Legend of Valoran

Chapter 1426: Revenge for Sivir's mentor Ryze!

The ritual to transform the Angel of Justice into the Angel of the Undead is underway, and several undead suddenly felt that someone was launching a surprise attack, and their expressions changed.

"You dare to turn my sister into an undead, **** it!"

The magic circle of boiling black water appeared under their feet, not only burning their remaining undead bodies, but also burning their nerves.

They immediately stopped casting spells and moved away.

"It turned out to be you, Morgana, do you think you can save your sister if you take this bunch of trash?

Later, you will be transformed into an undead angel who serves me! "

Morgana and others looked at the undead facing them, all showing incredible expressions.

These undead are not others, they are the elders who were nailed to death on the steps of the Senate by a spear before by Calista!

"Elder Kentor? Haven't you all been killed by the female devil?"

Morgana was shocked and lost her voice.

With a panoramic view of the incredible looks of Morgana and others, the headed Senator Kento let out a terrible laugh in the form of a dead soul:

"We are all Necromancers, destroying our bodies wants to kill us completely?

That's so naive!

That female undead will understand in the future that destroying our bodies and turning us into real undead will only make us stronger.

Not only will you yield to us, but so will the female undead.

Everything in the world will crawl at the feet of the Senate! "

While talking, the elders headed by Kentor veteran screamed the undead.

The trembling screams gathered together, causing Morgana and others' eardrums to tremble, and blood surged.

"Cough cough cough..."

Coughing up blood uncontrollably, they quickly retreated to the outside, cooperated with each other, propped up the defensive shield that integrated the strength of everyone, and barely resisted the sudden scream of the undead.

"Nami, protect Ye Feng, he is now in a coma and can't fight, leave the rest to us!"

Diana wiped the blood stains from the corners of her mouth and stabilized her injury from the screaming attack of the undead. She didn't think that their combined force would be weaker than the elders who were also in the semi-god realm.

When the voice fell, she took the lead in the charge, swept the moon storm and attacked the elders headed by Kentor again.

Fiona's two daughters also turned into black and white sword shadows, and used the slash.

Kai'Sa and Wayne wander between the shadows and reality, sometimes appearing, sometimes escaping into the shadows, launching unpredictable raids.

At the same time, if the two of them can perfectly trigger their respective magical energy marks, their destructive power is the strongest among them all.

Pan Sen summoned the dragon phantom, swept the scorching dragon flames, and flew towards the enemy with an unstoppable force.

Leona also wielded the Zenith Blade and pointed at one of the elders.

When these elders were all forcibly pulled together by the storm of the moon released by Diana's Moon God descending spell, the handed down Shield in her hand slammed these elders.

With a loud shout, the sacred sun shines, Leona uses her most powerful solar flare spell to fix all the gathered elders in place.

The perfectly coordinated people looked at each other and smiled, and then launched wave after wave of fierce offensive against the veterans.

The trapped elders wailed one by one, and finally broke free from the shackles of the solar flares. They were horrified to find that they were all locked by a dark chain.

This chain delayed the figure that they wanted to escape, and the owner who released the chain was the fallen angel Morgana who had been caught by them twice before.

"Disgusting scum, you also have a taste of being bound by chains!"

The devil voice of the fallen angel that seemed to come from **** trembled their minds, and suddenly they were trapped in place again.

At the same time, the black water that burned their souls appeared again under their feet, which made them miserable.

Nami, who alone guarded Ye Feng in a coma, was encouraged to see everyone fighting so hard.

This time, she surprisingly mustered up the courage, waved the tidal trident, and summoned a wave that even the gods were discolored, and overturned the veterans who tried to make the last struggle.

Dreamy blisters that also possessed the ability to imprison flew out, confining all the elders inside.

"Nami, you did a great job!"

Diana was very surprised that Nami would shoot, and she also gave her praise and affirmation to Nami who had finally gathered the courage to cast offensive spells.

Others are the same, happy for Nami to take the initiative.

