Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 562: The boat is the money printing machine

Dong Haoyun objected to the calculation method of the ranking, and wrote to the editorial department, saying that HSBC owns half of the shares of Pao's fleet, and Pao's wholly-owned tonnage is about 6.5 million. Dong Haoyun's letter aroused repercussions from the world shipping industry.

The New York Times called Dong Haoyun "the world's largest independent shipowner."

Dong Haoyun is still not satisfied, he wants to remove the word "independence" and become "the world's largest shipowner".

In the 1970s, the world shipping industry boomed, which stimulated the vigorous development of the shipbuilding industry. After Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and other places became the "kingdoms" of shipbuilding in the world.

In order to strengthen competition, shipyards cut prices to undertake shipbuilding orders. Many shipowners expanded their fleets to a dizzying state. The total world merchant fleet is severely saturated.

Dong Haoyun, who has been in the shipping industry all his life, has not seen the shadow of depression looming over his huge fleet?

Dong Haoyun did see it, but based on his past experience, he believed that it was only a recession for a few years, and he never imagined that it would be an unprecedented ship disaster. Today, more than ten years later, the world shipping industry has not completely shaken off the shadows.

Egypt banned ships from non-friendly countries from passing through the Suez Canal, and Dong Haoyun's oil tanker showed great power and became a floating gold mine; the Soviet Union's grain harvest failed, Dong Haoyun's bulk carrier joined the route to carry grain from the United States.

Now, this is becoming history. Since the late 1970s, Dong Haoyun has focused on container ships. Dong Haoyun's choice is in the right direction. Since the 1980s, ships for other purposes have been on the decline, but container ships have been on the rise.

However, Dong Haoyun is not the only one who is optimistic about container ships?

The launching ceremony of Dong Haoyun's new ship is famous all over the world for its grandeur and luxury.

Mr. Luo Guangying wrote in the article "The Oriental Scholar's Launching Ceremony", "The Oriental Scholar is the 112th ship under Dong Haoyun's name.

When Dong Haoyun's boat is launched, all his relatives and friends, bank advisors, customers and colleagues gather together, and of course friends from the art world, such as ballet dancer Margaux Fontaine and pianist Bernie Lin.

He'll send the plane tickets to everyone and make sure they'll be there.

"The Orient Scholar was launched in the French Rivera. The French naval band played 'The Star-Spangled Banner', then 'God Save the Queen', and finally 'Marseilles' in the dock; folk singers in traditional costumes chorus in soprano French song; the lady at the salutation, Paulie, wife of Hill, the chairman of the First National Bank of Boston, threw a bottle of champagne at the bow and said, 'Name you Orientalist!'

"Every time a new ship is launched, Dong Haoyun's own elaborate celebration program always lasts for three days, and the guests and hosts have plenty of time to eat, drink and dance. This is the tenth ship Dong Haoyun built in France. France, fearing that the reception was not good, sent a A lot of heavyweights came to cheer, and they all wore dresses.

However, Dong Haoyun still thought the scene was not grand enough, he said: 'I really want to show these French guys the pomp of my new ship's launching ceremony in Japan! ’

A British Petroleum executive recalled the courtesy that Dong Haoyun received in Japan: after the champagne bottle was broken, a 21-gun salute was fired, followed by white pigeons flying all over the sky.

More than 100 Japanese beauties in kimonos stepped off the boat and took all the guests on board to visit. "

Dong Haoyun's aggressive shipbuilding brought a ray of light to the world's shipbuilding industry in crisis, but it was unable to dispel the gloom and gloom that shrouded the shipping industry.

According to shipping publications, at the end of the 1970s, only the ports in northern Europe had 100 million tons of ships suspended in the ports. People in the shipping industry can't help but wonder: Others reduce ships, and Dong Haoyun builds ships. Isn't he afraid that these giant ships will become graves at sea?

It's not that Dong Haoyun hasn't seen these ominous reports, but he thinks these people are too presumptuous. The shipping industry is sluggish and ship prices plummet, which is a good time to expand the fleet.

The veteran ship king of the world, Onassis of Greece, bought a batch of sea tombs that were regarded as scrap iron by wise men during the world economic crisis. A few years later, the shipping industry became prosperous, and the sea tombs became gold mines at sea!

Dong Haoyun wants to be number one in the world.

He learned that the timid and cautious Bao family was reducing the boat, and he was even more complacent and overwhelmed the Bao family, just around the corner!

The 50,000-ton sea giant slammed into the water.

Many shipowners' oil tankers have stopped sailing, and his Big Mac has taken over Japanese business, which is not an exception. In the same year, what was even more sensational was that he annexed the large British shipping group, Fornesville, at a lower price of 116 million US dollars.

The British "The Times" exclaimed: "Your Dong Haoyun fleet, known as the dragon of the East Sea, has now become a sea dinosaur!"

Dinosaurs are huge, but never a good thing.

