Legend of the Great Saint

Chapter 46: Weak rude

I practiced a supernatural power that was just getting started. Li Qingshan can't say this, respectfully said: "It's just a hard work of beating. That... just now, Liu Lao hero has played more than one hundred punches. I only accept you one thousand two."

His words are much more polite, like a shopper who is a customer of God.

Other people are still immersed in the horror, wondering if they are dreaming, "You..." The master has just angered Li Qingshan, and Li Qingshan’s eyes swept away, but he did not dare to say anything, but he stunned Li Long, you are not saying Is he a third-rate master?

Li Long also grievances. Li Qingshan was indeed a third-rate master. Did he hide his strength? Now only this explanation, he does not believe in any way, Li Qingshan is progressing to this level with the efforts of this time.

Liu Hong waved his hand and "go to take the money!"


"Do not talk nonsense!"

Liu Hong handed the silver ticket of one thousand two silver to Li Qingshan: "There is rudeness of the old man, Li...the young man is not to be surprised, the money is treated as a husband."

Li Qingshan stunned, did not expect Liu Hong to transform so fast, it really is not the master of Li Long, the original thought that he was angry and angry.

"Small heroes are extraordinary, martial arts have been done, and they have been indulging in the grasshoppers. It is not a waste of talent. If you join me, you will never let you down. As for the black wind village, the old man helps to say Xiang Erji. That is, I think that the black bear will give a few faces. If you walk in the rivers and lakes, there is no dead person. Is it only your murder? Do you have a porcelain jar that doesn’t touch the jar...”

Liu Hong said that the madness of the tyrant is swept away, and it looks like a kind old man who cares about the younger generation.

The disciples did not even think of Liu Hong, and they all widened their eyes.

Li Qingshan suddenly realized that he and Liu Hong’s position is now equal. Even he has to be a little higher than Liu Hong. Unlike when he entered the door, Liu Hong’s eyes were down, all because he showed up. Passive "martial arts."

The other party became polite, and he also gave him a gift. "It was just a rude kid who offended the old hero of Liu. This money is just a joke. Please take it back!" The two gave in and they only earned income. The heart is big.

"Thank you for the old hero's good intentions. I have no intention to join the gang for the time being. I am not hiding this time, but I am practicing. The black wind village is a cancer. I will personally remove it! Now I am just looking for some news."

Liu Hongdao: "The black winds have been standing in the village for so many years. How can it be so easy to pull out? The old man is not weaker than the black bear. But if he is only a hard-boiled black-walled village, it is also a dead end, and it is no match for one-on-one battle. Even if it is strength, it can't keep up."

It is not only martial arts but also forces that fight on the rivers and lakes. He recognizes Li Qingshan's martial arts, but he is still a lonely man with no power.

Li Qingshan shook his head slightly. "I have my own plans."

Liu Hong can no longer persuade, and will carefully change the changes on the rivers and lakes near Qingyang.

Li Qingshan heard about the troubles of the black wind village to find Le Ma Zhuang. "Liu old hero, there is something to ask for next, please try to send a message, saying that Li Qingshan is in Qingyang City, there is no escape, one person to do things alone, never Tired of others."

"Well, it is a hero who is a teenager. The old man believes that in this Qingyang city, you are not afraid of anyone!" Liu Hongdao: "There is also the Longmen faction who sent many people to Le Ma Zhuang, wanting to see the yellow headhunter side, not Know what you want to do?"

Li Qingshan thought that it was a matter of spiritual ginseng, but he thought that there would be some old accounts with the gantry faction, and he couldn’t help but smile coldly: “Thank you for the old hero’s point, there are still some things to be done.

I will leave now. ”

Liu Hong sent Li Long to Li Qingshan to go out, his face suddenly changed, and a boxing broke a wooden stake in the battlefield. "Today's business, if anyone is going out, Hugh, the old man is ruthless!"

Master Wang Lei called out "Master!" but did not say anything.

Liu Hong saw other disciples are also full of grievances, Liu Hong before and after Gong, disciples disciples feel no face.

Liu Hong sighed: "Do you think that the teacher has become too flamboyant, but it is really rude."

"But... these are not you told the disciples..."

"If he is only a third-rate master, then he was just arrogant and rude. Even if the old man killed him, he couldn't say it wrong, but he is not. We estimated him wrong. For a second-rate or even stronger master, put it out. Such a posture is that we are offended, and there are so many fights on the rivers and lakes."

"It’s not stupid to kill like this. On the rivers and lakes, the strong is respected. If the old man doesn’t understand this truth, he will not live now. You are too comfortable in Qingyang City, you are a master of passing. The old man came forward to protect and protect you, so that even such a simple reason does not understand."

If Li Qingshan is here, he will definitely laugh at the sky. The weak is rude. It is not only rude, but also unreasonable and powerless. It is simpler and more practical than to discern all right and wrong in the world.

But this is the logic of an old river and lake. It is not dependent on the old and the old. The soft suit is soft, and it is this logic that guarantees him to spend his old age here.

The disciples have bowed their heads and are taught ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and think of the reason for Li Qingshan's fame, such a powerful martial arts, such a hot way, if you really turn your face, no one can say that they can walk out of this yard.

Liu Hong nodded with satisfaction, and kept the majesty in the doorman. In the end, he summed up: "On the rivers and lakes, martial arts are higher, and they are barely playing, and they are not far away. This time someone is going to be unlucky." He spoke very much. Deep, I don't know if it is Black Wind Village or Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan, under the guidance of Li Long, went straight to Jin Gepu, and the silver was in his hand. He was also full of enthusiasm. In the introduction: "Boss, I want to see weapons!"

The shopkeeper was white and fat, and he was 40 years old. His face was savvy. He glanced at Li Qingshan and saw Li Long. His face was much more gentle. He put down his account book and handed it to him: "It turned out to be Li Shaoxia of Tiequanmen, and brought friends to see the weapons. Everything is a defective product, come and come, please!"

Opening the door to do business, it is impossible not to deal with the head of the iron fist, Li Long in the streets of Qingyang City, is also a small name, which shopkeepers have to be polite.

Stepping into the temple, all kinds of weapons greeted the eyes, what swords and knives, swords, axes, forks, forks, everything, and sure enough is a large weapons shop.

"I don't know what kind of weapon the Shaoxia is using, is it a knife or a sword? We have a good sword in the hundreds of refining knives here. We should all have the same size. If you are not satisfied, you can also order it." The man is taken out of a good sword, and each one is shimmering and exquisite.

Men do not have bad weapons, Li Qingshan is also seeing hunters, these are not decorations, but the real killing weapon, he smashed this, took the one, and finally shook his head: "Is there a weapon that is heavier?" "PS: The new book period, it is necessary to support the support of the ticket, trouble everyone, said the dreamer thanks.

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