Legend of the Mythological Genes

Chapter 520: Havoc in Babel Tower

The 9004th floor of Tongtian Tower.

The vast void, without sky and ground.

From the moment he stepped in, Feng Lin was floating in the air.

In all directions, boulders as big as mountains were suspended in the sky against physics, and they kept moving according to some unpredictable trajectory, which immediately made Feng Lin feel like being squeezed by thousands of mountains. Before he saw his opponent, there was an invisible force. The heavy pressure plate is always in my heart, and I can't shake it off.

"Are you my opponent? Mind master? When you meet my star titan Ren Canaan, everything will come to an end!" A muffled voice came from the depths of the void.

Boom boom boom...

Then I saw the Wanshan Tuijin Mountain and the inverted jade pillars suddenly scattered, and an oval strange-shaped rock floated over. There were four curved stone pillars on the outside, holding round stone balls one by one.

And Feng Lin shrank his eyes, and realized in an instant that this was actually a figure curled up and hugging each other.

"Heh!" There was a sudden shout, the voice was earth-shattering.

A huge figure with a height of 100 meters stood up, extremely majestic, with simple skin, shining precious light, like smooth obsidian, looking down from a height.

Star Impact!

Since it is challenging the Tongtian Tower, there is no need to say more!

The star titan raised his hands high and swung them down suddenly. Immediately, countless asteroids moved with him, smashing down wildly, covering the sky and covering the earth, like the rain of stars in the universe.

Boom, boom, boom...

With a force of ten thousand junctures, he vowed to crush the overbearing challenger in front of him to pieces.

The power of the stars?

The condescending gaze was very dazzling.


Long, long, long!

As soon as he thought about it, his body immediately grew in the wind, and in a short while it turned into a size of a hundred feet, and his body was growing rapidly, three hundred feet, a thousand feet, ten thousand feet... until... standing upright!

"What?" The star titan looked at this scene in horror, raised his head little by little from the beginning of looking down, and finally looked up, then raised his neck again, raised to the extreme, his mouth gradually grew, and he couldn't close it for a long time.

His originally seemingly burly body, in front of the other party, was as small as an ant.

Then he sees...

it's dark!

A huge black curtain descended from the top of the head, covering the sky and the sun.

Puff puff……

All the meteor showers fell into it and were instantly crushed to pieces.

This time he saw clearly that this so-called endless shady scene was just a huge palm, with five fingers like a mountain, slamming down fiercely.

"Don't, I admit defeat..." The weak voice was immediately drowned in the loud noise that shook the world, no one heard it, and finally fell silent.


Gene potential +2200, +2300, +2400...

Afterwards, a large number of spiritual powers of all beings poured in from all directions.

For a moment, Feng Lin felt as if he was completely submerged by the ocean of his mind, which transformed into a large amount of genetic potential.


add a bit!

Feng Lin resolutely added points, and a large amount of genetic potential only rushed to the Hunshi Demon Ape and Daoguo genes, allowing them to shine brightly and radiate to all parts of the body.

"Name: Feng Lin

Vitality: 687200

Innate genes: Confused Demon Ape Gene: 4; Dao Fruit Gene: 3

Acquired genes: Sun Wukong genes: 10; Practice genes: 10


Genetic Potential: 18000. "


With the addition of genes, the state instantly returned to the best state, and the vitality exceeded 600,000!

Just as he guessed before, the Supreme Heart Ape is indeed absorbing the spiritual power of all living beings to replenish itself, and it will be strengthened almost without limit.

The stronger you are, the more spiritual power you can absorb!

That being the case, then simply make a big fuss about the Tongtian Tower.


As soon as this heart moved, his body turned into a golden light and went away in the next moment.


On the 9102nd floor of the Tongtian Tower, the gatekeeper is the earth calamity Liensi.

The seemingly unremarkable old man with white beard just punched out with both fists, and the strong vibration shattered the space, showing cracked patterns one by one.

Wherever it went, everything was shaken to pieces.


