Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

: 226th Brothers 墋墙 (2)

"Well, since everyone has agreed to dissolve the board of directors, then I announce that the board of directors will be dissolved and now re-elect new board members." Zhou Junlian said.

The next thing is more obvious. According to the "Company Law", one director can be elected for every 5% of the shares held.

And Zhou Junlian and other Zhou’s second house held 35% of Chow Sang Sang’s shares and obtained seven directors, while Zhou’s house held 18% of the shares and obtained three director seats. Then Zhou’s house and Wang Benjin joined forces. Zhou Jun Lian took a deep look at Wang Benjin's move once again.

Then there was a situation that was beyond Zhou Junlian’s expectations. Some shareholders who held less than 5% of the shares, several people joined hands to win a board seat, and even several of them did not deal with each other, but now they are cooperating. The action made Zhou Junlian vigilant.

"Well, now that the directors elected by everyone have been elected, the new board of directors is established, and now we begin to recommend the chairman of the board." Zhou Junwen did not wait for Zhou Junlian to recover, and instead of Zhou Junlian issued orders.

In fact, it can't be said to be a substitute. After all, Zhou Junlian is no longer the chairman of the board of directors at this time, so he is not presided over the meeting, and this is not a substitute.

"Now if you agree with Zhou Junlian to continue to serve as the chairman of the board of directors, please raise your hand." Zhou Junwen said.

There was a sparse hold up in the conference room, but it was obvious that there were not more than half of them.

Zhou Junyue continued to play the role of counting. A total of nine directors supported Zhou Junlian's continued chairmanship of the board of directors, including Zhou Junlian himself.

"So agree," Zhou Junwen continued, but was interrupted by the door opening.

I saw Li Zhiwen walking in with He Chaoqiong and others. Zhou Junwen saw that it was Li Zhiwen, and he was relieved. If Li Zhiwen is not coming, Zhou Junwen can't sing like this anymore.

And Zhou Junlian's secretary also walked in and said, "Chairman, these people..."

"Understood, Xiao Wang, you go down first, this is the guest I invited." Zhou Junlian said before Zhou Junlian could speak.

Zhou Junwen's words made Zhou Junlian vigilant. It seemed that someone was doing a ghost behind Zhou Junlian, but the matter was over and there was nothing to stop him. He just waved his hand and asked Xiao Wang to leave the meeting room.

When the door of the conference room closed, Zhou Junwen immediately stood up and said to Li Zhiwen: "Mr. Li, sit here."

Li Zhiwen didn't say much, sat down on the stool, quietly watching Zhou Junwen perform.

"This is Mr. Li Zhiwen, the chairman of the Hong Kong Electric Group, and also a shareholder of Chow Sang Sang Gold." Zhou Junwen introduced.

Zhou Junlian's heart chuckles, it seems that this is Zhou Junwen's greatest reliance.

"We continue with the topic before starting, and please raise your hand if you agree with Mr. Li Zhiwen as the chairman of the board of directors." Zhou Junwen said.

Before everyone in the conference room expressed their opinions, Zhou Junlian said angrily: "Zhou Junwen, do you know what you are doing?"

"Of course, isn't this electing the chairman of the board of directors? Everyone here knows." Zhou Junwen said indifferently.

Zhou Junlian realized at this time that Zhou Junwen wanted to oust himself, but wanted to sell Zhou Shengsheng Jinxing to this surnamed Li in exchange for something.

Zhou Junren, who has been next to Zhou Junlian, said: "Zhou Junwen, you are leading the wolf into the house, you are betraying the Zhou family's ancestral motto, how can you have the face to see your father after a hundred years."

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals. Since it was not Zhou Junlian's questioning, naturally Zhou Junwen's younger brother would respond.

"What Zhou family ancestral precepts, you are going back to ancient times, Junren, Zhou Shengsheng Jinxing is a listed company, and should follow the listing regulations, not ancestral precepts." Zhou Junwu retorted.

