Legendary Hero

Chapter 161 The Werewolf Joins

night, forest.

A group of werewolves were advancing silently in the forest. There were about ninety werewolves in this group, half men and half, and some children.

The appearance of these children is very strange. They have almost no werewolf features. Apart from being slightly stronger, they are almost the same as ordinary humans. The only difference lies in their eyes. In a dark environment, their eyes reflect a faint light and glow green, which is no different from that of a werewolf.

In this regard, Lu Fei's explanation is: "During the continuation of the bloodline, the effect of the curse is solidified into the bloodline."

Why do you say that, because these werewolf children have not lost their power as werewolves. When needed, they can change their body shape and become werewolves, and they can change back afterwards.

However, as these children grow up, the power of the curse will penetrate into the bone marrow, and their bones will slowly finalize. However, when they become adults, they will lose this ability to transform freely, and can only maintain the werewolf form.

In the long-term curse, werewolves themselves are constantly adapting to the curse, and they are slowly becoming a new ethnic group.

"This ability to freely change form is a precious ability. It seems that I have to find a way to help them recover." Lu Fei secretly thought that in the Moonlight Continent, there is a kind of lycanthropy. The body can freely switch between the animal body and the principle. Lu Fei has carefully studied the principle and basically figured it out. She believes she can solve this problem with werewolves.

"Moonlight Town is ahead, I'm going to say goodbye to Pastor Conworth." Gray said.


Gray nodded, and sneaked into the town under the cover of trees and houses in the town.

Everyone was waiting in the woods outside the town. After about half an hour, Gray came back with a message: "Pastor Conworth will also go to Alpine Town, but he must finish dealing with the affairs of Moonlight Town leave."

"Oh, that's great. But I heard that the appointment and removal of pastors is the power of Vendôme Cathedral. Can Pastor Conworth leave his post at will?" said a werewolf.

"It's okay, Alpine Town is a barren place, and no priest is willing to go there. As long as Pastor Conworth makes an application, the cathedral will agree." Gray laughed.

The werewolves all nodded, and everyone continued to set off.

Selina whispered to Lu Fei: "I suspect that Rowling has cast some kind of magic on these people to affect their minds, otherwise why would they follow him so blindly?" The clerics will follow, I really can't figure it out.

"Rolin is not a magician." Lu Fei chuckled, she knew that Selena was joking.

"I don't understand." Selena curled her lips, looking dismissive, but her eyes revealed her true thoughts: 'This human being may indeed be trustworthy. Even a dark race like the Snake Demon actually defended his reputation. '

That evening, she said a sarcastic remark about Luo Lin, and then the snake demon heard it. In addition, she didn't see each other right, and the grievances broke out, and the two fought desperately.

Having said that, if Luo Lin didn't have a certain status in the snake demon's heart, these words would not have caused such a big reaction from the other party.

Because they had to avoid people along the way, they had to travel day and night, and the werewolves also took their families and children with them. In addition, along the way, Lu Fei was still looking for suitable herbs, so the speed of everyone's progress was not fast.

It was not until the early morning of the third day that the group arrived at the Wild Bear Hills.

"Go straight up the mountain road, and you'll be there after a little more walking. There's a flat basin inside." Lu Fei said to Gray. At this time, she already had a big bag of herbs on her horse, all of which were collected on the road. Potentially useful varieties, only to be tested after going back.

Gray nodded and waved to the wolves: "Quicken your pace, and reach your destination before dawn!"

The werewolf's physique was very good. Hearing this, he immediately changed to a trot, and his speed was greatly improved. Judging by the scene, we will definitely be able to reach the ground within an hour.

While running, Gray said to Lu Fei: "Look at the ground, there are many horseshoe prints. Look, there are some wheat grains sprinkled on the ground, all of which are fresh. Not long ago, a batch of supplies should have been transported into the basin."

"Look, Lu Fei, there are ashes of plants and trees floating everywhere, and a large open space must have been burned in the basin." Selina also found some traces of changes, she took a branch from a tree and it was still burning plant ash. As an elf, she is neutral to the act of burning down the forest. What the elves pay attention to is the balance of nature, as long as Rowling doesn't wantonly destroy the woodland, everything is within the acceptable range.

Lu Fei counted the time. It has been five days since she came out this time. Luo Lin had told her about her plans for the future, and she presumably has already started to act. She doesn't know what the situation in the basin is like now.

Soon, the group arrived at the intersection of the basin, where the road was widened and the potholes were filled. At the narrowest part of the intersection, a simple sentry post was built with wood.

As soon as Lu Fei and his group appeared, there was a shout from the sentry: "Stop! Report your name!"

The mercenaries of the night watch.

Lu Fei drove forward, took out a cloth flag embroidered with a coat of arms that Luo Lin gave her before and waved: "I am Lu Fei, and I am going to Moonlight Town to pick up his friends at the order of the lord."

The mercenary at the sentry post should have been ordered in advance. When they saw the cloth flag and heard about Moonlight Town, they asked, "Is it Wolf King Gray's tribe? Who is Wolf King Gray?"

Gray stepped forward and said, "I'm Gray."

