Legendary Hero

Chapter 144 The Fierce Battle on the High Cliff

On the high cliff facing the sea, rocks are piled up in disorder. The open space in it is only about 20 meters wide and 30 meters long. Three sides of it are the sea with a drop of more than 80 meters, and one side has a slope of more than 70 meters. If you accidentally fall down the steep slope, you will be crushed to pieces.

Now, this dangerous land is the battlefield between Luo Lin and the mysterious black-armored warrior.

Behind a boulder, Louisa whispered an order to her regiment members: "Buha, Losings, get ready, when they fight, shoot that black-armored warrior with an arrow whenever you have the chance."

"Yes, Captain." The two archers responded softly.

Dai Wei also prepared the spell-casting materials, and there was a faint white mist on her hands. As long as she found a chance, she would cast spells to support Luo Lin as soon as possible.

The sea wind howled, passed through the cracks in the rocks of the sea cliff, and made a sharp 'whoop' sound, which sounded like the whimper of a sea monster, and the atmosphere became more and more tense.

Suddenly, the stream of blood-colored anger surrounding the bodies of the two fighters became brighter, and at the same time, the two launched a combat technique against each other: charge.

Luo Lin held the shield in front and the magic steel sword behind, maintaining an active posture of attacking and defending as always.

The black-armored warrior almost gave up defense completely, and the sharp steel sword in his hand slashed straight at Luo Lin. Judging from his posture, he should have directly launched a combat technique: Slash!

The sea cliff was only more than 20 meters wide. For the two people who were charging, this distance could be crossed in an instant. In less than half a second, the two soldiers collided with each other.

"Dang!" The shield in Luo Lin's hand took advantage of the situation and slapped out, just in time to meet the opponent's giant sword. When the sword and shield intersected, there was an earthquake sound like a bell and a drum.

Facing the opponent's extremely powerful beheading blow, Luo Lin found that he couldn't use the shield to remove the opponent's strength. No, it should have removed some of the strength, but the remaining strength was still extremely huge, oppressing him and unable to launch a follow-up attack. .

The situation of the black-armored warrior is no better than that of Luo Lin. In his previous battles, no one could stop his charge and kill. All his opponents were either split in half, or retreated with a sword, and then slashed. His follow-up attack kills.

Only this time, his attack was completely blocked by his opponent, unable to advance an inch.

'Clattering' is the sound of gravel splashing, coming from the feet of the two soldiers. At the moment of the confrontation, both of them felt the shock of a huge force. Relying on warrior instinct, both of them directed this force to their feet.

Under the crushing force of this force, the hard cliff rocks could not bear it, and they were directly crushed into rocks and stone powder just like the soil.

"My God!" Wild Wolf exclaimed in surprise, he stomped his feet on the ground in disbelief, and the force of the rock's counter-shock made his feet hurt. The rock was very hard, but those two people were able to step on the rock and turn it into powder. This strength was so strong that it was unimaginable.

The same is true for the rest of the people, each of them gulping their saliva with shock on their faces.

"Happy! Happy!" The black-armored warrior shouted loudly. He was blocked with a sword, and used the counterattack force of the shield to retract the long sword. Then he turned his body and used the strength of his body to slash Luo Lin again.

The long sword quickly cut across the air, making a 'hiss' sound, and a moment later, the long sword slashed on Luo Lin's shield again.

It's not that the black-armored warrior is straight-minded and can only chop shields, but that his opponent's shield is impeccable. No matter how he fine-tunes the angle, the opponent can always respond immediately, so no matter how he chops, he can only chop. Can cut on the opponent's shield.

"Dang" was another deafening sound of gold and iron colliding, and sparks exploded in all directions, and the dense ground was like flames, reflecting the sea cliff in a dim yellow.

After this slash, the black-armored warrior's offensive finally fell from the climax, and he needed a little time to adjust his body to regroup his strength and launch a powerful attack.

In his expectation, after Luo Lin received his powerful slash, there should be an adjustment time, and this is his opportunity.

But just as he was adjusting his figure, Luo Lin recovered one step ahead of him. He was waiting for such an opportunity. He let out a low growl in his throat, and rushed straight up with the shield in his hand. With a 'bang', he slammed into the opponent's chest.

This was somewhat beyond the expectation of the black armored warrior, but he did not panic, and shouted: "Good job."

