Legendary Hero

Chapter 103 Shorty Saledo


"Sir, in this battle, a total of nineteen people were injured, three of whom were seriously injured, and three died. They were the shield warrior Draco, the epee warrior Simon, and the epee warrior Henry. Their bodies have been restrained." Reported the situation to Luo Lin The first one is the adjutant of the unit, and also the captain of the warrior unit, named Hansen, he is a loyal and reliable guy.

Luo Lin listened silently, feeling very uncomfortable. He just came out for a long time and the staff was reduced. He also saw the three seriously injured. Looking at the situation, it would take at least a month to recover the fighting ability according to the normal method of recuperation. There are only one hundred people in this unit, and ninety real fighters. This is a sudden loss of six, which can be described as a heavy loss.

Although depressed in his heart, Luo Lin also understood that he was the commander of the team and the pillar to maintain the morale of the army. Any negative emotions he displays will be magnified on his soldiers, and eventually form the evil result of 'depressed morale'.

There is a saying on the earth called a nest of raging bears, which refers to this effect.

Therefore, as a commander, he must be as energetic as ever.

After listening to the report, and looking at the corpses laid side by side on the ground, Luo Lin waved his hands with no expression on his face: "Orders, the corpses will be buried in the ground. Put away their swords and shields."

"Yes, sir." A few orderlies came over and carried the corpse away.

Luo Lin looked at the seriously wounded who kept groaning to the side. These wounded had their internal organs injured by the huge force of the wolf man, and they had already taken the healing potion, but their injuries were too serious. Whether they could survive in the end would depend on Their good fortune.

He walked over, knelt down in front of a seriously wounded man, held his hand firmly, and said in an orderly tone: "Soldier, you must survive and recover your speed. This is an order!"

The wounded body shook slightly, and he felt the powerful force in the hand holding him. For a moment, a force seemed to be injected into his heart, and the somewhat scattered eyes gathered together again, and he responded weakly: "Yes , sir!"

Luo Lin gave him a military salute, and then gave the same order to the other two seriously wounded. After receiving their responses, he stood up, pointed out a few soldiers from the surrounding soldiers, and ordered: "You, you, still With you, five of you form a team and send them to the town of Solal to find a priest to heal their wounds. After sending them, the two of you will stay behind for protection, and the other three will immediately return to the team."

The town of Solal is in this area, only about twenty miles away from here. Rowling can only hope that these seriously wounded can survive there, and hope that the priests there are pious enough and have enough holy magic power to heal them. .

"Yes, sir." The soldiers saluted and acted immediately without any objection, which reflected the prestige that Luo Lin possessed.

After finishing the arrangement, Luo Lin looked around again, and saw that some of the other soldiers were cleaning the camp, some were repairing the wooden thorns around the camp, and some were cleaning the outer ditches. Almost all of them were assigned tasks by him, so he relaxed a little. Take a breath.

Tonight's battle was not only his first battle, but also the first time these young soldiers saw blood on the battlefield. Luo Lin could see that many people still had terrified expressions on their faces. If they were allowed to rest now, they would definitely I will think wildly, and there may be many unexpected troubles, such as devastating disasters such as camp roaring in the middle of the night. But now that they are all busy, there is no time to think about it.

Finally, Luo Lin walked up to Dai Wei and asked with concern, "How do you feel?"

Recently, Dai Wei has experienced a lot of battles, and he is not too worried that she will be frightened.

Dai Wei squinted her eyes and smiled: "I'm okay, but I have a headache. I guess it's because I cast too many arcane spells just now. I just need to rest for a night. But you, Luo Lin, uh... How should I describe it, yes , I think you look more and more majestic."

During the whole process, Dai Wei watched from the sidelines. Although she didn't know much about military affairs, she was familiar with Luo Lin. She felt that there were subtle changes in him. His every move and his voice seemed to have an indescribable quality. The power of description can easily convince people, and there is no reason to refute and question, including her.

