In the second half, I was already familiar with the home team's playing rhythm Guo Xu, and squeezed the opponent's lifeline, that is, there were no fast people in every position of the Clippers.

Regardless of counterattack or positional battle, Guo Xu continued to tear through the opponent's defense line with breakthroughs, attracting double points.

Teammates have a good shooting percentage, but they rely on Guo Xu more and more seriously. If there is no room for the phone, they rarely single, will protect the ball and wait for Guo Xu to pass back to him.

Wilcox's poor shot was abandoned by Dunleavy. Both Kaman and Brand partnered inside. They performed very well on the offensive end. They were able to pull out mid-range shots.

In this quarter, Guo Xu didn't make a lot of shots, and still scored the most. He shot 4 of 5 shots, 3 of 3 3-pointers, and 4 of 4 free throws. He scored 15 points efficiently and sent 6 assists. Against Overton, he played very easily and felt like a small forward against 191CM.

The Suns scored 39 to 29 in a single quarter, leading by 100 to 90.

Zhang reasonable is a little excited: "Guo Xu has scored 38 points, 2 rebounds, 17 assists and 2 steals. He will get 40 + 20 again today. If the score is not opened, he will definitely play in the last quarter. I do n’t know what data can be played in the end. . "

Xu Jicheng said: "If you play a full quarter, it may be 50 + 20, and violent point guard Kevin Johnson has only 30 + 20 twice in his entire career. Other point guards have played this kind of data once. Guo Xucai has repeated in the fourth season of his career. Breaking the record, every time he hits this kind of data, he is surpassing himself. "

Zhang reasonable smiled: "I don't know if it's because Yalic is too slow. I think Guo Xu is faster. The fast-break windmill dunked and the camera didn't catch up with him."

Chinese fans who watched the game through live TV also discovered this. It's not an illusion. Guo Xu is fast. He used to rank in the top ten in the league in terms of speed, and can now compete for the first.

Devin Harris hasn't entered the league yet. Iverson has been injured many times. The speed is slower than when he first entered the league. The only speed the league is now comparable to Guo Xu is the Bucks rookie TJ Ford. Ford is 180cm tall and weighs 75kg. He is purely a breakthrough blender. His shooting ability is unmatched by Guo Xu.

Today's game is too suitable for Guo Xu to play. The Clippers have a Wilcox speed inside. Also because the offense is too bad, there are not many opportunities to play. Kaman and Brand can only play offense together.

Kaman, with a height of 213CM and a weight of 120 kg, is not the slowest of the Clippers. At the beginning of the last quarter, coach Dunleavy sent him a height of 211CM and a weight of 122 kg.

Pedrague was a 20 rookie in the second round of 1997. He didn't join the NBA until 2001. As a meat shield, he has good defensive ability in the penalty area and he also has a shot on the offensive end.

Last season, Pedrague averaged 9.4 points, 4 rebounds and 1 assist per game at the Supersonics. The Clippers recruited him to the lineup in the summer. He averaged 16 minutes per game and averaged 6.5 points and 3.2 rebounds per game. Wilcox is good at pulling space.

It is not a good idea to let Pedrague play now, Dunleavy simply wants to help Guo Xu with the data. The Clippers' other four are Brand, Rice, Simmons, and Overton, and second round rookie Simmons is the fastest one.

The NBA's old-school coaches have a common problem, that is, they are too superstitious to "dominate the basket". In their tactics, there must be a big man who can resist the inside at all times.

In fact, Brand's strength is enough to resist anyone in the Suns, but Dunleavy feels not enough. He never cared about the team's speed. He insisted on unwavering battle for twenty years. When coaching the Trail Blazers, even veteran Sabonis could play while walking.

Guo Xu heard Diop talking about his data off the court. The younger brother had no chance to play today. Incarnation fans have been counting Guo Xu's data on the sidelines.

Guo Xu immediately chatted with D'Antoni and proposed to increase playing time and arrange a lineup to facilitate his data reading. He has reached this level, and the opportunity to print terror data is rare. When not brushing at this time, when will he wait?

His current goal is 60 + 20, 50 + 20 is the guarantee. Under the premise of winning, he has always liked to brush the data.

Sun sent a small lineup with super mobility, Stoudemire, Haslem, Joe Johnson, Bell, Guo Xu.

Marion had a poor shooting touch and took a break. As a power forward, Haslem is more resistant. Against Brand, he only loses some weight. He can also run and can open the CIC.

D'Antoni's tactic is to fight offense. It is not a matter of the Sun losing more than 120 points. As long as they can score more than 130 points, the ball is completely handed over to Guo Xu. The teammates will take the shot and help him add assists.

Guo Xu's data is as beautiful as possible, which is what management means. Except that he will not shrink in the guest line and actively grab rebounds near the penalty area, he is playing like Westbrook in the future, and the possession of the ball is very high.

The game continued, the sun first attacked.

Guo Xu hit a pick-and-roll with Stoudemire outside the three-point line and moved laterally to get rid of it. Immediately appeared empty. Pedrague's defense was slow, and Overton's pursuit was slow. Guo Xu made a three-point jumper and the ball went into the net.

103 to 90, Guo Xu had 41 points.

When the Clippers attacked, Overton could not get rid of Guo Xu with the ball and passed it to Simmons. The latter tried to pass the ball to empty-cut Brand and made a mistake. The pass was too fast and hit the bottom line directly. Brand did not Catch.

This is the performance of the bench player's lack of experience. Brand's empty cut speed is slow, and the face frame is not very powerful. He has to catch the ball on his back to play better. In the case of Haslem's close confrontation, it is difficult for anyone to change. Stabilize this ball.

When the Sun attacked, Guo Xu and Stoudemire played a pick-and-roll attack on the right. He attracted Pedrag to change the defense and took it to the right to pull it 50 degrees away. Overton chased the defense and Guo Xu hit the ground between the two. The pass is in the middle.

Stoudemire didn't cut short, and Brand would not be able to make up the defense. He shot easily near the free throw line and shot in the middle.

105 to 90, Guo Xu's 18th assist.

Overwright played a pick-and-roll in the middle of the road and was followed by Guo Xu, who passed the ball to the mid-way empty Brand. The latter forced Haslem to make a layup. 105 to 92.

There was only sporadic applause at the scene. Guo Xu scored much more than this. Brand felt a little sad. The Clippers were miserable against the Lakers without home, and now playing the sun is like playing away.

Even the head referee is reluctant to give the Clippers home whistle, because their boss is Donald Sterling, and the boss David Stern, the most hated team owner. This stingy guy simply didn't want to run the team well, he was just in a mess ~ ~ Before he got out, the Clippers couldn't hold it.

The Clippers scored promising in the playoffs. Brand also made an All-Star, but then they quickly rebuilt and freed Andre Miller and Odom.

When the Sun attacked, Guo Xu changed his style of play and waved Stoudemire to the post. He singled out in the middle, dribbling the ball to the right and passing Owton directly, making a quick stop.

107 to 92, Guo Xu had 43 points.

The Clippers couldn't resist, and the offense also became difficult. Guo Xu could pursue and defend in place after Overton played the pick-and-roll. Teammates didn't have to change their defense completely. In this way, there was no way to create a misalignment, and Pedro Drago hit the iron under the interference of Stoudemire.

Haslem grabbed a rebound and passed it to Joe Johnson on the right, who gave Guo Xu on the other side. Guo Xu took a scouting step outside the three-point line and took a big step on his right foot. He succeeded in passing the speed.

109 to 92, personal 45th.

The difference gradually widened, and Dunleavy requested a timeout.

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