He knew that this time he couldn't escape the shield attack, what he could do was to minimize the damage he received and at the same time stop the opponent's follow-up attack.

In an instant, he fine-tuned his body shape, turned his body slightly, concentrated all his strength on his shoulders, and then used the shoulder armor as a shield to meet the opponent's shield.

There was a loud 'bang', and the two sides clashed.

This time, the time for the black-armored warrior to respond was too short, he was a little hasty, and although the concentrated strength was great, it was not as good as Luo Lin who was firing with all his strength. Therefore, after the confrontation, his body could not resist Luo Lin's strength. , was about to be knocked back by the shield.

If he is knocked back on the ground, there will definitely be flaws in his figure, and he will fall into a slump in the subsequent battles. Facing a powerful opponent who is evenly matched, the black-armored warrior knows that he has no chance to regain the situation. His result It is to be suppressed to death by the opponent.

Therefore, at this moment, it has actually reached a critical point that determines the outcome.

A moment later, the black-armored warrior made a decision that he had to make a dangerous move in order to break the situation. Therefore, at the moment when the shield hit him, he jumped up, and at the same time, with a burst of strength from his waist, the whole person turned sideways in the air.

Immediately afterwards, his body began to spin with the long sword in his hand as the front. The long sword in his hand drew a bright arc in the air, and finally slashed on the shield that Luo Lin followed closely.

'Ding! Another large handful of sparks exploded, and in the flames like fireworks, the black-armored warrior turned around with his strength. In the process, the long sword in his hand drew a bright moon around his body like arc.

This is an intermediate combat technique: Full Moon Slash!

At the beginning, Luo Lin had used this move against the Vendome veteran in Dai Wei's villa, securing the victory in one fell swoop. But compared with the black-armored warrior at that time, his usage at that time paled in comparison.

Even if the opponent is his opponent, he has to admit that the opponent's move is extremely subtle.

The opponent turned and retreated, Luo Lin was worried about the blade, although he caught up, but he was worried, so he slowed down the attack, which gave the black armored soldier a chance to breathe, he stood up again, with the long sword horizontally in front of him, and roared One voice: "Happy!"

Before the voice fell, he realized that Luo Lin had arrived in front of him, and launched a bull charge at him, with that damned shield still at the front.

The black-armored warrior soon realized that he was in a bad situation. He kept retreating just now, and he was already less than three meters away from the cliff behind him. In front of him was the bull charging launched by the opponent's full power. He would definitely not be able to stop it. If he was hit , he is likely to be knocked off the sea cliff.

It is more than 80 meters high. Although there is sea water below, if you fall like this, you may die.

As soon as he discovered this situation, the black-armored warrior knew that he had to use all his strength, otherwise he would surely die today.

He waved the long sword in his hand, roared, and slashed at Luo Lin Xuxu: "Slash in the air!"

The translucent condensed ripples rushed towards Luo Lin, and a moment later, they hit Luo Lin's shield. The red light lingering on the shield with the power of anger was split by this air slash, revealing the Magic steel shield.

Immediately afterwards, the shield made a sound, and an unexpected situation happened. The magic resistance of this magic steel shield was unable to withstand this slash. After the sound, many cracks appeared on the shield.

This shield, which was hit continuously by the opponent before, and now it has withstood the air slash, can't hold it anymore.

But this air slash was not over yet. After a series of resistances, it disintegrated into a mass of high-pressure gas, which exploded amidst a gust of wind and thunder.

"Huh~" Luo Lin felt a huge thrust, which was the thrust after the air burst, and his bull rush stopped abruptly, even the cracked magic steel shield in his hand couldn't resist it. After a follow-up attack, it shattered into pieces and scattered all over the ground.

"No, Rollin's shield is broken!" Horn exclaimed, he knew the meaning of a shield to a shield warrior best.

"Archery!" Louisa immediately ordered the team members.

'嗖嗖' is the sound of an arrow, and a 'hoo~' is the direction of the wind when the ice spikes are flying. Two arrows and one ice spike flew towards the black-armored warrior.

"Dangdangdang" the three attacks were blocked, and what blocked them was not the sword in the hands of the black-armored warrior, but the armor on his body.

In fact, the black-armored warrior completely ignored these attacks, and his pace towards Luo Lin was not slowed down at all.

From the very beginning, no one else could intervene in this battle.