Luo Lin was startled for a moment, but then realized that this was probably due to the so-called charisma of a leader. What is this thing? He was a little curious and wanted to ask Zhinao, but he gave up after thinking about it. He didn't forget that Zhinao despised his IQ at the beginning, so he probably couldn't understand even if he explained it.

So be it, anyway, this attribute is a good thing.

He laughed and said to Dai Wei: "Thank you for the compliment. Then you should go to rest too, my battle mage can't be exhausted."

Dai Wei has been of great help tonight, if not for her presence, his loss would never have been limited to such a small amount.

"Yes, sir." Dai Wei also gave a military salute in a dignified manner, then winked at Luo Lin playfully, then turned and went back to her tent.

Luo Lin couldn't rest yet, he turned back and began to inspect the camp.

The reason for doing this is to supervise the work of the soldiers on the one hand, and more importantly, to let the recruits feel the presence of him as a commander at all times, so that their panicked hearts have a pillar they can rely on, and deepen their confidence. spiritual connection. In the book of war, this tactic has a name called 'training soldiers', and its principle is similar to that of 'reindeer' and 'training dogs'.

Time passed slowly, and the barracks gradually calmed down in a stable and orderly atmosphere. The soldiers were busy during the day and busy building a temporary camp. After a battle in the middle of the night, they were busy again. The energy was lost in thought, except for the soldiers who took turns to watch the night, the others fell asleep as soon as they returned to their tents, their bodies touched their bedding.

Until then, Luo Lin was really free. When he returned to his tent, he relaxed the majestic image he had maintained all along, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Only after experiencing it himself did he know how difficult it is to be an excellent commander. He has to judge the battlefield situation in an instant, issue the most timely and correct orders, grasp the fluctuations of morale subtly, grasp the psychology of soldiers, etc., etc., among which there are too many ways to pay attention to.

He felt that an excellent battlefield commander was not only a master of combat, but also a master of psychology and tactics. If he was lucky enough to become a general in command of the three armies in the future, he must have a far-reaching strategic vision.

It's not easy to become a figure admired by everyone. Luo Lin took a long breath, but he didn't flinch in any way, instead he was full of fighting spirit.

He is such an ambitious man.

At the same time, when the young commanders in the camp were constantly improving their commanding skills and hoping to transform, in the forest not far from the camp, the business tax director of the Vendôme business district, the second son of Count Leondona Nader has the biggest crisis of his life in his makeshift habitat.

"Who the hell are you?" he yelled in horror.

In the camp where they camped, there was standing a... short man in a black cloak, this man was only up to his chest, but he was very, very thick, his arms were almost as thick as his thighs, just like this thick man On the arm, there was a staff, and at the tip of the staff, a purple crystal shone like blood.

Obviously, this is a magician, which is why Bernard and his knights are afraid.

At his feet, Goering, the coachman who was staying at the camp, fell to the ground motionless, already out of breath. His face was as pale as paper, and his eyes were wide open, almost falling out of their sockets. It was obvious that he had seen something extremely terrifying during his lifetime.

"Hehehe." The dwarf's evil laugh came from under the cloak: "Young man... oh no, I should call you Master Bernard, you are really a rare lover."

"What do you want to do? Tell me quickly, or I'll be rude!" The rapier in Bernard's hand was wrapped in an angry red light, and he was always ready to strike.

"Young people are impulsive." The dwarf laughed again.

"Come on, kill him!" Bernard ordered his knights, and he was very angry that this man killed his loyal servant Göring.

The six knights rushed up immediately, but just a few steps forward, they saw a purple gleam from the crystal on the staff in the evil magician's hand, and the gleam quickly condensed into a purple light ball. He flew towards the knight at high speed.

'Ah~~~~' The three knights rushing to the front were hit at the same time, and suddenly fell to their knees, covered their heads, and screamed in horror, just like those terrified women.

The other three knights were taken aback by this turn of events, and their footsteps froze instinctively.