The flagship of Dong Haoyun's fleet is OOCL.

OOCL soared into the sky, and its profit reached its peak in 1981, with an annual business profit of HK$17,400, a profit of HK$12.2 million from non-recurring items, and a profit of HK$41.2 million from foreign exchange translation differences. . Among Hong Kong shipping stocks, Orient Overseas was the most popular.

In April 1982, Dong Haoyun's fleet was unprecedented in size, with 149 ships with a total tonnage of more than 11 million tons. At that time, Bao Yugang was reducing the number of ships, and the gross tonnage of the ships was inaccurate.

In mid-April, Dong Haoyun will go to Taiwan to hold the launching ceremony of the 150th ship. Some media put the crown of "the world's largest ship king" on Dong Haoyun's head.

The new ship built in Kaohsiung, called the Charter, is a 30,000-ton luxury cruise ship.

Dong Haoyun had a question about the shipping company registered in Wanwan, and moreover, the owner of the ship is the shipyard's food and clothing parents. Wanwan attaches great importance to the launching ceremony. At that time, a large number of heavyweights will gather in Kaohsiung to support Dong Haoyun.

What makes Dong Haoyun infinitely beautiful is that on April 17, he will fly to Kaohsiung with Prince Rainier and his wife of Monaco.

Dong Haoyun has this honor because he was appointed honorary consul in Hong Kong by the Monaco royal family, which is one of Dong Haoyun's many honors.

The media have been optimistic about this launch ceremony.

Unexpectedly, things are unpredictable. On April 14, Prince Rainier and his wife arrived in Hong Kong, and Dong Haoyun was not allowed to greet him at the airport.

Afterwards, some people speculated that Dong Haoyun was not allowed to go to the airport because of business relations, and the Hong Kong government did not allow Dong Haoyun to go to the airport due to various considerations.

Dong Haoyun was trembling with anger at the time, and thought it was a great insult. In addition, Dong Haoyun, who was tired and unbearable for several days, suffered a heart attack that night and was rushed to the hospital. In the early morning of the next day, the soul of a generation of ship kings returned to the sea at the age of 71.

Dong Haoyun can no longer participate in the launching ceremony on the 17th!

On April 17, what was originally scheduled to be a launching ceremony in Taiwan became a funeral in Hong Kong. More than 3,000 people attended the funeral, including the Governor of Hong Kong, McLee Ho, King Yu and his wife of Monaco, dignitaries and businessmen from Hong Kong and representatives of various parties.

Hong Kong and Taiwan newspapers mostly reported on Dong Haoyun's funeral with the **** headline "The launching ceremony became a funeral".

In the article "The Regret of the Ship King", Mr. Huang Xinqiang described Dong Haoyun's funeral and said: "At one point in Hong Kong, the streets and restaurants and restaurants were talking about Dong Haoyun's life and death. People seemed to see the afterglow of the sunset, and sighed that Dong Haoyun was so happy in his later years that it would delay future generations. ."

The chairman and chief executive officer of OOCL is Dong Hua, the eldest son of Dong Haoyun.

In 2018, the world's ship disasters swept through the world's major ports like the cold sea breeze.

The port became a cemetery for ships that stopped sailing, and charter rates plummeted. OOCL's profits plummeted, and its liabilities reached US$1.4 billion (about HK$7 billion).

In 1978, the market value of OOCL's ships was HK$5 billion.

And the world's first ship king has fallen, which is really amazing.

Zhao Congyan, the third ship king of Xiangjiang, came to Xiangjiang in 1948.

In the middle of the winter of 1948, a biting cold wind whipped up turbid waves on the Huangpu River.

The whistle of the National Star reverberated among the Yangxing Buildings on the Bund. The National Star slowly deviates from the pier and will head to Hong Kong in the South China Sea.

This is probably the first time that the National Star has carried so many passengers, it is purely a bulk carrier. However, the current situation is not surprising, and the "refugees" leaving Shanghai are overflowing.

On the Guoxing ship, there is the ship's boss, Zhao Congyan and his four sons. The Shanghai people on the ship asked Zhao whether the boss would return to Shanghai. Zhao Congyan said: "I went to avoid the limelight, and of course I have to come back."

People familiar with the shipping industry in Shanghai, who do not know the name of Zhao Congyan. Zhao Congyan is different from the shipowners that people usually see. Most of them started from the cusp of the storm, while Zhao Congyan was a lawyer and was purely a scholar.

Zhao Congyan was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. His father was a bureaucrat and his family was wealthy. Zhao Congyan studied at Soochow University Law School in Shanghai. During his studies, he married his classmate Ni Yazhen. After graduation, Zhao Congyan worked as a lawyer in Shanghai.

In 1940, when the Japanese and puppets re-registered lawyers, Zhao Congyan gave up the legal profession and entered the business world as a "protest".

