Legendary Hero

Chapter 174 The Plan to Rob Pirates

On the way back to the Lord's Mansion, Luo Lin kept thinking about the help he might get if he went to Vendome.

Now in Vendôme, the lord's wife is in control of the power, Vianna is traveling in another continent, La Febert is not doing anything, the lord is enjoying himself, the knight has retreated, and chaos has arisen.

The knight was originally his mentor in name, and if he asked him to help, he should be able to get some help, but he is already cold-hearted now, and he is an extremely loyal knight, even if he helps him, the help will not be much.

Where is the lord? Thinking back on what he had done, Luo Lin also shook his head. Going to find the lord is tantamount to asking for a dead end. As long as someone tells the lord what he has done, plus the lord's wife, if he goes to the lord in the castle area Mansion, there is absolutely no return, so this is completely hopeless.

What about Vianna? Even if she travels, she should leave a message, right? No, it's impossible. Although those maids are not human, he has seen them all. None of them have the power to send messages to other continents. It would be useless to go there.

The more he thought about it, the more serious Luo Lin felt the situation was, and his frown became tighter and tighter.

He is getting stronger and stronger now, and he is already a level 28 elite fighter. Sitting on a horseback and wearing a full body of battle armor, he naturally shows an indescribable aura, especially when he is silent, everyone around Feeling that the atmosphere was extremely oppressive, none of them said a word.

Bernard was also shocked when he saw it. He remembered that the last time he saw Luo Lin, he felt that the other party was a sharp-edged and talented fighter. People have an unfathomable feeling.

'Hiss~ I haven't seen you for a while, this guy seems to be much stronger again, he deserves the name of a genius. ’ Bernard thought to himself, seeing that Rowling seemed to be thinking heavily, he asked, "My friend, what are you worrying about? Why don't you say it, maybe we can figure it out better together."

There were only four people present, Rollins, Bernard, Homelin, and Horn, they were all Rollins' core personnel, so they could speak freely.

Luo Lin was startled, then nodded: "It is indeed a troublesome matter. I am thinking about how to return to Vendome safely."

Bernard roughly knew what Rowling was thinking, and was not surprised to hear that, but he shook his head: "Rolin, I think Vendome is already a dangerous place for us."

"Well~ how do you say?"

"This time, the reason why I was expelled was because of the interference of my family's power, or I would definitely be executed directly. And Uncle Huomlin's property was only frozen, and it was also because of scruples about Master Dai Wei. But this kind of tolerance only It can last once, and if you go to Vendome again, the conflict will intensify." Bernard said calmly.

Homlin also said: "In Vendome, although the upper class society is chaotic, the middle and lower classes still have order and great power. So it is indeed very dangerous for you to go. Because of the transaction, we I have already felt the lord's scruples about you. In fact, I think that although the lord's wife is giving orders this time, the lord's acquiescence is also an aspect."

Luo Lin has never been an arrogant person. On the contrary, he is very rational, and he believes that listening and listening will tell. At this time, he listened carefully and carefully considered what the two said, and he had a roughly accurate understanding of the situation in Vendôme.

Although the details of what the two saw were somewhat wrong and many guesses were added, most of them were in line with the Vendome situation that Luo Lin had experienced in his previous life.

In the previous life, on the eve of the orc invasion, the lord was also obsessed with sex for a while. According to the players, it was because the dark elf used some secret method to cure the lord's yang deficiency and let him glow for the first time in his life. Because of Erchun.

But in the previous life, Vianna always controlled the overall situation, no matter how bad it was, there was a bottom line. Now that Vianna has left, the situation is very difficult to say.

Luo Lin has given up his plan to go to Vendome in the short term. He will go to Vendome, but there is no need to worry, but there is still a problem that needs to be solved. He asked: "But I need a boat. When the chaos comes, I will My plan is to retreat from the sea. Is there any other way besides Uncle Huo Mlin's seized merchant ship?"

If there is a real drastic change, Luo Lin doesn't want to walk on land, he will definitely be overtaken by the orcs, and his cavalry will undoubtedly die. Only going to Vendome by sea to save people, and then going all the way north is the only possible way to escape from death.

Getting a sea-going ship is a strategic issue.

In this day and age, a big ship is not so easy to come by. At this time, it was too late to build it now. He had no craftsmen, let alone time, and in the vicinity, only Vendome had such a large troop carrier. Uncle Homlin's merchant ships met Rollin's requirements very well.

Bernard knew what Rollin meant. He happened to know a piece of information. When he heard Rollin's question, he suddenly laughed: "Rollin, you are asking the right person. I know that there is a parrot island outside the port. The island There's a band of pirates calling themselves 'Black Lagoon', and I know they have three big ships."

"Black reef? Pirate ship?" Luo Lin thought for a while, going to the pirates to snatch the ship, there must be a fierce battle, but the intensity is definitely far less than the battle with the orcs, but he can take advantage of the situation to train his soldiers and let his young soldiers go Seeing the blood, thinking about it this way, he felt that this was a good idea, but he didn't rush to speak, but looked at other people, ready to listen to their opinions.

