Now Ye Zhong was facing a difficult problem. According to the route map obtained from Captain Fei Di, Ye Zhong and Shang could already confirm that there would definitely not be less than five pirates along the way. A fleet composed of civilians like this is tantamount to a good meal for pirates. The Oak Leaf Soldier Group and the Red Lion Soldier Group suffered heavy losses in this battle. If Ye Zhong and Shang hadn't appeared, I'm afraid they would have been wiped out in all likelihood.

Without the escort of Playboy, the probability of this fleet reaching the Chebesini star field is less than 10%.

To be honest, Ye Zhong didn't care about the lives of other people at all, they and himself were just strangers. According to Shang, there is always a kind of person called a chivalrous person in movies, who cherish life and uphold justice. Under Shang's careful elaboration and explanation, Ye Zhong finally knew that there is actually a hypocritical and boring thing called justice in this world. Shang was obviously very interested in this topic, but Ye Zhong didn't give him a chance to show it off.

For some reason, Ye Zhong didn't want Grandpa Qian to know that he was here. Maybe, I am still suitable for living alone, Ye Zhong thought a little lonely.

Ye Zhong is a decisive person, hesitation is not his style. Soon, he made a decision that the living are always more important than the dead, and he believed that his father would support his decision even if he was still alive.

After making up their minds, Ye Zhong and Shang quickly started doing various tasks. Shang quickly reset a route map. Although the distance of this route was much longer than before, it avoided the dense areas of pirates. While Shang was designing the roadmap, he was scolding the original road designer for being an idiot. Ye Zhong filled the boat and ran around, taking out all the energy bars in storage from the warehouse. A large number of energy bars were placed near the hatch that Shang sniped last time, and near each electromagnetic gun, there were also energy bars. Lots of energy bars. If a war breaks out, the energy of the Playboy itself is not enough to support a long-term firepower strike. At this time, only the coolie Ye Zhong could do the job of replacing the energy bar.

Head Fei Di is now discussing with Head Claudia.

Claudia spoke first: "Our current situation is very bad. If we don't replenish personnel, the journey ahead will be very troublesome." Claudia frowned. The Red Lion Sisters and Oak Leaf Sisters have basically been disabled, and how much combat power they still have is very pessimistic.

Ferdi's complexion was also not good-looking. The difficulty of this trip was far beyond his expectation.

Many people are not prepared for the sudden and troubled times.

However, the two of them can still sit and discuss together now, which is considered a blessing in misfortune. Ferdi was also at a loss for what to do about the current situation. How could it be so easy to replenish personnel? In a hurry, it is impossible to form a combat force at all, and if pirates are mixed in, it will be even more troublesome.

At this moment, Fei Di's deputy said pleasantly: "Commander...Captain, Playboy has sent a route map."

The two looked at each other in surprise, and Ferdy's deputy had already displayed the route map on the holographic screen. A road map that they had never thought of was prominently marked on the interstellar map, but the end point of this road map was surprisingly a habitable star named West Hunting Star in the Cebesini star field.

Ferdi and Claudia looked at each other, what was the idea of ​​the owner of the Playboy?

"Wow, Ye Zi, our Bing Bing, tsk tsk, really eye-catching legs, slender and slender, with strong explosive power. Hehe, Ye Zi, it's a pity, you didn't see that Bing Bing's cheating just now, oh my god, really It's so beautiful!..." Shang screamed excitedly. Shang was in charge of monitoring the entire fleet. Of course, his main attention was still on Grandpa Qian's spaceship. Shang also made great use of his personal power, and those blue electronic eyes never left Rui Bing.

Ye Zhong didn't bother to pay attention, he was doing a very important experiment right now. The corrosiveness of Tong Shuxin's slime collected last time was beyond Ye Zhong's expectations, and he thought to himself, no wonder it was one of the twelve most corrosive plants in the chip given to him by Madman Guan. A drop of mucus can completely pierce a ten-centimeter-thick spaceship armor in less than a minute, and its spreading speed is extremely fast.

What Ye Zhong has to do now is to use the mucus to grow new Tongshuxin plants, which is not difficult for him. In fact, this kind of work is not difficult for any second-year student in the training department.

The cultivation work was completed very smoothly. Such a top-level training laboratory is used to cultivate plants, which somewhat means that it is overqualified. However, the advanced culture medium in the training laboratory also greatly shortened Tong Shuxin's growth cycle. In a relatively short period of time, Ye Zhong owned dozens of Tongshuxin. Ye Zhong observes its living habits every day. As a trainer, this is a necessary job. Ye Zhong also carefully studied the law of its mucus secretion.

Facing the resources at hand, Ye Zhong's most natural thought was how to make them form combat power. Making the most of every resource was a good habit he had developed on Garbage Star. Tong Shuxin's slime also has such potential. Its corrosiveness, if used properly, is undoubtedly quite lethal.

