Legendary Hero

Chapter 164 Windfall

The scene at the entrance of the mine was really shocking. Luo Lin's soldiers were all stupefied for a moment, and even forgot to use their strength.

Luo Lin and Na Luosha immediately felt the pressure increase.

"Hold it, hold it, pull it back, don't let it get away!" Luo Lin shouted and ordered: "Narosa, attack!"

"Crash" sounded as the bowstring vibrated, and Narosa's bone arrow shot out.

There was a muffled sound all over the body, the sharp bone arrow pierced the giant worm's skin, but it didn't penetrate it as before, no, it didn't even shoot through it, leaving only an insignificant white mark on the skin .

"..." Luo Lin narrowed his eyes, the skin is a little too tough.

He reacted quickly and shouted an order: "Keep pulling back, pulling back, and pulling it out of the mine!"

This was not enough, Luo Lin knew that it would be very difficult for the people here to kill this monster today, and stronger power was needed.

In the entire basin, the most powerful is not Rollin, nor Narosa, but the elf archer Selina.

"John!" Rowling called out his name. After so many days of training together, he remembered every soldier's name. Even if he couldn't remember all of them, his brain would remember them for him.

"Here!" John pulled the end of the rope, and when he heard the order, his heart was agitated, and he immediately responded loudly.

"Go, go to the woods to find Selina, and tell the lord to save her life! Ride my horse!" Luo Lin shouted to him. His steed is the fastest.

Thirty personal soldiers, one less can still hold on.

Without hesitation, John immediately let go of the rope, wanted the horse to sprint away, got on the horse, whipped the whip hard, and rushed to the grove for help.

Luo Lin continued to shout: "Ok! Just pull it like this, don't let this guy run away, use your strength! Narosa, keep shooting it, don't let it swallow you any more."

Narosa nodded, and kept harassing the giant worm with the bow and arrow in her hand. Although she couldn't break through its skin, she could tell that the giant worm felt pain. It shook its head from side to side, trying to get out of the current predicament. Naturally, there was no time to gobble up the remaining workers.

Luo Lin and the others just pulled the rope like this, and continued to pull back, retreating a full distance of hundreds of meters.

"Pfft..." The rope broke suddenly, and the break was right at the mouth of the giant worm. It was unknown whether it was bitten off or corroded by the juice secreted from its mouth.

More than thirty people didn't check for a while, and all rolled to the ground, while the six surviving workers all escaped from death, crying for their father and mother, ran wildly when they started running, dragging the rope, and quickly ran away without a trace .

They were literally terrified.

Luo Lin also fell, and he got up quickly. When he looked up, he saw the giant worm crawling back to the entrance of the mine.

It stretches and shrinks its whole body, just like a slug's wriggling method. It looks clumsy, but its speed is very fast, at least faster than an ordinary person running at full speed.

Obviously, this monster is going to escape.

How can this work? Everything is still unclear, how to let this guy run away.

Rowling let out a loud roar, and ran wildly to chase after him. While chasing, he ordered: "Narosa, you should respond. All soldiers, attack!"

He ran at full speed, extremely fast, quickly caught up with the giant worm, rushed in front of its body, turned around, raised his shield, roared, and launched a brutal charge.

"Bang!" The shield slammed into the giant worm's head. This guy looked strong, but it was very clumsy, and it didn't have any evasive movements at all.

The huge and condensed strength rushed into the giant worm's body, arousing a wave-like pattern on the surface of his body, which spread along the giant worm's body from head to tail, from concentration to dispersion, forming a series of fine ripples.

As a result, the giant worm's body remained motionless and without any damage. Luo Lin's shield attack was enough to tear an ordinary person's body apart, but it could only slightly block the giant worm's progress.

In Luo Lin's feeling, his full blow was like hitting the water, without any sense of solidity at all.

"Heh~~" The giant worm let out a sharp whistling sound, and then spurted out a translucent viscous liquid from its mouth.

Luo Lin didn't dare to use his body to catch it. He was about to attack with a sword, but he gave up immediately, quickly raised his shield to block, and shrank behind the shield.

"Puff~" The shield blocked the liquid, but a large amount of thick smoke evaporated, and the solid shield began to melt. Black liquid continued to flow down the lower edge of the shield, and the shield in his hand was rapidly becoming lighter and melting. The speed is ridiculously fast.

"My God!" Luo Lin was stunned by the corrosive power of this liquid, which was even more powerful than aqua regia.

"Master, run away, it's coming!" Narosa yelled, she kept shooting arrows at the giant worm, but she still couldn't break through the opponent's body, and couldn't even interfere with the opponent's actions. The ground is arched straight in the direction of Rollin.

As for the attacks of other personal soldiers, they can be ignored even more. When the sword stabbed on it, there was a chi-chi sound, and they all slid aside, completely useless.

