After walking around the wetland for about an hour, Luo Lin found that he didn't feel tired at all, he was still full of energy, as if his body had infinite energy, which was completely different from the weak state when he just passed through this body language.

He knew that this was not only due to the upgrade, but also due to the intellectual brain improving his physical quality.

"Zhennao, at the current speed, when will my body's quality be upgraded from inferior to normal?"

A progress bar appeared in my mind, showing: 56/100.

Very succinct answer.

Luo Lin touched his arms and chest, and found that his shriveled muscles had bulged slightly. He was growing stronger at an unimaginable speed, but the price was...he was hungry again.

Fortunately, I brought enough jerky this time.

After walking for a while, he crossed the safe periphery of the wetland and began to enter the depths of the wetland. The paths stepped on by herbalists and hunters were gradually covered by weeds and shrubs until they disappeared.

The woods in front began to become dense, and there would be puddles from time to time, with tree roots coiled in the puddles and weeds overgrown. No one knew whether there might be beasts hidden in it, or a muddy puddle that could swallow people up.

The road became more and more difficult, and Luo Lin became more cautious, and his speed became slower and slower. From time to time, he had to stop, climb up the big tree to observe the surrounding terrain, and compare it with the memory in his mind to determine the correct direction.

While moving forward, Rowling was also looking for herbs. After walking for about half an hour, he not only found the snake venom herbs that Horn said, but also found some extra good things.

These things are wormwood, star grass, and andrographis, which are the ingredients of an extremely effective animal repellent prescription.

It was this animal repellent prescription that was one of the reasons why he dared to make a three-day guarantee to Dai Wei, and the other reason was his familiarity with the terrain of the Dust and Mud Wetland. He already knew the general location of the bandit goblin camp, The reason for taking the trip again now is just to confirm the details of the road and terrain, and at the same time mark the road so that people can find it later.

After finding the herbs, Luo Lin began to prepare the animal repelling potion, which is also the basic potion, and its function is to drive away the beasts by using the smell. It is very simple. He first mixed the three kinds of herbs according to the ratio, and then put it in his mouth Chew hard until it turned into a paste, and then swallowed it.

After doing this, Luo Lin stood there and waited. About ten minutes later, he breathed into the palm of his hand, smelled it, and immediately there was an extremely pungent smell that choked him to tears. .

"It's done!" Luo Lin was very happy. This smell comes from wormwood. This thing is poisonous, and the toxicity is quite strong. If it is eaten directly, pustules will appear all over the body within three minutes, and it will die after five minutes. But after mixing star grass and deciduous flowers , the toxicity will be neutralized, only the pungent smell is retained.

The creatures in this swamp avoid the wormwood, they will run away when they smell the smell, and Luo Lin's current appearance is a moving humanoid wormwood... He can enter and exit the swamp safely , there is basically no need to worry about wild beast attacks.

This is the secret medicine for swamp walking, a good thing that is priceless.

After eating the wormwood, Luo Lin followed the general direction of the goblin camp in his memory and continued to search for the past.

It took me a whole day to find the prescription, and the effect of the prescription was surprisingly good. Apart from encountering a swamp wolf, there was basically no danger along the way. Found a goblin encampment in the swale of .

Rollin climbed up a big tree with dense foliage beside the valley to observe the situation of the camp.

In the dense grass, there are many low grass sheds. In the middle, the weeds have been cleared away, revealing a circular open space with a length and width of more than 50 meters. There are often gray-skinned people in the open space. Little things go by.

This is the goblin. They have a ridiculously big nose, pointed ears, and their bodies are as thin as bamboo poles. They sway from side to side when they walk. How stupid they look. Any human being who sees these things will be contemptuous Say, "Stupid dirty grayskins."

Luo Lin counted the number of huts in the grass, and there were more than 30. If one hut can sleep five goblins, then there are probably more than 150 goblins in this camp. A decent sized goblin tribe.

Knowing the situation, Luo Lin was about to climb down the tree and go around the camp a few times to learn about the terrain, but at this moment, his movements suddenly stopped because he saw a human appearing in the goblin camp .

