Legend of Valoran

Chapter 1263: Dragon clan is sealed

The dark purple space fissures are still oozing out the void power of the Void Land. The continuous void power seems to be endless, turning into countless tentacles to entangle the huge dragons.

These tentacles are more resilient than the tentacles of Vickers's sneak attack on the shadow island demon leaders. The more they struggle, the tighter the tentacles.

And these tentacles are still absorbing the magical energy in their bodies to accelerate the expansion of the spatial fissure connecting the void into a stable portal.

"Damn it, this **** tentacle!"

Aviana, in the form of the golden sacred dragon, gave a bit of resentment. She didn't want their dragons to become the toolmen for the Void Visitors to return to Valoran.

"Stop struggling, my lovely dragon friends, these tentacles have brought together the grievances of all the Void visitors from the other side that have been backlogged for thousands of years. They are eager to return to this world. Didn't we live together here ten thousand years ago? ?"

Vickers, the eye of the void, slowly appeared, jokingly admiring the struggle of the dragons, which seemed quite interesting to him.

Aviana, in the form of the golden sacred dragon, did not reply, but coldly glanced at Vikz, who was suspended in mid-air not far away, and continued to try to break free, as did other dragons.

As time passed by, the struggle of the dragon army became weaker and weaker. As they gradually began to give up the struggle, a golden flash of light broke through the twisted nether space.

Sensing the golden flash, Aviana looked happy: "Sister Audrey!"

At her call, Audrey, who should have been killed by Vickers with Mordekaiser in the reincarnation desperate situation, broke through the underworld in human form and returned to the real world.

It's just that Audrey's body was bathed in blood, and the situation was worse than that of the dragonflights bound by tentacles.

Vickers was a little surprised that Audrey could come back alive, but he didn't worry about what threat Audrey in this state could pose to him: "You can't save others like you, my dear friend of the Dragon Race."

"A maggot can only hurt our dragon clan by sneak attack. Although I can't beat you now, it doesn't mean that no one in my dragon clan can cure you!"

Audrey stared disdainfully at Vickers's wriggling body like a maggot. As she spoke, her hands gradually folded, and the brilliant divine light burst with her as the center.

The golden light in the sky tore through a portal, and the other end of the door exudes the aura of countless dragons comparable to gods, making Vickers feel a great threat.

Vickers knew at a glance that the other end of the portal connection was the habitat of the dragon clan, and his one eye without eyelids shrank in an instant.

You must know that even in the era when the Void Visitors ruled Valoran thousands of years ago, they did not dare to take action to destroy the adult dragon clan who were at least half gods. Regardless of the age, the Dragon Clan will always have a place in this world. It is absolutely impossible for him to resist the entire Dragon Clan with his own power!


The dragons in the dragon habitat sensed through the portal that their comrades are now being restrained by the tentacles of the void visitor, and one after another they issued angry dragons.

The dragons of countless gods and demigods gathered together, and the moment they passed through the portal, they shattered the tentacles that bound the dragon legion.

One after another, the giant dragons of the gods flew from the other side of the portal, and cast unkind eyes at Vikz with the dragon army.

Knowing that Vickers was invincible, he immediately retreated to the space fissure that radiated this void power. After a brief shock, he sneered and said: "As expected of a race that can stand tall in this world, it seems that the last resort must be used!"

As soon as the voice fell, an ancient stone stele was sent from the other end of the space rift. The ancient stone stele exudes a power different from that of a guest from the void, and the bright stars flicker, and the sky in this area instantly falls into the starry night.

An old dragon recognized the origin of the stone tablet and exclaimed: "That stone tablet...could it be that the goddess Icacia suppressed the Void Guest family in a foreign land ten thousand years ago?"

"Yes, this is indeed the star stele used by the Goddess Icacia to suppress our race, but with the passage of thousands of years, the sealing power on it is far less than that of the past, but it is used to seal your dragons in this world, Still no problem.

The human race is weak, as long as your dragon race is sealed, no one in this world will be able to resist the coming of our race, let the world once again surrender to the fear of the Void Visitors, hahaha! "

Accompanied by Vickers's increasingly frantic laughter, the star stele quickly flew towards the Dragon Legion under Vickers' control.

Upon seeing this, Aviana immediately reminded Audrey: "Quick...close the portal, Sister Audrey!"

When Audrey heard the words, she recovered her mind and immediately closed the portal under Aviana's reminder. I thought that closing the portal would prevent the Star Stele from sealing the Dragon Race, but Audrey found that things were not as simple as she thought.

I saw the starry sky stele bypassing them, across the sea, and flew towards the magnificent barrier in the middle of the main continent.

In just a moment, the starry sky stele fell outside the barrier of the dragon habitat. Immediately afterwards, an irresistible pulling force began to pull the dragon legion towards the dragon habitat, as if to **** them all back.

The dragon legion headed by Aviana and Audrey suddenly panicked, and they tried their best to resist, but their bodies were still flying towards their dragon habitat at a visible speed.

"Don't you dragons always be proud, like to hide in enchantments and not interact with outside races? This time I will perfect you and keep you isolated from the world forever!"

In Vickers's extremely arrogant taunts, the dragonflights were sucked back to their dragon habitat without exception.

Even some of the dragons stationed at Ionia, Mogron Mountain Trail Camp, and Ixtar were not spared, and were pulled back by the irresistible pull of the Star Stone Tablet.

When they all entered the dragon habitat, the broken starry sky stele released a chain of clanging stars. Each chain exudes a sealing power that even a **** can hardly resist, firmly entwining the enchantment of the dragon habitat.

The sound of rumbling is endless, the loud noises of boulders rolling and collapse one after another, the dragon habitat is constantly sinking into the depths of the earth under the suppression of the sealing force of the star stele.

As the dragons were sealed in the ground by the star stele, the primitive forest and mountains where the dragons once lived, a bottomless ravine appeared.

Vickers hovered over the gully and watched for a while, before returning to the hidden sky of Shadow Island. Looking at the void fissure that connected the void land, he who eliminated the threat of Shadow Island and the dragon clan showed the long-awaited evil smile.

"Void visitors are the real masters of this world!"


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