Legendary Hero

Chapter 133 The power of **

This time the wild orcs attacked, Luo Lin personally killed not many orcs. From the perspective of the dead-headed brain, nothing the snake demon slaves did could improve his combat experience and had nothing to do with him, so although the snake demon Killed all directions, but did not provide Luo Lin with experience at all. In the end, his level was still level 22, without any improvement.

In Luo Lin's view, the power he really possesses is the foundation. Even if the snake monster is powerful, if his power can't keep up with her, let's not talk about holding her back. What's worse is that the situation he faces will become worse. It was very dangerous, because the more powerful and difficult he was to deal with, the more attention the Cult of Destruction would attach to him, and maybe they would send some truly strong men to deal with him.

Therefore, when the demon god said that he could increase his strength, Luo Lin did not immediately refuse, and he weighed the gains and losses.

Dai Wei, who was on the side, was taken aback when she saw Luo Lin showing hesitation. In her opinion, mortals can never be the opponent of the cunning and cunning demon god. If they deal with the demon god, after a long time, they will inevitably degenerate into servants of the demon god. . There are countless real examples of this in history, and she never wants to see Luo Lin repeat the same mistakes.

"Rolin, these demon gods are capricious, he is tempting you!"

The demon god immediately retorted, his tone was still gentle, like a kind elder: "little girl, a sober and rational person cannot be deceived, and those who can fall, even without my temptation, they themselves will not be as good as the dark abyss .It seems to me that Rollin is very sane, isn't he, Rollin?"

Luo Lin laughed secretly in his heart, he knew the tricks of the Demon God, and the current flattery was just to lower his vigilance and boost his self-esteem, which is usually the first step for the Demon God to seduce and degenerate.

From the beginning to the end, he saw it clearly, and he smiled at the words of the demon god: "You are right, I am sober. I choose to make a deal with you now, and you use your profound knowledge to guide me to gain strength." , and I will meet some of your requirements."

"Luo Lin!" Dai Wei yelled in disbelief. In her eyes, she seemed to see Luo Lin walking towards the abyss step by step: "Luo Lin, don't look down at the abyss, because the abyss will look back at you! We are just mortals! "

"Abyss?" Luo Lin shook his head: "In my opinion, this so-called demon god is just an old monster who lived a little longer, and he is not worthy of the title of Abyss."

Hearing these words made the Angry Master very uncomfortable, but he wanted to lower his opponent's vigilance, so he could only maintain his demeanor: "Although this is a bit demeaning to me, I admit that you are right."

"Devil gods don't talk about credibility!" Dai Wei put it another way, she felt it was her responsibility to stop Luo Lin.

"Little girl, I think you have misunderstood me. In fact, for my believers, as long as they don't betray me, I will never let them down. The sect that I Ulosis founded can exist in your world for such a long time. Time depends on reputation." Ulosis' words became more gentle, like a generous elder.

The sarcasm on Luo Lin's face became less and less, he seemed to be really holding the idea of ​​making a deal, and said seriously: "To be honest, I don't believe in the power you gave me directly, Because you may use this to control me. So you must show real sincerity before I can trust you."

"Haha, it's simple." Ulosis laughed. He thought that Rollins had already taken the bait, because in the past years, he had used this tepid method to get several self-proclaimed geniuses involved Leaving his arms in his arms, he said gently: "A warrior relies most on the weapon in his hand. Give me your weapon, and I will attach runes to it, making it a powerful magic sword!"

Unexpectedly, Luo Lin shook his head without hesitation: "No, this is not what I want."

He will never let the power of the demon god enter his body, nor let his power enter his weapon, this is the bottom line of his deal.

Urosis was a little disappointed, but he had plenty of patience, and immediately changed another one: "Oh, okay. I'll change it... um~ let me think about it... think about it... oh, yes, I know one A powerful alchemy prescription, it has been lost in your plane for thousands of years, but I still remember it very clearly, thousands of years ago, people called it: the power of wildness."

As soon as the demon god finished speaking, Dai Wei who was beside him let out a low cry with a look of surprise on his face.

Wild power? Luo Lin was sure that he had never heard the name of this potion in the game in his previous life, but luckily Dai Wei seemed to know it, and he asked, "What is that?"

Seeing that Luo Lin had been maintaining his sanity, Dai Wei was slightly relieved, and explained in a low voice: "I have read this prescription in a book, it is a very powerful legendary medicine, after taking it, it can improve forever. The strength and growth potential of a fighter, especially the latter, is rare."

"Then why is it lost?" He must have never heard of such a powerful potion.

"Because it has another name called: Dragon Blood Potion. The main ingredient of this prescription is the essence of the dragon. It angered the dragon, so it was banned by the dragon after only ten years of birth."

"Haha, learned little girl, you are right, it is the dragon blood potion. Although it is lost, although it will annoy the dragon, it can indeed help mortals break through the limits of the body and enter a new stage. As A fighter with extraordinary talent, Luo Lin, don't you...don't want to get it?" Unknowingly, the words of the Demon God were already full of temptation.

If it was other fighters who pursued strength, they might be really attracted to this potion, but Luo Lin didn't feel it at all, why? Because the effect of this so-called wild power is exactly the same as the potential value accumulated by the brain to improve his physical fitness.

