Legendary Hero

Chapter 188 Legendary Powerhouse

Night, Basin, Xingaoshan Town.

Rowling has been getting more and more laid back lately.

In terms of intelligence, Harrington and Wolf King Gray are in charge. The two are in charge of different areas. Harrington is in charge of monitoring the situation in Vendome. If there is any trouble, he can quickly get the news. Gray focused on the situation in the Dust and Mud Wetland west of Vendome. The werewolves were very good at moving in the wild, and they were good at spying on news. Once there was any change in the Dust and Mud Wetland, Rowling would be able to get the news quickly.

Although Gray didn't quite understand what Rowling wanted him to do, he still assembled the werewolves and completed the task meticulously.

So far everything is fine in the wetlands.

As for the town's internal affairs, Horn managed it for him. The few people promoted by Horn were very capable, and they managed the town in an orderly manner, so Luo Lin didn't have to worry about it at all.

Only the army, Rowling has always maintained control, he promoted a few confidantes, called Sergeant Major according to Vendôme's military rank, there are three in total, wild wolf counts as one, Yopni who is familiar with maritime affairs is one, and there is one with special talent The tough one, named Longol, is only 23 years old. He has been a 22-level elite fighter since training, and he also comprehended the power of anger in the last battle against pirates. The strongest fighter ever.

The three sergeant majors, as Luo Lin's most important right-hand man, managed the army for Luo Lin.

With such a separation of powers, Luo Lin was naturally free, and he was able to concentrate on improving his martial arts.

However, after reaching level 30, the experience of each level increases greatly. For example, 30 to 31 requires 100,000 experience. Not much, but there is still a long way to go before upgrading.

He was not in a hurry, according to his estimation, he would be satisfied if he could be promoted to a higher level in two months. This speed is actually against the sky.

In the Starlight Continent, after reaching level 30, the usual growth rate is one level in two years. For those with strong talents, such as Knight Ben, it is said that he has been promoted to a level in half a year. It was already two years ago. In the past two years, he has been stuck at level 39, unable to make any progress. It is obvious that he has encountered a legendary bottleneck.

Of course, today is the Harvest Festival recognized on the Starlight Continent, a rare festival.

The whole town was celebrating, and Luo Lin naturally held a banquet at the Lord's Mansion. All the people who came to the banquet were prominent figures in Xingaoshan Town.

Horn, his wife Luisa, Harrington, Wild Wolf, Yopni, Longor, Elf Lufey and Selina, and some internal affairs officials all gathered at the long table in the hall of the Lord's Mansion, enjoying delicious food .

Princess Chris is also here. Compared with half a month ago, she looks much better, her face is rosy, and she is still slightly plump. It should be said that she is a little plump. She was very beautiful before, but now Li Guang is even more beautiful than before. It was almost comparable to the elf Lu Fei, which attracted the attention of everyone attending the banquet.

Even Horn was amazed, and took an opportunity to quietly say to Luo Lin who was sitting in the main seat: "Lord, this princess is too bright, if she lives alone for a long time, I'm afraid something will happen."

Luo Lin has been concentrating on practicing martial arts. Even today is the Harvest Festival, he has not left behind. At this time, he is extremely hungry and the food is delicious. Everyone else is exactly the same, and I feel it in my heart.

Hearing Horn's reminder at this time, he raised his head and took a closer look at Chris who was sitting near him. The other party felt it and nodded to him with a smile as a sign of respect.

This princess is not well-dressed, she is wearing an ordinary gray linen dress made in Gaoshan Town, her pale golden hair is not too long, she simply tied it into a ponytail, but I don't know how to do it, it's so simple The dress is able to show a kind of elegant charm. Her own appearance is extremely outstanding, with flawless skin like jade, those light blue eyes shrouded in smoke, and full rosy lips, full of softness.

Luo Lin turned his head to look at his subordinates again, almost all eyes were on the princess. Especially the wild wolf, whose eyes were almost fixed on Chris, and the cheese in his hand was sent to his nose, but he just didn't notice it.

Well, if things go on like this, there will indeed be accidents. These are a group of vigorous warriors. With such a beautiful woman at his side, who knows what will happen when he rushes forward with blood?

He and the princess also have a cooperation project worth up to 400,000 gold coins, so they can't be ruined by his stupid boy. Thinking of this, Luo Lin coughed and patted the table lightly.

Everyone immediately fell silent, looked at the lord, and waited for him to speak.

Luo Lin smiled and said: "I want to announce something. This, everyone knows, Princess Chris of the Kingdom of Jason, is our honored guest. For the sake of her safety, she will move to the lord from today. The residence is here, do you understand?"

Everyone's face suddenly collapsed, and the meaning was very clear: 'Lord, I am also interested in this princess, she is mine now, put all your thoughts away to me! '

"Understood!" Everyone responded, beauty is good, but compared to the majesty of the lord, it is nothing. Moreover, the lord is not a lustful person, and he has not yet married a wife. He has taken a fancy to him, so others naturally have nothing to say.

Luo Lin nodded: "Then continue, eat enough today, everyone enjoy it."

At the end, Luo Lin whispered to Horn: "That's fine, haha."

Horn nodded. He was vaguely aware of the deal between them, and Rowling had communicated with him in private. In this way, the princess was indeed safe, but another problem would arise.

"However, doing so may cause Chris to misunderstand, and then make the fake come true. Did you give up that one?" Horn reminded softly.

When Vianna was mentioned, Luo Lin's mood suddenly darkened, and he said with a wry smile: "Who knows. If you misunderstand, just misunderstand. I can't control that much."

As he spoke, he said to Chris, "Princess, do you have any objection to my arrangement?"

Chris shook her head quickly: "Of course not. Thank you for taking care of me."