This is the first time Ye Zhong has actively thought about training. All he has to do now is to further increase the corrosiveness of this slime. As a trainer, even though he is just a beginner, Ye Zhong can still come up with many methods.

For example, constantly changing the growth environment of Tongshu letters, so as to make them mutate, and then screen out Tongshu letters that meet the standards. Alternatively, mucus can be used as a raw material to prepare a more corrosive solution.

Ye Zhong chose the second method, the first method is too long for the current Ye Zhong. Fortunately, preparing solutions is also one of Madzi Guan's strengths. The formulas of all the strengthening fluids used by Ye Zhong were developed by Madzi Guan.

In fact, there is the laziest method. Ye Zhong also has Guan's automatic analysis mechanism given to him by Guan Crazy, so he can easily find out the formula in this regard. But Ye Zhong didn't intend to do this, not to mention that the lunatic had reminded him not to rely too much on this thing, there probably weren't many people who knew better than Ye Zhong what it meant to have what they had was the most reliable.

If you want to reach higher heights, the most important thing is to think and explore. Although this automatic analysis mechanism allows me to skip this step, it is not a good thing for me.

Ye Zhong carefully recalled what he had learned in his mind, and tried hard to connect them together.

Shang is still peeping at Rui Bing every day, which is one of his daily pleasures, and what he regrets most is that there is no holographic lens installed in the bathing place.

Ye Zhong still immersed himself in research every day. No matter what the situation was, Ye Zhong believed that Shang would respond as quickly as possible. So it happened that he didn't have to spend his time paying attention to Grandpa Qian and the others every day. Of course, this kind of statement immediately met with strong contempt from Shang, who called him a guy who didn't understand the taste.

Almost everyone is curious about Playboy. Until now, it still has no intention of leaving halfway. Is it going to escort the entire fleet? Everyone in this fleet is grateful for this mysterious Playboy. Without it, everyone is afraid that everyone is being ravaged by pirates now.

And Fei Di and Claudia finally guessed the intention of the route map sent by the Playboy, and soon, they reacted, quickly changed the original itinerary, and notified the entire itinerary in the shortest possible time. fleet.

What puzzled Ferdi and Claudia the most was that every time they asked to talk to each other, they were like mud and cows, and there was no reply at all. And the other party never contacted them again, just flying silently in the middle of the fleet.

Shang actually wanted to get in touch with them, after all Claudia is also a beauty. Although in his opinion, she was far from being able to compare with Bingbing, she was also a rare beauty, and Shang was always interested in beauties the most. However, this was strongly opposed by Ye Zhong. As a last resort, Shang had no choice but to continue his life of peeping alone every day.

Ye Zhong looked at a bottle of purple solution on the table, his usually indifferent eyes revealed a look of excitement. After all, this is his own work in terms of training. This highly corrosive liquid, which Ye renamed it "Shangshui", is far more corrosive than Tong Shuxin's slime. All the alloys that Ye Zhong had on hand could not resist the corrosion of this liquid, even the alloys melted into black gold were also difficult to resist.

"Yezi, why is there my name in this thing?" Shang was quite curious.

"Oh, this has something to do with its full name." Ye Zhong said lightly.

"Its full name? What's its full name?" Shang asked with great interest.

"Shang's saliva." Ye Zhong's answer was very concise.

"Yezi, you are ruthless!" Shang said through gritted teeth, and fell on his back in anger, a pair of faint blue electrons flickering chaotically.

Ye Zhong had no time to pay attention to Shang who was about to go berserk, and he felt that the name was quite vivid. In his opinion, sometimes Shang's saliva is definitely much more terrifying than this liquid.

As for fighting and weapons, Ye Zhong seemed to be very sensitive to these by nature. The corrosiveness of "Shangshui" was beyond his expectation, and it also gave Ye Zhong another extremely terrifying weapon. Ye Zhong used the bone material to make the shell of an auxiliary bomb, which was filled with gas-wrapped Shangshui. And he also added a locking program that mimics the self-locking boomerang, so that it can accurately lock the enemy. Moreover, this corrosion bomb is also equipped with a micro engine, which can automatically adjust its direction.

It has to be said that this is an extremely terrifying weapon. The casing of the corroded bomb made of bone can make it impossible for the enemy's holographic scanning system to find its trace, coupled with the locking system and micro-engine, it is really a unique weapon for sneak attacking Yinren.

This kind of corrosive bomb was greatly praised by Shang, but at the same time, it also snatched Ye Zhong's right to name it, and named it "Beauty Letter".

Ye Zhong is frantically making beauty letters every day. In Shang's words, such a large warship, with so many letters from beauties, how embarrassing it is! However, Ye Zhong also felt that as a very effective strike force, the beauty letter was indeed too little in reserve.