Homelin is a businessman and doesn't understand military affairs, so he kept silent. Horn thought for a while and said, "I've also heard of Black Lagoon. This group of pirates is the largest one near Vendome. Their ships are very good, even better than those of the Vendome Navy. This is their One of the reasons why it has repeatedly escaped the siege of the Vendome navy."

"Haha, Horn is half right. The other half is because some high-level executives in Black Lagoon and Vendome have conflicts of interest. They can always know the navy's movements in advance." Bernard added.

Of course, the reason why they can exist is also because they have close ties with some high-level Vendome.

There are many rules for pirates to rob merchant ships. Some of the goods they rob will always flow to a certain big man in Vendome, which is regarded as an equal interest, so it can exist for a long time.

Rowling asked, "Who are these characters?"

Bernard laughed: "I don't know the details, but I know that there is an intermediary organization of Black Rose, and the money stolen by pirates will flow to this organization. After it is laundered, it will flow to the adults. You know, it has a very good reputation." Important. But what I'm sure of is that the lord is also a part of it, he always takes the biggest share, and other Vendome nobles also share."

In fact, his family can also share the money, which is considered a blessing to share, so the entire Vendôme can tolerate the existence of this pirate, as long as he does not go too far, he will not be encircled and suppressed.

Luo Lin smiled wryly: "Then it seems that if I wipe out the pirates, I will offend all the big shots in Vendôme."

"Indeed." Bernard nodded. He looked at Rollin and asked, "Then what is your decision?"

Luo Lin smiled: "Our plan is to go to Parrot Island to snatch pirates."

At this moment, he has already figured it out, as long as he snatches the boat, and cooperates with the basin, the secret passage, and the river outside the secret passage, even if Vendome really sends troops to encircle and suppress, he can deal with it calmly.

But that's just the worst case scenario, and judging from the current situation in Vendome, time is running out. As long as Rollin delays a little longer, the war will break out, and the nobles of Vendome will be too busy to take care of themselves. If you want to run away, how can you care about him.

Therefore, it is important to grab the ship now, and there is no need to consider whether it will offend people.

When the group returned to the Lord's Mansion, Luo Lin almost forgot about the Orc Assassin. Compared to the big event of the sea ship, a female Orc Assassin who had already been captured was insignificant at all.

It was already dinner time, so Luo Lin ordered the food and wine to be served, and then asked the soldiers to call Horn, Atromand, Wild Wolf and a group of soldier captains over. He was going to discuss the plan of attacking pirates at the dinner table. Only by planning and brainstorming can we quickly perfect the details.

Soon, everyone arrived, and Luo Lin directly expressed his thoughts straight to the point.

"But lord, we don't have a boat now, how can we go to Parrot Island?" Atromand immediately expressed his opinion. He has been buying beasts everywhere recently, and he is going to train a beast army. He has collected more than 30 beasts recently, which can be regarded as a force. up. He is very much in favor of suppressing pirates and training troops.

This was not only his idea, but the other captains immediately agreed.

Recently, the training tends to be more formalized. Not only the human soldiers, but also the ferocious beasts of Atromand are also training. All of them are full of energy and urgently need to use blood to sharpen their edge.

The question now is not whether to wipe out the pirates, but how to fight them.

"That's not a problem. There are many fishermen in Alpine Town, and we can requisition their boats." Horn suggested an idea.

"Is the boat too small? What if it is washed away at sea?" Luo Lin was a little worried. He had seen those fishing boats. The larger ones could carry a dozen people, and the smaller ones could only carry two. It was better than a canoe. a little.

"This is not a problem, my lord. Most of our soldiers come from Gaoshan Town, and every soldier is a fisherman by nature." A captain said, solving Luo Lin's worries.

"Parrot Island is full of high cliffs, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack, but I know that there is a shoal in the south of the island where you can land. We can sneak up on them." Another captain gave extremely useful news.

"We must ensure that the pirate ships have already left the port, so that there will be less resistance, and we can wait for the pirate ships to return after occupying their villages."


Everyone talked to each other, and a plan came out soon, and finally Luo Lin made a decision: "Then get ready, in three days, we will go to sea to snatch the ship!"

At this time, the food and drink were exhausted, everyone was full and left to rest one after another. The residences of Bernard and Homelin had also been arranged, so Narosa came up and said softly to Luo Lin: "Master , are you going to interrogate the assassin today?"

Luo Lin was startled, then nodded: "I almost forgot about it, let's go and have a look."

The assassin was locked in the basement of the Lord's Mansion. Narosa led the way, opened the door of the basement, lit candles, and the dim light illuminated the situation in the basement.

On the icy wall, a female orc assassin was tied to a wooden scaffold in a big shape, her whole body could not move except her eyes.

When she heard the movement, she immediately looked towards the door. The first thing she saw was Narosa, and then a human figure appeared, which was exactly her target.

"The final assassination!" The assassin was slightly happy, but also sad.

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