He came out of the largest hut, and a few relatively clean goblins dressed in animal skins followed him respectfully, and they seemed to be talking about something.

Humans and goblins live in peace, which is unusual. Curious, Luo Lin stayed motionless on the tree and listened.

Faintly, there was a voice blown by the wind, not very clear, but barely distinguishable.

"... I took the things, but you have to remember, when you grab things, don't grab the same thing every time, you have to grab everything, and if you grab it, you divide it among yourself, and only grab it 'occasionally' Something the master needs once. To avoid being noticed." These were the words of the human.

"Yes, yes, we remembered." The voice was high-pitched, and it was a goblin.

"Well, don't make mistakes like this again. Otherwise, the master will definitely show you the scenery in hell!"

"Yes, we all know, we all know." The goblins kept nodding and bowing, with fear on their faces.

"Well. I will come to pick up the goods in a month." After the human finished speaking, he pulled up his cloak and hood to cover his head, and left the camp in a hurry

His speed was very fast, and he disappeared after a few dodges in the grass. From the details of his movements, the intellectual brain obtained the physical data of this human being.

"Ordinary assassin

Level 2

Vitality is unpredictable.

Estimated Strength: 12

Estimated coordination: 13"

Looking at the data, Luo Lin's heart is cold and cold. It is also level 2. The opponent's body is only one quality higher than his, but the attribute is so much higher. If he finds out, it will be bad luck.

This data also made Luo Lin have some doubts: "Intellect, why is it an estimate? Don't you have a game database?"

"In fact, no. In order to travel through the information wormhole as safely as possible, the information must be compressed as much as possible. Except for the talent system, all game data comes from your memory."

"Oh... I see, my memory is your database?"

"It can be said that you don't know, and I don't know. You know, but you can't remember it for a while. I can help you retrieve your memory."

"I see."

Luo Lin huddled on the tree, not daring to move. It was not until the figure of the other party disappeared for a long time that he was sure that he was safe and quietly climbed down from the tree.

The situation is very obvious, there is a human being behind these goblin robbers, and he instructs these guys to steal something covertly.

The more Luo Lin thought about it, the more frightened he became, and more memories about the main quest were triggered. In the game, Dai Wei was assassinated and died. When he was assigned by Vianna to participate in the investigation mission, he was often obstructed or even assassinated by various forces. It all shows the power behind all of this - the strength of the Destruction Sect. This sect has infiltrated Vendome to a terrible degree.

"It's really dangerous." Luo Lin felt the existence of many dark scenes, and being in it felt like a thorn in his back.

No, he had to bring this news to Dai Wei as soon as possible.

After Luo Lin got down from the tree, he rushed directly to Vendome. In case he ran into the terrible assassin on the road by accident, he deliberately took a long detour and rushed back from another direction.

At this time, it was already dark, and Luo Lin didn't rest. He drove all night, chasing the stars and the moon all the way. Until the early morning, he finally arrived at the outskirts of the wetland, and the city of Vendome was far away.

After walking some more, the woods began to thin out, and the path in the forest that was stepped on by people appeared again. This place is already out of the range of the wetland. Looking forward, you can even see the spire of the Vendome Bell Tower.

Only then did Luo Lin feel relieved. Here, even if he runs into that scout, it probably doesn't matter. Of course, it's better not to run into him.

But his luck seemed to have run out. At the gate of Vendome, Rollin once again saw the assassin in the goblin camp.

He was covered in mud, with dew on his head, some blood on his arms, and some torn clothes. He looked like he had gone through a violent fight.

Judging from the claw marks on his leather armor, he should have encountered a wetland forest leopard. Luo Lin sighed secretly: "Why didn't this leopard hold back and just scratched him to death. It's a disaster that will last for thousands of years."

This person didn't notice Luo Lin's existence, because there were people coming and going at the gate of the city. They were all farmers who went to the city early in the morning to sell vegetables and food. Luo Lin stood in the middle of it, very inconspicuous.

He hurried into the city.

Seeing the back of the assassin going away, Luo Lin's heart moved, and he quietly followed.

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