Legendary Hero

Chapter 18 Why Him? !

In the evening, the seaside villa of the Master Apprentice was as quiet as ever.

As usual, after dinner, Dai Wei walked out of the villa and began to work in the garden, pruning flower branches, weeding, loosening the soil, and watering. She did it herself and worked very seriously.

She likes to do this, because it can easily relax her from the tedious process of learning spells.

Soon, some chores were done, and Dai Wei had fine beads of sweat on her forehead. She didn't feel tired, and the moderate labor made her feel happy physically and mentally.

The setting sun was about to sink to the sea level, and the golden-red rays of light fell down, shining golden light on the entire sea, which was extremely beautiful, and this was Dai Wei's favorite beauty.

She sat on the stone chair and admired it quietly. She didn't get up and return to the villa until the sun disappeared completely and the sky began to darken.

At this time, she saw a figure standing not far from the garden. The sky was a little dark, and after careful identification, she realized that it was Luo Lin, her new guard.

After putting on the armor, the young man changed completely, he completely lost the feeling of being vulnerable in the past. Now he feels very energetic and full of vitality to Dai Wei, just like a thriving tree.

Dai Wei was in a good mood, and greeted with a smile: "Hey, Luo Lin, is your problem solved?"

Luo Lin also smiled back, put his hand on his chest, and performed the soldier's etiquette: "It's all over. Thank you Miss Dai Wei for your concern."

"That's good. But you are still young, don't think that being my guard is enough, you still have to find time to hone your martial skills. If you work hard enough, I think Uncle Harlem will be very willing to guide you." Dai Wei likes people who are diligent and motivated, just like herself, she seizes the time to improve her spell ability every moment.

Luo Lin smiled wryly in his heart, but he couldn't express his suspicion of Harlem, because he had no evidence, and no one would believe him if he said it. Instead, he would be suspected of evil intentions, so he could only smile: "Yes, Miss David, I'll be on good terms with Uncle Harlem."

"Well, that's good. Then you can be busy, and I will go to rest too." Dai Wei nodded with satisfaction.

"Wait." Luo Lin yelled, he didn't wait here just to exchange pleasantries.

"What's the matter?" Dave asked.

Luo Lin glanced around quickly, but didn't notice that anyone was paying attention here, so he lowered his voice and said, "Miss Dai Wei, I have something important to say to you alone."

"Alone?" Dai Wei looked at the increasingly dark sky. Talking to a young man alone at this time would cause gossip. She shook her head and refused: "No, if you have anything to say, talk now, I'll listen."

Luo Lin had no choice but to talk to Dai Wei about his experience in the swamp. This matter should have been said in the morning, but in the morning, Harlem's strange reaction made him think, and he didn't think about it at the time. Dai Wei was involved so early.

But now the situation has changed, let alone say no. But Dai Wei has been on the third floor, and he didn't find a chance to talk to her until now.

"The thing is, I'm going to the swamp this time, and I'm in the goblin camp... Oh, it's okay, Miss Dai Wei, you should have a good rest." Luo Lin suddenly changed his words, and his voice returned to normal, because he saw Harlem Turning out from the other side of the villa.

He couldn't say it in Harlem's face, lest he know he was on his guard. Facing a fifteenth-level fighter, no matter how well-prepared Luo Lin was, he was a very dangerous and difficult opponent. To gain a greater chance of winning, Luo Lin must try to hide in the dark as much as possible.

Dai Wei frowned, her keen observation ability made her aware of Luo Lin's taboo towards Harlem, and she didn't know why. Although Luo Lin's first sentence made her very curious, since he refused to say it in front of Harlem, Dai Wei didn't ask.

She didn't want Harlem to feel left out and alienated. This guard who was born in the regular army was paid a lot of money by his father, entrusted a lot of connections, and finally came here for the sake of her mentor, Vianna. She must pay attention to his feelings.

So she didn't ask any further questions, and said with a smile, "Well, yes."

She went into the villa.

