Legendary Hero

Chapter 171 Assassination (Part 2)

Time passed, and soon it was three o'clock in the afternoon. Judging from Agna's many days of observation, the servants in the lord's mansion should already be preparing the medicinal soup for the lord to bathe in. This is a good time to poison .

Today's weather is fine, the sun is scorching, and there are few pedestrians on the street. Seeing an opportunity that no one is paying attention to, Agna suddenly rushed out from the dark corner on the opposite side of the street, as fast as a cloud of fog, and quietly entered the A hut next to the gate of the Lord's Mansion.

This hut was used by the lord's mansion to temporarily receive guests, with an area of ​​more than 20 square meters. There were some chairs and tables inside, and there was a wooden door, which was half-closed at this time.

There was no one in the room, so Agna walked quickly to the wooden door and listened carefully with her ear on the wooden door. There were footsteps and conversations behind the door. Looking at the scene, this wooden door should lead to the interior of the Lord's Mansion.

But Agna didn't dare to push the door open easily, she lay down behind the door and observed the situation behind the door from the gap above.

Seeing this, she was slightly taken aback. Behind the door was a passage, and there were four armed guards standing on both sides. What frightened her the most was that these guards were holding crossbows in their hands.

Of course Agna knows the power of this weapon. The crossbows fired by this thing can pierce ordinary heavy armor within ten steps. It is okay for one or two people, but for four people, especially there are more guards in the mansion. As for Gong, even with her skill, it was very difficult.

Looking at these guards again, they stood up straight, without any slack, and remained vigilant all the time. Obviously, this Luo Lin attached great importance to military discipline, and the soldiers also understood their responsibilities, and each of them did their best.

'Damn it! ’ Agna cursed, and gave up the idea of ​​sneaking in through this wooden door. She had never really sneaked into the Lord's Mansion before, and all the news was obtained from her observation and deduction from a distance, so she had no way to do it right now, but she was very skilled and courageous, and she didn't feel panicked at all.

This reception room can't stay for a long time, because someone may come to visit the lord at any time, Agna turned her head and looked around, and finally put her gaze on the beams above her head.

Perhaps it was built in a hurry, so this room does not have a suspended ceiling, and you can easily climb up the beams and columns, and there is a small vent on one side of the roof. Looking at the direction, it leads to the interior of the Lord's Mansion.

Agna was overjoyed, and with a light leap on the spot, she soared into the air like a ball of feathers, and easily climbed onto the beam and reached the vent.

The air vent is very small, no more than 20 centimeters long and wide, and it is sealed with iron bars, but this does not bother Agna. She draws out the dagger on her back, presses the sharp blade against the iron bar, and gently cut.

The iron bar made of low-quality cast iron was cut off soundlessly, and soon, all the iron bars were cut off, and then Agna began to gather her body with all her strength.

The extent of her body retraction is very large. Originally, her figure was similar to that of a strong adult man, but this retraction was actually similar to that of an ordinary human girl.

She climbed into the vent easily.

Behind the air vent is a flat wooden board, and above it is a sloping roof. This place is like an attic, and there are some wooden boxes in it.

Because it was a new building, only a thin layer of dust fell on the wooden boards. She climbed up gently and looked down through the gaps in the wooden boards. It happened to be the passage behind the gate of the Lord's Mansion. The guards she saw just now were under her.

This discovery made Agna's heart tighten, and she became more and more careful, for fear that the soldiers below would find out if she made a noise.

She crept inside gently, and after a while, she looked down through the cracks in the planks to determine her position.

After climbing cautiously for more than ten minutes, she suddenly felt a hole in the wooden plank in front of her. No, to be precise, it was a door with a wooden ladder on it. At the same time came the smell of food and the sound of conversation.

"It's the kitchen!" Agna was overjoyed, slowly got up from the wooden board, walked over quietly, and looked down through the opening.

This is indeed a kitchen, and the cooks below are busy. Agna looked around and saw a large stove in the corner. There were several large wooden barrels beside the stove, which were used for boiling water. She had seen it from the window at a distance before.

To Agna's surprise and dismay, the stove did not fire today, let alone hot water.

What she didn't know was that because of Narosha's incident, Luo Lin didn't train hard today, so naturally he didn't need medicinal baths to restore his tired body.