The sentry was silent for a while, only some footsteps could be heard, and after a while, the wooden door opened, and behind the wooden door stood a row of mercenaries in brand-new leather armor. There were more than a dozen of them, and the weapons in their hands were also brand-new. The leader, Lu Fei, knew that it was the beast trainer Aldromand whom Luo Lin valued very much, and beside him was the giant bear who followed him as always.

"Welcome, please come in. The lord expected you to arrive, so let me greet you here. There are a lot of people in the basin now, in order to avoid disturbing ordinary people, please come with me first." He smiled , very naturally, without showing a little timidity.

This look is rare, Gredo glanced at him and asked, "Aren't you afraid of us?"

Atromand smiled and said, "I believe the lord can't make a mistake."

Gray laughed: "Yes, Luo Lin's vision is indeed good, and you are also good."

He turned around and waved to the wolves: "Follow up, step lightly, don't make noise, don't scare people, we have to spend some time for people here to accept us."

Gray is obviously very prestigious, and has a very high restraint on the wolves. The werewolves followed behind him silently without making a sound.

Atromand led the way. He walked along the path around the basin, and the wolves followed him silently. Lu Fei and Selina wanted to see the residence that Luo Lin had arranged for the wolves, so they also followed.

It was already five o'clock in the morning, and the morning light was faint. Because many of the forests had been burned down, and the fog that had lingered in the basin all year round had dissipated, it was barely possible to see the condition of the basin clearly.

It has to be said that in just five days, earth-shaking changes have taken place in this basin.

A small half of the forest was burned, exposing large areas of scorched earth. Many wooden houses that have been built or are being built can be seen on the scorched earth, and the prototype of a small town can already be seen faintly.

Although it is very early now, on the flat ground in the distance, a large group of people are lined up neatly, holding weapons in their hands, and are practicing.

Seeing all the wolves looking over there curiously, Atromand explained with a smile: "That is the new soldier recruited by the lord. Do you see the man in the front? It is the lord. He personally commands the soldiers every day. train."

Gray nodded: "I recognize him, he looks much stronger."

The wolves continued to walk, and soon passed through the scorched earth and entered the preserved forest. There was a specially cut path in the forest.

After walking less than a hundred meters, a large open space appeared. To the surprise of the wanderers, there were more than thirty wooden houses in the open space!

"This is?" Not only Gray was surprised, but Lu Fei and Selena were also a little unbelievable. When they left, there was nothing here.

"Three hundred people rushed to build the house overnight. The time was a bit tight, so some details were rough, but the materials used in the house are very solid. I hope you will be satisfied." Atromand explained.

Gray didn't speak, walked to a wooden house and looked carefully, is it rough? Perhaps a little, but it is several times better than their residence in Moonlight Town, especially the materials used, all of which are solid yellow basswood, and the fragrance of wood can be faintly smelled.

These wooden houses are not built randomly. The layout of the houses is very reasonable. There is a small square in the middle, and a well is dug in the middle. Not far away is a small river. great place.

From every little detail, Gray could feel Luo Lin's thoughts, thinking of the many unfinished buildings he saw on the burnt ground just now, he couldn't help feeling grateful.

Elsewhere on the continent, werewolves are hunted and banished as dark and evil creatures. Werewolves seem to be feared by ordinary people, but in fact, they live in the shadow of death all day long, fearing that they will be strangled by powerful warriors sent by the lord accidentally, and have never been safe.

Luo Lin was completely different from the others, he never had this prejudice, he shared the power of the curse for him, and now he built a village for them and accepted them. Here, Gray really felt at ease. He turned his head to look at the other werewolves, and they were all the same, and his tense face unconsciously relaxed.

Since Lord Rollin can build a village for them, it is obviously impossible to expel them like the lords in other places, and finally he can live in peace.

Gray sighed contentedly, turned to Atromand and said with a smile: "I am very satisfied with this place. Tell the lord, my tribe will always follow in his footsteps!"

Gray is completely at ease.

Selina whispered to Lu Fei: "Rolin really knows how to buy people's hearts. Look at Gray, I feel that Rowling is telling him to die now, and he is willing to do it."

Lu Fei patted Selena's arm dissatisfied: "What you said is really ugly. What is buying people's hearts? This is called being sincere!"

"Is there a difference?" Selina pouted.

"Yes. The lords of Vendôme will buy people's hearts, but they are accustomed to hypocrisy and have no sincerity at all. What they buy is just a tool. Once the tool is useless, they will mercilessly abandon it. As long as you have met those people, You will know the difference." Lu Fei recalled the faces she had seen, and couldn't help showing disgust on her face.

Selena was taken aback. It was the first time she saw Lu Fei, who was always gentle, showing such strong emotions: "I'm sorry, Lu Fei, I was too casual."

Lu Fei shook her head: "It's really hard to tell. But after a long time and more people watching, you will understand."

The werewolf stayed, and after the morning practice, Rowling came to see Gray, and the two drank wine and chatted happily.

Afterwards, Gray mobilized twenty-five young and strong werewolves in the clan, and joined Luo Lin's army as an elite. And he himself, after resting for a day, left the basin and went to various places to look for more werewolves.

Things were going on in an orderly manner. With Bernard's help, various supplies, armor, weapons, and food were continuously delivered to the basin, and more and more soldiers were recruited, and the number quickly exceeded two hundred.

Three days later, Dai Wei also arrived.

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