Initially engaged in the importing cigarette business with a British businessman. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and Britain, the United States, and Japan became enemies. The British businessmen left Shanghai and went into exile, and the cigarette import business came to an abrupt end.

Zhao Congyan and his friends set up a shipping line. They don't have ships, they're just agents—connecting ships for shippers, soliciting supplies for shipowners, and earning commissions from them. This is Zhao Congyan's Shipping Enlightenment School.

After Shanghai was recaptured, the land of the Central Plains was riddled with holes.

During the Japanese occupation, Shanghai left a large number of materials, and from all over the Far East, there were also war surplus materials shipped to Shanghai.

Zhao Congyan saw that this was a good deal, so he poured his savings over the years to buy a second-hand ocean ship and named it Guoxing.

Zhao Congyan was both a ship owner and a cargo owner. He killed two birds with one stone and made a lot of money. By 1947, he had become a multi-millionaire.

In those days, millionaires were already very remarkable. Zhao Congyan had a fortune of tens of millions in his early thirties, and it was rare in Shanghai, where rich people gathered. In terms of market value, it was equivalent to hundreds of millions today.

Zhao Congyan immediately made a big push into real estate, and the properties he bought were as many as several streets. It seems that Mr. Zhao owns the National Bank - his National Star ship is the "bank".

In the winter of 1948, the Red Party was unstoppable. Zhao Congyan arranged for his wife to take his young daughter to Hong Kong by plane, and then take his four sons to Hong Kong by his own boat. Zhao Congyan chose neutral Hong Kong as a safe haven.

Zhao Congyan's son, Zhao Shiguang, recalled the scene: "At that time, my father told us to go to Hong Kong for vacation. Who would have guessed that it would take decades, and it would take root in Hong Kong. Back then, the ship we took was huge, It was about 3,000 to 4,000 tons, like a giant, and I can still remember it today.”

The only thing Zhao Congyan brought out was the National Star Wheel. The 3,500-ton Guoxing Ship was a relatively large sea-going ship at that time. Zhao Congyan took the National Star Wheel as the master, as the only source of income for the family to survive.

People from Shanghai who fled to Hong Kong said that Zhao Congyan was a smart man who brought a "moving asset" and came to Hong Kong without food and clothing.

Like all the Shanghainese who came to Hong Kong, Zhao Congyan fell into the predicament of being unfamiliar with his life and place. In order to collect goods, Zhao Congyan lowered the freight, but was condemned by his peers.

Seeing that more and more people from Shanghai were fleeing to Hong Kong, Zhao Congyan estimated that it would be difficult to return to Shanghai for a while, so he set up a Huaguang Shipping Company in Hong Kong and hired a Cantonese Hong Konger to help him pick up the goods.

"Owning a ship is a money printing machine" - the shipowners and cargo owners who carried goods for the Korean War all said so.

However, big profits mean big risks. The Hong Kong government has imposed an embargo on the mainland, and it is not easy to pass through the customs of Hong Kong.

Crossing the bay and insulting the gorge, the Guo Party army laid mines in the strait in order to prevent the Red Party from attacking Taiwan.

The closer it is to the Liaodong Peninsula and North Korea, the greater the danger. If it encounters a beautiful cruiser, it will either be detained or sunk.

There are many shipowners who have lost their lives and have gone bankrupt.

After the national star wheel ran a short and dangerous journey, Zhao Congyan, who was full of money, stopped enough and opened up a route to Yokohama, Japan.

The Korean War made Japan's economy survive. Due to geographical reasons, Japan became the rear base of the beautiful army, and the Japanese industry received a large number of special wartime orders.

The way of Japan's industrialization is the same as that of Hong Kong, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com must rely on the overseas raw material market. The Far East is suffering from a shortage of ships. Guoxing is not worried about the supply of goods. Although the freight is lower than the "dangerous journey", the profit is still very rich.

Zhao Congyan put his profits into the purchase of second-hand ships and gradually owned a considerable fleet. In the late 1950s, Huaguang Shipping went to Japan to order new ships, and then slowly eliminated the old ships.

With the huge fleet, Zhao Congyan gradually gave up the single method of collecting cargo on the whole ship and leased some of the ships.

Zhao Congyan's approach is: Assuming that the loan for the construction of the ship is 10 million yuan, and the monthly repayment of principal and interest is 500,000 yuan, but the monthly rental income is 1 million yuan, in addition to repayment of principal and interest, there is still money to be made, about two years Earn back a boat.

Zhao Congyan is very careful about making money.

Zhao Congyan said: "The Hong Kong Governor's Office stipulates that ships must be inspected once a year in the dock. If the crew is properly repaired before the ship enters the dock, the time the ship stays in the dock can be reduced from two weeks to seven days. Seven days saved means more money. This is the way I make money as a boat owner. If the boat breaks down again, the charterer will not rent it again. If the capable engineers can be prepared to solve the problem and allow the boat to continue running, the problem will be solved. solvable."

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