Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 303: Fermentation

"Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon (

"Dallas Daily": The vice president of Texas Instruments will secretly meet investors, or turn to Micron Technology.

"Houston Chronicle": The vice president of Texas Instruments and Micron Technology reached an agreement to jointly build a new company.


This kind of news flooded the city of Dallas.

In a high-end apartment in western Dallas, Zhang Zhongmou angrily took the newspaper on the table, dressed in his clothes and headed to Texas Instruments.

"Zhongmou, go after breakfast!" Zhang Zhongmou's wife walked out of the kitchen carrying bread and milk.

"Stop eating, I'm afraid that the chairman will believe Xia Bo's nonsense anymore." Zhang Zhongmou said to his wife while tying his tie.

The wife put the dinner on the dining table, then walked to Zhang Zhongmou, took over Zhang Zhongmou's tie for a long time, and said, "Zhongmou, since you are not happy, you can resign. Don't you say that you have a home." The company wants to dig you back to Hong Kong. We haven't returned to Hong Kong for many years. Take this opportunity to return to Hong Kong."

"Even if I want to leave, I can't leave with such humiliation. Okay, you can wait at home. I'll go to the company first." Zhang Zhongmou left the house after speaking.


And Texas Instruments' headquarters, Chairman Simon Aman is furious in his office.

"Eating inside and out, I want to run away from competitors." Simon Aman threw the "Dallas Daily" on the desk and furiously said.

"Chairman, don't be angry, don't know what's going on, in case Zhang Zhongmou is going to discuss cooperation with them." President Xia Bai said strangely.

"Don't explain to him, what kind of cooperation is there to talk about, and who allowed them? Isn't it that he has not approved additional investment in the semiconductor field? Now the company's focus is on the consumer electronics field. Look at our consumer electronics field to make more money. , Put the funds into the semiconductor field, and fight with companies like Intel first, when will you see the money back." Simon Aman said.

"Chairman, ask me to say that this may be a deliberate attempt by Mars Capital. They may want to use Zhang Zhongmou to promote the investment of Micron Technology, but they were accidentally seen by reporters and photographed." Xia Bai said.

"This guy, I don't even know if he was used as a gun, and he was smug, thinking how important he was." Simon Aman said.

"Chairman, Zhang Zhongmou's suggestion also needs to be considered. After all, he is the vice president of the company. Half of the company's employees are under his hands. It would be really bad if he takes people away. There are many of his staff who are loyal to him. People." Xia Bai continued.

"He dares, I think there are a few people who followed him to start a business." Simon Aman said.

At this time, Simon Aman's secretary walked into Simon Aman's office and said: "Boss, Vice President Zhang is here!"

"Hmph, let him in!" Simon Aman said.

Simon Aman's secretary went out, while Simon Aman and Xia Bai sat on the sofa and put the "Dallas Daily" on the coffee table.

After a while Zhang Zhongmou walked into the office, Simon Amane did not stand up, but sat on the sofa and said: "Yeah, the big star is here, and it was a good day yesterday!"

"Boss, listen to me. I was always pestered by Mars Capital yesterday. I really can't help but go. As for the reporter, I don't know the situation at all." Zhang Zhongmou said.

"Vice President Zhang meant that if the reporter didn't get the photo, he wouldn't report to the company? Seeing that Vice President Zhang and Mars Capital people are so familiar, it must not be the first time I have met." Xia Bai said.

Zhang Zhongmou’s speech was lost for a while. Indeed, what Xia Bai said was right. He is not the first person to come into contact with Mars Capital. There is nothing to explain. He just swayed between the two, and the most important thing for Texas Instruments The only attraction of staying by myself is that this is a company that I have worked hard for for more than 20 years, and every place here has its own nostalgia.

Zhang Zhongmou sorted out his thoughts and asked Simon Amanen: "Chairman, I don’t want to defend myself anymore. I just want to hear from you: "Is there any semiconductor plan for Texas Instruments next? This is the development of the industry." The direction, now Intel has walked in front of us, although the consumer electronics field is making money at this time, but those are immediate benefits, not long-term benefits, semiconductors are the future of Texas Instruments. "

"Vice President Zhang meant that the decision made by the boss and I was wrong?" Simon Aman was silent, and Xia Bai was the first to take the initiative.

"I don't mean that, but the company is in the stage of life and death. Every wrong step is a big blow to the company. Although Intel is proud of the group at this time, there is no other semiconductor company except Intel. We still have a chance. "Zhang Zhongmou said. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

“In terms of the company’s strategy, Vice President Zhang doesn’t have to worry too much about it. Let’s do my own thing. Just after I discussed with Xia Bai, I was ready to take over the company’s domestic business. Vice President Zhang still focused on the company’s international business. Business is good." Simon Aman said.

When Zhang Zhongmou heard Simon Aman's words, it was like a bolt from the blue. Mike was Xia Bai's confidant. At this time, letting Mike take over the domestic business of Texas Instruments would undoubtedly no longer trust Zhang Zhongmou.

You know, although the world is big and the territory of the beautiful country is very small for the world, you must know that most of Texas Instruments' business comes from the beautiful country at this time. As for the international business department, it is just a decoration.

At this time, letting Zhang Zhongmou take charge of international business undoubtedly cut Zhang Zhongmou's power in half.

"Chairman, is this the company's final decision?" Zhang Zhongmou asked in disbelief.

"What is the difference between my words and the company's decision, you should hurry up and hand over the work." Simon Aman said with a frown.

"In this case, Chairman, I choose to resign!" Zhang Zhongmou said.

"You finally said it. It seems that you have wanted to say this for a long time. In that case, I agree. I will let Mike take over your work. The company treats you very well. I hope you will comfort the company. , Can you understand?" Simon Aman said.

Simon Amann obviously asked Zhang Zhongmou to appease his subordinates and not let him take anyone away. Zhang Zhongmou also understands what Simon Amanen meant, but Zhang Zhongmou was originally such a person. After all, he is a company that has been with him for many years. Take someone away.

So Zhang Zhongmou said: "Understand, Chairman, I will comfort my subordinates."

"That's too much, Mr. Zhang!" Simon Aman said.

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