In fact, Ye Zhong was quite distressed now. After experiments, he found that the quality of the bone material used to make the shell case has very little effect on its overall performance. However, the bones in his hands are some relatively rare bones, which are too extravagant to be used to make bullet casings. However, no other better materials could be found right now, so Ye Zhong could only choose some relatively common bone materials to make.

Shang also specially designed the launching pipeline for Meirenxin. Ye Zhong, who was already half dead from exhaustion, had no choice but to get up again to remodel the Playboy. Fortunately, the transformation of the launching pipeline was relatively easy, and Ye Zhong quickly completed it.

When counting the fruits of his labor, Ye Zhong was taken aback. Before he knew it, he had produced two hundred and sixty beauty letters.

Fei Di and Claudia were quite surprised, now they are very close to Chebesini, and they can enter the Chebesini star field in about three days. In the rest of the journey, they didn't encounter a group of pirates, which made them feel very strange who had been on tenterhooks.

How did they know that the spread of news in the pirate world is much faster than the spread of general news. On the second day of that great battle, almost all the pirates knew about a spaceship named Playboy. In this spaceship, there is not only a super sniper who can destroy 300 high-level mechs by himself, but also a clown melee who walks in the dark and fights super scary. And the pirate leader still died under the fighting thorns of the clown light armor under the heavy siege.

The demise of a pirate group is indeed not big news to the pirates, but the strength of the destroyed pirate group this time has greatly exceeded the expectations of other pirate groups. And the most unbelievable thing is that such a powerful pirate group died in the hands of two people. And even the boss was blatantly killed in full view. The killing of the boss would be regarded as a great shame in every pirate group, and his successors would take revenge for the boss as the first goal, but none of the survivors of this pirate group talked about revenge. Whenever talking about the clown light armor and the terrifying blue light of death, other pirates could even feel that their former counterparts were trembling!

There is no need to provoke such a powerful person! This is the consensus reached by the bosses of all the pirate groups, which is why the rest of the journey was uneventful. As for the small pirates, they didn't dare to provoke such a huge fleet.

Of course Ferdi and Claudia didn't know why, but they were happy now. The success of this escort will greatly increase the reputation and level of their two divisions, and it will also allow them to establish a good reputation among the common people. And with the generous remuneration this time, the further expansion of the two divisions is a matter of course.

Not far ahead is the last space jump point of this journey, as long as you pass this jump point, you will start to enter the Chebesini star field. The current Cebesini star field exists like a paradise among the five star fields. Here, the government is still exercising its power, so the law and order here is the best among the five star regions. The local people are still living comfortably, as if they have not been affected by any war.

During this period of time, a large number of residents of other star fields migrated to the Chebesini star field, which also led to a great increase in the pressure on the local government. However, the local government still made friendly efforts to arrange these immigrants, and the government's pragmatic attitude was praised by these immigrants. The large number of people immigrating in and the good environment made the Chebesini Starfield enter the track of rapid development during this period.

Just pass that space jump point and everything works! Ferdi and Claudia looked at each other, and they both saw the excitement and joy in each other's eyes.

Just when everyone was cheering for the safe arrival, a black fleet suddenly appeared in the void not far from the entire fleet.

"Report, a large civilian fleet has been spotted ahead."

"Well, it seems that our luck is not very good. Order the sixth and seventh ships to destroy all civilian ships and leave no one alive. The rest of the warships keep moving forward, and we will arrive at the next one in five hours. Jump point." A voice without any emotion said. After a pause, he continued, "Let the thorns go too."


Soon, the last two warships of the entire fleet suddenly changed direction and headed towards this huge ship.

Shang discovered this fleet immediately. Standing in front of the holographic screen, even someone as calm as Ye Zhong couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle when he saw this fleet. This was a fleet of seven warships. Ye Zhong recognized the black and shiny hull as Black Horn's warship at a glance.

God, the fleet! This is the most powerful force Ye Zhong has seen so far. In Ye Zhong's concept, a battleship is a large combat unit. He has encountered several battleships before, whether it is the Masters Association or the Zongsuo, there is always one. However, what appeared before his eyes was a whole fleet!

But the entire fleet was still unaware, and Ye Zhong remembered that their holographic scanning system could not find the battleship of Noire at all.

But Shang was one step ahead of Ye Zhong's thought, and Shang quickly passed the news to Captain Fei Di. Almost immediately, all the spaceships received the order to immediately increase the maximum speed, and reach the space jump point ahead at the fastest speed.

But the Playboy slowly flew out of the fleet and greeted the two warships. The speed of the Playboy is too slow, which is not conducive to escape. Instead of doing this, it is better to stay and fight, so that Grandpa Qian and the others will have a higher chance of survival.

This is not to say that Ye Zhong has any great feelings of self-sacrifice, but just the optimal result obtained after his calculations.

Ye Zhong let out a sharp breath, but his heart calmed down instead. He thought to himself that it was impossible to escape under seven battleships, but he was absolutely confident in pulling one or two battleships behind him.

This is Playboy's debut!

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