Legendary Hero

Chapter 116 Departure

Early the next morning, the family butler appointed by Bernard arrived.

This is a middle-aged man in his forties, with a medium build and a loyal face, but his eyes often flash with light, he should be a shrewd person.

"Lord Rollin, my name is Kanado, the servant of Earl Leonardo, my young master asked me to help you." He saluted Rollin respectfully, and then took out a small stack of The golden paper coupon was held in both hands and handed to Luo Lin.

"The gold certificate of Morning Bird Bank, with which you can withdraw 8,000 gold coins from the bank."

There are also banks in this world, whose function is similar to that of the earth, but they are still in the primitive stage, and their customers are limited to some nobles and wealthy businessmen, and have nothing to do with ordinary people. Depositing money in this kind of primitive bank not only has no interest, but also has to pay the bank a custody fee.

Luo Lin had seen this thing in the game in his previous life. He also knew that the Morningbird Bank was the most secure bank in Vendôme, and the backer behind it was the lord, so he was not surprised. He took the gold coupon and took a look. Just put it away.

The magic crest on the gold coupon, the specific mark, including the texture of the paper are very special, extremely difficult to imitate, and it is easy to determine the authenticity, and of course what Bernard gave is the real thing.

"There are two thousand gold coins in the carriage, which are cash." Kanado added, his voice was so low that people far away could hardly hear it.

Rollin nodded, feeling very satisfied. The gold coupon and cash were delivered together. Bernard was very thoughtful, but he still didn't think enough, or he was not as courageous as Rollin.

Except for some reserve funds, he had no plans to take the ten thousand gold coins to the territory at all.

At this moment, another carriage drove over, and when it came close, the door of the carriage opened, and there were merchants Huo Mlin and Dai Wei.

Homelin was dressed in formal attire, wearing a round flat top hat, a navy blue (a color that can only be worn by knights) dress, a cane in his hand, and a thin golden chain on his chest. He is wearing presbyopic lenses, and half of a gold chain is exposed at the position of the pocket. This is his pocket watch.

In short, anyone who sees the current Homelin can immediately see that this is a high-class figure with status, wealth and taste.

As for Dai Wei, she was wearing a floral blue and white long dress, her hair was permed a lot, and she looked like a spoiled rich lady at first glance, but she was holding a short handle inlaid with azure crystals. The magic staff, the eyes are focused, and there is no erratic jump like an ordinary young woman. The combination of the two, delicate and beautiful, reveals tenacity and perseverance, and it looks extremely charming under the golden morning light.

Not to mention the people around, even Luo Lin was stunned unconsciously, and then with eyes full of appreciation, he smiled heartily: "Welcome, Mr. Holmlin. Welcome, Miss Dai Wei."

Huo Mlin's expression was still dull, and he nodded in return. Dai Wei was as gentle as ever, and said with a smile, "Luo Lin, you are always so energetic."

When Luo Lin looked at her, she also looked at Luo Lin.

He was wearing a full set of magic steel battle armor, holding the helmet in one hand, and just stood there talking to people. With every movement of his hand and every gesture of his foot, one can easily feel his full of vitality. When he speaks with one mouth, his voice is loud and melodious. If he listens carefully, it seems to have a hint of hard metal. His words can easily make people feel enthusiastic, but at the same time, they also contain an indescribable tough taste, which makes people dare not offend easily. If you insist on using an image to describe it, it is like... the sun, warm and Inviolable.

"Haha, because I'm happy in my heart." Luo Lin smiled. He set his goal smoothly, and the strength he gathered was getting stronger and stronger. Vianna was getting closer and closer to him. He was really happy.

When the people present heard this, they all comprehended it into another meaning. It is indeed a great joy to become a hereditary lord at a young age, and to be successful at a young age. Thinking about myself... I am really ashamed.

Among them, Huo Mlin felt the deepest. He was envious in his heart, but he couldn't understand Luo Lin's appearance. He couldn't hold back, and snorted coldly: "Humility is a virtue, young man."

He is Dai Wei's father, of course Luo Lin wouldn't argue with him, he just smiled and said, "I remember, thank you for reminding me. Ah, it's just in time for you to come...Here~ This is a golden coupon of 8,000 gold coins."

Rowling directly handed over the gold voucher given to him by Kanado to Holmlin. This gold coupon is a piece of waste paper in a remote territory, and it can only be used in the city of Vendome. From the very beginning, Luo Lin planned to call this money as a payment for goods and hand it over to Huomlin.

Huo Mlin was startled, he didn't understand what was going on for a while, but his eyes were involuntarily attracted by the stack of small golden papers in front of him. As a big businessman, he certainly knew the value of this thing , and the stack in front of him is eight thousand gold coins, which is a huge sum of money even for him.

"What do you mean?" He couldn't help asking.

"As I said yesterday, I need supplies to build the territory, and this is my payment."

Kanado on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded in a low voice: "My lord, if it's the payment for goods, it's reasonable to pay part of it in advance."

This can prevent the other party from stealing, cheating, or even reneging on debts.

Huo Mlin has been in business all his life, of course he knows the rules, but if the other party is willing to pay the full payment immediately, he is also very willing to accept it, because his business is now at a low point, and the living money of 8,000 gold coins can bring him back to life at once. Some unexpected opportunities to make a lot of money!