She knew what was going on in her heart, so she didn't think too much about it. She was still very grateful for Luo Lin's care.

But she could understand it, but the elf Selina couldn't understand it.

She said to Lu Fei beside her: "Your Highness, look at him, he has already begun to get carried away. His true nature has been revealed! That Chris is not a good person, I feel that she has been trying to seduce Luo Lin, didn't you notice?"

Lu Fei smiled and shook her head: "Selena, Chris is a poor person, don't be hostile to her. As for Luo Lin, I know him better than you, and I know his thoughts. Right, Dai Wei?"

Of course, Dai Wei is also there. In the past few months, she and Lu Fei have established a deep friendship. She is not so entangled with Luo Lin's matter at first. A person who can be moved by beauty, besides martial arts, he is a big fool in other aspects."

"Haha." Lu Fei laughed: "Indeed, he is a martial idiot."

Selena agrees with this point in her heart. In fact, in her opinion, Luo Lin's progress is amazing, especially now, she can feel a faint sense of threat from him, which shows that the strength of the other party is close to him. .

She still remembered when he first came here a few months ago. Although Luo Lin had made some achievements at that time, he was nothing in her eyes, and now she can't belittle her.

"He is indeed a martial idiot. I really don't know how far this guy will grow in the future." Selena thought to herself, but she would not admit it verbally. move.

"Something is coming this way, very powerful, not good, with an evil and dark aura!" Selena stood up abruptly, took off the bow on her back, as if facing a formidable enemy.

She saw that the snake demon on the opposite side suddenly stood up, and the eyes of Luo Lin, who seemed a little lazy, suddenly lit up, and he stood up suddenly: "Someone invaded! Horn, take someone to the basement in the backyard, Lu Fei , Dai Wei, you guys go too! This battle will be very fierce!"

Lu Fei and Dai Wei could feel the dark aura that was as deep as the sea, and knew that they couldn't help, so they nodded and followed Horn to the backyard.

"Wild Wolf, Langer, and Yopni, immediately regroup the army and equip the whole team with crossbows!"

"Yes, lord!" The three immediately stood up and strode out of the room.

"Harrington, go to the village by the stream and tell those werewolves to be careful and restrain them from going out of the forest." Werewolves are creatures of darkness and are easily affected by darkness.

"Yes, Lord."

"Your Highness, what are you waiting for! Why don't you go to the backyard to hide!" Luo Lin found out that Chris hadn't left yet, and he was angry and urged sharply.

At this time, he didn't have time to take care of such a helpless woman. In addition, the situation was critical and he had no time to waste, so he seemed stern.

While he was speaking, some personal soldiers had already brought the battle armor, and quickly equipped Luo Lin with it. When the battle armor collided, there was a clanging sound. Outside the lord's mansion, the roars of the three sergeant majors, the chaotic footsteps of the soldiers, and the clash of swords and swords continued to come in. The festive atmosphere before was immediately swept away, and the air of chilling was transpiring.

Chris was taken aback by Rowling's attitude, and she couldn't help but shrink back, but she was still not scared away, and told her bravely, "Rowling, you have to be careful."

She has just lived a stable life, and she is very satisfied with this life. Compared with the life she lived in the pirate Firebeard before, this place is simply heaven, and she really does not want anything to happen to Luo Lin.

Luo Lin felt the fear and worry in the princess's heart, and remembered what Lu Fei had told him. She said that the princess's body was covered with welts like a net, and she had obviously been subjected to inhuman abuse. He looked panicked, but his heart softened, so he tried his best to put a smile on his face, and calmed down his tone: "Don't worry about me, you go and hide."

Chris nodded, and then ran away like a frightened little rabbit.

This scene was seen by Selena, but this time, she didn't feel any disdain. Instead, she felt that Luo Lin was actually not bad.

She could feel that the enemy invading this time was very, very powerful, and the leaked dark aura was as deep as the sea, and from Luo Lin's performance, he was obviously aware of this.

In such an extremely critical situation, this human being can still take care of the emotions of an ordinary woman. This kind of heart is really delicate.

Selena always likes to observe a person's true temperament from an inadvertent detail, and at this moment she suddenly discovered: 'It turns out that Lu Fei's opinion was not wrong all along, and I was the one who was wrong. Perhaps, this human being is indeed trustworthy. '

Thinking about it this way, most of her opinions on Luo Lin faded away, and he was much more pleasing to the eye.

Luo Lin didn't know that he had received a treatment upgrade in the heart of a certain elf, so he turned his head to look at

Selena: "This person is very powerful, let's fight the enemy together!"

Selena usually doesn't like Luo Lin, but now she has a good impression of him, knowing that at this time the overall situation must be the top priority, she nodded solemnly, but she had to figure out who the opponent was: "Hey, let me tell you, what the hell are you messing with? Who is it?"

Luo Lin smiled bitterly: "Do you remember the destruction of the sect? I guess this time, the other party lost patience, and the master behind the scenes came directly."

"Well, you really don't make people worry." Selena sighed. In her feeling, the dark aura that was approaching so fast was thrilling. The one who could make her feel this way must be a legendary powerhouse No doubt about it.

Wow, the legendary powerhouse, just thinking about it can make people feel chills. She only hopes that the person who comes is not a martial saint, but a great mage.

If it is a martial saint, the strength is concentrated, the murderous intent is fierce, and it is an absolute battlefield killing machine. With a few of them, it is impossible to resist. As for archmages, most of their jobs are actually not fighters who change jobs to kill, but scholars. They are much weaker in terms of killing intent, and their power is not as concentrated as that of holy warriors. They are good at dealing with legions, not a single master, so they still have a chance to resist.

But whether it is a martial saint or a great mage, tonight will be a bitter battle.

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