Harlem followed closely, and when he got close, the captain of the guard gave a lesson in a cold voice: "Luo Lin, pay attention to your duty. Unless necessary, don't disturb Miss Dai Wei casually."

Luo Lin lowered his head. He noticed that the captain's hand had been holding the hilt of the sword, and his knuckles were turning white. This detail revealed the tension in his heart.

What is he nervous about? What's there to be nervous about? Combining his previous memories, Luo Lin became more and more certain about the impending assassination tonight and that Harlem was a traitor.

"Yes, Uncle Harlem, I remember." Luo Lin was still very respectful on the surface.

"Well, go on patrol and do your job well." Harlem nodded, turned around and entered the villa as well. He was Dai Wei's bodyguard and was responsible for her personal safety.

Luo Lin had no way to follow in, so he could only patrol around outside the villa. By accident, he wandered to the backyard of the villa, and he saw the window of the alchemy room on the third floor.

The window was open, there was a light inside, and there was a faint figure flickering, which meant that there was someone inside. Luo Lin stepped back a little, saw the situation inside the window, and Dai Wei was busy inside.

At this time, the sky has completely darkened, there are clouds in the sky, covering the stars and the moon, there is not even a trace of light, and it is true that you can't see your fingers.

Luo Lin's heart moved, he could not passively wait for things to happen, he had to take the initiative, now that Dai Wei was alone in the alchemy room, it was a good opportunity to remind her.

But how should I remind her?

Climb to the third floor? It's unreliable, the wall is too smooth to climb up at all, and after climbing up, what will Dai Wei think of him?

After much deliberation, Luo Lin decided to write a note and throw it in.

Without paper, Luo Lin found a rag and wrote his warning in black charcoal. Luo Lin doesn't know much about the characters of this world, but he does know some words that express the basic meaning, because there are all kinds of interesting mission books in the game, all of which are written in the original language of this world, and there are also Chinese characters. Translator, he read a lot, so he remembered some.

After finishing writing, he wrapped the rag around the stone, spotted the location of the alchemy room, and threw it in.

third floor.

Dai Wei was concentrating on studying the magic properties of Frost Fern in the room, and was startled by a sudden 'click' sound in the room, turned her head and saw a rag bag on the ground.

She was very surprised. She walked over to pick up the cloth bag, and found that there seemed to be some pattern on it, so she untied the cloth knot. There was a stone wrapped in the cloth bag, which was probably to increase the weight. When she unfolded the rag, there was indeed a word on it:' Be careful Harlem. Tonight is dangerous, there is an assassination! If you lose, I will meet you at the stairs on the second floor of the villa! '

The handwriting was crooked, and some of them were written incorrectly, but the meaning was clear. Dai Wei frowned, feeling a little angry in her heart. She suspected that it was a prank.

Assassination? She is the apprentice of the Archmage, who dares to assassinate her? He also provoked the relationship between her and the most powerful guard, which is simply sinister. Dai Wei looked through the rags, but couldn't find the signature, and didn't know who wrote it.

If she knew who threw the rag, she would definitely punish him severely!

Dai Wei didn't take the news on the rag to heart at all, she directly burned the rag on the flame of the alcohol lamp, and then continued the previous experiment.

After more than half an hour, there was a knock on the door of the alchemy room.

Being interrupted one after another made Dai Wei feel a little irritable, and asked loudly, "Who is it?"

"Miss Dai Wei, it's me." The guard Harlem's voice came from outside the door.

"What's the matter?" Dai Wei restrained her emotions and tried to make her tone as calm as possible.

"I have an important matter to report to you. Can you open the door, okay?" Harlem said. The door of the alchemy room is specially reinforced, and there are spell runes on it to block it. This is the handwriting of the great mage Vianna. , without the consent of the owner, no one can come in.

If it was the past, Dai Wei would open the door without any doubt, but today it was a little different. She was just about to open the door, but suddenly remembered the reminder on the cloth, and stopped in her steps.

The words 'be careful of Harlem' and 'assassination' came to her mind, making her hesitate. Harlem knew her work and rest habits, and never came to disturb her in the past, but today is a bit abnormal.

