Legendary Hero

Chapter 148 Nova

When Luo Lin jumped onto the boat, the merchant ship had already sailed out of the port. Because of the rapid expansion of the space, the dense fog that originally surrounded the ship quickly dissipated, and the vision became clearer and clearer.

The moment he was reminded of the enemy's attack from the intelligence brain, Luo Lin immediately retracted his body, his whole body shrunk behind the shield, and the power of anger in his body surged onto the shield like a flood of magma.

In an instant, the color of the shield surface turned into a bright fiery red, and the light kept shaking, as if it was on fire.

The next moment, countless frost arrows flew over.

The name of this magic is Frost Arrow Rain, which is very appropriate. The dense ice arrows enveloped Luo Lin and his body within three meters. It became pure frost magic power, and it clashed fiercely with the fury power densely covered on the shield.

The ice thorns melted and turned into thick water vapor, and the power of anger on the shield was also melted, becoming thinner and compressed into the shield. Luo Lin could feel the handle behind the shield become icy cold, which was from the invasion. Frost magic.

The power of intermediate magic is not the same as that of elementary magic. If Luo Lin's physical quality hadn't been promoted to the elite level, the power of anger would have become much stronger and stronger. Now he really dare not say that he can block this blow.

"Guards, attack!"

As the rain of frost and arrows came to an end, the offensive began to weaken, and another voice came from the opposite side. The next moment, Luo Lin heard the footsteps of many soldiers rushing towards him around the deck.

Some of these soldiers were former sailors, and some were former guards in the cave. There were about thirty people in total, and each of them was fully armed.

More than 30 fighters, plus an intermediate magician who is always watching, and he is only one person, this is really a bit tricky.

Although Luo Lin was not flustered, his eyes quickly glanced around, and he already had a rough battle strategy in his mind.

At this time, the magician Heinz used a new magic, and the purple light at the tip of his staff suddenly lit up, and a dark purple light ball like mud flew towards Luo Lin.

"Attention, Intermediate Dark Magic: Corruption."

If he gets hit, apart from other things, the thick iron shield in his hand without any magic resistance will definitely not be able to hold it, and without the shield, facing the collective siege of more than 30 soldiers, Luo Lin can't guarantee that he will not Injuried.

As soon as he is injured and bleeding, and has difficulty in moving, he will immediately be seized by the powerful magician on the opposite side. At that time, a magic will come over and he will be finished.

In this world, even the most powerful fighters cannot withstand the siege. This was the case in his previous life, even if he was as strong as a giant dragon, he couldn't stop the orc army from crushing him, but now he is only a level 23 elite fighter. In the whole continent, his level is considered to be below the middle level, so he dare not be brave.

In the nick of time, Luo Lin let out a loud roar, and with all his strength, he slammed his feet on the deck.

There was a loud "boom", fragments of wood splashed everywhere, smoke and dust exploded, and then Luo Lin's figure disappeared from the deck, leaving only a big hole on the deck.

Corrosion flew over the big hole and missed the target.

The magician Heinz was startled, and immediately realized: "He's in the cabin, chase after him!"

His soldiers immediately pursued him, and for the sake of convenience, someone wanted to jump directly from the hole Luo Lin stepped on.

He jumped down, but less than a second after he jumped, there was a scream, and then a cloud of bloody arrows shot out from the hole, followed by something that flew out and rolled down on the deck. Go, it turned out to be the head of the previous soldier.

The soldiers looked at each other, and they all rushed towards the cabin door, not daring to take a shortcut from the cave entrance.

in the cabin.

As soon as Rowling arrived in the cabin, after killing the following pursuers, he stepped on the deck of the cabin again without hesitation and entered the bottom of the cabin.

There is a pulp room on the bottom floor, where many sailors are still rowing desperately.

Luo Lin wanted to kill them, but then he thought, if he kills these people, even if he wins the final victory, who will sail for him, so he changed to war roar.

