Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 168: Talk to the Duke of Bedford (2)

"It's really good. If you have a good team, this business plan will really come in handy." said the Duke of Bedford.

   "Of course, Lord Duke, so I chose Arsenal Football Club." Li Zhiwen said.

   "Manchester United and Liverpool are also good," said the Duke of Bedford.

"I know they are all very good football clubs, but you also know that I have not been in the UK for a long time, Lord Duke, and I have spent most of my time in London. Manchester and Liverpool are too far away from London, so I chose Arsenal after comprehensive consideration. Football club." Li Zhiwen asked.

   "What's the matter with Grace Fund? What's the matter with 20% of the shares." The Duke of Bedford finally asked the most critical question.

"My lord, how do you say that, I came to England and met Grace at first sight. In addition, I was planning to acquire the team, and Grace is a fan of Arsenal, so I started to acquire Arsenal Football Club. Thoughts, as for the name of the fund, I just thought of it casually." Li Zhiwen said nonsense.

   "What about the 20% share?" the Duke of Bedford asked.

"Oh, this is very simple. I plan to hire Grace as the general manager of Arsenal Football Club. The acquisition of Arsenal Football Club is the most important project of Grace Fund, so I am giving employees shares." Li Zhiwen Continue to talk nonsense.

   "In this case, the 20% of the shares is too small. I think 51% is just right. I can contribute the remaining shares to Grace." The Duke of Bedford said with a smile.

   "Lord Duke, that's impossible, the company must be under my control." Li Zhiwen said firmly.

   At this time, Grace Russell walked out of the kitchen with a coffee in his hand and said, "Dad, Carl, what company shares are you talking about? I heard it as soon as I got out of the kitchen."

   Grace Russell put the coffee in front of Li Zhiwen and the Duke of Bedford respectively, and then saw the plan in front of the Duke of Bedford, picked it up curiously, and asked, "What is this?"

Then Grace Russell looked over it. First of all, Grace Russell was very disgusted with this plan. She simply scanned it and said, "Carl, I don't agree with this plan. How can I account for this plan without paying a penny? 20% of the company’s shares, what the **** is this name?"

   "Grace, after I intend to acquire Arsenal Football Club, you will be the general manager, and you have to contribute to the acquisition plan." Li Zhiwen asked.

"I don't agree. I am an employee of the company. The acquisition of Arsenal Football Club is my project. How can I ask for shares? Besides, I don't need so many shares to be the general manager. You are my lifesaver. I help you for free. You should be busy, how can you ask for shares." Grace Russell said.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Li Zhiwen did not speak, took a sip of coffee and said, "Grace, this coffee is a bit bitter. Actually, I’m an Oriental and I’m not used to coffee. , It’s better if there is tea."

   The Duke of Bedford immediately understood and said: "Grace, I have Longjing from China in my study upstairs. The former ambassador to China brought me back from China. Bring it to Carl for a taste."

   "Oh? Well, then I have to taste it, Longjing is a famous Chinese tea." Li Zhiwen said.

   Grace Russell watched Li Zhiwen and the Duke of Bedford sing a match, and didn’t know how they were going to distract themselves, so he said, “Even if you want to distract me, I won’t play for it.”

   Grace Russell finished speaking and left the living room to get tea from the second floor of the stairs.

   "Carl, I made you laugh, Grace is such a person." said the Duke of Bedford.

   "I know, Grace is fine, Lord Duke, let this be the case." Li Zhiwen said.

   "Okay, just do it, I will say hello to the Sutton family." said the Duke of Bedford.

Li Zhiwen is overjoyed. Of course, he is not happy to win Arsenal Football Club. In fact, if Li Zhiwenguang wants to buy a team, he can buy Manchester United directly from the stock market. Why bother to spend a few million pounds. Find the Duke of Bedford.

   The reason Li Zhiwen is happy is that as long as there is a first cooperation, there will be a second cooperation, and the Duke of Bedford is very strong in the United Kingdom. By pulling him aboard, Li Zhiwen can quickly deal with many things in the United Kingdom.

   "Lord Duke, in fact, I still have a bold idea here. This idea is a bit big and needs your promotion." Li Zhiwen said.

   "Oh? What do you think?" said the Duke of Bedford.

   Now that the cooperation has been negotiated, the attitude of the Duke of Bedford has become much closer.

   "This is the case. During this period of time, when I was watching the survey report of the English Football League, I felt that there were too many teams in England. There are 92 professional football teams in the English Football League alone, and there are countless other amateur teams." Li Zhiwen said.

   "Yes, the British football culture is very strong, you can ask anyone on the street, it must be a fan of a certain team." said the Duke of Bedford.

"Yes, but the English Football League is too bloated. Even if it is divided into three levels, there is still a high chance that there will be many strong teams versus weak teams. This kind of game has a slow pace and weak competition. There is no suspense. The stadium fare can't be sold either."

"I think it is possible to organize the top 20 clubs in the English Football League into another competition, which can be called the English Premier League, which is called the English Premier League. Live basketball."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  "Of course, the relegation of the Premier League team's points is also linked to the English Football League. The last three places in the bottom of the points list are reduced to the English Football Champions League, and the remaining What do you think of the 72 football clubs you play, just 24 teams at each level?" Li Zhiwen asked.

"This idea is great. In the past, I went to the Arsenal home stadium to watch football and always saw one-sided games. I felt too sorry for my tickets. If this idea can be realized, I think the ticket price increase can also fill the stadium. "Don't know when, Grace Russell sat on the sofa.

   While the Duke of Bedford on the side was meditating, Li Zhiwen took Longjing from Grace Russell and made tea.

   After a while, the Duke of Bedford said: "Carl, your idea is very good, but there are too many problems involved, like which 20 clubs can join the Premier League in the first place."

   "The game ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is ranked according to the ranking, and the top 20 clubs will join the Premier League first." Li Zhiwen did not speak, Grace Russell said.

   "It's not that simple. British football has developed for so many years. How many giants and how many fans behind the club can speak in all aspects." said the Duke of Bedford.

   "Just let the Football Association and the Football Association League coordinate." Grace Russell continued.

   "The Football Association and the Football Association League can now make money lying down. Why do you have to toss and stand up to make money?" said the Duke of Bedford.

At this time, Li Zhiwen said: "My Lord Duke, I think we should start from the top teams. Presumably they also have this trouble. And if our competition is fiercely competitive, fast-paced, and there are many strong teams, the TV station must be willing to negotiate with us for broadcasting rights. Yes, there are many companies that are willing to talk about advertising with the Premier League. As long as they can gather 20 clubs, they should negotiate with the Football Association, the Football Association League and the English Football League."

"I think Carl’s idea is very good. In this way, we will win Arsenal Football Club first, and then I will personally lobby other giants. Those officials in the meeting must be willing to have someone help them manage the league." said the Duke of Bedford.

   "This matter is troublesome for the Lord Duke. I think our Premier League can set up a Premier League Co., Ltd. specifically for the commercialization of the league. In the early stage, it can imitate the American NBA and NFL." Li Zhiwen said.

   And Grace Russell on the side admires Li Zhiwen and completely forgot about the shares.

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