"Okay, there are outsiders present. Put the family affairs in front of the outsiders. What kind of style, Zhou Junwen, go ahead." Zhou Junlian said.

Zhou Junwen took a deep look at Zhou Junlian, and couldn't help but admire Zhou Junlian. He deserves to be the person who has been in charge of Zhou Shengsheng's gold business for more than ten years.

It's a pity that since Zhou Junwen has taken the beginning, he can't go backwards, and can only continue to move forward.

And Zhou Junlian's words also attracted Li Zhiwen's attention, but Li Zhiwen did not have Zhou Junwen's psychological activity, but it was a pity.

Li Zhiwen will never leave Zhou Junlian in his grasp of Zhou Shengsheng's Jinxing, otherwise he would never know how to die.

"Well, let me say it again, please raise your hand if you agree with Mr. Li Zhiwen as the chairman of the board of directors." Zhou Junwen said again.

No one spoke any more this time, and all the shareholders at the scene recognized the format and raised their hands.

Zhou Junwen swept his eyes and saw that the two people who were electing Zhou Junlian as the chairman of the board of directors raised their hands and asked: "Zhang Zhihu, what do you mean, and why do you raise your hands again."

Zhang Zhihu said unhurriedly: "I didn't know that Mr. Li was elected as the chairman of the board of directors. I firmly support Mr. Li as the chairman of the board of directors."

Everyone didn't pay much attention to this kind of wall and grass, but took a deep look at Zhang Zhihu.

Zhou Junyue continued to count, and then said to Zhou Junwen and Li Zhiwen: "Mr. Li, eldest brother, a total of twelve directors have agreed to Mr. Li as the chairman of the board."

"Well, since it was elected by everyone, it represents public opinion. Mr. Li serves as the chairman of the board of directors, and it will take effect immediately. Next, Mr. Li will give you a speech. Welcome." Zhou Junwen said.

Li Zhiwen walked to the front of the stage again in applause, and said: "I am very glad that everyone has elected me as the chairman of the board of directors, but to be honest, I don't know the jewelry industry, so I need to appoint someone who knows how to act as president."

"Mr. Zhou Junwen, as the veteran of Chow Sang Sang Gold Co., is very skilled in the business of Chow Sang Sang Gold Co., so I appointed Mr. Zhou Junwen as the president."

"In addition, my secretary He Chaoqiong is also very knowledgeable about the jewelry industry, so I appointed Ms. He Chaoqiong as the company's general manager."

Zhou Junlian watched Li Zhiwen coldly. It was ridiculous that Zhou Junwen sold the family business just for a ridiculous president.

And when I saw that Li Zhiwen was not at ease with Zhou Junwen, otherwise, why did He Chaoqiong come in? This is not a disguised supervision of Zhou Junwen.

Li Zhiwen ignored the others. UU Reading www.uukānshu.com continued: “In addition, I feel that the company’s steps are too small. I will introduce new capital. The company will issue 20% of the shares in Yulong Bank on a directional basis at the market price. 80% of the work done."

Li Zhiwen's words blew up in the conference room like a depth bomb.

"Mr. Li, if I lack funds, I just have spare money in my hand, and I can issue shares. There is no need to issue additional shares," Zhou Junlian said.

Li Zhiwen looked at Zhou Junlian with a faint smile, and then said: "Then we will vote by show of hands."

When Zhou Junlian saw Li Zhiwen's self-confidence, he couldn't help being shocked. Don't Li Zhiwen already controlled more than 50% of the equity. What's the point of voting.

Not surprisingly, more than half of the people agreed to Li Zhiwen's plan, including the three brothers of the Zhou family's big room. Zhou Jun Lian couldn't help but feel cold.

Turning to angrily pointing at the three brothers in the Zhou family's big house, and said: "You three, are traitors of the Zhou family. You have left the family's foundations in your hands, and you can sit here again."

Then Zhou Jun Lian got up angrily and left the conference room. His two younger brothers followed him.

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