"What's the matter, just tell me directly, there is no one else here anyway." Dai Wei replied.

There was a pause outside the door, and then a voice continued to come in: "Okay. Miss, I just received an urgent message. Your father, Sir Homelyn, was in a state of shock when he was riding home in a carriage. Sir, he accidentally fell off the carriage. Your life is in danger, and you need to go back as soon as possible."

When she heard that her father had an accident, Dai Wei was very anxious, her judgment plummeted, and she hurriedly said: "Okay, wait a minute, I will come right away."

Although her father was called a miser, he doted on her very much, and he always responded to her requests from childhood to adulthood. This villa, all the financial expenses for her learning spells are provided by her father, and Dai Wei has a very deep affection for Huomlin.

She couldn't care about anything, hurriedly extinguished the alcohol lamp, put on her cloak, canceled the rune on the door of the alchemy room, and opened the door.

The guard Harlem stood outside the door. He also looked anxious. When he saw Dai Wei, an imperceptible guilt flashed in his eyes, but Dai Wei was so flustered that he didn't notice it at all. Harlem said eagerly, "Miss, come with me quickly."

"Okay, you lead the way!" Dai Wei was so upset that she couldn't care about anything else, she just wanted to see her father as soon as possible.

Harlem was in front, Dai Wei followed, and the two walked quickly.

For some reason, Harlem's speed was getting faster and faster, to the point where Dai Wei couldn't catch up. When she reached the stairs on the third floor, Dai Wei had to shout: "Wait a minute, Uncle Harlem, slow down."

Harlem seemed to have never heard of it, and he quickly went down the stairs. By the time Dai Wei reached the stairs, his figure had disappeared.

"Be careful of Harlem!" This sentence suddenly appeared in Dai Wei's mind, and she felt that something was wrong. At this moment, she suddenly felt a slight wind sound behind her, and when she turned her head, she saw a black figure approaching her rapidly. There was a cold light in Soi Ying's hand, it was a dagger.

"No, it's an assassin! This is a premeditated assassination!" Dai Wei was shocked, and she quickly went down the stairs while casting a spell. There was a cold air in her hand, which was her best ice stab technique.

But Dai Wei soon discovered that her spell needed half a second to cast, and the opponent's speed was too fast, and she would definitely stab the dagger into her heart before her spell was completed.

Seeing the deadly cold light getting closer and closer to her heart, her heart was filled with despair and remorse.

Thoughts flashed through her mind involuntarily.

"I'm so stupid! I was warned of the danger in advance but I dismissed it. Now I am suffering from such a disaster, I really deserve it!"

"Ha Lin is indeed a traitor, this man is really hateful! I trust him so much in vain!"

"Who is that person who reminded me? What the hell does he know?"

"Yes, at the stairs on the second floor... He said that he will meet you at the stairs on the second floor!"

This thought gave Dai Wei hope, she no longer tried to cast a spell to fight back, but retreated with all her strength, and her survival instinct made her body explode with amazing strength.

She almost jumped directly from the stairs, jumping half a floor in one go, and when she landed, there was a loud 'boom', and then she felt a light 'click' from her ankle, causing severe pain Come to mind.

Her ankle was sprained or broken, and she didn't know what was going on, so she just ran down to the second floor desperately.

At this moment, she felt that the dozen or so steps in front of her were extremely far away, and the assassin behind her was approaching rapidly, but her speed was as slow as a tortoise, and the distance between the two sides was rapidly approaching.

"Am I going to die?"

Just when this idea appeared in her mind, she saw a figure rushing out from the stairs on the second floor. He held a shield in one hand and a sword in the other. He quickly climbed up the stairs and passed her. I saw his face clearly.

He lowered his head, pursed his lips tightly, his lips were a little white, and his eyes were fixed on the top of the stairs. David knew that there was a terrifying and powerful assassin with a fast speed.

"Luo Lin? How could it be him?" Dai Wei was extremely surprised.

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