Feng Lin swung his stick like a madman, and he swept it out with mad force, smashing the surrounding area into pieces.

Everything was blasted to dust.

Neither of them will let anyone go!

But Feng Lin was blessed with the power of the mind, and the power was endless.

After fighting hard for two hours, Feng Lin seized the moment when the opponent's breathing stopped in one fell swoop, and knocked him to the ground with all his strength. He was exhausted and couldn't get up again.

Gene potential +2500, +2600, +2700...

With each battle, the genetic potential grows faster and faster.

But Feng Lin's pace didn't stop at all.

The higher you go, the harder it is to pass through the tower.

But you also get more genetic potential with each victory!

So Feng Lin went forward without hesitation and broke through the barrier.

9200 floors, 9300 floors, 9400 floors...

Infinite spiritual power gathered and blessed him.

Feng Lin seemed to be indefatigable, breaking through the barriers again and again, moving forward without hesitation.

Genetic potential increases by leaps and bounds.

Gene potential +3000, +3500, +4000...

The Tongtian Tower gathered the most elite myth monks in the entire universe. Through battles again and again, Feng Lin became more and more aware of the essence of the myth genes, and his experience turned into the resources to promote his own evolution.

So he kept adding points.

Confused Demonic Ape Gene +1, +1, +1...

Dao Fruit Gene +1, +1, +1...

The increase in gene points has led to a rapid increase in vitality.

Vitality +100000, +100000, +10000...

The surge in vitality quickly broke through the million mark.

"Name: Feng Lin

Vitality: 1230800

Congenital genes: Confused Demon Ape Gene: 9; Dao Fruit Gene: 9

Acquired genes: Sun Wukong genes: 10; Practice genes: 10


Genetic potential: 92000. "


Leaping all the way, Feng Lin climbed all the way.

Feng Lin trampled on many levels that were unattainable in the eyes of others.

In the end he stood under an incomparably towering gate.

The 10,000th floor of Tongtian Tower.

In an instant, countless eyes gathered, the huge Tongtian Tower was shaken, and even in the interstellar space, countless eyes gathered.

But at this moment, Feng Lin just took a deep breath, pushed the door open and entered without much preparation, and then saw...

nothingness, utter nothingness...

not dark...

There is no air, no sound, no light... everything is nothingness.

Even color has no meaning, so where does the darkness come from?

There is only complete nothingness, which seems to swallow everything in the world, making people extremely panicked.

Feng Lin stood in it, feeling dazed for a moment.

Endless emptiness filled my heart, as if everything in the world had lost its meaning, all thoughts disappeared, and I couldn't even think of fighting.

"No!" There was something wrong in his heart, which made him wake up suddenly.

"Pretending to be a ghost! Get out!" Before he saw his opponent, he was hit in advance. He was startled and angry, shouted loudly, and swung wildly with the infinite magic iron in his hand.

It is powerful enough to destroy mountains and crack stars, enough to shatter space, but at this moment it hits nothingness and has no effect.

Time, space, matter, energy... Apart from him, there seems to be nothing else.

"It's useless! Everything in the universe is nothingness and meaningless! Why do mere human beings struggle?" Suddenly, a completely indifferent voice came.

No, it's not sound.

There is nothingness here, there is no concept and meaning of sound, it is just a message or idea that suddenly appeared in Feng Lin's mind.

There is no human emotion in it, and it seems to be talking about the most normal thing, which is extremely cold.

"The universe is empty? What does that have to do with me?" Feng Lin smiled instead of being startled, "If I exist, everything is true! The universe is nothing, and I am the light!"

Having said that, he looked at the nothingness around him, smiled, slowly raised his hands, and muttered softly.

"I say: Let there be light!"


Then there was light!


PS: Xiaoyu faded out of the web for a while, and now he is back, bringing a new book by the way. There are two more chapters and the book will be finished. At that time, there will be a testimonial and a new book notice. Thank you for your support all the time. Thank you very much.

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