The bug's body is like a piece of extremely tough brown sugar.

The next moment, Luo Lin felt a huge force coming from the shield. The force was so great that Luo Lin couldn't resist, and he was knocked to the side.

This was more than that, the shield in his hand was hit like this, and a big hole was directly broken, completely destroyed.

Luo Lin was afraid that his hands would also be contaminated with the corrosive liquid, so he immediately discarded the shield.

Throwing the shield, the giant worm opened its mouth and swallowed the shield directly. After swallowing it, it arched towards Luo Lin again.

Without the shield, Luo Lin didn't dare to face the giant worm head-on anymore. If this guy sprayed him with the ghost thing from before, his whole body might be corroded, so he retreated quickly.

But the giant worm spotted him and chased after him.

Luo Lin ran away from the mine, and it followed. Although the speed was not as fast as Luo Lin's, and the two sides were getting farther and farther apart violently, it just didn't give up and chased for hundreds of meters, still the same.

It seemed to recognize Rollin, or in other words, even if other soldiers kept attacking it, it ignored them all.

Luo Lin wondered: "What's going on? Is it irritated, or is there something about me that attracts it?"

Puzzled, he suddenly saw a piece of rope hanging from the mouth of the giant worm. The rope swayed and seemed to have no change. , it seemed to be cut by those workers with knives. Seeing this, Luo Lin's heart suddenly moved... Wait, that's not right.

Yes, if the corrosive liquid just now was so useful, why did the thick hemp rope last so long?

This idea flashed by, and he suddenly had an idea: "Could it be that this liquid only has a strong corrosion ability on metals, but has little effect on other objects?"

There is no need to verify this idea. It can be seen from the thick hemp rope hanging from the mouth of the giant worm. It has hardly changed.

"So that's it!" Luo Lin was so relieved by this discovery, he simply listened, and dragged off the metal glove from his hand, and threw it on the ground in front of him.

The giant worm followed immediately, stopped when it passed the metal glove, swallowed the metal glove without hesitation, and then continued to chase Luo Lin.

Luo Lin fully understood: "It attacked me not to eat me, but because of the metal armor on my body! Why it chased me alone is probably because my armor contains its favorite metal."

Thinking about it this way, Luo Lin knew that he had killed those workers, and the giant worms must have devoured them only for the heart-protecting metal mirror and metal nails on the leather armor.

Knowing this, Luo Lin was sure, he was no longer afraid, he continued to run back, and then ordered loudly: "Back off, everyone back off, don't use the sword, stay away!"

His bodyguards wore chain mail, all metal, and it would be a bad idea to attract the attention of giant worms.

While shouting, Luo Lin quickly took off the battle armor on his body, and he decided to use the battle armor as bait to catch the giant insect.

He took off his battle armor while running, and at the same time ordered his soldiers: "Stay away, stay away, this guy only eats iron guys, I'm safe! Come and help me take off my battle armor. And you, throw the sword to him, To gain time."

The soldiers all showed surprise on their faces, but they all carried out Luo Lin's orders meticulously.

Soon, all the battle armor on Luo Lin's body was taken off. He didn't rush to throw the battle armor out, but said to the soldiers: "Go, go quickly, go back to the town and ask someone to dig a big hole, dig a deep hole Point. The pit is covered with cowhide, leaves, cloth, as long as it is not an iron guy, anything else is fine, go! Also, wolf, go, you take people to cut some trees, block the mine, don’t Tell this thing to run away."

He felt that this giant worm might have a great function. The ore and metal it devoured could not disappear out of thin air, just like people eating and eating vegetables, they only absorbed the energy in the food, and the matter did not change.

But what is the specific use, but you have to catch this guy and give it to Dai Wei and the others to study carefully.

Seeing that the guards carried out the order to ask the workers to dig pits and set up traps, Luo Lin confidently led the giant worm around.

He threw out the battle armor one by one, and the giant worm followed him step by step, chasing him closely. It only had the battle armor in its eyes.

At this time, Selena rushed over, followed by Lu Fei and Dai Wei, who were confused by Luo Lin's actions.

"What's going on?" Selena asked Narosa.

Since that day, Narosa has been convinced by the elf. Although she has no good attitude, she still answered her question: "The master has discovered the weakness of this monster and is going to catch it."

Dai Wei, who was on the side, said: "This is a mine worm. It feeds on minerals and likes to stay in the depths of dark and damp mines. However, they are usually small in size, about the size of a snake. It is really strange that they can only grow so big. .”

"What's the use of it?" Lu Fei asked curiously. In the past few days, she has been conquered by Dai Wei's erudition. This human woman seems to know endless things.

"Well, I don't know the specific function, but I know that dwarves especially like to catch mine worms, because mine worms can purify minerals for them. With such a big mine worm, the dwarves will definitely be crazy about it." Dai Wei laughed.

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