Legend of the Mythological Genes

Chapter 28 Make a fortune

Vajra Fumo Fist protects itself, and Monkey Fist takes the initiative to attack.

Although Feng Lin does not have the advanced martial arts that can control the two kinds of genetic abilities at the same time, unlike Clott, he also uses his own method to maximize the power of the ape gene and the stone fetus gene.

Qi and blood are surging, heat waves are rolling, resisting the cold.

The stone skin and iron bones smashed the sharp ice blades one by one.

And pointed like a sword, stabbing in the air.

"What?" A great crisis rose in Clotte's heart.

This scene was completely beyond his expectation.

In the past, once he used his genetic ability, the ruthless cold wind, violent ice and snow always made people fall into it, making it difficult to move freely, so he could only be subdued obediently.

But this kid was not affected at all, and his offensive was so fierce.


There was a sharp sound breaking through the air.

The wind and snow were broken, and a finger sword stabbed rapidly.

Clotte's instinct flashed, and the next moment his cheeks were stinging, blood dripped, and his handsome face immediately disfigured.

He instinctively wiped his face, and when he saw the blood on his palm, he was furious, "How dare you ruin my face!"

For practitioners, strength is the foundation, what's the use of being handsome?

Feng Lin shook his head. Although Clotte's vitality was strong, he couldn't even see through the most useless skin and bones.

From this point alone, Feng Lin would not regard him as his real opponent.

It was cold and windy, and the sky was full of ice and snow.

Feng Lin was not affected at all, and he could move freely in it.

Due to the lack of nutrition, his vitality was not as good as that of the other party, but when it came to the strengthening and use of genetic abilities, Feng Lin was worthy of any of his peers.

His two genes have been strengthened to the extreme, which means that it is also a basic genetic ability, and few people can interfere with him.

Even Clot's ice and wind genes are useless.

Feng Lin strode forward, breaking through the wind and snow.

"What?" Clotte's eyes narrowed like needles.

Feng Lin succeeded in one blow, how could he let go of this great opportunity, and charged forward again, like a hungry tiger hunting for a sheep, as fast as thunder.

Clotte quickly dodged and glanced aside, his eyes showed ruthlessness: "Kill!".

His five fingers were like hooks, and he grabbed them out suddenly. There was an icy air gathering between his fingers, forming three ice spears and shooting them out suddenly.

If it is shot, a blood hole will be shot out of the body of ordinary people.

bang bang bang!

Feng Lin punched like thunder, and his fist as hard as iron smashed the ice spear.

Clotte was about to strike again, and the cold air on his body was overwhelming.

Feng Lin's figure remained unchanged, he raised his hands high and chopped down heavily, suddenly glaring like a diamond, and shouted suddenly with agitated breath: "Hum!"


The breath is strong, and the roar is shocking.

Clotte's whole body trembled, and he paused involuntarily. At this very moment, Feng Lin had already forced himself in front of him, and he blocked his claws with his heavily slashed hands. He bent his arms, and punched out fiercely like a poisonous dragon coming out of a hole. .

The ice armor was broken instantly and shattered into slag.

Clotte screamed and flew out.

In one move, the judge will be judged.

He fell to the ground, his body twitching erratically, unable to move.

Gene potential +8%!

Feng Lin just felt that it was boring, and his genetic potential only increased by +8%. He fought a battle with one enemy and many people, which was laborious and time-consuming, and he only had such a chance.

It was conceivable that defeating these people did not put too much pressure on Feng Lin.

The combat awareness is too poor!

In terms of vitality, these people are not inferior to the opponents he met in the virtual martial arts tower, and even stronger.

But unlike those virtual martial arts masters who have experienced many battles, these people are too cowardly, and their skills are weak, and they are completely unable to display their true strength.

Especially this Clotte, has the highest vitality, reaching 2.5, and his genetic ability is also very strong, but it is a pity that he was born too well, and he seems to have been raised too delicately. Both the ice gene and the cold wind gene are two high-level genes. Not bad, he only used it for long-range attacks, but he didn't develop the means of close combat, obviously he was afraid of frontal combat.

It is estimated that he was able to achieve high scores in the virtual martial arts tower because of his ability to control the wind and snow, he kept killing his opponents, and finally won.

If it was an attack with real swords and guns, his fighting style would have too many flaws.

No wonder he was always inferior to Duan Yunliu, the school's chief genius.

A genius raised in a greenhouse is not a genius at all!

If this continues, he will never be able to surpass the opponent.

Is this second genius at school? But so...

Feng Lin just felt dull.

The Virtual Martial Arts Tower and his party were a complete transformation for him. He did not know the danger and bravely challenged his opponents again and again, and with the blessing of free gene points, his fighting skills improved rapidly.

