Legendary Hero

Chapter 186 The Princess in the Castle

Overnight, Firebeard's castle changed hands.

After occupying the castle, Luo Lin didn't stop for a moment, gathered the soldiers, and ordered: "Go to the port and wipe out all the pirates."

Seven hundred soldiers rode down from the castle on pirate horses, killing everyone they encountered along the way. As a result, there was no accident. The four hundred pirates who stayed in the port were swept away, and there was almost no room for resistance.

None of these pirates remained, even those who shouted for mercy were not spared, and all of them were killed. Luo Lin didn't come here to do good deeds, he was still carrying a black debt, if what happened in the past few days were reported back to Vendome, it would definitely cause catastrophe, so it should be silenced or silenced. Maybe when he is strong enough, he will become kind and open-minded. His current strength is not enough to support him to deal with everything calmly.

The entire Parrot Island was wiped out. In addition to getting a lot of supplies, Luo Lin also got three large pirate ships, which were upgraded to level 30 at the same time.

Level 30 is a watershed moment. From now on, even in the entire Starlight Continent, Luo Lin can be regarded as a first-class master.

For him personally, reaching level 30 has unlocked many powerful combat skills, among which there is a truly terrifying legendary combat skill: Blood Feast. In the brain report, using this combat skill will consume 5,000 of his potential in one blow, which is extremely expensive. Of course, the power is also huge to the extreme. Once the combat skill is used, within a radius of 20 meters, it can almost destroy everything.

This move will become his trump card before entering the legendary realm.

Luo Lin's accumulated potential value is now 3500, and it is accumulating at a rate of 70 a day.

"In two more months, it should be enough. But during this time, we need to save the use of combat skills." Luo Lin thought to himself, for example, he only used three combat skills from the beginning to the end to snatch the naval warship this time.

After destroying all the pirates, it was already 9 o'clock in the evening, and Luo Lin asked someone to send a signal to let the battleship enter the port.

After Horn arrived, the two began to secretly discuss the follow-up measures non-stop, and they were busy until two o'clock in the morning before they sorted out the matter and began to rest.

Luo Lin didn't go back to the castle either, so he found a house at the port to live casually.

Nothing to say all night.

The next day, the soldiers started to get busy early in the morning. They were busy loading the gold, food, fine wine, and all useful materials in the castle onto the ship and transporting them back to the basin. Horn was busy in other places, responsible for specific organizational work.

Luo Lin stole Fusheng's half-day leisure, found a sunny corner at the port, moved a deck chair, and just sat lazily, enjoying the rare leisure.

It was already autumn at this time, bathed in the golden sunshine of autumn, Luo Lin soon felt drowsy. Narosa curled up in a shady corner beside him, resting her head on the circle of her own snake tail, her eyes half-closed and half-open, dozing off.

A master and a servant are lazy.

At this time, Horn came over, followed by a group of timid people, looking at their clothes, they seemed to be servants and housekeepers in the castle. However, there is something special about it. The woman walking in the front is relatively calm and calm, her appearance is also very beautiful, and her walking manner is very elegant. It seems that she has received special training. This woman should have some background.

"Lord, this is Chris, the princess of Jason Principality in the north. She came here to thank you for your rescue." Horn introduced.

Luo Lin let out an "oh" and lay down in the sun. He was still a little sleepy, so he lay down and didn't get up. He lazily said, "The Principality of Jason? If I remember correctly, it was not conquered by Grand Duke Lehman last year." ?"

A subjugated princess, without the slightest strength, is probably just going through the motions here, so Luo Lin doesn't care.

Chris turned slightly pale, nodded and said, "My lord, you are right. So I am not thanking you as a princess, but as a free citizen."

Luo Lin nodded, he understood that he had no interest in the princess of subjugation, and of course he couldn't let her go casually. After thinking about it, he said: "No, Chris, you are not free yet. I am not Said to let you go, you have to go back to the territory with me."

In fact, there are about 50 people left alive on this island. They are all slaves. These are ordinary people with a gentle temper like sheep. It doesn’t make sense to kill them, but you can’t let them go. Yes, because they will leak the news of the North Sea Fleet, the best way is to bring it back to the basin.

This was the result of his discussion with Horn. Horn should have already told the princess, so Chris just nodded without refuting.

"That's fine, you guys stay on board and wait until the cargo is loaded, and we're going to set off." After speaking, Luo Lin ignored it. In his opinion, Chris should simply be here to thank him, but since she is a princess, it is enough to give her some courtesy when she returns, and this matter is over.

But for some reason, this Chris refused to leave, with a look of hesitation.

"Well, what's the matter, is there something else?" Luo Lin was a little surprised.

Chris nodded and said in a low voice: "If possible, Lord Lord, I would like to talk to you alone."

Horn immediately said: "Lord, I still have to arrange these servants, so I will take my leave first."

"Well, good." Luo Lin nodded, and after Horn left with his servants, he pointed to a dilapidated cargo box beside him: "Here, sit down. Don't pay attention to Narosa, she is not an outsider."

Even in such a crude environment, Chris still kept the etiquette. She saluted Luo Lin to express her gratitude, then gathered the corners of her skirt, and sat on the box with her knees together, with a meticulous expression.

"Then it's just the two of us here. If you have anything to say, just say it." Luo Lin half-closed his eyes and yawned.