"If you have a chance next time, you should change to a better shield, haha!" The black-armored warrior rushed to Luo Lin, slashing down with his long sword.

The opponent only had a one-handed sword in his hand, which was not at the same level as his long sword. He believed that the opponent could not stop his sword.

Luo Lin also knew this clearly, so he dodged.

He dodged to the side, and saw his opponent immediately following up, so Luo Lin didn't even think about it, the magic steel sword shook, and a flame slashed out.

When this flaming slash was issued, no one felt abnormal, except Lord Langdon who was closely observing the battle situation in the dark.

He narrowed his eyes suddenly, looked carefully at the fiery red sword blade flying in the air, and couldn't help but let out a 'huh' in his heart.

'This is not right'. He remembered very clearly that when he fought with this Lord Rollin at noon, the other party released only a phantom of a pure flaming long sword, but now, behind the phantom of the flame, there is also a layer of scabbard that seems to be invisible The same translucent things.

Lord Langdon couldn't understand why, so he could only watch patiently.

"I knew you would do this." The black-armored warrior didn't notice this, he laughed, moved his long sword, and slashed in the air.

The translucent ripples rushed out and hit the Flame Slash precisely.

The black-armored warrior didn't care about the consequences of the confrontation between these two elemental sword skills, because he believed that they must be evenly matched. Just ignore this flame slash, rush forward, and slash the opponent with one sword.

That's what he thought, and he did the same thing. He rushed fast, and he had already seen in his eyes the scene where this formidable enemy was split in half by him.

The next moment, two elemental attacks collided. So far, everything was in line with the expectations of the black-armored warrior, but in the next moment, the development of things began to deviate from the track.

The air slash touched something, and it disappeared without a sound, while the opponent's flame slash was still charging towards him without any damage.

The black-armored warrior had been chasing Luo Lin, so when he noticed something unusual, the flame elemental sword was already less than half a meter away from him, and there was nowhere to hide.

"This...how is it possible?!" The black-armored warrior had such a sentence in his mind, and then the flaming sword hit his chest.

For a moment, the long sword composed of condensed flames pierced his chest, and the rich flame magic power contained in it burst out, and a large part of it penetrated his armor and began to invade his body.

Although the black-armored warrior was surrounded by the power of anger, the power of this flame slash was comparable to that of an intermediate magic attack. The power of anger could only protect him from death, but it could not completely counteract the power of this attack.

"Ah~~~" The black-armored soldier felt that the flames were burning his body, and couldn't help screaming. He knew that if he stayed here, he would surely die, so he turned around and rushed towards the sea cliff.

He had to jump into the sea, let the sea water douse the flames around his body, and let the sea water block the opponent's attack.

On this side, Luo Lin also let out a long breath. Just a moment ago, he issued the Demon Breaking Slash and the Flaming Slash at the same time, taking advantage of the opponent's contempt, and thus turned the tide of the battle. Seeing that the black-armored warrior was about to run, he immediately ran after him.

But this time, the opponent was running for his life, and ran away one step ahead of him. After a few steps after chasing, Luo Lin realized that he might not be able to catch up with the opponent.

"If this guy is allowed to escape this time, if he jumps off the cliff and survives, the next time we meet him, it will probably be another hard fight!"

Thinking of this, Luo Lin decided to jump down, no matter what today, he will kill this guy, and he must not leave future troubles!

But at this moment, an icy blue sword shadow rushed out from the slanting stab, and the target of the sword shadow was the black-armored warrior running wildly in front of him.

The blow came so suddenly, Luo Lin saw it anyway, but the black armored soldier didn't notice it at all, he was tortured by the pain of the flames, and only knew to run wildly.

Thus, the sword hit right in the back of his heart.

The body of the black-armored warrior who was running wildly shook, and then he stopped. He had used all his anger to resist the attack of Luo Lin's Flame Slash. At this moment, he was hit by the Frost Sword. After absorbing the damage, his entire back was covered in ice crystals, looking horrible.

This time, it was fatal!

The black-armored soldier turned around slowly, glanced at Luo Lin, and then at Lord Langdon who appeared from behind the stone not far away, and asked unwillingly, "Who are you...?"

He didn't expect this surprise attack.

Langdon said coldly, "Aitos, do you still remember Lianna?"

"You...you are Langdon! Good, good..." Before he finished speaking, the black-armored soldier rolled to the ground, motionless.

This young genius warrior is dead.

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