"It seems that the bath soup cannot be poisoned. But the food can also be poisoned." Agna cheered up again, and began to eavesdrop on the conversations of the cooks below. She had to determine which ones were the lord's food and which ones were soldiers If the rations of the servant and the servant are used wrongly and poison other people to death, it will only scare the snake away.

Fortunately, it shouldn't be difficult to tell the difference. In Agna's mind, she just needs to choose the most delicious and poisonous food of the best quality.

But the problem soon came.

After observing for a while, Agna discovered that the food of Lord Rollin and his soldiers were cooked together, in other words, they ate the same thing.

"Damn it!" Agna cursed for the second time, she had never heard that the lord would eat the same food as the soldiers, it was simply absurd!

But anger is too much, the fact is that, although the difficulty of poisoning has been increased out of thin air, Agna can only accept it.

She waited patiently, waiting for Luo Lin to come back, waiting for the servants to distribute the food that belonged to the lord.

While Agna was patiently looking for opportunities, Narosa, who had been sleeping for most of the day, suddenly moved in Luo Lin's room.

Her snake tail squirmed slowly and spread out, revealing the body hidden in it. On the body, the fourth pair of arms had matured.

She waved her new arms and felt the power flowing in them. Satisfaction flashed in Narosa's eyes: "However, these arms can't hold bows, otherwise they won't be busy. But they can hold swords and shields, which just makes up for my lack of energy. Inadequately defended flaws.”

There are plenty of swords and shields in the lord's mansion, and Luo Lin has two sets in this room. These are his spares, and Narosa hastily took them.

She was going to go out to exercise her new arm well and get familiar with the use of weapons, but just after swimming a few meters, Narosa suddenly stopped, turned her head to the side, her ears were piled on the ceiling, and began to listen carefully.

After growing into the eight-armed snake demon, her strength has grown stronger and her five senses have become more acute. The current snake demon is confident that her strength is no less than that of the elf Selina.

She stopped because she heard a slight noise from the roof: "Is it a cat?"

The sound was too soft, similar to a cat's footsteps, but carefully discerned, it didn't sound like it. She sniffled, and from the air, she smelled a strange smell, completely different from the cat's smell.

"No, it's not a cat." Narosa shook her head, she closed her eyes, and followed the guidance of the subtle voice and strange smell, and walked all the way there.

She swam out of the room, and the guarding soldiers outside saw her and were about to salute and greet her, but she stopped her with a wave of her hand. She made another gesture, which was prescribed by Luo Lin. The movements were concise and clear, and each gesture represented an order. , suitable for many occasions where speaking is not suitable.

"There are assassins, go out quietly and surround the lord's mansion."

The lord's personal soldiers looked serious, nodded silently, and left the lord's mansion in silence. There are only fifteen of them, not many of them, but fortunately the Lord's Mansion is not big, just a slightly larger wooden house with an area of ​​only 300 square meters, and there are not many exits and windows. The guards are divided into five groups, Three people in each group quietly gathered the passing town patrol guards, a total of more than thirty people, and quietly blocked all the exits in the lord's mansion.

Inside the mansion, Narosa swam lightly, her snake tail had smooth scales, and she passed silently on the ground.

All the bows in her hands were loaded with arrows, as well as the sword and shield, and she began to slowly approach the kitchen.

The smell of food came from the kitchen, very strong, but there was still a trace of strange smell mixed in, which couldn't be hidden from her nose.

Narosa gestured again to the soldiers who left behind her to pass orders: "The focus is to surround the kitchen!"

The soldier nodded and went out to deliver orders. After a while, he came back and gestured to Narosa, which meant that everything was ready.

Narosa nodded, pushed open the kitchen door, and walked in ignoring the astonishment and astonishment of the cooks.

In the attic, Agna didn't notice it, she was still deciding which one was the lord's food, when the chef who was discussing a lot suddenly silenced her, she also froze for a moment, but instinctively, she quickly withdrew her head , hid.

The kitchen remained silent, only the crackling of firewood and the bubbling of boiling water.

"Who came in? Why can't I hear his footsteps?" Agna was puzzled, she moved her head and observed the situation through the cracks in the wood.

Seeing this, she was taken aback.

In the kitchen, the snake demon she had always been afraid of was wandering around. Judging from her position, she was already close to the stairs of the attic.

At this time, the cooks were retreating towards the door, leaving only the snake demon alone. The bow in her hand has been drawn, ready to attack at any time.

"No, I'm going to be discovered!" Agna immediately knew that something was wrong.

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