However, he is a well-mannered businessman, and he doesn't want to be looked down upon by others for such a small gain. Although he really thought about it, he still shook his head: "No, according to the rules, you only need to pay 30% of the purchase price."

Luo Lin smiled and shook his head: "No, no, no, you are a businessman, but I am not. I don't like these rules, I like to do things happily."

He beckoned to the servant beside Huo Mlin, with a very natural expression, but the other party walked up involuntarily, and then Luo Lin handed him the gold coupon, and motioned for the other party to take it with his eyes.

The servant instinctively wanted to stretch out his hand, but he didn't realize it until he stretched halfway. He hurriedly stopped and turned his head to look at Huo Mlin. After all, Huo Mlin still couldn't resist the temptation. He was in urgent need of funds, so he nodded slightly. Dare to take it.

"Take this money, and when I get to the territory and understand the specific situation, I will send you a list of the specific supplies I need. You can buy them for me according to the order. No matter what method you use, as long as you can deliver the supplies on time, you will be fine." .”

This is what it should mean, Huo Mlin nodded in agreement.

Luo Lin looked at Dai Wei again: "Then Dai Wei, do you think we have anything else to prepare?"

Because of the previous incident, Dai Wei was very happy for Luo Lin's trust in her and her father, and said in a cheerful mood: "Oh, let me think about it, I think we should hire some mercenary guards or something, you know, the road is not peaceful now .”

"Well, you're right. That's what I thought..."

On this side, Luo Lin and Dai Wei began to discuss the specific details, and the two would laugh from time to time, showing a very tacit understanding.

Standing aside, Huo Mlin looked at the gold voucher in the servant's hand, feeling very complicated in his heart, a little grateful, but after thinking about it, there was even a little awe.

Because of his daughter's affairs, he hated this young man very much, but the way the other party is doing now seems to be very bold, and it sounds bold and uninhibited.

But after thinking about the pros and cons, Huo Mlin found that the other party's actions were not hasty at all, because his daughter Dai Wei was separated between them.

As Dai Wei's father, he must do his best to do this. Those tricks of stealing and cheating in the past can no longer be used, and because of Dai Wei, the other party can decisively hand over the gold coupon to him in advance, even if Huomlin loses money If he failed to complete the other party's task, the other party probably wouldn't pursue it, but the problem is, in this way, his daughter Dai Wei owed the other party's boss a favor, and would only follow the other party even more desperately.

10,000 gold coins are exchanged for the loyalty of a mage. This deal is really worth it.

After thoroughly weighing the pros and cons of Luo Lin's approach, Huo Mlin observed Luo Lin carefully again. The young man was still talking to his daughter.

His demeanor looks very frank and enthusiastic. These expressions are not faked like most people in the upper class. He is naturally like this. When he looked at his daughter, his eyes showed sincere appreciation , This makes people feel like spring breeze.

Huo Mlin recalled the act of Luo Lin giving him the gold coupon before, and what was shown in his expression was also a kind of natural trust, without any affectation, so that he, an old businessman who has experienced business for a long time and has seen countless people, did not have the slightest resistance , naturally acted according to the will of the other party.

This is a kind of talent, a kind of leadership talent that this young man may not even be aware of. This young man has an extremely tenacious will!

Hormlin was terrified. He suddenly realized that he was wrong. It wasn't that the other party was not good enough for his daughter. The fact was that her daughter had been in a weak position and was unconsciously being dominated by the other party. sink in slowly.

"This Rowling has extraordinary talents, his future achievements cannot be predicted, and a hereditary Lord will never be the end of his achievements!"

Holmlin figured it out. As a father, he might not be able to interfere with his daughter's affairs, because his opponent far exceeded the limit of his ability. However, if his daughter continues to follow this path, she will gain a lot in the future. What, it's hard to say.

Just when Homelin was full of melancholy, another plain-looking carriage drove over. When it got close, the carriage stopped, the window was opened a gap, and a jade hand was gently stretched out, holding a In the exquisite package of magic light, a soft voice came out: "Take it, here it is for you."

After speaking, he tossed his hand lightly, and the package flew towards Luo Lin.

Luo Lin took it quickly, then knelt down on the ground, and said solemnly: "Thanks to the great mage for the gift."

He knew that it was a magic package. Although it looked small, the contents inside were absolutely outrageous. And Vianna came over in person, besides giving him the package, she might not have meant to show him, so he directly called out her identity.

"It's nothing. After going to the Black Sea Cliff, don't forget what you said."

While speaking, the carriage turned around and drove away from the street quickly. When the last word sounded, the carriage turned out of the interface and disappeared.

But this was enough, the few people at the gate of the small courtyard were already shocked, they were all human beings, and they all recognized the identity of the archmage in the carriage. It's hard for this Luo Lin to be so favored by Archmage Vianna!

For a moment, everyone looked at him with awe and envy.

Only Luo Lin remained awake, he knew what Vianna meant, she didn't want to be obsessed with power and wealth, and become a mediocre mortal.

As far as he himself is concerned, he always remembers what he said to Horn that night: "I hope that one day, my name will be sung by bards as a legendary hero."

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