Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 363: Macau trip

Liu Xiaoli didn't know when she slept, anyway, when she woke up early the next morning, there was no Li Zhiwen on the bed.

Liu Xiaoli casually took out Li Zhiwen's large shirt from the closet, and put it on her body, with a looming hazy feeling.

After that, he simply **** his hair, walked out of the bedroom door, and when he passed Lizhi's room, Lizhi was no longer in the room.

Liu Xiaoli grabbed the railing and walked down the stairs, and after seeing Liu Xiaoli's figure in the kitchen, Lijue, who was busy in the kitchen, smiled and said, "Xiaoli, come on, breakfast will be ready soon."

How much Liu Xiaoli hoped that what she saw yesterday was an illusion, but seeing Lizhi, Liu Xiaoli understood that her illusion had been broken.

"What are you doing here, why don't you leave?" Liu Xiaoli said with a cold face.

"Xiaoli, I'm afraid you are hungry, come and have breakfast!" Lizhi said again.

"Where is Brother Wen?" Liu Xiaoli asked as she went downstairs.

"He went to Macau, there was business to deal with, and he left early in the morning." Li Zhiwen said.

"Oh." Liu Xiaoli replied coldly, and then stopped talking.

"Xiaoli don't care about him, we just have to eat!" Lizhi smiled and sat down to eat breakfast.

"Secretary Li, you have to be clear about your position. In some places, you can't do it casually. You are just a secretary." Liu Xiaoli continued to speak coldly.

Lizhi heard Liu Xiaoli's words and knew that Liu Xiaoli was going to be in trouble, so he didn't listen to Liu Xiaoli's words. Shi Shiran sat in a chair and said, "Xiaoli, who do you think you are?"

"What is the number one?" Liu Xiaoli asked suspiciously.

And Lizhi said to herself: "Xiaoli, the boss is such a rich man, you wouldn't believe that the boss has only one confidante."

"In fact, with you and me, there are seven things I know, and there are still seven things I don't know."

"They are just as good as you and me. They have beautiful faces, outstanding talents, and even diplomas that are much higher than you and me. Among them, there may be ladies from rich families."

"But they all love the boss by appointment. The boss is so charming. Those who want to get onto the boss's bed can line up from here to Yangcheng across the street."

Liu Xiaoli was shocked when she heard Lizhi's words. Liu Xiaoli thought her opponent was only Lizhi, but suddenly a lot of them popped out. Liu Xiaoli wanted to leave here and go back to Echeng.

But as soon as this idea came up, it was denied by Liu Xiaoli. To put it bluntly, it was the action of Lijue yesterday that made Liu Xiaoli reluctant to let go.

Seeing Liu Xiaoli's struggling face, Lizhi didn't urge, but picked up the milk on the table and put it into his mouth gracefully.

After a while, Liu Xiaoli said, "Sister Juice, what should we do?"

But when Lizhi heard Liu Xiaoli's words, he understood that the other party had compromised and had to reach the same line with himself.

Lizhi said: "Xiaoli, we don't have to do anything. In Hong Kong, you can still continue your hobbies, otherwise you will be very free if you don't have hobbies."

"You can also see that the boss, although he likes the new, is not tired of the old, so as long as the conditions are not excessive, the boss will be satisfied."

"The sole purpose of our alliance is to please the boss and let the boss spend more time with us."

Liu Xiaoli stared at Lijue with wide eyes. She didn't expect Lijue's requirements to be so low. It was incredible.

And Lizhi smiled and said, "Don't be so surprised, I have been with the boss for so long, and I understand what the boss is like, doing nothing is doing everything."

Liu Xiaoli finally nodded and asked Lizhi: "Sister Juice, who else is on our side?"

Lizhi chuckled and said: "Xiaoli, we two mainland girls, how can they be with us, so this lineup needs to be expanded by ourselves. If you have suitable candidates, you can bring them to Hong Kong. Anyway, the boss has to search for food. In that case, why not find food for our side?

Liu Xiaoli nodded, indicating that she understood, but in her heart she remembered a few friends she had met in the north. It was truly beautiful.

The Li Zhiwen in their mouths has already taken the ferry to Macau.

As soon as he stepped off the ferry, Li Zhiwen saw where He Chaoqiong was waiting for himself.

Li Zhiwen was not surprised at He Chaoqiong's arrival. Although Li Zhiwen did not notify He Chaoqiong, the ferry between Hong Kong and Macau was operated by He's family.

And Li Zhiwen's reputation in Hong Kong is not low. He's employees who know him have already notified the He's.

He Chaoqiong saw Li Zhiwen's figure and rushed over to give Li Zhiwen a big hug.

Because of Li Zhiwen, He Youguang did not have a major car accident while traveling in Portugal like in his previous life and then died early.

Of course, no one except Li Zhiwen knew about this change, including the He family.

And Li Zhiwen would not use such unnecessary things to tell the He family, after all, the He family would not believe it, and Li Zhiwen is unnecessary.

Therefore, the negotiation between Li Zhiwen and He Hongshen can only be an interest negotiation, and nothing else.

And because of He Youguang's alive, He Chaoqiong was not sent by He Hongshen to the Santa Clara University in California, a beautiful country like in his previous life, to study business, nor was he trained as a successor by He Hongshen.

After all, He Hongshen's eldest son is still at this time, so there is no need for He Chaoqiong to show some business ability to get his daughter to worry about the family.

So even if He Chaoqiong showed some commercial talents in Li Zhiwen’s company, He Hongshen did not mean to summon He Chaoqiong to the family. After all, in He Hongshen’s view, He Chaoqiong played a more important role in Li Zhiwen at this time than going home. .

And as Li Zhiwen's career gets bigger and bigger, He Hongshen is more reluctant to call He Chaoqiong home.

On the contrary, He Hongshen always persuades He Chaoqiong to work harder~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to take on more work.

"Brother Wen, you finally came to Macau to see me, I thought you forgot me!" He Chaoqiong said to Li Zhiwen happily.

Li Zhiwen’s stall is now very large, and he is not in Hong Kong for a long time a year, so even He Chaoqiong has not seen Li Zhiwen for a long time.

"Silly girl, didn't I come to see you? You are the only one here!" Li Zhiwen squeezed He Chaoqiong's Qiong nose and said.

"Hate, you didn't come to see me at all, otherwise you would look around to see something." He Chaoqiong said with a little cherry mouth.

In fact, Ho Hongshen absolutely knows the meaning of Li Zhiwen's trip to Macau. After all, Li Zhiwen had contacted Huang Xizhao with Ho Hongshen before, but Ho Hongshen was ambiguous with the TV station, so Li Zhiwen himself took the initiative.

And when He Hongshen let He Chaoqiong come by himself this time, he obviously regarded Li Zhiwen as a junior, rather than an equivalent business partner.

But Li Zhiwen didn't care too much about this, after all, the status was made by himself, not by others.

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