Legendary Basketball Tycoon

Chapter 576: Brother Hu, you are not an iron man!

"I know what you want to say. If this is done, you will stay with the Fire Dragons for another year to help the team win the Triple Crown, and then you will report to New York next year. There is no need for trial training. I will directly ask Hanren General Manager Mitch. Kupchak will sign you, and you will play for the Han Chinese in the future."

In fact, before Bruce made this call to Hu Weidong, he had thought about it a long time ago. Isn't your old Nelson going to dig out the person I want? So good, I will dig out the person you want, so that everyone won’t owe each other. .

Besides, Dell Curry has already expressed his intention to leave New York in advance. Bruce wants to let him stay for another year, and he is ready to let him transfer freely next year, and Dell Curry’s position is just right for Hu Weidong to replace. .

Bruce considers that Hu Weidong basically has to return to China to participate in the intercontinental competition every year. If he starts with the Mavericks, he is over fatigued and easily injured, but if he is a substitute, then Kobe has firmly occupied this position at shooting guard. Hu Weidong must be. Can't get it, so it's good, you can comfortably play on the bench, and Hu Weidong, who has less playing time and reduced the risk of injury, will have a longer career.

Bruce just thought about this, otherwise he wouldn't make this call.

In fact, to put it plainly, although Bruce is a little angry at the behavior of old Nelson's self-reliance, but again it is better for Wang Zhizhi not to go to the Han people, so that Bruce does not need to be too entangled. The main reason is that Wang Zhizhi's shortcomings are too obvious and he plays NBA too. Suffer.

Besides, Bruce and Cuban still have a cooperative relationship, and they will show mercy to Bruce. After all, the company of Cuban is worth 5.9 billion U.S. dollars. Bruce has more or less shares in the company and sells it. It's worth the old nose's money if you go.

Hu Weidong did let Bruce see someone who could replace Dell Curry, so Bruce chose to make this call.

Of course, he is really angry when he is angry, but it does not prevent him from throwing the yin calf away. At the same time, Bruce also believes that even if he robbed Hu Weidong away, the calf would not be able to say anything. Mavericks signed it!

"Little boss..."

And Hu Weidong was immediately stunned when he heard that the prince had arranged to go to the Han people next year.

What is going on, how did I go from Dallas to New York!

"Brother Hu, you heard about me. There are actually reasons for letting you join the Hans next year. First of all, Shancheng Fire Dragon has won the championship for two consecutive years. If you win another championship next season, it will be unprecedented. The Triple Crown has established a dynasty, Brother Hu, don't you want to leave after establishing a dynasty?!"

I have to say that this reason really moved Hu Weidong's heart, and if he did establish a dynasty, then he would be deemed to have completed his merits if he left.

"The second thing is that if you go to the Mavericks for a successful trial, you must first play on the bench. If the old coach Nelson appreciates you and you have a good performance, then there must be no problem in starting, but Hu, you can play for a few years. Ah, I looked at the national team schedules in the next few years. Hu, you have to know that you are not an iron man. Every year you fly back and forth to play intercontinental games and NBA regular seasons. You have such a good physical strength. It is still a question mark whether the Mavericks are willing to let you return to the country to participate in the competition. It can be said that someone will take your place just after your front foot is gone. Are you willing?!"

These words are not just what Bruce wants to say to Hu Weidong, but also to those Chinese players who will join NBA teams in the future. After all, these NBA teams don’t care if you don’t want to play in intercontinental games, as long as they are not international. On the day of the match, you Chinese players don't want to go back to the game. It's that simple.

Even Hu Weidong nodded secretly after hearing that he agreed with the little boss. He had never considered this issue before. The main reason was that he did not have an agent to help him operate. He wanted to find coach Del in some days. Harris introduced him to the agent from the United States. After all, he is going to play in the NBA. It should be a good idea to find an agent there.

But these words of the little boss are really a headache for him. He is duty-bound to play for the country, but he really can't bear it if he plays for the country all the year round and long-distance flight. Just kidding, it's not an iron man. Here is the regular season. Before it's over, I will fly back to China to participate in the intercontinental competition. After the intercontinental game, I will fly back non-stop to continue playing the regular season. If I can say that I can still keep the position of the team for him, then there is no problem. Yes, is that true? !

As the little boss said, those NBA teams will definitely not let him go back to participate in intercontinental games easily, and they will definitely make trouble at that time. No, no, no.

"Then little boss, what should I do?!"

Hu Weidong was puzzled. He really didn’t know how to deal with it. Now there is no player in China who has gone abroad to play. He has no experience. If someone is playing abroad, then he might still be able to call to ask about the situation, isn’t it? If he played in the NBA, he would be the first person in the history of China to play in the NBA. Before that, Song Tao did not count. Although he was selected, he did not make it.

"That's why I arranged for you to join the Han Chinese team. With my boss, what are you worried about? I will give the green light when I return to China to participate in the intercontinental competition. How about Brother Hu, think about it, and be honest about my treatment. It's definitely better than the Mavericks side!"

Bruce saw an opportunity to persuade Hu Weidong, and immediately began to flicker.

"But didn't the Hans have Kobe at the shooting guard position? What about Kobe if I go to the Hans?!" Hu Weidong asked suspiciously.

He knows the Hans’ player configuration. Just kidding, he often watches the NBA. Hu Weidong also knows that there is a peerless genius Kobe in the position of shooting guard. Even if he joins the Hans, there will definitely be a shooting guard. Fan competition.

At this point, Hu Weidong has absolute self-confidence. He believes that he can play a starting shooting guard in the NBA.

But the problem is that Bruce doesn't want Hu Weidong to start. It has to be said that it is Hu Weidong's wishful thinking.

"Brother Hu, I'll tell you the truth, I asked you to join the Han to find a suitable substitute for Kobe, so you know..." Bruce replied with a guilty conscience.

It was also the first person in China to set a substitute for a hairy boy. This is indeed a bit unreasonable, but Bruce has his own reasons. He can only do this.

"What, little boss, you mean let me go to substitute Kobe, I heard that right?!" Hu Weidong said excitedly.

In his opinion, he is not much weaker than Kobe. Why should he substitute Kobe on his own? On this point, he can't figure it out. The little boss is too bully, and asked him to substitute Kobe for Kobe. Out.

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