Legend of the Great Saint

Vol 6 Chapter 77: Reward

Wen Zhengming closed his eyes, slowly sighed, returned to the sword into the sheath, broke away and left a sentence. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the M)

"Gu Daoyou is so good at both ends of the first mouse, please take care of yourself."

"Xie Wenda Confucian reminds, but the world's things are as good as they are, there must be something to lose." Gu Yanying arched his hand and flew straight into the sky.

In a flash, three viewers who couldn’t help but walked onto the stage returned to the darkness again. Under the completely collapsed and collapsed copper Dingshan, Li Qingshan smashed the copper tripod. Although it was a little damaged, it was also a weapon.

The people who were shocked by the night, and gathered silently, were all uneasy, and abandoned the coach at a critical time to escape. It was unforgivable in any organization.

"Adult, where are we going now?" Night Pearl carefully looked, but Li Qingshan's face did not see the anger.

"Go back!" Li Qingshan ordered, and now he has lost the effect of the raid. The night visitors are not used to acting in the sun, which is a long-term and unfavorable battle.

"Don't you continue to attack?"

"The injury of the flow is important." Li Qingshan lined up everyone, and walked to the front of the night, she was still in a coma.

Li Qingshan caressed her cheeks, feeling that her body had a savage breath in the rampage, which was the chief culprit in her coma, and it was the arrogance of Wen Zhengming. Fortunately, the mind of Wen Zhengming has been concentrated on himself. She was only hurt by the counterattack. If Wen Zhengming gave a little thought to deal with her, it was already the end of Xiang Xiaoyu.

Every day, it is a realm. And the gap is bigger, just like the sky.

The night pearl frowned: "This breath is very stubborn, and it is extremely difficult to deal with the power of our night visitors."

Li Qingshan waved his hand, and the turtle's mysterious piece flew together, covering her and floating in the air. It is like a crystal skull.

Li Qingshan sighed with relief, and this war was very expensive for him, whether it was demon or spirit. At this moment, it is a bit of recovery. [叶*子]【悠*悠】

The eyes are clear, the demon is turning, the turtle is Zhenhai!

Although it is refined. He has all kinds of magical powers and can be integrated. However, it is the first time that the spirit of the turtle has been used by others.

The night stream is full of shock, revealing the color of pain, the body's awe-inspiring spirit, as if it is spiritual, left and right, avoiding the power of Li Qingshan, and causing greater damage to the night stream.

"Master." Night tassels are concerned.

Outside the sky. Wen Zhengming looked back and looked at it. Although the spider was killing a Tsukiji monk in his face, he did not lose his shot.

Li Qingshan’s forehead sweated, and it was just a sigh of anger. He used all the demon. There is actually a feeling that can not be suppressed, as if with a miscellaneous army against dozens of elite soldiers riding iron, so go on, it will not take long, the night wave will die.

Li Qingshan’s heart was horizontal and he sipped a “town”. The tortoise's mysterious armor was pressed down on the four sides, deep into the night stream, completely squeezing the arrogant gas and nowhere to escape, and finally consumed.

"Good enchanting!" Wen Zheng's name flashed in the cold, a little stunned, and finally went away.

After a while, the night wave slowly woke up and saw Li Qingshan, the weak road: "Master, you are fine!"

"I am naturally fine." Li Qingshan felt a soft heart, smiled and scattered the turtle turtle Xuanjia, put the healing remedy into her mouth, and picked her up: "Go!"

The night stream was somewhat flattered, and then full of joy, will surround Li Qingshan's neck, put his head on his chest, a look of sweet.

The group returned to the underground cave, Li Qingshan put the night wave on the stone platform: "Have a rest!"

Then take out all the treasures from this battle and start to pay for it.

"Fringe, you come to count."

The night tassels follow the instructions, and the treasures are opened one by one for statistics.

This war smashed nine masters of the foundation, and there were countless refiners, and the proceeds were extremely rich. [] There are seventeen pieces of unipolar spirits, and the top of the spirits is over one hundred. The other spirits add up to nearly a thousand.

As one thing comes out, every night tourist's eyes glow. And all kinds of medicinal herbs are more exquisite, countless. By the time the night tassels will be transformed into sects, and even all kinds of cockroaches will be taken out, it will almost fill the entire cave and become a huge treasure house.

"First is my one."

Li Qingshan first picked out the useful medicinal herbs. Among them, there were four Dao Dan, and other high-ranking medicinal herbs, which ensured that he would repair the scorpion to the fourth.

Then there are a few red characters, although they are all miscellaneous, but their power is already quite good. The most important thing is that there are no obvious features. Even if they are used as human beings, they will not be chased.

The spirit only selected the soldiers who controlled the corpses, and prepared them to be handed over to Xiao An as a gift with other bodies. The other spirits, one useless, two difficult to sell, he does not take.

But the most important blood knife and copper tripod are already in his bag.

