Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 829 The Story of Unlucky Martin

After hearing Luo An's words, Mona didn't hesitate at all. She stood up and prepared to walk out. Martin's face changed drastically and he quickly greeted:

"Wait! You can't take me to FBI headquarters and put the blame on me!

I said, I really don’t know what happened to that counterfeit bill! "

Martin shouted loudly, and his tone was even more emotional, making people feel as if he had really been framed.

Mona... didn't even look at this, and walked out of the interrogation room without looking back.

Martin became even more anxious when he saw this, and hurriedly said to Luo An:

"Mr. Agent, I really don't know..."

"Don't panic, Martin."

Luo An closed Mona's laptop and smiled:

"My name is Roan Greenwood. I am an ordinary leader of the special investigation team. Regarding this case..."

Just halfway through speaking, Martin suddenly exclaimed with surprise on his face:

"Are you Roan Greenwood?"

Luo An was stunned for a moment, and then the smile on his face became more kind:

"Have you heard my story?"

There was a slight problem with this sentence, but Martin didn't catch it.

After he confirmed that the guy with an ordinary and handsome face in front of him was the leader Roan Greenwood, his face suddenly turned red and white, and large beads of sweat slowly appeared on his forehead.

Not long after, Mona returned to the interrogation room with a document. When Martin saw this, he let out a long breath and sat slumped in the chair. His voice was much lower than before:

"I said, I said, I do know about the counterfeit money."

A flash of surprise flashed in Mona's eyes. She didn't really apply for anything just now. She was actually standing at the door waiting. Luo An's words were just the interrogation techniques agreed in advance.

While waiting at the door, Mona heard the conversation in the room and knew that Luo An didn't say much. Martin just heard Luo An's name and chose to confess everything.

Mona was quite shocked by this. She looked at Luo An with surprise. Did Luo An only need a name to make the criminal speak?

Martin was actually very helpless about this. He had been in the underground world for so long and had already heard from some people about the reputation of the special investigation team led by Luo An and its astonishing 100% case detection rate.

The name Roan Greenwood is actually more famous in some areas in the underground world than in the above-ground world outside.

Martin has a very clear understanding of himself. He is just a little poisonous insect who is not worthy of carrying shoes for underground arms dealers, well-known killers, well-known mercenaries, etc.

Those people all fell into Luo An's hands. Martin was not arrogant enough to think that he was more powerful than them. Instead of struggling to resist, it was better to lie down and appoint him.

Maybe if I had a better attitude and coordinated movements, I would feel more comfortable later on.

Thinking of this, Martin Torres's eyes lit up, he straightened his back and said seriously:

"Team Leader Luo An, I do know something about those counterfeit banknotes.

In fact, they were actually obtained from a scammer when I was selling flour some time ago.

I have lost everything, so I will rob the old man later. "

Martin-Torres said that one day not long ago, an acquaintance came to his door with a strange face to buy white flour and was willing to pay Martin an introduction fee.

After careful and careful investigation several times to confirm that the identity of the unfamiliar face was correct, Martin sold him a sum of flour for the sake of the acquaintance.

After waiting for a while and confirming that there was no problem, Martin sold the flour to the other party again and made a lot of money.

Later, Martin took the money and went to the flour shipper further back, but was severely beaten because the shipper passed the banknote detector and found that the banknotes were counterfeit.

Martin didn't expect that the atmosphere outside had become so dark, and he was devoid of any courtesy. He immediately cursed and went to an acquaintance's house with a weapon in hand to demand an explanation.

As a result, acquaintances disappeared, and the address given by the strange face was empty. Martin lost his flour and lost all face. His intelligence was even questioned by others, and he became the laughing stock of some people in the underground world.

Soon, Martin's previous savings were gone. In desperation, he decided to cross-industry development and make some money through robbery.

Martin, who has been smoking flour for a long time, is thin and has a low success rate in robbing adult men. He is afraid that the other party will carry anti-wolf spray, so he finally targets the elderly.

Preferably the elderly people with pensions are rich and easy to grab.

Unexpectedly, the old white man took out all the money under the threat of a dagger. Just as he was about to leave, the old man took out a revolver from his pants and shot...

After finishing the narration, Martin looked up at the ceiling with tears in his eyes.

The outside world is too dark, and there is no trust between people at all. The big, simple family in prison is more suitable for me.


Mona's eyelids were twitching, and countless thoughts flashed through her mind but she didn't know what to say. Luo An twitched the corner of his mouth, remained silent for a few seconds to suppress the complaints in his heart, and asked:

"That strange face you mentioned, did he say his name?"

"He said his name was Little John."

Martin spread his hands and said disdainfully:

"Obviously a fake name."

Luo An didn't care, and then asked:

"If I call a painter over now, can you describe that guy's face and make us a mock portrait?"

"Yes! Absolutely!"

Martin Torres nodded heavily and said through gritted teeth:

"I will never forget the appearance of that guy in my life."


Roan nodded with satisfaction, and then asked some detailed questions. After making sure there were no omissions, Roan called the trace examination department to ask the painter for help, and then returned to the special investigation team with Mona.

"So, according to the unlucky Martin Torres, plus the clues we have found so far..."

In the office area, Lacey counted on her fingers and summarized:

"The counterfeit money seller first went north from Atlanta, passed through several states, and finally arrived in Washington, DC.

In Washington, DC, the counterfeit money seller first used a batch of counterfeit money to buy flour from Martin, and then hid his identity and disappeared after the success.

Then he contacted the gang leader Janito and sold $500,000 in counterfeit money... Why do I always feel that something is wrong?"

"It's really wrong."

Chenelle picked up After taking a sip of coffee, he frowned and said:

"Since the other party's purpose is to sell counterfeit money, there is no need to use counterfeit money to buy flour. This will only increase the chance of their identity being exposed, and the benefits are not proportional to the risks."

"Is there a possibility?"

Winslow thought for a while and guessed:

"There is more than one counterfeit money seller, and one of them has the habit of sucking flour.

Instead of spending the real money earned to buy flour, it is better to use counterfeit money, a guy like Martin with average eyesight."


Several agents were silent, and Winslow's analysis made sense in a sense.

Looking at the straight line of red dots on Chenier's computer, Luo An crossed his arms and said:

"Please pay attention to this. In South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia, the scale of counterfeit money is very small.

Only in Washington DC in the north and Atlanta in Georgia in the south, the counterfeit money is the largest."

"Do you suspect that these two places are the production base and sales site of the counterfeit money team?"


Luo An shook his head and was about to explain when a sound suddenly rang from the computer next to him. Mona's eyes lit up and she was excited:

"The simulated portrait has been made!"

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