Morgana coldly looked at the elders who were bound by Nami in the blisters: "Leaving the forbidden circle of the wisdom of Valoran elite mages that you have stolen for your own use, you veterans are nothing! "

Kento, who was headed, was not ashamed of being captured, he even agreed with Morgana's point of view.

"You are right. Without those restraining circles, we are nothing.

But who said that there is no forbidden circle here? "

Halfway through the conversation, Kentor turned his head, and the faint smile showed on the faint face.

Almost as soon as his voice fell, the feet of Diana and the others flashed with the light of the dark circle.

The horrible death gas turned into scary faces, frightening them.

There are countless ghost ghost hands condensed from the death aura of the magic circle, and entangled them, eroding their bodies.

They didn't get rid of the parts bound by the ghost hands in time, and were instantly corroded to reveal the fuzzy flesh and blood under the skin.

"Quickly, escape the range of this circle!"

Diana reminded everyone that they fled outside the cave.


The horrible death wall blocked the exit, and the ghost hand grabbed all of them again, eroding their bodies frantically with horrible death.

"If this continues, we will all be eroded to the point that there are no bones left. Think of a way!"

"At this time, you can't think of a way!"

Everyone is at a loss.

"Oops, Ye Feng was caught by the ghost hand and disappeared into the circle!"

Nami didn't know how to be a good guilt voice, like bad news, which caught everyone's attention.

They looked at her, Ye Feng, who should have been protected by Nami, was gone.

"I'm sorry...I blame me...I didn't protect him!"

It is not easy for everyone to blame Nami, after all, they are too busy to take care of themselves.

But the news that Ye Feng was sucked into the circle was the worst news for them.

But then, a figure slowly crawling out of the circle gave them hope again.

"It's Ye Feng, he is still alive, he crawled out by himself!"

"Look, he is not affected by the magic circle, those black hands can't corrupt him!"

As they could see, Ye Feng, who slowly crawled out of the magic circle filled with undead spirits, was not only not dead, but also unaffected.

"It's the tears of the goddess, the tears of the goddess protects him!"

Fiona, the Laurent family who had witnessed Ye Feng getting the tears of the goddess, saw the real reason, her beautiful eyes stared at the tears of the goddess that shone with blue light to protect Ye Feng.

Ye Feng, who had crawled out by himself, felt the power that he recovered almost, and then ignoring the obstacles of the ghost hand, step by step towards the veterans who carved this circle.

The headed Kentor relied on this magic circle to defeat Ye Feng and others, but now there was a person who was not bound by the magic circle, and he panicked.

"This... how is this possible?"

"Your death date is here, Elder Kentor, and your lackeys, they will all die with you!"

Ye Feng's voice full of hatred and killing intent suddenly sounded, and the Moonlight Sword in his hand changed into Sivir's Cross Sword.

This time, he wants to avenge Sivir's mentor Ryz!

"No, you can't kill us. If we die this time, we really won't be able to survive. We will be gone!"

After the war just now, the veterans headed by Kentor exhausted their magic power, and they now had no means to compete with Ye Feng except this magic circle.

But this magic circle couldn't restrain Ye Feng, they began to beg Ye Feng for mercy, just like the veteran Kentor.

"It was Kentor who killed Sivir's teacher Ryze. If you let us go, we will help you kill him!"

"Yes, let's throw away the dark and cast the light!"

"Leave us a way out!"

Ye Feng smiled coldly: "You are dead a long time ago, so how about letting you go?

I'm just helping your cursed souls be free! "

The revolving cross blade accurately smashed all the elders, and Ye Feng did not give them a chance to beg for mercy.

With only their souls left, they burst open on the spot, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

The elders headed by Kentor were sharpened, and Ye Feng sighed sadly.

Teacher Ryze, you can rest in peace.

After returning, he must share the news with Sivir as soon as possible.

The long-standing feud between them and the War Academy has ended. I believe Sivir will cry with joy after hearing this.


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