Chris quietly looked at the young man. He squinted his eyes and looked lazily at this moment, like a cat sleeping in the sun in the afternoon, without showing any sharpness. No one could have imagined that this man led his soldiers to kill all the pirates on the island yesterday, including the mighty Firebeard.

She quickly realized that she was in a trance, looked away, and said softly: "I saw your fighters, they are very powerful."

Even compared with the army of Grand Duke Lehman, it is not inferior.

"Thank you for the compliment." Luo Lin smiled: "Don't go around the bush, just speak up if you have something to say."

"Yes, Lord Lord." Chris pursed her lips tightly, as if trying to organize her words. After a long time, she finally said, "I hope you can help me return to the Northland, get the recognition of Grand Duke Lehman, and restore my family's nobility. There is still a part of the status that is enough to maintain the decent land of the nobility."

"Oh? Is that all?" Luo Lin smiled.


"Hehe, I thought you wanted me to help you restore the country." Luo Lin couldn't help smiling. From this point of view, this princess is still very sensible.

"It's not realistic to restore the country. I just hope that my family can continue." Chris's eyes were slightly red, obviously remembering the sad things in the past. Pitiful.

Presumably in the past, when the Principality of Jason still existed, this beautiful princess should belong to the status of the principality's rose and the stars holding the moon. Now that her motherland has passed away, she herself has drifted with the tide, and even became a slave of pirates. It really makes people feel sad, life is really impermanent.

However, Luo Lin's sympathy is very limited. Everyone in this world suffers, and he can't control that much. His own affairs are still a mess, so Luo Lin asked very simply: "So, what is the reward?"

Chris is not an innocent princess in a fairy tale, she has long been prepared: "My family has been the owner of the principality for a long time, and has hidden a fortune to continue the family. I am now the sole heir of the family, and the only one who knows the secret People. If you help me achieve my goal, I will give 80% of this wealth as a reward, about 400,000 gold coins."

"Your Highness, you are really generous." Luo Lin admitted that he was tempted. And this is a piece of cake for him, as long as he is strong enough, even when he is promoted to legend, that one sentence can make Grand Duke Lehman recognize Chris's identity. No one in power would turn against a legendary powerhouse because of such a trivial matter.

"Then you agreed?" Chris said.

"Of course. You need power as a backing, and I need gold coins to expand my power. Why don't I agree to a win-win situation." Luo Lin smiled, and then changed the subject: "However, not now. Maybe in a year."

"Naturally. Then during this time, please protect me."

"Of course. You are a distinguished guest in my territory. I think you are tired too. How about going on board to rest?"

Chris nodded, stood up and saluted Rollin before walking towards the docked battleship.

After she had gone far away, Narosa said lazily, "Master, what a beautiful person, why aren't you tempted at all?"

There is not much chastity in this world, even though this princess was once the wife of a pirate chief, it does not detract from her beauty.

Luo Lin closed his eyes and smiled: "Oh, you said that. I'm also very surprised. You stay by the side of such a strong man like me all day, why don't you feel moved?"

Narosa snorted, and gave Luo Lin a blank look: "We are of different races, in my eyes, you are an ugly monster! We are not from the same world."

"That's right. This Chris and I are not from the same world." Rollin laughed.

Chris is a mortal, but he pursues power, immortality, and the immortal emerald dragon Vianna, so naturally he has no feelings for such mortals.

"Well, you're a weirdo."

On the other side, Chris has already arrived on the ship, and her room has been arranged. It is one of the best rooms on the battleship. She has indeed been treated by the princess.

After the closed ship door arrived at this small space that temporarily belonged to her, Chris was really relieved, and only felt lucky. Life on this island used to be a nightmare, and now, the nightmare has awakened, and she is back in civilization.

There are transparent glass windows in the room, and the windows are facing the pier, so you can see the situation above.

The young lord was still basking in the sun on the recliner, with his hands folded behind his head, and his feet resting on an old cargo box. The sun shone on his battle armor, reflecting a dazzling brilliance.

Watching, Chris couldn't help sighing.

Originally, she wanted to return to the country.

If her body is still pure, she has enough confidence to propose a marriage. If it succeeds, then the young man will become the king and she will become the queen. When the next generation, their children inherit the throne, his family will be restored to glory.

But after seeing him, Chris knew that her plan could not be realized. This young man has a trait she is very familiar with. She has seen it in the Red Moon Sword Saint Parason of the Principality of Lehman.

Such a person is so proud that he is almost arrogant, and self-confident that he is almost arrogant. Ordinary power and beauty cannot shake his will, and he has no awe in his heart. There is a sharp sword that can kill all living beings, including the king.

At that time, the Red Moon Sword Saint Parason once shot and killed the Grand Duke Lehman, just because the Grand Duke was extravagant. After beheading him, Parason only let the grand duke's relatively wise second son inherit the position of grand duke, but the eldest son who was supposed to be the first heir got nothing. In the entire principality, no one dared to say no.

Back then, when Chris saw this sword master, she was only ten years old. She hid in the crowd and was deeply shocked when she saw the figure like Yue Ruyuan.

The rise of the Principality of Lehman is due to the Red Moon Juggernaut.

"Hey~ I didn't expect such a terrifying character to appear in Vendome."

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