"Death!" An extremely penetrating voice with a strong spiritual shock erupted in the cabin on the bottom floor, and after the cabin's resonance and reflection, it became a real sonic frenzy, which could almost be seen in the air with the naked eye. Agitated sonic ripples.

The sailors here are just some stronger ordinary people, even if they know martial arts, they are just some three-legged cat kung fu, how can they withstand such a terrible sonic attack. After Luo Lin roared, all the sailors passed out without saying a word, and many of them were bleeding from their ears, apparently their eardrums were ruptured.

The sailor fainted, and the merchant ship came to a standstill, drifting in the sea with only some residual inertia.

Luo Lin quickly rushed to the hatch leading to the middle cabin from the rear of the bilge, with the big iron shield in front of him, launched a charge, and rushed out without caring about anything.

The 'crash' hatch was smashed and turned into a large number of flying fragments.

"Uh~uh~uh~ah..." Someone kept screaming. It was the guards who had just rushed to the door of the cabin. Facing Luo Lin, whose power was as high as 306 points after turning on the anger state, these soldiers had no power to fight back. , after being hit by the shield, it was over immediately.

This time Luo Lin charged, almost hit the merchant ship from the stern to the bow, and hit the bulkhead all the way, making a loud "crash". rushed out of the hole.

Outside the cave is the sea surface, if you rush out, you will fall into the sea. Of course, Luo Lin can't fall. He stretched out his foot and hooked the bulkhead to stop the charge. He thrust the long sword in his hand into the wooden board of the bulkhead. Turned up the deck.

At this time, those soldiers had already rushed into the cabin, because of Luo Lin's violent rush, the middle cabin was full of ruins, smoke and dust billowed up, many goods were smashed, and the ground was still full of spell crystal rough stones. People can't find North at all.

"Where is he?"

"Going forward."

"You stepped on my foot, get out of the way."

"Who stabs my ass with a sword, whoops!"

There was chaos in the cabin, and on the deck, Rowling once again faced the magician Heinz alone.

Through the previous wave of beatings like porridge, Luo Lin won a chance for himself to single out with his opponent!

Heinz also discovered this. He knew that it was too late to call out those useless fighters at this time. All he can do now is to fight this fighter with all his strength.

"The master once mentioned you to me, Rowling. He said you would come here. He said you were very powerful. He praised you very much. Now, you really came, but I want to tell you that magic is the only thing in this world. leading force!"

While speaking, he slammed the magic staff in his hand on the ground, and a purple mask quickly opened to block between him and Luo Lin. This was the magic barrier he had used before. Above the deck, it runs through the entire cabin, directly dividing the entire ship into two halves. Even if Luo Lin enters the cabin, he can't go around. He can only choose to break through.

After casting the enchantment, Heinz kept moving, connecting dots with his staff on the deck, and planted trigger runes one after another in front of him. His intention was obvious, to block Rollin's forward steps.

Looking at the magic barrier in front of him, Luo Lin knew that he had to use the magic-breaking slash, otherwise he couldn't break through in the first place.

He took a deep breath, and then exhaled quickly. The high-speed air flow rushed through his throat and nasal cavity, making a "ha" sound. fly out.

The clear light struck the purple magic barrier, just like a tailor's knife cutting through the cloth, easily cutting through the barrier.

The purple halo flashed and disappeared without a trace.

"Sure enough, it's Demon Slashing!" Heinz's pupils constricted suddenly. From his master, he knew that the other party would do this, but he heard that it was just a rumor. When he was proud of his defense skills, he still felt a huge shock in his heart.

"Such a powerful combat skill must consume a lot. I'd like to see how many times you can use it, magic power... Frost Shield!" Heinz's thoughts flowed rapidly, he wanted to continue to use the magic barrier, but he immediately realized The other party didn't give him time to cast the spell, because a phantom of a fiery red flame elemental sword had already rushed over from the air.

Elemental sword skills are the elemental attacks gathered by powerful warriors with their tenacious will. The organized elements do not have any stable magic structure, and rely entirely on the will and strength of the warriors, so they are easy to collapse. Usually issued by young warriors like Luo Lin With the Elemental Slash, being able to fly five or six meters is already very remarkable.