He has no need for this ghost potion at all.

What's more, this demon god is really scheming, and this move is also a hidden evil. The dragon's blood potion lured him to give birth to greed, and his biggest backer, Vianna, happened to be the emerald dragon. If Vianna knew about it, he would not be punished. He will also alienate him because of this, and the demon god has successfully achieved his goal of alienation.

But after thinking about it, the brain is his biggest secret. Others don't know it, and neither does the Demon God. What the Demon God knows is that for a mortal warrior, it is a great temptation to break through the limits of a mortal body, because it is a human being. It's normal, everyone is the same.

Thinking of this, Luo Lin showed hesitation and thought just right on his face: "This prescription is indeed very attractive, but the essence of the dragon is not easy to get."

"Simple." The Demon God smiled: "You must also know the real body of the great mage Vianna in Vendome. She values ​​you very much. If you beg her, she will definitely give you some essence. Don't worry, the dragon's body is tyrannical. Incomparable, the loss of this essence is nothing at all.”

Luo Lin looked hesitant, as if he was struggling. In the end, he shook his head: "No, I can't do this."

This time, Dai Wei was also silent, she is not sure about this matter, she is very clear that the power of wildness is very helpful to a warrior, in her opinion, if the essence of the dragon really does not affect the mentor's As far as the body is concerned, it is not impossible to help Luo Lin refine the prescription. But this matter involves her most respected mentor after all, so she has no right to make any suggestions.

The Demon God has been observing Luo Lin, and when he saw his expression, he knew that his words had worked. He was secretly happy, and his tone became more gentle and casual: "I will give you the potion, what to do is up to you. And, this The prescription is completely useless to me, and I didn’t lose anything by telling you, so this is not a transaction, but a gift from me to you, which should be regarded as a compensation for the unfriendly behavior of my believers Bar."

As he said that, the demon god gave the prescription, and he printed the prescription directly on the ground in the form of characters.

"Rowling, you have always been very sensible, and you have always maintained enough vigilance against me. This has caused the transaction between us to not go smoothly. I am sorry for this, but I also appreciate this. If one day, you want to Make a real deal with me, just call my name in your heart, and I will respond to you as soon as possible. As for my statue, it's up to you to deal with it."

After saying this, the red light in the eyes of the statue of Urosis dimmed, and he just left.

Looking at his words and deeds just now, no one could have imagined that this would be a vicious demon god.

Luo Lin took a step forward, drew out his sword, and chopped the statue into pieces. Then, under Dai Wei's surprised gaze, he stretched out his foot to erase the characters of the alchemy potion on the ground. He didn't even look at it from the beginning to the end. glance.

"Luo Lin, the whole prescription should be true." Dai Wei was puzzled.

"I know. I also know that this is a vicious seed given by the devil. I can't let it germinate." He still underestimated the devil. This guy is cunning and cunning. If he wants to gain power from him, he will definitely lose more precious things.

The only gain from today's conversation may be that the demon god misjudged his character.

"Although I don't know anything about the Dragon Clan, I can infer that the Dragon Blood Essence must be a taboo of the Dragon Clan, which is where Ni Lin lies. Therefore, if you see Master Vianna, never mention this potion, and just pretend it didn't happen. Pass!" Luo Lin ordered. He must not let Vianna have the slightest dislike for him.

Dai Wei is not stupid, she understands after a little thought, and solemnly nodded her promise.

During this period of time, the snake demon stayed on the side without saying a word, and when the demon god left, she became active again, and said to Luo Lin: "Master, I found that the structure of this shed is very clever, look over there, there seems to be a secret door .”

Luo Lin has also seen it a long time ago. He knew this place in his previous life. He even knew that the property hidden in this secret door was the property of the Destruction Sect.

Without his ordering, the snake demon had already walked over and opened the secret door, and then swam in first. After about three seconds, her voice came from inside: "Master, I think you got rich this time."

Before she finished speaking, she walked out of the dark room holding a nailed wooden box with both hands, and when she reached the shed, she opened the box lid.

For a moment, the whole shed lit up, as if there were suddenly many stars in the room.

Luo Lin looked in, and saw that this wooden box was 50 centimeters long, 30 centimeters wide, and nearly 20 centimeters high. Half a box was filled with gorgeous gems and gold coins. There were blue sapphires, green opals, Mysterious amethyst stones, ancient gold coins from ancient dynasties, etc., are extremely beautiful.

"Gold coins have a history of at least a thousand years. They should be dug out from tombs and are very valuable for collection. The quality of gemstones is also very good. For example, this sapphire is very perfect. It can definitely sell for a hundred gold coins. If it is sold on the Vendome Exchange, it will be enough to sell more than 20,000 gold coins, and after paying off Bernard's account, the sea area will have a lot of surplus." Dai Wei was born in a merchant's family and is quite knowledgeable about this.

More than 20,000 gold coins, this solved Luo Lin's urgent need.

But with such a huge amount of money, you have to pay off Bernard's debt first?

No, no, Luo Lin was not prepared to repay the money at all. He now needs a lot of gold coins to develop his strength, and of course he invested all of the 20,000 gold coins.

Now, he must quickly set up the scene in the territory, and then start recruiting soldiers and start training.

His time is running out.

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