"Warrior from another world, listen to my call, come out!" The dwarf magician suddenly shouted, and then, a purple halo appeared on the ground between him and the knight, and the halo was full of mysterious magic patterns. , the magic pattern rotated at a high speed, a black hole appeared in the middle, and the hole expanded rapidly, followed by a strong humanoid creature nearly three meters high, covered in dark armor, quickly emerged from the hole.

This humanoid creature has a tail behind it, a circle of fluffy hair around its neck, and black mist all over its body, and a large number of complicated luminous runes can be seen on the surface of the armor covered by the mist. The weapon he held in his hand was a giant sword with a hook at the tip.

As soon as he appeared, he roared angrily: "Damn dwarf Saledo, you summoned me while I was sleeping again, I swear, I will trample you to pieces after I regain my freedom!"

The dwarf completely ignored the guy's anger, and said with a smile: "Ertu, don't complain, hurry up and perform the task."

The monster called Ertu snorted coldly and calmed down a little: "Tell me, who are you going to kill this time... oh, is it this bunch of bugs?"

He saw the knight and Bernard not far away.

"Kill the six in front, and keep the one in the distance." Shorty Saledo smiled.

The moment the dwarf issued the order, the strong and terrifying creature rushed towards the knights, and then Bernard saw a terrible bloody massacre. Facing the terrifying creature, his knights fought with each other. As weak as sheep, any resistance becomes meaningless.

In just six seconds, one sword at a time, all six knights were killed, and the ground was covered with blood and broken corpses. Finally, the sword of this terrifying creature stopped, and the tip of the sword was only 30 centimeters away from Bernard's nose.

He didn't stop of his own accord, in fact, he tried to kill Bernard along with him, but the dark warlock sent him back to some strange world at the last moment.

"Saledo, I hate you, you always don't let me kill!" The guy howled and left.

After he disappeared, the dwarf Saledo smiled strangely: "Young man, you have to thank me, I just saved your life."

Bernard's face was pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat, but he still had some backbone, so he said coldly, "Tell me, what exactly do you want?"

"It's nothing. Not only will I not kill you, but I will also point out a bright future for you. What I need is that you can use your power as the head of business and taxation to provide me with some convenience."

Hearing what he said, Bernard was a little relieved, as long as he was willing to negotiate terms, he nodded and said, "As long as it's not too much, it's not impossible."

He is not a rigid person, and such things as exchanging money for lives are not a shameful thing in the aristocratic class.

"Fine, fine, you just have to do this..." Saledo began to detail his request, but he didn't finish the sentence.

"No, absolutely impossible! Never!" Bernard stared round his eyes and refused: "This is too much, I can't do this, it will not only destroy me, but also discredit my family, you are too greedy Already!"

The dwarf Saledo was not angry, he still laughed: "Then, let me add another condition, I will bring you your sweetheart, how about it?"

"You don't want to threaten me with her! If you dare to do this, even if I die, I will turn into an undead and kill you!" Bernard was furious.

"Oh, you are really stubborn and infatuated, but it doesn't matter, I have a lot of patience. You will definitely agree in the end." Saledo smiled, and suddenly waved to the dense forest, and immediately there were two lizard-like people The humanoid monster jumped out, and the body surface of these two things was also full of thick black air, just like the terrible Eratul just now.

"You take him back, treat him well, and straighten out the crazy nerves in his mind. But be careful, don't let him die, hehe."

"Yes, master!" The two lizards screamed strangely, and then rushed to Bernard's side, trying to catch him.

Bernard drew his sword to resist, but just as his body moved, a ray of purple light fell, covering his body, and the light quickly turned into chains, binding him into a ball.

"Master Bernard, I think you will definitely like my hospitality, hehe, you will definitely never forget it, I promise, hehehehe~"

Evil laughter kept ringing, and Bernard's face turned pale when he heard it.

This time, he seemed to be completely stumped.

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