The blood knife is used for the demon body. This is a big defeat to pay attention to the green, mainly to deceive him to not understand his magical mystery, it is no wonder that Fu Qing is not satisfied, but dare to make such an oath. If you want to win in the future, you have to rely on a real knife and a real knife. If you have this blood knife in hand, at least it is not too bad.

However, the copper tripod can be used in the Dongfu refiner. According to the repair of his foundation, it should be refining and using. Although he can’t even get started in the refining, he has these tools in hand. After learning some time, you can refine the same spirit!

After picking it up, Li Qingshan replied: "Flowing waves, pick three pieces of the best spirits!"

The night wave looked forward to Li Qingshan, biting his lip and said: "But the master, can I change my reward?"

"Don't mess around, go quickly." Li Qingshan's eyes are more and more gentle, which is the first time he has received such loyalty in his life.

Although the night stream is unwilling, but under the gaze of it, I feel even more unable to refuse. This risk of life and death is not a problem.

In the eyes of everyone, the night waves picked and picked, and selected three pieces of the best spirits: a shield for the body, a small bow with a silver flash, and finally a gold ring on the wrist.

"This dead girl really got the momentum. I knew that I was better for her at the beginning." The night pearls, the night stream is not only the three best spirits, but also the priority, it is these best spirits. The best quality.

"The tassels also take two pieces. This battle is worthy of your strategy."

"Thank you for your master." The night tassel also took a salute, and took two pieces forward, knowing that this has something to do with her not having to escape at a critical time. I thought in my heart, if it is not the mission of revitalizing the night visitors, can she be like the night waves?

Li Qingshan turned around and said that he was not good. "It’s time for you." The hand slid over the brilliant spirit of the flash of light: "There are twelve left, six clan, which should have two." Escape, the trophy is cut in half, can you disagree?"

Under Li Qingshan's gaze, the mothers bowed their heads, and they dared to have any objections. Although the heart was sore, Li Qingshan had a seizure. Instead, they had a feeling of sigh of relief. They each picked one.

Li Qingshan waved his hand: "Fringe, let's distribute the rest!"

The night tassels lead the life, and the remaining spirits are all kinds of medicines, all of which are divided into half, and the rest are divided into seven equal parts. The extra one is naturally given to the guards, which is equivalent to the declaration of a new one. Clan. Only by mastering power can we implement our own ideas.

The main mothers face each other and exchange their eyes, full of doubts. The guards are all happy, and it is a good thing to be able to divide one more thing. If he is commanded, he will be able to take it.

Li Qingshan slightly decapitated, after some merits and rewards, the remaining massive resources were collected, and the heart was pondering the pros and cons of this war, leaving the mirror to be dealt with here, and the deity returned to Lianyueshandong.

The sky is bright, even Yueshan, in front of the Qingxiaodong government.

Xiao Anxin felt something. He walked out of the Dongfu and looked into the distance. He saw a white cloud dragging a long cloud tail to break through the sky. She smiled with peace of mind.

"I am back!" Li Qingshan hugged Xiao An and said in her ear: "This battle is very happy, and the lesson has taught you how to pay for it. This is a gift."

Said to put a treasure chest to Xiaoan, Li Qingshan before the war, they stayed up late to do a good job of collecting the dead. Among the treasures is the corpse of this war, and the bodies of the nine foundation-based monks are all in it.

In this way, the power of the sacral rosary can be improved and the next step can be started.

Li Qingshan suddenly looked up and looked at it, and he saw Qian Rongyu coming from the wind.

Qian Rongqi fell lightly on the platform, bending over and placing the treasure bag in the hands of Li Qingshan. He smiled and said: "This is what you want." Straighten up and open the palm to Li Qingshan: "Now we should settle the account."

Li Qingshan took the treasure bag and opened it. He calculated it and took out two real spirits: "Is it enough?"

Qian Rongzhen shines brightly, smiles and smiles: "Enough, you are still intimate." Suddenly, the look is correct: "Now that the serious things are going on, the 100 schools are urgently recruited, and all the foundation-based monks go back to discuss ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Qingshan’s heart: “It’s not true. ”

"You don't ask what is wrong with www.7k?" Qian Rongyi asked casually, and said: It seems that he just came out.

"What happened? www.7k?" Li Qingshan asked quietly.

"The eleven sects of the scorpion squad were killed and the seven sects were killed. Among them, the stone smashed two people, and three years ago killed the Sanshan old man, broke the qingshan mountain monster, and shot again, led dozens of foundations. The level of night visitors, killing nine people, is now known as the 'moon devil'. This is the current situation, what do you think?"

In the 100 schools of thought, Liu Changqing looked solemn and introduced everything that happened last night in the shortest language.

In front of him, the monks gathered together, there are as many as thirty or forty people, many of whom Li Qingshan has never seen before, is to reach the realm of building a foundation, but not only the position of the master, but the opening of the cave The concealed monks are also affiliated to the hundred, or the imperial court. In the war, they were unable to protect themselves and were mobilized. (To be continued) RQ

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