looked up and stared at Gu Yanying's eyes. He faintly felt that Gu Yanying already knew what. , specially arranged reports, beats outside the words

Then simply calm down, it’s a blessing, not a curse, it’s a disaster.

Wang Puzhen said: "Where is your boy thinking so simple, if the ink king will easily surrender the same family, it will be called the ten demon king, but if it is not handled properly, I am afraid it will lead to a big fight."

"I just want to deal with this matter, no matter what the monster thinks, I hope he can stop a little during this time." Gu Yanying said that he was walking outside the door. Li Qingshan felt a tight heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw her stop and look back: "Right, call back to rewrite, 10,000 words, one word can not be less"

Wang Pu Shi laughed and patted the shoulder of Li Qingshan.


"What did Gu Yanying know, know how much? Do you want to wind up, but if you leave, you don't have to go deep into it. If you leave, you are not too timid, let her laugh."

"Speaking of it, she is also a half demon, although it is not the same as my half demon, but I may see that I am more cordial, not only does not harm me, but also greatly love. If I don't already have a woman, this is close. Her good chances are also uncertain."

"Don't be crazy, that woman, is not a goddess in the dream, not carelessly put the death of tens of thousands of people into the plan, how many pounds do you have?"

Baijia Jingyuan, Yunxu Island, Li Qingshan stared at the bamboo outside the window, thinking about it and then bowing his head, looking at the white paper on the table, thinking hard, lamenting: "10,000 words"

In the end, Li Qingshan did not choose to leave the 100-study house. No matter what Gu Yanying knew, it was not like a malicious look. If she really decided to deal with him, even if she fled to the world of demons, Also escaping

Human identity, the benefits brought to him are too many. If you give up this piece, the degree of practice will be greatly reduced. This is intolerable. Even if you take risks, you will not hesitate.

"Apostles, are you writing novels?" Liu Chuanfeng came forward and poured tea into the water.


"What is it doing?"

"It is the report of the Eagle Wolf," Li Qingshan explained the reason for the matter.

"This is not easy, the master will help you write, this is my best." Liu Chuanfeng patted the chest.

"That's good," Li Qingshan stunned.

Liu Chuanfeng immediately sat down, splashing ink, and flying the pen, but at an hour, a 4D report was released.

"Give, you can take it and copy it again."

"Thank you" Li Qingshan took a trip, his content was broad, his thoughts were profound, his rhetoric was gorgeous, and he discussed in depth the meaning of the existence of the alliance of the kings. The contradiction between the two and the **** Li Qingshan felt very inspired and gave a three-point admiration to Liu Chuanfeng.

"That, love, discuss things with you." Liu Chuanfeng started, sorry.

"what's up?"

“Can you lend me a spiritual stone?” Liu Chuanfeng added a cup of tea to Li Qingshan.

"What do you want to do with the stone, you will not go to the building again"

"No, I want to buy a real spirit, used to build the foundation." Liu Chuanfeng has been trying to build a base for several months, but the key problem is that he is very poor and can't afford the real spirit, although it has now recovered. The dignity of the novelist, but the novel is not a spiritual stone, so he is still very poor, can not afford the real spirit

The willingness to put together can be used for spiritual practice, but it cannot be used to break through the realm. It is a distress. When I see Li Qingshan coming back, I think that my apprentice is quite rich.

Li Qingshan stunned, and the owner of the house was mixed with this. It was really pitiful.

"If you can't do it," Liu Chuanfeng's face is red. How can a family owner borrow Lingshi from his disciples? I don't know when I can return it.

"If you can't borrow Lingshi, you can borrow two real spirits." Li Qingshan thought about it.

"You... are you really talking?" After listening to the first half of the sentence, Liu Chuanfeng was disappointed. After listening to the sentence, he could not believe his ears. How can the refiners be willing to lend the real spirits?

"Of course," Li Qingshan has taken out two boxes and placed them on the table.

"This... is this really for me?" Liu Chuan swallowed his mouth and opened the brocade box. It was a mistake. Among them, it was the long-awaited true spirit, the brilliance and the temptation.

"Not give, I will pay back later" Li Qingshan reiterated

"Okay, okay, I must still, before you need it." Liu Chuanfeng was deeply touched. Although Li Qingshan did not say it, he could imagine how much Li Qingshan had spent so much to get these two true spirits. Preparation, now, without any hesitation, even if the contract is not lent to him, what is the trust?

The nose is sore, put your hand on the shoulder of Li Qingshan: "Qingshan, can receive your disciple, for the teacher is really lucky"

"It doesn't have to be like this. You can build a foundation and it will be good for the whole novelist. I can follow it."

Li Qingshan still has almost forty true spirits, and it is harmless to borrow two.

As for Liu Chuanfeng will not rely on ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He did not think about it, not trusting the character of Liu Chuanfeng, but trusting his own strength, dare not take it to return - thief, I kindly help You, dare to black me, come to life

"Right, don't tell others that I gave it, or else there are four." He has the real thing, but the less people know the better.

"Well, I don't say anyone." Liu Chuanfeng has moved his eyes red, his voice trembled. This clearly does not want to let this thing spread, lost his face of this owner, how careful, how intimate

"Aoyama, I am gone" Liu Chuanfeng no longer said anything, stood up and walked out the door, the corner of his eyes, another drop of crystal

“Is there such an exaggeration?” Li Qingshan scratched his head

"What is so exaggerated?" A familiar voice came from the window.

"Qiongzhi" Li Qingshan looked back, at the window, a familiar face smiled, but is it Han Qiongzhi?

"Hey, kid, I haven’t been carrying this girl recently. I’ve been honest about what I’m doing. I’ve heard all of them.” Han Qiongzhi’s heart was excited and pretended to be serious.

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