Legend of the Great Saint

Vol 10 Chapter 73: Nightmare of ghost shadow

When Li Qingshan left the shadow of the coma in front of Xiao An, Xiao Andao: "Ghost shadow?"

Li Qingshan said: "Do you know him?"

"The third hole of the group of demons, I did not expect to be alive, and it was a bit strong in the front."

"Yeah, I didn't die when I punched. This Savage Mountain is really right."

The ghost shadow was fainted for three days and three nights before he woke up. His breath was bleak and his face was pale. When he recalled the punch, he still felt worried.

"Is it still underestimating the horror of "prey"? This is where a white eagle dominates the strength!"

"Don't pretend to die, get up."

A low-spirited mind with a shadow of ghosts, he did not dare to care about it. He sat up slowly and saw that Li Qingshan was kneeling in front of him. He looked fierce and waved a "sheep roll" in his hand, like a debtor who came to collect debts. .

The two people behind him, of course, his men or bodyguards, are looking at him with a complicated expression, a little sad and pity, and a little gloating.

"In the windless, Tianfei Langjun!" The ghost shadow blinked and was taken aback.

"The third child, you are here too." Tianfei Langjun sighed, after more than a year of cultivation, his body has returned to a mass of meat mountain.

I closed my eyes without wind.

In a moment, the ghost shadow has already figured things out. He can bear the blood swearing and not dying. The two men can do it better. At the same time, they can see what the volume of the "sheep skin roll" in Li Qingshan’s hand is. The re-written blood oath has been awkward.

"That is to say, Li Qingshan killed the other four cave masters, and forced the windless wind to sign a new blood oath with Tianfei Langjun. The result turned out to be like this. How is his strength... Yes, he has this strength. Tianfei Langjun can bear his fist and not die, it is already considered to be a perfect practice."

"Young man, I see you are very talented, can't bear to kill you, come and swear!" Li Qingshan held the ghost's shoulder and smiled.

"Kill me!" The shadow of the ghost is calm.

"Do you want to die?" Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows. He did not expect that the wild man had a hard bone in the mountains, and he had some interest.

"I don't want to. But I don't want to be a slave again, and stealing." The ghost shadow said calmly. Seeing death.

Tianfei Langjun’s face is red, but he is full of red light, but he can’t see it too much. In the absence of the wind, he clenched his fist and silently told himself that he should bear the burden. Can't give up a glimmer of hope.

"I heard that you escaped from the clan, why? Because you are a man, oppressed by that group of women?" Li Qingshan asked with a smile.

Ghost shadow eyes condensed, although he did not speak, but Li Qingshan knew that he had guessed it, and he was a little sympathetic to him, so he said: "I know the things of the night tourists. I have welfare, and I have a few nights. Give you."

I didn’t expect the ghost shadow to be not heart-throbbing, but instead categorically said: “Don’t talk nonsense, kill me!”

"There is a character. I like it." Li Qingshan raised his thumb and put away the blood affidavit. After waving another hand, the ghost shadow disappeared.

Li Qingshan waved his hand. Ghost shadows are ready to die, but the light and shadow change. Seeing a reddish sky, there is a towering giant wood, he blinked his eyes and lost his voice: "The Big Banyan King!"

In the entire Wuzhou practice, I am afraid that no one does not know the four words, and no one does not fear these four words. However, the big banyan tree mainly exists in the central and western parts of Wuzhou, and there is no such thing in southern Xinjiang.

The thing that surprised the ghost shadow is still behind. A night tourist came to him. It was a female night swimmer. The nose was thin and thin, but the eyebrows were very light. It looked more and more cold, but it was also rare. Beauty, there is a hint of ecstasy in the eyes.

"This night the tourist has already spent the second day of robbery, condensed the night magic Dan, the status in the clan should be very high, how I have never seen her, and even if I have not seen her, she should have seen I, isn't she the night tourist under the shadow of the night? But the night tour of the foggy family, Ming Ming has long been unified."

The shadow of the ghost is contemplative, and there is a feeling of badness in the faint.

The night meteor suddenly listened and listened. He said "Yes" and thought about it. He grabbed the ghost shadow and walked toward the big banyan tree.

Ghost shadows saw more night visitors, and those night visitors also looked at him with amazement. He gradually became clear: "This night-traveling tribe has never been ruled by the shadows."

Come under the big banyan tree, through the caves formed by the roots of the trees, in front of a black altar.

The night meteor removes the ghost shadow clothes, puts him on the altar, starts the altar, the black shadow surging, the ghost shadow feels that the injury in the body is slowly recovering, but the heart does not feel a trace of tranquility, and there is a green liquid in the mouth. Immediately melted in the body, the injury quickly recovered.

"This is the branch of the Big Banyan King, the most famous healing medicine in the state of Wuzhou!"