In terms of fighting instinct, he is far ahead of his peers.

Except for Duan Yunliu, who hadn't met yet, the whole school couldn't put any pressure on him.

Without pressure, there is no upward momentum.

After all, Earth Middle School is only the most common middle school in Huaxia City, which makes Feng Lin feel a little too small now.

"You dare to hit me!" Clotte raised his head in humiliation.

"Are you not convinced?" Feng Lin continued: "Hit you, what can you do? Call the police and arrest me? Tell someone to beat me? Get me expelled from the school? No, you can't do anything. You can only Tolerate……"

Every sentence was like a knife, piercing Clotte's heart, and his body trembled involuntarily.

Indeed, this is an aboveboard discussion!

If you want to call someone when you lose, that's a big joke. It's different from a child who failed to grab a lollipop and went back to find his mother!

It's extremely embarrassing for Clotte to make trouble.

By doing this, he was telling everyone that he was not Feng Lin's opponent at all, and he was beaten to the ground even if he was one against the crowd. From then on, he was no longer the second genius in the school.

Clotte cared more about his vanity and genius reputation than humiliation.

Losing all of this was completely unacceptable to him who had always been proud and arrogant.

So he can only bear it!

"You wait, Feng Lin. We're not finished!" Clotte covered his face and stood up, trembling all over, as if he couldn't bear it and was about to explode. But he had nothing to do with Feng Lin, at least at this moment, he could only suffer from being dumb.

Because of the fight just now, he knew that he was definitely not Feng Lin's opponent!


With grief and indignation in his heart, he turned around and left, wishing he could escape here as soon as possible.

He didn't want to see this man who brought him aggrieved and humiliated again.

"Wait!" Feng Lin turned sideways, but stopped in front of him.

"What do you want to do?" Clotte was extremely vigilant.

Feng Lin showed a harmless smile to humans and animals, but what he said made Clotte and the others feel like falling into hell, "You want to leave now? You suddenly ran over to ask me about my secrets, and even besieged me without giving me any compensation , just want to leave? There are such cheap things in the world!"

"Are you blackmailing me?" Clotte and the others opened their eyes wide in disbelief.

"How did you say that? This is blackmail!" Feng Lin smiled lightly, "This is my mental damage fee, physical damage fee, physical medical fee...!"

He said a lot of names in his mouth, which made Clotte and others feel so depressed that they wanted to vomit blood.

"Don't think so!" they roared.

"Then there is no other way!" Feng Lin shook his head, turned on his personal chip, and played a projection.

"Give me your powerful secret, and I'll give you 10,000 star dollars! Country bumpkin, you've never seen so much money in your life..." A familiar arrogant voice came out from the camera, and the eyes of Clotte and the others in front of the camera all rolled away. About to fall, showing horror and fear.

The scene of their extortion before was actually recorded by Feng Lin. Could it be that he had expected this a long time ago and planned to blackmail him.

"There is no way! You have violated me, and you must compensate me. This is my legal request. If you don't, I will provide this video to the school and put them on the star network. When the time comes, the entire StarCraft Appreciate your heroism, how did you bully your classmates, then don't blame me..." Feng Lin said meaningfully.

"You're so yin! You're so poisonous!" Clotte and the others wanted to vomit blood.

What kind of stealing chicken can't lose money!

This is.

They came to blackmail Feng Lin's powerful secrets, but they themselves were blackmailed, so they could only obediently admit their cowardice.

If the video is handed over and they are caught in the act, their reputation in the school will be completely stink in the future.

"One thousand star coins! Destroy the video!" Clotte stared at Feng Lin with an ugly expression.

"Are you sending beggars away?" Feng Lin shook his head, too lazy to talk to them, and rushed up the next moment.

"what are you doing?"

"Let go of my pennies!"

"Do you dare to snatch my advanced nutrient solution?"


Regardless of their objections, Feng Lin struck hard and plundered all their belongings.

These people were not Feng Lin's opponents in the first place, and they had a reason to hold them. They roared again and again, but they didn't dare to resist.

One hundred thousand star coins, twenty bottles of intermediate nutrient solution, two bottles of Lvshen-3 advanced nutrient solution, and three servings of super protein.

This is all Feng Lin's gains, most of which were obtained from the big guy Klot.

Good man!

Feng Linzhi is full of complacency, these big dogs are really rich, and they come to his door for nothing, so that he can make a lot of money.

The harvest was quite fruitful, he never had a look at these people again, and left satisfied, not at all afraid of any disturbances caused by these people.

Only Clot and the others stood in place, their faces flushed and their bodies trembling.

If they hadn't awakened the mythical gene and had a strong vitality, they would really vomit blood with anger...

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