At first, Heinz thought so too, but he soon realized that he was wrong. The elemental sword in front of him was very cohesive, with clear boundaries, and it was obviously not an attack that only beginners could use.

Especially when the elemental sword still maintained a stable sword shape after flying over ten meters, Heinz was so surprised that it was beyond words.

"No wonder the master attaches so much importance to this person, no wonder!" At a critical moment, he could only instantly cast a primary magic frost shield to mitigate the elemental sword's attack.

In the end, Luo Lin's flaming slash covered a distance of 13 meters, and hit the low-level frost shield that Heinz sent out instantly.

'boom! ’ The frost shield couldn’t stop the huge power condensed in the powerful flame slash, it shattered and exploded, and the elemental sword behind it also exploded into a cloud of fire mist, but it still enveloped Heinz.

Before Heinz could react in time, his whole body was surrounded by the misty flames composed of fire elements, and the thin elemental flames began to burn his body.

"Ah~" Heinz couldn't help screaming, but although he felt extremely painful, he still had reason, so he had to cast spells to put out the fire to protect himself.

But this time, his spell did not come out, because another flaming sword rushed towards him, and this sword was not hindered by anything in flight, and it completely rushed into Heinz's body.

Heinz's body suddenly stopped all movements. Regardless of the invasion of the flame mist, he fixed his eyes on Luo Lin, and said extremely unwillingly: "It's a pity that we are on the ship on the battlefield, otherwise you will definitely die!"

His magic can easily cross a distance of tens of meters and still maintain great power, while the opponent's flame slash can only fly a dozen meters at most. He can easily use magic to tease the opponent and make the opponent exhausted. It's a pity that this is a narrow merchant ship, and its advantages cannot be fully utilized.

Luo Lin had put his sword back into its sheath, shook his head and smiled: "There is no choice in fighting, magician."

"Yeah, there is no choice." Heinz stared blankly. Flames rushed out from his mouth, eyes, and under his skin. After a few seconds, there was a 'boom', and his body exploded.

At the door of the cabin, a few soldiers had come to their senses and rushed back, but all they saw was a ball of flames, and the terrifying fighters on the other side of the flames.

The soldier's eyes were cold, his face was grim, and there was an indescribable oppression all over his body.

"My lord is dead, we are defeated!"

"We lost, we lost, run!"

The cabin was already very chaotic. Hearing someone yelling like that, people lost their hearts. Some abandoned their swords and gave up resistance, some jumped into the sea to escape, and some committed suicide, but no one dared to continue to fight against Luo Lin.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Luo Lin roared: "Stop!"

As soon as the sound wave rushed out, it swept across the entire merchant ship and spread to all the nearby sea areas. The echo echoed like a roar of a god.

Everyone on the merchant ship was shocked and stopped moving.

At the entrance of the cave, Lord Langdon, who was fighting with the sea monster Murphys, suddenly realized that something was wrong with his opponent. The sea monster seemed to be pulled by a huge force, kept retreating, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the roar from the merchant ship not far away, and when he turned his head, he saw the ball of fire that hadn't completely dissipated.

He immediately knew that the magician had been killed by Luo Lin, and the sea monster was expelled from this world by the power of the plane because of the death of its master.

They won, and they won quickly. Less than three minutes have passed since Rollin boarded the boat.

Looking at the young warrior standing on the deck, Langdon was speechless. He asked himself that if he was on the boat, he would not have any confidence in defeating the middle-level magician, while the opponent seemed to be unharmed.

As a disciple of Knight Ben, he is the star of Vendome's younger generation. All nobles and celebrities know his name, and everyone thinks that he is the young man who is most likely to be promoted to the ranks of senior fighters, and may even hit the legendary realm. ,but now……

"Starting today, a new star will appear in the sky of Vendome. He will eclipse all starlight." He thought darkly.

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