However, the imprisonment left by Li Qingshan still firmly suppressed him, and the black altar body also has this power.

The night meteor used to examine the body of the ghost shadow, and finally nodded with satisfaction, and always looked at the ghost shadow of death, and the horror of the color, as if recalling something.

Soon, the night meteor called a group of female night visitors to the altar, listening to what the night meteor said, and watching the ghost shadows on the altar, all became full of interest.

Then, a female night tourist took off her clothes and began to kiss and caress ghost shadows.

The shadow of the ghost is big and the body is tight, but it is not excitement, but fear! It is unimaginable that a person who is not afraid of death will be afraid of a female night visitor.

The shadow of the ghost did not respond at all. The surrounding female night visitors sneered at it. The female night tourist was also full of anger. He gave the ghost a slap and asked for help from the night meteor.

The night meteor ordered a few more words. After a while, I took a porcelain bottle, took out a blue pill, and stuffed it into the mouth of the ghost.

As if a fire star fell on the wasteland, in a flash, the fire was raging. Although reason exists, but the body's reaction is involuntary, the female night tourist is excited.

A tear fell from the corner of the ghost's shadow...

The night tour is a society where women are respected by men. Because men's talents are far from being comparable to women, it is very difficult to get through a day of robbery. It is even rarer to survive the second day of robbery.

All the male night visitors who have survived the second day of robbery will immediately change their status. Without any dangerous tasks, they can stay in the safest main city. The ghost shadow is such a "lucky". .

Of course, this is not to say that he does not need to do anything. At least one job is necessary, that is, the female night visitors in the family are progeny.

Just like the sons of human cultivators, they often have good spiritual talents. As long as they are guaranteed to marry only the practitioners, they will form a spiritual lineage, and the clan will be born in this way.

The alien clan pays more attention to the lineage than the human clan. They are born with the talents and longevity that mortals can't match. They almost have the advantages of both human and demon, and they do more with less. This is the importance of bloodlines.

So the ghost shadow got a job that would make all men envy and go crazy. Every day, every night, different women come to the door to meet him. In order to compete for this opportunity, the various parties within the ethnic group even carried out a battle of infighting, and finally, after the filming, set a timetable.

So for a long time, he couldn't even see a repeating face, and countless faces overlapped and became blurred.

Because the stronger the lineage, the lower the chance of giving birth to a child, so that day, night, night, day and night, never ending.

He felt that all his waking moments were facing such a vague face and became more and more horrible.

In fact, most of the women are beautiful, but it seems that a man can survive the second day of robbery, with deep embarrassment, so the so-called Jiaohuan, in many cases, is more like a retaliatory abuse.

He didn't know why he would fall into this field, and he didn't know what he was doing, let alone calm down and practice. Of course, the family gave him a lot of panacea, so that his repairs would not be reversed, but also There is no longer a possibility of progress.

He wants to refuse, but he is just a despicable man. Even if he is a female night tourist who is weaker than him, he does not put him in his eyes. Instead, he rebukes him for not knowing gratitude, and then abuses him more violently. If he dares to resist, he will challenge the order of the entire clan.

So, it is like a pig raised in a pigsty, a constant fat, and constantly being cut. He was finally numb, and the beautiful woman could not let him have any reaction, and then was forced to eat aphrodisiac drugs, and finally almost crazy.

Finally, in that night, he ran away.

The nightmare is finally over. He screams in the torrential rain and wanders freely in the night, finally getting the freedom he dreams of.

However, at this moment, the nightmare came again.

Li Qingshan taught him to the night meteor to dispose of it, saying that this person is not willing to surrender to me, but only to die. Anyway, how do you get it, kill him and take Nedan.

I have to say that the idea of ​​the night tourist clan is really similar. I feel that such a rare good material~www.wuxiaspot.com~ want to play his value before killing, maybe it will help the night tour people to give birth to a few people. genius.

Li Qingshan took the Shura field and looked at it with enthusiasm. He smiled and said: "The night tourist is really good. This guy is really happy. The peony is dead, the ghost is also romantic, and he has left tears, hey, no. thank!"

The ghost shadow is not afraid of death, but he is afraid to indulge in such a nightmare. This is cruel to him than any torture. With his strong will, he exerts his full potential and his lips open:

"I am willing to... swear!"

"Is this impressed by my sincerity? If you deal with men, you still have to use the beauty!"

Li Qingshan called the shadow of the ghost out of the Shura field, let the ghost shadow make a **** oath, and smoothly got the third subordinate, and immediately lifted the imprisonment of the ghost shadow and patted his shoulder:

"Hey, I feel pretty good just now! I am very loyal to this person. If you do it well, the greater benefits are waiting for you, and there may not be a time to release the blood oath in the future."

Li Qingshan’s words have not been finished yet, and the ghost shadow will spit.

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